Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Evil seems to burn us and and constantly torment us with its sickly perpetual motions. Police must always be on guard and never let their priorities down. They must move in and stop violence before it victimizes others. It's in their genes of gallantry and good and righteous resilience to curb these master beasts. Their boldness differs from that of a duly honest servant of integrity and character. Dade County residents were under a vast scope of your vision and wisdom, Officer Cook, our hero and protector. The public and your colleagues should all be saluted for bravery and commitment that stays etched in our hearts forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2018

The most greatest compliment a public servant can receive is in knowing they do their jobs properly and carried out good old fashioned honesty and dignity to the letter. The t of tenacity should trigger a response of resolve and integrity. In your undying and unwavering support of Dade County, Officer Cook , you remained committed to morals and principles of faith and loyalty, in other words, a legacy of heroism and the esteemed humility to leave peace and safety as a forever enhancement of society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2018

No one wants to push up daisies. Better to peddle some mettle and intuitive perseverance. For the ages you put lives in front where they could be secured, Officer Cook.Nothing is full proof, but with a little ingenuity it will make integrity, honesty and dignity go a long way down those roads of resolve and resiliency. You were the consummate professional concerned and prepared to save and place a bit of balance into the freedoms and safe travels we enjoy today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Where you sleep soundly, Officer Cook, is the ground sacred and secured. You'll be etched into our minds and hearts for eternity. Heroics demand a salute and justice got your friendly respect and admiration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2018

Serenity, security and safety are those fish that swim upstream. And so too does a woman or man's honor, dignity and integrity when coupled with some bravery and humble boldness. It was a fight to the finish, Officer Cook, you never gave up or backed down staying on an even keel to arrest this troubled young man who took your young life away from you and your beloved family and Dade County. Our hopes, dreams and prayers are our future inspirations through your unselfish character and commitment to excellence the the pride that vision and wisdom draw forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.Humanity gets a dose of humility everytime a cherished hero goes out on patrol looking for peace and trying their utmost to lessen violence from our midst.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2018

Your boss gives you instructions that may sway you and those whom you loyally serve away from peril and misfortune. You took leadership and its motivation, Officer Cook and because of your dedication, determination and precise devotion to duty were you able to spare our lives in and around Dade County. One public servant's serene character and amazing grace who was humbled to protect and one who invoked humility in all his heroic efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Civility may be volatile at times, nobility must remain a sacred element of our society, one missing your gargantuan heart . .

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2018

Hope and be strong, hope in the Lord. Our hopes and prayers to you, Officer Cook and to your family who has had to endure your loss forever. Forevermore were you a Dade County hero full of honesty and dignity, the fresh air we breathe because of your heroic and humble integrity. What a Godsend with character and sheer devotion to fight on our behalf. Peace and prosperity placed at our homes because you shielded us from ignominious activities that drain our happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2018

Somethings are best left to rest. There is no getting around your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice, Officer Cook, on Dade County's behalf. It took your honor, humility, dignity and integrity away from your family and colleagues all too soon. Your mission was to place evil where it belongs and you in part restored sanity and security among its citizens. Your class and character, decency and drive to accomplish won't ever be forgotten. Those tents of tenacity are well placed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2018

A chilling confrontation awaits every man and woman of the highest degree pf decorum,devotion and desire as they battle their utmost to quash violence. You utilized intuition, intelligence and ingenuity, Officer Cook, as your best resources of honor, integrity and dignity while upholding your affirmation to make Dade County serene once again. Your charisma and character stapled along with energy, conviction and commitment made the bad guys stand and take notice. Never more humane, humble and full of humanity's best friend, humility, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2018

The soil is fertile, the earth divine , the gentle soul of gallantry and of good graces awaits its maker. Yes, Officer Cook, your body and soul were greatly cherished and so was your character makeup. Honesty, integrity and the confines of stellar dignity all teaming together to thwart violence here in Dade County. Your heroism and humane words and humble actions at least kept us safe and not sorry. Your family and comrades are the ones who admired and loved you and miss you so very much. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2018

Throwing tantrums is paramount to throwing dirt on tenacity and burying it. Its dignity and humbled honor and humility lie on each officer's chest of boldness and heart of courage. Your valor, Officer Cook, helped you to stop a heinous and unearthly act of evil on May 16, 1979, a day your peers, family and distinguished comrades won't soon forget. Character befits the humility of the one who bestows peace and goodwill upon our society and for what you accomplished here in Dade County, harmony , tranquility now translate into everlasting enhancement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2018

