Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Remember those who laid down their lives of honor, vision, valor and virtue. For mankind, society and humanity still move forward marching with the ideals, integrity and intuition they brought to their chosen profession. Personality was just a part of your important and essential roles in protecting Dade County, Officer Cook and dignity, character and reverence won't surely be forgotten. The cornerstones of courage, wisdom and versatility were very well constructed and never will they be far from our hearts and thoughts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2022

Your life and career culminated in courage, conviction and commitments to excellence and of course three words of vital character: dignity, integrity and honesty. They navigated the roads and streets of Dade County where you, Officer Cook, were a most valuable cog in the crusades for justice being upheld in both trust and in truth. The circle of life goes on with your rewarded, blessed and heroic good name of loyalty and esteem hovering above watching other men and women humble and humane carrying out their daily tasks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wisdom that walked the ground and virtue that floated above gently and gracefully as does your unselfish heart and soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2022

Purpose steers our passions. We pursue our love and what we must relish. You enjoyed the day to day rigors of policing your neighborhood of Dade County, Officer Cook, with every bead of sweat dripping from your brows. You embraced life and excelled in your demanding position making our lives more comfortable and more safer. Placing your being in harm's way is the only way to make peace a reality. You were a man pristine in your actions, heroic and loyal in all your objectives. Integrity, respect and dignity dug themselves in the pavement to create an impression that has never been forgotten. Only a most blessed and admired man of relentlessness who acted rather than talked. Talent and skill are according to a person's versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Such a tragic and terrible loss of a resourceful man, a gentleman first class in everything that God instilled and implanted within your heart and soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2022

I'll rephrase the last note, Officer Cook,that heaven is the eternal home where your heroic spirit rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A challenge everyday to perform your tasks and assignments with every bone of bravery and never bravado. Just a beloved young man who steered wickedness from our midst. Integrity, grit, dignity and passion were the optimal instruments that shared in your career and life accomplishments. One very trusted and truthfully loyal man doing what you always desired to become. Decisions are tough to make and you made one that has forever enhanced our lives, your family's and our landscape of serenity and safe trails.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2022

Glory is not the whole story. Truth and trust are not fish tales for a very real and nobly heroic warrior who had his loyal name put in the history books of Dade County and not just because of giving your life, Officer Cook. You gave so others could live that alone is a lesson in heart and soul demonstrating goodwill,faith and true vigilance. Badge#1664 was kind, sincere and conducted itself accordingly to the highest of professional standards that are supposed to be seen by honorable and dignified public servants who embrace society with unassuming integrity, reverence and meaningful character that endeavors to constrict the flow of fierce evil. Simply, Officer Cook, you were a consummate human being and a notable life saver. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven is the eternal soul where your spirit of virtue, visibility and gallantry sleeps soundly cradled by Our Creator's loving hands. A legend who served with the right authority, the utmost responsibility placed upon your humbly treasured broad shoulders.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2022

A fiddle is an instrument you play with. Police work is not something to play with nor is it an object to tinker with. You may be asked, not asked your life and career hang in the balance when life is on the line. Seconds and minutes mean everything, they meant your solemn and sacred life not just on May 16,1979, every watch, Officer Cook,honesty, diligence and accountability was carried over and above the lines of fairness, firmness, trust and truth. True intuition, humble allegiance that was stoic and blessed by God Himself lead your paths of righteousness, faithfulness and resiliency. They are always remembered and fondly paid homage by saluted versatility, value and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2022

Placing one's own soul in jeopardy is surely enhancing and enriching mankind's noble existence for if truth and trust ever heaven forbid stumbled even a tiny bit then violence would look to certainly cave in the walls that welcome each soul to a house of harmony. You paid the ultimate sacrifice. Officer Cook, by keeping evil away from your family and humbly blessed community here in Dade County. To have honesty is more than a bonus because without preceding dignity and integrity then the missions you willingly chose to aspire to would become just second rate. You were not that only a most respected first class public servant who constructed sacred homes of humility, heart and heroism through the tracks and trails of excellent character, loyal convictions and staunch commitments that pride and virtue spell out. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2022

