Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Dragging your feet won't cut it when trying to destroy destruction and terror. Just like bias and bigotry, racism and prejudice will never compliment each other. Only the good sense of reason and the convictions of endless effort, efficient work and the hosts of honor, integrity and dignity living in the lives of our devoted. Your life, Officer Cook, replete with faith, hope and character was protected by Our Creator's mercy, the very same compassion that blasted down the walls of hatred and sheltering harmony, nobility and the free reign of resolve within Dade County. Respected. Admired. Treasured and tenacious. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2018

To see the light and to walk in His light, fellowship with one another. Yes, God's grace and mercy does really shine upon His most loyal, humble and honest of police officers. Imbuing those traits, Officer Cook, surely made you better able to protect those of us living in Dade County a place you called home. A direction of your devotion, desire and drive to dignity. A heroic legend of heroism and the imprints of humility filling your badge of valor and uniform of boldness. Only the persuasiveness that planted peace and prosperity at our doorsteps. Saluted and etched in our hearts and warmest of thoughts, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2018

Never a polarizing figure, Officer Cook. You were a man with a cheerful disposition, polite and kind to everyone. A cherished and revered soul of a man who displayed the right frame of mind and character Dade County needed to survive the onslaught of unrest and violence during your time. Of course, you always had your nose to the grindstone and your class tucked in your uniform of understanding and unassuming humility. Its modesty all from your loving and faithful parents who taught you and Nancy the lessons of goodwill, honesty and the wisdom that integrity and dignity brought to your table. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of gallantry and the eyes and ears to perceive a situation and make adjustments as necessary.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2018

Layers of valor and candid consideration carried you, Officer Cook, to your most stellar achievements. Dade County was driven by your sheer and pure desire. Decent and honorable character which brought about goodwill for humanity. A spirit of serenity bounce doff of your honesty and integrity. Always one priority and that was of those people whom you served loyally and without hesitation. Never finer class and resolve when domestic problems needed figuring out. Our enrichments are here to stay placed down as cornerstones by your humane and uncompromising ideals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dedication cannot be upended by any deviation and no procrastinating on the principles of determination and humble and trusted motivation in the leadership of others courageous men and women who fight adversity with all their power and might.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2018

The balance of power lies in the many diligent and vigilant women and men whose navigations have proved fruitful. Their unending ferocity and unwavering tenacity has shook up the top and bottom of violence. All through your charisma and boldness, Officer Cook, have you been able to keep us here in Dade County serene and peaceful. There can only be a unifying factor when one's dignity, integrity and honesty is centered and assertive as yours was, Officer Cook. A prime reason why you were a hero here and abroad in this uncoming rush of evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and humility do belong in the very same sentence as sanity and civility. If one is absent, you'll probably have control problems over these obstacles that a free society never has.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2018

Lack of remorse, callousness, heinousness and pure wickedness perpetrated upon law enforcement should be enough to warrant the death sentence or to be locked up in solitary confinement for life never seeing a ray of light. That man or woman won't see their spouse, child or children and for that matter the rest of their family. Civilization owes them a deep debt of thanks and for their dignity, honesty and a host of integrity all the accolades of acknowledgement for coming to the aid as you so solemnly did on Dade County's behalf, Officer Cook. Greatness is better than grandstanding and you never boasted, bragged or belittled anyone. You, Officer Cook, never glossed over principles, never once were unkind and impolite. Only the nicest gentleman of gallantry that brought peace, harmony and the unity that liberty brings to our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2018

Date books give us reminders of our daily functions. Appointments made and kept on a timely basis. Police should never need prodding as their propensity should speak for itself. Your daily awareness was on keeping Dade County safe and serene, Officer Cook. Secure from the trappings of terror and evil. A revolting sight indeed. Only men and women of class, decency and desire should occupy a motorcycle or patrol vehicle sensing when something is amiss. You founded the ideals of intelligent and conventional wisdom along with vision that makes certain one's integrity, focus of devotion and the honesty of possessing humane and esteemed dignity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2018

Chivalry is not lost from the scopes of your undying surveillance, Officer Cook. It is occupying a most humble and valuable throne in God's perfect world where other brave souls of sanctity take up residence patrolling those sacred and golden paved streets. Dade County was your place where your patience and loyalty was being tested day in and day out. Lives being saved. Character and values being shared. No one knows when that call will be dispatched, you were ready and waiting, Officer Cook, on May 16, 1979, for having great reaction to resolving an ugly mess and for all the acumen in having honor, decorum and integrity at your side. You'll never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family, colleagues and friends gather to celebrate and to being the observance of your heroic life and career which has been the cornerstone of a great and humble contribution given to humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2018

The candles of courage still glissen in God's palace of resolve. Never better perseverance and protection, Officer Cook. Your hunt for peace and unwavering unity for all Dade County started the day you were conceived. A very humble and humanely heroic life of goodwill and the honorable character, dignity and integrity that conversed loud and clear. Surely God's mercy shall be with you and your family members during their pursuits of peace and happiness. You would be very proud of their accomplishments. It's still and forever sad that you could not be here to see progress and prosperity that came about through your undivided humility and the nobleness that you afforded humanity. Your paths in life and during your public service career were well paved with sanctity and distinction which has enriched all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A truly unselfish and unbelievable sacrifice meant to steer safe travels one way, straight ahead.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2018

