Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Never falling out of favor and God's good grace, you demonstrated your civility and nobility, Officer Cook, while tucking in honesty, dignity and discretion in your uniform pockets while going after evil. Dade County and its population were spared the ravages of ruination perpetrated by a cowardly man, young in years like yourself, Officer Cook, who was bent on heinousness. People snap from time to time, but to shoot and kill three officers and killing you because he was distraught , depressed and diabolical, there is still no plausible reason. And only you i deals and values from sound commitment to both pride and excellence, character without any flaws, it's the reason as to why we deserving public servants championing peace and serenity for one and all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 26, 2018

Desire and determination all keep their dates of destiny. It's our hopes and dreams that sometimes hinge on certain factors not always in our control that must occur. What must always happen for Dade County residents is for the opportunity to lively freely and peacefully. Devoted and loyal public servants own up to this awesome challenge as you did for six years of respected and revered service, Officer Cook. A man with a plan. A mission stewarded by faith and the tenacity to outwit the criminal mind. If only on May 16, 1979, could Mr. Pearsall surrender peacefully no one would have been injured nor for that matter your life and soul would still be here enjoying the fragrances of your fruitful pursuits of happiness and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 26, 2018

Homage beckons honesty just as diligence calls upon the bravest of men and women whose integrity and dignity is vital in saving lives and fighting off the nasty forces of terror. It exists in far too many venues in ourland of the free and must be headed away from society. Officer Cook, your sense of direction and desire was solely navigated by Our Maker Himself and your life and career were predicated upon the principles that insightful wisdom and the clarity of vision can only deliver. Dade County's folks were well protected and your perseverance and proficiency made that delicately humble and distinct difference. Never a better man of character and dedication and only fondly saluted for heroism and humility now and forever stored in God's eternal shelters. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 26, 2018

Your soul bears the inner strength of bravery, boldness and the firmness that all commitments require. Your ferocity, your honesty and the integrity that dignity brings to your position meant so much to Dade County and its citizens. Never abandoned, you were there, Officer Cook, to perform an important task. That was to secure peace, harmony and unending unity for all mankind. With your devoutness and compassion, evil was at least kept at bay. Always a hero of humanity and for instilling humility in others may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and courtesy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 26, 2018

One cannot turn a blind eye to terror. The ears must hear and the legs must go to where torment strikes. The fear of the public must always be considered before using drastic means to control insatiable appetite for violence. The valor, vigilance and vigor needs to be surely implemented in a seemingly unrelenting foe. Ferocity and the fever pitches of honor, integrity and dignity were your undaunted touches in mastering safety for all Dade County, Officer Cook. Only the best of acumen and common sense preparing as one to battle an enemy so vast. Honorable and most solemn salutes, Officer Cook, for your heroic humility given to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2018

Sunshine has its way of drying up an otherwise wet day. Honor, bravery and its boldness too have their methods in helping to clear the bushes of brazen folks inclined to commit evil. What monstrous evil that feeds the veins of violence. Your commitment and character, Officer Cook, helped Dade County and its to lead and to live more serene lives. If dignity and integrity could restore you to your family an d peers the happiness would last forever. Unfortunately, your very special soul, Officer Cook an d its ingenuity rotate around our Earth twenty-four seven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cleverness and cunning can extricate one from danger, although, we would prefer harmony and unity more than we could ever know.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2018

Your due your respects when you reverently resolve and are every bit resourceful in fighting crime, Officer Cook. The lack of dignity and honesty carried out by those who choose to pursue wickedness. Torment and turmoil, violence and indifference called out upon our society. It wrecks peace and dignity, upsets the balance of security and harmony. Representing Dade County your destiny, Officer Cook, was your passion and becoming a top flight heroic public servant was your path to excellence and the character built from principles and the values of vigor and valor. The mighty take their leads from mettle and meaningful effort. Only the best service and smile that is sorely missed very much. Heroism is the humble manner in which our very bravest fortify their lives.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2018

Walk humbly and carry a big stick. Dwell securely and live wisely. Carry your honor, integrity and dignity as part of your humble legacy and God will bless your very name and soul of serenity. All for the name of sanctity and safety for Dade County, Officer Cook. A young man who wanted to become a police officer. One must have clarity, alacrity and the awareness to reason with vision and wisdom with trying their utmost to undo violence and its tormenting ways. Your care, concern and consideration, Officer Cook, allowed effort and resiliency to flow during your patrols. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2018