Your family lives their lives in a most dignified manner as you would have done if God allowed you to be here today. Their missions of faith, hope, trust and goodwill are your earthly roles and journeys being continued by them. Dade County was where honesty and integrity helped to support the posts of tireless perseverance and such heroic character lead by your stalwart commitments to excel and being mindful of such an important position where our essential values and quality of life would be protected and maintained by your caring and admired heart and soul. Your spirit, Officer Cook, does keep flying high each moment as your beloved family's angel in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2022

A man honest, humble and heroic who was adamant that Dade County shall live and thrive in serenity and stability. You were concerned and considerate while carrying out your sacred duties all because of a solemn oath to protect which you faithfully undertook without duress. A total gentleman of class, character and the decency of having both integrity and dignity which shall forevermore live on in your family's missions to uphold your loyal, cherished and both blessed name and heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A builder and a fortified man of boldness and wisdom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2022

With a heart of yearning concern, Officer Cook, you mightily and humbly preserved the integrity, dignity and honor of Dade County citizens to be saluted and remembered for having class, decency and devoted character and tireless commitment. Ingenuity, wisdom and virtue are all angelically in heaven circling around your family who faithfully and humanely holds the torch of your legacy and unselfish tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2022

So sound and so humble and heroic, still cannot fathom why your life was taken so tragically, Officer Cook? With so much more to achieve, pursue and to travel down those roads of virtue, honor and integrity. You were able, reliable, reserved and sincere with a golden heart and soul of caring and boldness. The strokes of your labors working in Dade County have and will always be stoically etched within your family's thoughts and hearts as they carry your heroic legacy proudly. Clearly a man who is dearly missed and forever cherished, admired, adored and beloved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Everyday you are remembered and sincerely revered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2022

Driving home today from Naples, Florida and was thinking of you, Officer Cook and your friend and comrade, Officer Keith DiGenova who now resides in Ormand Beach, Florida in Volusia County. I wish I could drive up there to play some tennis with him and dedicate a set on your behalf seeing that you both played in your younger days. Such respect, trust and truthful heart and soul demonstrating their heroic characteristics of dignity and integrity which protected Dade County to the utmost. You will forever be remembered and saluted for inspiring wisdom, valid virtue and the clearest of vision that saw to our futures, days made better if only your family could embrace your smiling handsome face. Forever an angel of humility and scruples. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I saw a face book picture of Officer DiGenova wearing a Police Benevolence Cap.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2022

Society can sit and think all it wants to but if we do not have capable and honest public servants procuring our very safety we will be lost and the last thing we need if for violence to take over mankind. Your heart, soul and heroic integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, blazed those trails and paths for others to follow in. You gained the trust of Dade County residents and were fearless and tireless in your solemn and loyal endeavors. The hero in your spirit still sustains your family as they carry forward your legacy of class, desire, dedication and thoughtful character and duly recognized commitment to excellence and pride. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2022

You left before family could say bye except when you embraced Karen that morning before headed out for work. But, you were sincere and filled with desire and virtue. Dade County was where you gave your life and career of hope, goodwill and devotion. An honored man who gave his neighborhood excellence and an unwavering soul and heart that was committed to seeing justice through, true and trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2022

Solid and stoic, stellar, sterling and forever cherished and loyal, a great patriot whose passion fortified our world one less secure because of your energy, endeavor and unselfishly tireless efficiency. A gentleman and a humble scholar, yes, Officer Cook, you were learned and certainly intelligent that's why Dade County was given excellence in your essential roles of preserving and defending our valued community one that has missed you tremendously as your adoring family members have. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2022

Secure, serene and safe, that's why you protected us, Officer Cook and why Dade County is where it is today. Maybe a little less safe that's because you are absent from family, peers and friends. Integrity that went down paths of righteousness and dependability. Dignity and reverence that navigated your excellence, pride and character down roads of resolve and resiliency. The good sadly pass way young your life and career were sheered apart by a notorious and a most heinous human being with no class, heart, soul and spirit. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, was about doing right, serving the people and giving more than we could ever comprehend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honesty that was pure, welcoming and duly diligent.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2022

A man so humble, pure and honest heroically saving the sources of sanity, sanctity and civility here in Dade County where you lived, worked and thrived. Surely, you deserved to live on past retirement but God had other plans for your humble, dignified and mortal heart, soul and spirit, Officer Cook. Good character, excellent commitment and conviction with stellar integrity, truth and trust. We the people could never go wrong with such an outstanding man so cherished and special. Warriors are heroes and you were consummate in your everlasting vigilance, virtue and vision so wise and mature beyond your years of experience, goodwill and faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2022