Gladness rings in joy with happiness and prosperity. That very same happiness your family would have even more so if you were here today celebrating every cheerful occasion. Officer Cook, you were a heroic legend standing tall and proud of being a police officer, so much so that Dade County has forever recognized your unselfish sacrifice and character that made your honesty, integrity and dignity shine like a polished diamond. Our peace, harmony and togetherness all sealed and affirmed by your loving respect and esteem for mankind only make our hearts grow fonder of your profound loss. Society and the entire nation of public servants mourns your loss, a life gone way too soon. rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God took your kindness, character and soul of creation back with Him to heaven to patrol those heavenly destinations where only the perfectly righteous now walk eternally.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2018

Alcatraz is a place where evil people spend their days. A punishment and yet a place where unthinkable actions may percolate. You persevered, Officer Cook. Your gumption and grit, gallantry and honor were directed in all corners of Dade County. In a heroic effort to save lives of your fellow officers and those residents embroiled in a bitter and violence domestic confrontation with a diabolical man. Mr. Pearsall tragically had no character or morals, decency or decorum otherwise he would not have shot and killed you, Officer Cook and nearly killed your colleagues trying their heroic utmost to calm him down into giving up. Focused on integrity, vision and wisdom, one can never go wrong. Humble and humane desire and dedication given back to all humanity. It was humility and civility making way for nobility and the sanctity of life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2018

The courtyard to character is the courage and honor by which one carries themselves. Those streets are more than just a place, danger is like a tornado howling and just waiting to lift the rooftops off of our homes. To further shake apart our quiet existence. You came along, Officer Cook and bravely summoned your character, commitment to excellence and uplifted Dade County's spirit of adventure. Our way of life and happiness nurtured by your very treasured soul of security. And no matter when your honesty, ingenuity and integrity stood primed, boldly and humble to meet the demands of your perilous tasks associated with police work. Never forgotten and humanely saluted for valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2018

Failure and success are not always the lynch pins to resolution. But, if any given public servant stays the courses of courage and boldness, it is in the genes of honor, dignity and integrity that will faithfully follow along. Your whole life and career, Officer Cook, was predicated on principles, character and devotion to execute your professional roles. Direction surely can dictate where perseverance and resolve may go and for Dade County and its citizens, because of your humility and humanely caring ways, peace and serenity were permitted to travel down those trails of your unwavering tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2018

Goodwill and good cheer bring good spirits to those of us watching and waiting for hope not despair. We waited here in Dade County and mostly those folks living in Liberty City for your arrival, Officer Cook, to set down that awful domestic violence incident which tragically took your young life away from your family and peers of resolve. The day was almost over for you and your partner when uncontrollable evil was cruising in and parked. A smart person would have capitulated an insane man bent on violence kept up his attacks on police and society. So your honor, dignity , integrity and character were voluntarily brought to the scene in an effort to calm down this fellow. It just never seems to make sense why after all these years. A lovely man, a brave gentleman battling with all his might to end this bloodshed. You did your humble best, Officer Cook. Our Ruler must have needed your expertise in the highest land where perfection never runs out nor dry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2018

Our maker has rolled out those golden carpets of your humanitarian efforts on Dade County's behalf, Officer Cook. The size of your concern, care and consideration for those you took an affirmation to protect was quite large in size. Words of humility and boldness may only begin to take shape and hope when ideals and morals are thoroughly exercised. Principles and perseverance like never before as was your humane and honorable heroic actions of awareness and astuteness that saved our days and lives. When peril struck it was you, Officer Cook and Badge#1664 behind the scenes humbly securing and cracking those whips of welcome relief. Etched forever in our minds and hearts, your soul of quietness circles above our community twenty-four seven observing brave and decent folks serving and following the letters of the law just as you did you so passionately. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2018

When charisma, courage and charm crash through those doors of dedication, decency and determination, the only thing to come of it is the end of wickedness and its unending evil. Your career, character and zest for life, Officer Cook, included the integrity and ingenuity necessary to quash the callousness and heinous ramifications of such grandiose evil. But, your gallantry and good grace, Officer Cook, shone through. A hero of trust and loyalty exhibiting the good features of tenacity, honor and conviction all throughout your welcome missions in and around Dade County sprouting peace and newer hope for mankind. Thank God for nobility, sanity and the ideals for which you bravely fought for. Today our harmony and peace of mind is entirely devoted to your values and virtue, it must carry us through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2018

Survival alone does not depend only on brains and brawn. For when the light of dawn arrives no man or woman young or old knows when their destinies will be deemed as concluded. Dade County folks arrived home safe and secure because of your heroism, Officer Cook, the most humblest and blessed of men with acumen and unyielding integrity. It solved and produced successful results during your dignified and honorable six years of faithfully prudent service. In the matters of maturity, vision and reliability your proficiency was straight on. Always remembered for a wise and caring soul. A heart of humane and insightful intuition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2018

