Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
To look at all these humble and civil heroes and heroines., one only needs to know they came from the same fabric of ferocity and the cloths of courage and cleverness. Sometimes something different may change a dire circumstance and lead to more lives being spared. Your battles here in Dade County, Officer Cook, did produce unity and freedom. But, they brought an array of many positives. Those who saw you on a daily basis watched your maturity tackle many problems and for all your character and charm, resolve and resiliency came, though at the ultimate sacrifice. To spread that blanket of boldness over such a large venue, it took your entire body and spirit so we know you are resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in heaven wrapped serenely in Our Lord's a palms for eternal safekeeping.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2018
Gloom and doom must never deter us from pursuing happiness and nor should it halt police in their loyal and honest pursuits of harmon yan dliberty for one and all. Your profession, Officer Cook, prides itself upon commitment, convictions to stay decent and dignified while maintaining constant integrity tracking down terror and turmoil. Dade County was where your civic lied and its surely no untruth that you were a very truthful and trustworthy man of mettle and morals. Courage and wisdom for your engaging heart of humility and heroism to be saluted and etched within us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2018
Some of us mortgage our futures. Police serve and risk their lives and souls so we the citizens can enjoy some peace and relaxation. Dade County was a community you strongly believed in, Officer Cook. A place you called home, a venue were your virtues were shaped and structured. Certainly a humble servant of heroic means will forever be so honored for just that and for having unwavering and the unselfish integrity and dignity. Our tranquility today and tomorrow is because of your life and firm and fair character, Officer Cook. No doubt a reason why our cornerstones for fruitful journeys have been humanely laid. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2018
My mind, Officer Cook, most times feels like a hot pot of coffee every morning, always percolating. What must not boil over is a public servant's temper which in turn could lead to careless mistakes that can cost lives. Your temper was just right and fitting for the rigors and perils that are associated with good police work. Namely, honesty, defined dignity, intense integrity, legitimate loyalty and the fairness of ferocity and desire doubling down on evil and its tormenting violence. Dade County we should have in mind was under your superior eyes and noted wisdom, the character and class of being years ahead of the crowd. No race to first, just good old fashioned law enforcement done the right and humble way speaking of ethics and idealistic ingenuity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Precision, proficiency and perseverance floated at the top of your charts of courage and conviction. Always fondly saluted and validated as a deliberate servant of rationale means.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2018
Double up those backpacks of boldness, bravery and honesty. They'll come in handy down the line. Around the block in Liberty City over thirty-nine years ago was one of the most heated battles trying to overcome an emotionally challenged man. Depression and diabolical actions took your young life away, Officer Cook. Being depressed happens to a lot of folks and they do not go out and shoot and kill mindful and dignified public servants. Setting your eyes and ears on integrity does take much inner strength and character. You never let up nor backed down. Ingenuity and conviction would not allow your missions to go away. We are here to solemnly remember your humble and devoted service and prideful dedication. It is a never ending battle with adversity an anvil that keeps pounding and banging away. Police too must never take their feet off the pedals of mettle. Timeliness is the issue and positive results are to be humbly accounted for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2018
The grass may be greener on the other side. Though, honesty and gallantry begin to take form in this world. It can be a really frustrating place to co-exist if heinous activities continue their treks down those trails of torment and terror. Exactly, why we require the steady hands and legs of gifted and pious women and men patrolling these sacred spots where peace and freedom must be stamped. Your words and tone, Officer Cook, set you apart from everyday warriors. Courage and ingenuity along with wise and humble honor help support those chains of dignity and integrity that at times struggle to support one another. No more valued and vigilant man of passion and prosperity who secured Dade County with a cherished uniform and badge of outstanding and blessed boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Fruition is not finality only in the physical sense, eternity always will need your soul of appreciation and awareness to preserve those golden streets where heroism and angels of resiliency ride high everyday.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2018
The storms of trouble brew and when they come a crew of courage, candor and character must be present and reliable enough to drench their desires of doom. Destiny must take command. Your journeys of peace and safety, Officer Cook, spelled good things in store for Dade County's people. The perfect personality. The humble pride to perform ably and responsibly. The esteem of having humane honor, heroic wisdom and valiant vision to see the right from wrong and to channel your kinetic energies and come out with resolve and conclusion. We salute your noble actions as your legacy remains forever wrapped around our beings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2018
Death unlocks those gates of eternity mystery where the gardens of a man's fruitful missions are of a pleasant scent. Nothing imperfect in Our Maker's masterpiece of valor and honor. Its distinction of dignity,devotion and desire unrivil anything else that our eyes can see and our ears can listen to. Your framework and ferocity, Officer Cook, only gave us goodwill and gallantry here in Dade County where your untiring battles over wickedness gave hope to prosperity and liberty for every soul on earth. Your very cherished presence was usurped and taken away from your beloved family and members of your department who appreciated and valued your dedication and motivation to lead others through grief and strife like no other public servant. It's humbly safe to say you left cornerstones and foundations of righteousness and determination by which other courageous souls can follow in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humbleness and humility fortifying humanity forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2018