Like a keg of dynamite, violence can explode and create the most dire of circumstances for police to be able to get control of. Dade County and their citizens were under your remarkable resolve and loyalty, Officer Cook. It has created the bonds where good people can go and look to some peace and tranquility. We look up to the stars at night and see your beloved spirit patrolling Our Lord's deep blue skies. Better if your fine and upstanding character, honesty and commitments were here today. Your intensity and integrity have been etched on Memorial walls here and in Washington, D.C. Proud locations to honor those who have fallen in the line of duty. One heroically humble sacrifice. God bless you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility had those touches of humanity where only certain special people may travel to serve and to look after our interests.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2018

Evil is that fire breathing dragon which has to be slain immediately. No waiting, it's now or never. Its petulance permeates around us suffocating our air passages with the scents of foul play. Violence and terror cannot be allowed permission to roam our venues freely. And so saviors and heroes like yourself, Officer Cook, made their way into Dade County to uplift and to free up our happiness, good health, peace and reassurances of happy trails for all mankind. A conclusion of character, conviction, commitment to decency and desire while remaining honest, sincere and with dignity sprouting from integrity. The wars are long, the fights ferocious, but, with a little elbow grease, the job and tasks may get done. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2018

The streets of gold are paved by those gallant heroes who walked the face of this earth to make a difference. You were a hero who made this distinct impression upon our society, Officer Cook. Dade County's own young man of character, boldness and bravery displaying his own brand of legendary honor, dignity and integrity that was incorporated into these unnerving battles over wickedness. No sooner than that call went out, there you and your partner that day were, Officer Cook. trying your darndest to liberate Liberty City and to stop a crazed young man from creating more havoc and mayhem than ever before. True and through, a savior and warrior welcomed into heaven with Our Lord's humble open arms of mercy and faith. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2018

Losing control of one's ideals, values and principles can surely interrupt the integrity, ingenuity and intervention while one pursues evil. Whether written or not one must learn to control their passions and how they conduct their professional lives and careers. Justice, life and liberty are always on that line and one false move could spell certain trouble. Never a problem with you, Officer Cook, a humble man of character and the crusades of fairness, tyranny was met by your undying badge and the boldness that has since beefed up our community's peace and reason. We care and challenge ourselves to meet the daily expectations of what living life is all about. Have a plan and channel your dreams, aspirations and goals into desire and the honesty that goodwill and hope may deliver to you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2018

May God always be with your soul, Officer Cook and in the hearts of your family and friends. Bless them and the men and women who permeate the bonds of brotherly love by saving and securing us from bodily harm. It is candid courage, class that exuded peace and humility from your unwavering and unselfish heart of gold, Officer Cook. Nothing demonstrative, only prudent integrity, determined dignity and the mettle form morals that kept your trails straight and honorable. I know and we all recognize that Dade County's folks were squarely in solid hands. Lips that were truthful and trusted. Conviction and commitment reliable beyond a doubt. With prevailing wisdom, vision and a bountiful supply of maturity we can see why you performed in a heroically humane and loving manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Gracious and gallant, adored and cherished, respected, admired and forever revered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2018

Never one to be vociferous, your vision, vigilance and valor spoke humbly of your loyalty and esteem you had between your fellow officers, Officer Cook. Shouting and being boisterous does not always get the job done. You need bravery, boldness and a benign way of going about your central duties. A peacemaker and stability influence here in Dade County, our serenity and security came about from your passions and compassions for all humanity. Its those core enhancements that have created the bridges of prosperity and goodwill, a solemn hero whose life, career and character will most assured be so humanely honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2018

Crusades, journeys and missions are the mountains of which all brave and honorably decent men and women climb to get after evil. You climbed that ladder of accomplishment by staying dignified and having a certain brand of integrity. Dade County had all alacrity and acumen when you focused, Officer Cook, on reducing the crime rate here. Those who served and were your loyal sisters and brothers have demonstrated their faith and devotion by humbly remembering your heroic dedication. Our stabilizing factor was your endeavor, Officer Cook, in thwarting terror and its associated bedlam. God has His mattresses for His flock to rest their brave souls of serenity upon the pillars of perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clever character, staunch commitment to excellence and professional proficiency as all public servants must adhere to.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2018

Keyboarding these reflections for you, Officer Cook, makes me realize and think about all the dangers and peril you had to endure to make Dade County safe and sound once again. The chores are plenty, the stakes high, the anxiety never more stressful. Always something that kept you occupied with the rigors and laying those humble cornerstones down for the resident's pleasures. Yours, too, Officer Cook. All those pursuits of peace, all ther crescendo building from within, knowing or not knowing the outcome of a certain dilemma. But, when you put your head down, all out integrity, honor and dignity gushed from your labor. We think things are easy here, never. Your cherished character and values are to be stored in your family and colleague's minds and souls forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2018

