Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
There can be no double crossing nor double dipping. What must be personified and tripled are a public servant's trust, truth and tenacity. You realize that honesty is still the best policy when policing and serving the public. Their peace and goodwill rode on your life and career, Officer Cook, one with much more dignity and integrity left to accomplish. Your character, humbleness and humility has been sheltered all these years in God's heavenly fortress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 26, 2018
Formalities are a necessity in life. Without them the whole scenario of life would be disturbed a bit. Dade County had its share of disturbance during your life and times, Officer Cook. But, you hung in there and instilled your brand of cooperation, calmness and peaceful resolutions to the problems at hand. It occupied all your reason, information and integrity, desire to be dignified and humbled to remain focused and honorable. No more fine a human being and gallant man than you, Officer Cook. Extraordinary and uniquely gregarious. We thank you and so does humanity salute your outstanding heroic actions, noble and civil during a heated day of discord. It should never have happened. A man losing his sense of reality and going on a rampage of terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
Charts keep track of time and events. What keeps tabs on tenacity, honesty and class? Our men and women trained in the sophistication of the spreading of peace and stability in any given area. Your thoughts and refined manner, Officer Cook, the sunlight of unity to pass between us and mankind as a whole. Integrity breeds dignity, ingenuity breeds commitment, character breeds courage. The message is clear and that is to make humanity function justly and within the wings of humility. A noble and heroic action that involves the total constitution of one's humane and vigorous soul of security. No complacency. No incompetency. You went out and fought your battles, Officer Cook, with zeal and vision, the wisdom instilled in your heart of maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
Mules can be stubborn. Justice can never swerve nor fall off the trail of honor. Too much at stake. Lives, property and whatever causes and principles our most honest and bravest expose to be nothing matters more than protecting and saving a life. Your undertaking on the behalf of Dade County was a crusade in character, courage and the advancement of peace and mercy, hope and faith for all people. Never forgotten and a man with a solid reputation for resolve and humility. Humanity thanks you, Officer Cook and praises your persistence in ushering in a new dawning of desire and the will power to thrive. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
The smell of evil pollutes the air we breathe causing further damage to our lungs and other vital organs. It's sad, Officer Cook, your dignity, desire, friendship and goodwill all came to a crashing finality at the despicable hands of Mr. Pearsall. Your ideals, morals, principles and values meshed perfectly to protect Dade County and its folks from the garbage we brand as evil. Terror torments. Violence victimizes. Evil seems too invasive. You stopped a worst case scenario that day and your unselfish sacrifice offered us a hint of hope and serenity in the air. You pumped preserve, proficiency and perseverance back into our beings as only Our Maker can ask for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You had much more to live for , Officer Cook, happiness, your family and all the goodness Mother Nature could bestow upon a blessed and humbly heroic man of energy and efficiency.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
Signed, sealed and delivered. With the swipe of a pen mightier than the sword did you, Officer Cook, go out into Dade County, equipment in tow and handle terror and the evil that indecency looks to create for those living or at least attempting live in tranquil settings. The character of a brave soul is the argument of why we need trusted folks patrolling for serenity and prosperity all the days of our lives and for you, Officer Cook, to be alive and well enjoying your peaceful retirement with your beloved, Karen. Hope you are doing well in Minnesota Mrs. Bonidy! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
There can be no flimflamming meaning deception where on or off duty. Your faith, ferocity and feverish honesty and stealth dignity and integrity must remain humble and ever so brave. A young man full of conviction and conventional wisdom that you used, Officer Cook, to seal the corridors of Dade County from any harm, terror and further damage to its citizens' welfare. Your passion and composure helped to counter the terrible affects of violence and vile behavior from a man bent on ill will , while you engaged in goodwill and fostered relationships of relevance , Officer Cook. Thirty-nine long years of anguish and brutal pain your family is still smarting from over your loss will be honorably etched and saluted from head to toe. God bless you and your wonderful family, Officer Cook! Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
Like a fox in a hen house or venomous snake waiting to strike, violence can erupt, explode and unhinge the very core and fabric of our great nation. Society already has many situations and problems to resolve without adding a further onslaught and casualty to the many communities depending on reliable and trustworthy protection and safety. Down in good old sunny South Florida here in Dade County a metropolis of many rich and not so wealthy folks, crime lends its ruination to environments that have a sense of purpose,peace and reason. Your blessed and mighty heroic name, Officer Cook, dug your dignity and integrity deeper than humble honor will ever know to uncoil the unleashing of wickedness beyond any measure. That character, surplus of commitment and the counsel of conviction brought newer resources to any area and venue so looking for your supreme vigilance. Saluted for the humanely higher spheres of valor and humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