Any scent of fear allows violence and evil to tear through those walls where welcome peace and unity is essential. Your ability to restore and calm people down, Officer Cook, was most heroic and honorable. Dignity and integrity are the reasons by which public servants go out and secure peace. Dade County was always in your capable hands and solemn word of boldness, character becoming a man on a mission of humble significance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Determination and leadership form a dynamic duo when terror strikes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2018

The Cook's, Tidwell's and the Wilkerson's know there is a God above watching over their beloved family member, "Uncle Bo," as you were called, Officer Cook. Your soul of tranquility and virtue has been and always will forever hover overhead looking down on your family's trails of peace, happiness, good health and prosperity. And no doubt your intense honesty, dignity and integrity, the very humane pride you took preserving life in Dade County. A place where you lived and cherished everything God bestowed upon you. Humility wears that crown of courage where decency and desire receive their humbly rewards. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2018

Run down callousness. Bravery will follow your journeys all your days. Humanity trailed your pursuits in life and during your watch, Officer Cook and believe me , God never led you wrong. Dade County was supervised by your unending and unselfish dignity to seek out the truth. Honesty and trust must stay on the correct paths of integrity for if we heaven forbid break off that path, no telling what is in store for our serenity and the blissful sounds of safety. Surely, your boldness and valor, Officer Cook, will be humbly saluted as your humble heroic legacy has been anchored for other future men and women to follow along in. Never better scruples and character acting as your partners in eliminating evil to a society calling out for assistance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2018

We walk humbly in step with Our Maker. We patrol the community with a loyal virtue creating an environment which is comfortable for others. Your crusades around the Dade County area, Officer Cook, were indeed honest, dignified and accentuated with integrity. It's the steering wheel that helped you protect and to save lives. Bringing and keeping harmony and peace is not easy. It takes the acumen of a man filled with character, courage and the convictions to see his voyages through. Vision, wisdom and your maturity, Officer Cook, only enhanced our very foundations set down by a gentleman of gallantry and the humility for which humanity is indebted to your sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 25, 2018

Violence and terror leaves us in a quandary with not many options at times. Police officers must be very resourceful in solving and in restoring the citizen's faith in a justice system that goes bonkers at times. You relied upon your instincts of intelligence, intuition and ingenuity to help get you through trouble, Officer Cook. Certainly, Dade County has much to be grateful to your heroism, integrity and the humility of possessing honorable dignity at all times. Peace, prosperity, happiness and freedom brought to newer heights by your magnificent character and engaging personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sad about your loss, Officer Cook and the fact that our families were practically around the corner. At least I got to meet some of your lovely family members.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2018

The torrential downpours of doom at the time of your watch over Dade County, Officer Cook, cast something in the making an don May 16, 1979, there was a call dispatched on the radio of an officer down needing assistance. You heard the call and were a block away and did not have to respond. Your honor and integrity humbly, humanely and most heroically dignified your response. Brave and valued, you went and accounted for saving us and your comrades, your best and closest of friends. Laying down your life with character, vision and transparency of tenacity, peace and security were launched. Never a more prideful and loyal comrade, never more faithfully resilient. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Yes, your pathways of enhancement, endearment, engagement and enrichment were well prepared by Our Maker as you now bravely tend to those golden and holy streets in the skies above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2018

Collisions too can cause the greatest impact on a public servant's life. Fatality is not just reality, it's the bravery and honor behind each and every hero who may live through it. God at least let you, Officer Cook, live to fight for six years of decorated service and the demonstrations of restoring harmony and shelter for all Dade County. No servant worth their weight in gold should ever be taken from this society on account of terror, but fight on with liberty, dignity and justice for all we must. your courageous soul, Officer Cook, would not want us to do otherwise. A hero of hearty humility and humane actions to benefit our faith and peace of mind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your clutch command, Officer Cook, spared even more harm on May 16, 1979. A day of memories and a well lived and valued life of efficiency and decency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2018

Execute the plan, exemplify effort, satisfy the public. All in a day's work, Your labors of love and esteem on behalf of Dade County's community, Officer Cook, where your life and career came full circle. Comforting those in sorrow, honorably carrying out your central tasks even where danger lurked, it says a lot about your engaging integrity and dignity to comport oneself. The heat gets hotter the more you dig in to battle an adversary so commanding it takes an entire team endeavor to reign in justice while serenity and security pitch their tents of peace and goodwill. Your kept the faith, Officer Cook and your words of boldness, character and commitment have been heroically noted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2018