Do we dare play with fire? Evil and terror are creating enough torment lately to last a lifetime. Your six years of professional public service on behalf of Dade County and its folks was not in vain, Officer Cook. On the contrary, it was consideration and courage while resolve and faithfulness was shadowing your every move. Honesty is always the best policy and its the assurance of one carrying integrity and dignity on their badges of humility and a uniform worn with principles. Never one to grasp at straws, evil was dealt with in a harsh style by yourself and all we can do is appreciate your heroic effort to back safe trails in a serene fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A decent and loyal comrade sharing his unwavering wisdom with others is to be surely treasured and saluted boldly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2018

We turn the page and look to the future, one made happier because of your bravery and honor, Officer Cook. A superb example of exemplary service dignified by integrity and the incise precision by which all women and men must try and conquer corruption and violence. Dade County received the finest and most polite protection one could ask for. Character concealed in humility led you, Officer Cook, to gain our peace of mind and stability essential to living happy lives. Just wish your cherished being was here to benefit from these changes, enhancements that were your endorsements of a fruitful and success journey. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2018

Spiders weave webs. Sociopaths weave wickedness. The kind no truly honest and decent person wants to witness. A real pity to have your voice of virtue, your vigilance and vitality robbed before you had a chance to make a further dent in our world, Officer Cook. A champion instructor, a born to be hero and warrior who fought tooth and nail for the citizens of Dade County. A trusted and most revered police officer, your heart and humility, Officer Cook, raised that bar of boldness and bravery to higher level of respect and admiration. Your character and ethics will be so fondly and humanely honored for the ages. The breaths of your surveillance to be inhaled for enriching our enhancements. They stay anchored as the foundations that will forever flourish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2018

Heroism, honor and humility lie where evil, untruths and deception look to rear their ugly heads. Our fates were placed in your gentle yet firmly humble hands, Officer Cook. A wake up call for Dade County and its folks. You take a man, you mold his sanity and wisdom together with his resolve and clear vision and you produce stout character, cleverness and the archives of awareness like no other. Your decency, Officer Cook, should be present today making men out of boys and women out of ladies, all by your loving esteem, faith and hope. Motivation and desire calibrating leadership to those servants through these masses of confusion and bewilderment. Wickedness seizes its opportunity and we must be prepared to battle feverishly as you so faithfully did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2018

We line the route to honor the fallen. The pride and honor bestowed in their labors of dignity and love. The integrity that you had, Officer Cook, was summoned from your soul of serenity. It had the grandest of character and the scales of justice balancing harmony and heroism throughout Dade County as your very being protected the goodwill, hope and mercy of all who ever lived and wanted safety and peace. Once and for all your undying pledge, Officer Cook, was honored and observed throughout humanity. It's a person's unbelievable humility through the tough times that saw your courage until God deemed your destinies as completed. Always sad when a life so young and vigorous is taken before total fruition is reached. The epitome though was accomplished as you strove to calm down a troubled young man who wavelengths were tuned to violence and infamy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A teacher and humility, the priest and the altarboy working together to reshape mankind's dreams, goals and to further those ideals of ingenuity, intuition and intelligence that befitted a loyal and courageous servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2018

Serene and never timid. Glowing with pride, yet, maintaining honor, integrity and dignity when it mattered most. Always occupied with challenges all from undue evil started by never ceasing violence. It was your word and shield that interrupted more diabolical mischief that awful day of May 16, 1979. A surely somber and dark cloud hovering above Dade County's buildings and other edifices. But, you educated, endeared and enhanced our peaceful unity through your dangerous undertakings. Character befits women and men who chase evil not glory. Their stories are told just as yours is recalled very fondly, Officer Cook. Badge #1664 and the uniform you donned heroically and with no lack of values and effort is to be firmly etched, honored and adored for eternity. Make no mistake, a gentle giant of gallantry graced our humble presence saving, preserving and protecting the enrichment of those whose happiness resided in their homes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2018

Sworn in to be brave and bold. The men and women you worked with, Officer Cook, witnessed a man who truly loved and was most passionate about doing his job right. Firm and fair to those you served, practical and proficient to the ones who you were devoted, loyal and faithful to. Honor, dignity and integrity need no introduction, they just need an infusion of hope and prayer from above if the security, serenity and unity are to share the trappings of one's consistent tenacity. Yours, Officer Cook, worked wonders and with stellar character, it's very easy to understand why you meant so very much to our world a bit less safer by your absence. It only makes our hearts grow fonder of your civility and cherished sanctity placed on the tables like a fine wine. You may drink from those goblets where only the gallant have drunk. Heaven is one big think tank where bravery and heroism are God's alone. Your family does miss their beloved hero and so does this community where you learned, thrived and grew up to be a most responsible and proud public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2018

With the degree of difficulty being such, one small shift in momentum can spell all the difference in life being saved or heavenly forbid a take lost. The winds blow as such and any change in direction can make a substantial change. You dealt with circumstances, Officer Cook, as all humble, honest and humanely special heroes must and because of unwavering concentration were you able to uplift the spirits of the Dade County community that revered your name and badge that was carried with extreme humility and an orderly approach. Saluted for bravery, dignified and pay homage for your integrity and vitally important ingenuity, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2018

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