When you view the face of a smiling hero or heroine, just keep in mind the tears and anguish of suffering over their untimely and profound losses. They left their families behind to pursue their passions and especially with all the rigors and uress they faced humanity with composed courage, humble honor and the esteem that dignity and integrity bring to our venues where due diligence and persistence do pay its dividends. Your loyalty and fondness for all Dade County, Officer Cook, left a good taste in our mouths, yet, a bit sour because of your sudden loss. Evil robbed you, your loved ones and valiant colleagues of seeing you finish out your career and to live and enjoy retirement with your beloved Karen. Saluted for grace, humility and the gregarious personality that exhibited trustworthiness and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2018

There can be no surcease when the volleys of violence are unleashed . The words are out that the good gals and guys of the law, humble, honest, brave and certain are out in force looking to insnair you. Their traps must be full proof and loaded with ferocity. They are the inspirations of ingenuity, integrity and the frameworks of dignity who devote their literal lives to make a community safer and more appealing to thrive in. Dade County was your venue, Officer Cook, one where your vigilance and wisdom fitted in perfectly with character, vision and the commitment to carry your professional duties with pride and excellence. Only the most heroic, only the most fundamentally soundest of what a hero should exemplify. A life and career garnered by training, schooling and the obedience to your supervisors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A day to day attempt at spreading goodwill, compassion and the loyalty of understanding your associated responsibilities.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2018

Scouring the streets of Dade County for a residue of peace and resolve, your undying and unselfish bonds of boldness, Officer Cook, have remained a vital part of your humbly heroic legacy. For generations then, now and forever you are and will always be that living spirit of what sanctity and its civility are all about. You combined determination with desire and that left your fruitful devotion and dignity paired with the eyes and ears of endeavor, honor and integrity. Like a magnifying glass the reception and pictures of a safe community were greatly enhanced. So too was your humility and the journeys by which justice and truth traveled under the tents of tenacity and grand character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2018

Effort, efficiency and energy echo through the gentle breezes that pass us by. Your undeniable and unwavering resolve, Officer Cook, allowed you the chance to make peace and tranquility a staple of life for Dade County citizens. No matter it was considered done as your word of wisdom, honor and integrity spoke through the devotion that decency and dignity bring to the badges of all brave and humane public service heroes and heroines. All the respect and admiration if that alone could have prevented your violent death, Officer Cook,your family and comrades could nor begin to tell you how pleased they would be. They and a whole nation remember your sacrifice and ways of serenity you laid out for Dade County to prosper. Our Lord has laid out your eternal blueprint, Officer Cook, calling for your heavenly participation in our health, peace and posterity while you patrol those perfectly sacred golden pearly gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2018

You befriended everybody no matter their status. Coursing the streets looking for peace and serenity, you will be fondly remembered, Officer Cook, for your charm and grace, humility and honesty, dignity and integrity. It only begins to tell your life's story of a crusading pioneer here in Dade County whose heroism toward humanity won't be forgotten. Between your good values, morals and courage from your heart, your legacy, Officer Cook, shines as brightly as the big yellow sun. Keep looking down on us as we ask God for His prayers and blessings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2018

Diplomacy only begins to tell desire, devotion, dignity and dedication's story. To embellish upon one's gallant efforts and efficiency takes humble and humanely heroic might. The same labors of love and esteem you utilized, Officer Cook, in saving life here in Dade County. Your career of noble character and stellar commitment to some sort of peace and harmony, you had to do a lot of soul searching and head scratching from time to time. Only through honor and humility could humanity stand tall and proud. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dominating over doom and gloom takes spectacular endeavor and your concerns and care, Officer Cook, brought out the best of everyone.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2018

It takes a mensch, the Jewish version of a man. Though you were a devout Ccatholic man, Officer Cook, you had Jewish friends from the block in theNorth Miami Beach neighborhood where you grew up an resided such as Leonard Cooperman and Scott Oliphant. Their families lived on your block and knew your mother, father and sister. A great family so faithful and humble. It's obvious in your humble ways, Officer Cook and how you walked clinging to God's challenges. Protecting our life in Dade County was not and never will be a piece of cake. It took your entire repertoire of natural resources, your honor, dignity and the spirit of your battling character and its integrity to help rid us of evil Never more saluted for bravery and the high octane of humility and sanity, sanctity that rested on the wings of your nobility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2018

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