You search and halt for impending doom. All in a day's work of blood, sweat and tears and toil. The soil where your very soul rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero,. Officer Cook. Badge#1664 will NEVER be forgotten. Your humanity and humility quite striking and very much engaging and personable. How else could Dade County and its folks see their way through and clear of violence and those paths of perversion? The man that took you, Officer Cook, from our world, your family and colleagues, his dignity, integrity and honesty, were all eschewed. Yours were top notch and quite humble and superb in finding a place of peace and stability where people may flock to. Tenacity and ferocity feed off of each other, no doubt God is enriching your soul of serenity right at this very moment. Keep observing us, Officer Cook, your class, decency and character will never wane. Once again rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Life has a beginning and for some a short lived one. Yours, Officer Cook, had more left to contribute to our wonderful world, that undaunted task is now left for your beloved family members to steer and to navigate where their compasses instruct them to travel.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
The acid test for every police official is to see how they perform and handle crisis under during and mayhem. It is their very reputations that are being carefully looked at by peers and those residents whom they protect and serve. A sacred trust which must not be broken nor abandoned. Your promise to Dade County, Officer Cooks, words of wisdom,vision and boldness carefully measured by your very humble mettle kept us serene and secure for all these years later. Your unselfish sacrifice speaks of your very courageous honor, dignity and the master of integrity always looking to help out others at all times. The years have come and gone so quickly, yet your memory, Officer Cook, stays vividly in our hearts as we yearn to reunite with you one day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
Flowers bloom while boldness to duty beckons our most humane and esteemed of law fighting men and women. True grit and true loyalty were your gumptions, Officer Cook. A gallant young man who stood toe to toe with the sickly body of evil. A day never to be forgotten, May 16, 1979, has stood and represented the hour when your honesty and dignity reigned down supreme for all living in Dade County during trying and tumult. Kayos needed to be knocked out and you and your wisdom and courage, Officer Cook, were the ingredients for such a humble challenge. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in God's glorious splendor. You stepped up to the plate and blasted a grand slam of resolve, resiliency, reverence and resourcefulness not always found by some public servants at a time when life hangs in the balance.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
Ropes are for binding and tying up something. Diligence and vigilance are for those brave and honorable souls we mention when they go out on patrol and attempt to shelter us from harm while maintaining good relations fostered by their ferocity. It works wonders when evil is out there in communities looking to commit violence against law abiding citizens. Your pursuits in and around Dade County were for the benefit of those whom your faithfully watched over. Nothing finer than your valor which matched up well with your integrity and outstanding dignity. Colleagues and your family, Officer Cook, won't you down. Your deserving humility will never be heaven forbid tarnished nor disgraced. Your saving grace was your compassion for mankind. Eternally now and forevermore do you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
Police bleed red for resolve and reverence. They bleed blue for boldness and the bonds they share with one another. And they bleed gold for gallantry. All your days, months and years of happiness and contentment, you nurtured your dreams, goals and aspirations, Officer Cook, to channel your gifts from God into a worthy purpose. That endeavor was to become a humble and bravely efficient man of wisdom coupled with vision and a passion for honesty, integrity and dignity. All of these with your stellar character made you a top policeman here in Dade County. Sadly, though Our Creator took your pursuits of peace and unity to a higher calling, a place where perfection blooms for those whose heroics remained humble and legendary. No doubt our biggest fears were relieved by your unwavering and awesome service devoted and dedicated to hunting down horror and its terrorizing affects. You are always in our hearts and prayers, Officer Cook and we are ready to carry out helping others as you always and faithfully did during your lifetime. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul, beautiful and bountiful left an indelible impression upon our society. Its mannerisms have never wavered.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
That deadly day, Officer Cook, was a race against time. Though, you were a block away with your partner that day, getting there to save your comrades from further harm or death and saving the lives of those civilians involved in that domestic dispute, Dade County can never pay enough homage to your reverent soul . They do honor you at the annual police memorial. Everyday your family salutes your kind and caring character, its humility and charm concealed within your heart of honesty, integrity, its dignity was the source of your serenity and politeness as you kept the taciturn moments here in a community where you grew up and one that forever respects your missions and fruitful journeys in life and during a well regarded public service career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Policing is a thankless job with many perils that can hinder any officer from doing their assigned roles. You were the consummate leader, communicator and organizer never to be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
Dignity and determination set better screens against an array of destruction, doom and devastation. Dade County and its people had seen a flood of strife and tension during your service, Officer Cook. Solutions are never simple. Summoning character and convictions can be complex and yet our fervent hopes rode along with your uncanny wisdom and dignity. The integrity and humanely honor to balance our peace and unity out with your vision. A sight for yesterday, today and tomorrow. All would be brighter if you were here with your beloved family and colleagues whom you went out to battle evil with. Common sense and rationale tell us that Badge#1664 was a heroically loyal and very resourceful man. A gentleman of gentle care and concern for his fellow man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