Common sense and desire all drove your life and career aspirations, Officer Cook. You made strides elevating the honor, character and safety of the citizens of Dade County your neighborhood of esteem and loyalty. Such an honorable gentleman taken before his time very tragically. Dignity, reverence and integrity's vigilance so essential to our voyages. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2022

Prosperity spreads the peace of our world. The serenity and security can be felt wide and far. You brought and created the sense of goodwill through your hope and faith, Officer Cook. Dade County will forevermore perpetuate your positive journeys and missions of character and commitment, your unselfish and tireless efforts spearheaded our onward trails of truth and trust. Nonetheless you continued to be greatly and dearly missed because honor, integrity and dignity was usurped and heinously taken. Robbed of your virtue and wisdom that left Karen a young widow before her time though she remarried in 2009 and seems to be happy and healthy living somewhere in Minnesota. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 28, 2022

With a heart and soul of gold and humility were you, Officer Cook, able to pursue peace and stability here in Dade County. The tall stand proud and heroic. No doubt you unselfish and unwavering virtue, wisdom and integrity supported the pillars of dignity and respect. Your family, peers and friends have never overlooked nor of course forgotten "Uncle Bo." Our freedoms and unity came through the tunnels of your undying tenacity all aimed at providing the essential success to your missions. Sadly, goodwill, hope and your devotion were ended by a madman whom you were trying to stop. Always saluted for esteem, loyalty and for being a most cherished angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2022

We move on with our lives and dreams but we still remember those who battled and defended our very freedoms and lives as you so faithfully did, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County with a ledger of honor, trust and dignity that comported integrity, character and genuine reverence you demonstrated toward society. Heart, soul and spirit all angelic that are above us at all times observing and watching. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Aspirations, dreams became a living reality and a humble focal point of a rich legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2022

Think, ponder and comprehend the scopes of your sacred journeys made to shield and to shelter Dade County from a man bent on revenge and terror. Mr. Pearsall created a wave of wickedness on May 16,1979 that you, Officer Cook, heroically tried to battle through. If only he listened and obeyed your commands to surrender. Well, God has a plan for His host of servants all determined, devoted and highly dedicated to the toughest of assignments. Just a truly sad and tragic afternoon, a huge loss for your family, department and the whole world what unfolded that horrible day. For possessing character and for carrying your commitments of humbleness forward may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. So truly trusted and so very much missed as your legacy is spirited forward.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2022

July will soon end. August is nearly upon us and with that fact nothing will keep your family or community, Officer Cook, from forgetting the past, your precious life and solemn career path protecting Dade County and its people. A man lives with pearls on his lips, maintains a humbly treasured heart and soul that was unselfish and tireless in accomplishing the arduous tasks placed before you. Nothing detained you from answering your last call, honor, humility and respect always supported the bridges and foundations of your perpetual dignity and integrity to be paid homage for heroism and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2022

The sages are truly right when they say the blessings you reap in this world are humanely rewarded in the next world. Your spirit and soul encircle your family, friends and colleagues of the past at every second never missing those spots where honesty, dignity and integrity fought from the ground up to spare Dade County from more adversity. A hero of ingenuity, heart and character that's how such a truthful and trustworthy man will be revered and cherished, you will forever, Officer Cook, be saluted for sage advice, sound thinking and for our serenity being placed where we can forever admire your life of allegiance and diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A beautiful soul taken by evil too soon with many many more missions of faith, hope and goodwill awaiting your handsome smile.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2022

Every article of integrity, honor and dignity must be confirmed and accentuated within the boundaries of your daily service. Nothing less than the best is expected from all duly sworn public servants whose passions steer evil and violence away from humanity. Your undying and unselfish endeavors, Officer Cook, were much appreciated and forevermore humbly heroic. Dade County shall carry on as does your esteemed and loyal family members with your legacy safely by their belts and sides. Such a unique young man with gifts of gallantry that persevered along with your unwavering and most virtue heart and soul of wisdom and distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 27, 2022

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