To enter this world a baby and suddenly depart as hero really speaks volumes regarding your superb character and supreme sacrifice, Officer Cook. You led other men and women by virtue of your humane and loyal honor, integrity and dignity. Sure firepower that can match wits with a foe of unwavering potential. Dade County was being ravaged by a heinous and distraught young man and you came, Officer Cook, to answer that call of duty with desire, devotion and the determination to stop more evil from happening. That alone and for saving your colleagues and those civilians, you deserve all the salutes of bravery, nobility and humility. Humanity's heart and happiness was bestowed upon it by your unselfish acts of compassion to be fondly etched in our minds and hearts forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2018

Water quenches the soul. Peace by valor and humility bring their own enhancements to one another. We search out the word for something positive and yet at times we find little or no hope. Well thank God you were a blanket of protection for Dade County folks, Officer Cook. A gallant man fighting the sources of our pain and anguish. Your family beloved as they are and your peers who wen tout with you to battle surely remember the honest and dignified young man of civility and harmony. Can't forget your heroic life and career filled with accomplishments at such a young and tender age. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Amazing what a strong heart and sound mind of principles can grasp when confronted by a larger more confounding enemy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2018

There is a dichotomy between life and work. Your life, Officer Cook, though only twenty-five years of age when Our Lord called you to heaven was filled with decency and nobleness. A proud and honorably humble individual whose service reflected the values of dignity, effort and the integrity to battle violence here in Dade County where the citizens looked up to you, Officer cook, to assemble both harmony and the stoic unity that bonds us as one. Never forgotten and saluted for candor and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility fills that cup of courage right to the brim. You were a special hero and a more classy gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 24, 2018

The consonants of courage, valor and bravery following the vowels sounds of acumen, effort, integrity and outstanding unselfish heroism. You had the entire package of precision, Officer Cook, a man of mercy and compassion chasing evil around Dade County. Heroes and heroines pursue goodwill while pursuing those intending to commit cowardly acts of division. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Considerate and consummate all consolidating your candor and personal charisma.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 23, 2018

Sadly in life everything is not so rosy. The stench of evil leaves us feeling rotten inside. You made us feel good about ourselves and our happiness, Officer Cook. Our goodwill and blessings here in Dade County came through your passages of perseverance and the fine resolve that is doled out by honor, integrity and dignity. Violence shall take note and beware the good people of law enforcement are coming to weed you out and to restore some vitality and virtue for all who ascribe to be better citizens. Everyday, Officer Cook, your caring character and commitment are remembered and so saluted for valor which is a grand and humble piece of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The zero hour is near, thankfully so is your trusted and faithful soul of humility, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 23, 2018

Distance yourself from doom and gloom and surely the brightest of days will come. Our ways are sometimes set in stone and yet violence looks to undo the perfect setting. Here in Dade County, Officer Cook, you encountered many situations and were able to bring about a peaceful resolution through your undying and unselfish beliefs that all would be fine. I imagine even with scruples, serenity, blessings of grace and the dignity and integrity to face it all, God still wanted you for a special detail in His special palaces where humility and fruition were essential. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 23, 2018

Good diction is part of clear and concise speech. Clarity clears the clouds of confusion that still linger in our society. Your alacrity and eloquence, Officer Cook, spoke those precise measured tones for Dade County and those whom you preserved and laid out serenity and the sweet sounds of security. Always charm and character to go along with your smile and honest and loyal mannerisms of morals, dignity and the vision that integrity brings to the table. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 23, 2018

There is a dichotomy between life and work. Your life, Officer Cook, though only twenty-five years of age when Our Lord called you to heaven was filled with decency and nobleness. A proud and honorably humble individual whose service reflected the values of dignity, effort and the integrity to battle violence here in Dade County where the citizens looked up to you, Officer cook, to assemble both harmony and the stoic unity that bonds us as one. Never forgotten and saluted for candor and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility fills that cup of courage right to the brim. You were a special hero and a more classy gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 23, 2018

Luck pulls us in different and opposite directions. Dade County pulled you, Officer Cook, closest to the apex of activity. It's where your heart and mind relied upon your professional instincts of ingenuity to see harmony and sanctity through. Police never have what we call a normal routine as each various circumstance requires their utmost attention to details. The citizens came to respect your authority and how it impacted our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 22, 2018

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