Your ambition and professional demeanor served you well, Officer Cook, as it did for twenty-five years, six of those spent toiling and trolling for evil on the streets of Dade County in the hope and desire of finding some harmony and tranquility. You tried your best on May 16, 1979 and succeeded in saving lives of those imperiled by one young man's pent up rage. Don't know why, I presume God needed your cherished soul of quiet and sanctity up in His gates where gallantry and your honesty, humility and dignity lie forever wrapped in sackcloth. It's integrity and character that opens the pages of your heroic life filled with an unforgettable legacy of the many lessons of why carrying proper ethics assists us all in our daily pursuits of happiness to treasure and that's how your family will forever hold you so dear, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
Insurmountable impediments can keep an alert and intelligent public servant from performing their tasks at times. Yet, tenacity and tact along with honor and reverence must be exercised along with dignity and integrity that can make a huge difference in the outcome of any given situation. Your goodness and goodwill, Officer Cook, offered a glimpse into your life and chosen professional career. You superbly watched over Dade County citizens as you did with your family. Conveying character, courage and the commitment to end this violence and promote peace and civility among mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 25, 2018
Courtesy and politeness must be nestled in between the honesty, dignity and integrity. Your duties, Officer Cook, would not be complete without this assortment. Acumen, awareness and the wisdom of having the great vision to serve earnestly. It is found forever in Dade County and those you served, Officer Cook. Where character and desire were there you were keeping things civil and marching forward. Always a gentleman with an engaging smile and personality to match, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those foundations you set up are forever as sturdy as was your ethics and ideals. The insightful man of gallantry and the belief that things would turn out right. Though, you are very much missed. Colleagues, family and friends can look back and remember your humbleness and its fighting spirit.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2018
Doing good work only maintains the dignity of other public servants who channel their opportunities to make the world a better place. Your goodwill and spirit, Officer Cook, championed the causes of civility upon humanity's heart. Dade County perceived as a place place to thrive because of your unselfish sacrifice. A supreme human being uplifting the minds and beings of all mankind. How can we forget your class and concern, character and courage, honesty and its living and breathing integrity and dignity? We won't and for the stability and calm you provided us may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility cornered ingenuity and delivered hope and optimism to all.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2018
Police get pulled in every different direction. From side to side do they slide and attempt to secure the public safety and the peaceful harmony that should exist in the world. You were the ultimate savior here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Those twenty-five years of experience and maturity really did serve you and the citizens
well. Excellence in endeavor, decent values and the common causes of honesty, bravery and the integrity that steered your dignity to where evil needed to be curtailed. A man and a legend of a supreme hero bounded by the bonds of boldness and the principles of humility, sanctity and the sanity to go out and search for some unity. It bands us together as all people should while pursuing their happiness and chosen careers in life. Never more blessed and in heaven, Officer Cook, is where your toughest eternal tasks lie. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2018
Rural, metropolitan, wherever there is a need police must step in and preserve the very living integrity of life. Times change, people change, the case is there for prosperity and peace without violence. Here in Dade County where you patrolled faithfully and with great humility, Officer Cook, it was your life and effort being placed into your labors of love. The honest, decent and humane hero in you, Officer Cook, trying his utmost to restore order after a man bent on evil shattered the hopes and fruition you had left to fulfill. It says plenty of your character and courage to convictions of dedication and the desire to make circumstances right again. Humanity received its loyalty and unwavering support from you, Officer Cook, this world and your family's beloved and darling warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2018
Back in the day things just went on. Business was conducted as usual. Police conduct their affairs in the fervent hope of bringing safety and serenity to their areas of watch. Your aspirations, Officer Cook, became a stark reality as you were a fine public servant, ever so vigilant and determined to protect Dade County and its residents to the very best of your abilities. Heroic. Humane. Reserved. Resilient. The man of mettle and morals that more men and women brave and capable must possess. Never forgotten and saluted for valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2018
Rhetoric is just that. Reality strikes hard and sometimes never lets up. Dade County has witnessed its ups and downs. You replenished and restored peace and harmony, Officer Cook, through honor and the good senses of dignity and integrity. It makes evil stand up and back away a little gingerly. But, your character, kindness and the boldness of commitment made your humble nature and its humility more respected which of course you were and always cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 24, 2018
The brilliance of boldness balances out the ferocity of one's own faith. Your preservation over this community of Dade County, Officer Cook, has led to newer advances. Newer structures and a renowned sense of enhancement. For our unity and tranquility, Officer Cook, nothing finer than your stoic mannerisms of mettle, honor, integrity and God's presence of dignity in your beloved soul. An achiever whose astuteness and fortitude was of humane and humble giving. Always solemnly remembered and given an honorary salute for unselfish gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 23, 2018
Silence sounds eary. So too does the unprovoked absence of a loved one. The family must summons the strength and courage to carry on. Dade County as are all communities indebted to their superior public servants. Their loyalty and esteem never wanders nor does their tenacity when trouble presents itself. Officer Cook, your tour of duty was founded on the good practices of principles and the understanding of what it takes to possess sound integrity and dignity. They get utilized a lot and so does courage and wisdom inits fight over tyranny. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 23, 2018