You were a humble and morally righteous young man, Officer Cook, a soul of wit and engaging vision, the clarity speaks of your unassuming acumen and the foundations of character and commitment to pride. Dade County and its residents saw your compass of mettle pointing in the directions of honor, dignity, integrity and above all, humility. How in the world can one begin the arduous and dangerous tasks of serving and protecting without a touch of divine civility, nobility and the sanctity that must be placed upon your heart and soul of respect and serenity for all? A faithful man, loyal to his family, your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, your comrades of precision, but above all, cherished and humanely heroic forever in Our master's eyes and ears. The world saw twenty-five years of toil, yearning to improve our very lives and imparting your lessons on life and a career crucial to your accomplishments. Your untimely departure, Officer Cook, represents a loss to our humanity, community, society and to civilization which must now rely on the honorable and brave men and women defending our quality of peace, safety and the tranquility that taciturn really means. It brings this point home full circle. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No enigma. Just effortless pursuits of evil while maintaining a durable calm and desire to affect us in a proper and scripted manner.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2018
God's heroes and heroines rest soundly in His balcony of bravery and everlasting resolve. The peace and its stabilizing factors were brought forth by your undying and unselfish God given talents of humility, honesty and the perpetual instincts of ingenuity and integrity, those driving forces of dignity , devotion and dedication. All the loving esteem and energy poured into those efforts to take away evil from Dade County. Its people deserved better. You gave your most excellent and respected attempt that awful day of May 16, 1979, shielding us from wickedness with character so exceptional. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. What a breath taking view from the heavens above your beautiful soul eternally has now, Officer Cook and you are missed very much!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2018
Courage and boldness belong on the very same pathways as does vision and sage intuition. It can only be that way, Officer Cook, as you were the consummate and humanely heroic servant of God who went on your travels in Dade County wanting to peacefully secure our peaceful futures. Your character and excellence has been treasured as has your mettle and gumption as they acted as one to stem the tide of torment. Always saluted and humbly honored for nobility and civility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2018
The time and place for destinies never seem to be right. We just go about our business and hope and pray for positive outcomes. Your resourcefulness, Officer Cook, brokered much love and calm in Dade County when the tides of terror were turning our community into an unrelenting place of violence. Your goodness and courage, Officer cook, passed from you down to your beloved family and to those brave colleagues who now must forge on with the same tenacity as you wisely and with great clarity displayed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2018
The soul of serenity lends its credence as the boldness of bravery. A humane and humble man doing the Lord's work which you yearned to do. You were a reserved and yet dignified man, Officer Cook, patrolling Dade County's corridors in search of reason and unity through harmony, honor and integrity. A faithful and ferocious servant seizing his humility by serving and preserving the value of life with unquestionable principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2018
You were a devoted and personable public servant, Officer Cook. The consensus figure , humble and loyal who sacrificed your honor, integrity and dignity for the health, safety and welfare of Dade County citizens. You have been recognized and revered for your efforts to save lives and strengthen the peace and unity for one and all. Never more quality of character, transparency and the resiliency of a determined soul of a gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2018
Dying with dignity is worth all the salutes of bravery, honesty and integrity. You gave your life, Officer Cook, for your friends, your comrades here in Dade County whose souls were nearly taken by a troubled man with violence on his plate. Your platter was full of tenacity, ferocity and unselfish character, style and conviction. Our peace and serenity here is the result of your propensity to search down and deep for evil and eliminate it from society. Never far from our hearts and honored so humbly for humility and values so heavenly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's exalted shelters have the effort and acumen worth more than angels. An honor roll that sadly keeps enlarging. When will this siege end?
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2018
Constellations are better to gaze at than consternation which conjures up callousness. You were a sincerely nice man, Officer Cook, a decent human being with the highest regard for life. The lives of your colleagues and those citizens of Dade County with whom you were charged with serving. Your cleverness and acumen accounted for your honorable and dignified patrols of a community that holds your brave character and commitment in a cherished manner. Nothing will bring you back sadly, at least you tried to pinpoint peace and prosperity in our midst and humanity treasures you humility and loving compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity at lease helps to intensify the effort needed to ward off evil.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2018
Losing a brave family member only conjures up those memories of a live left with more on the plateau. Your
career and work, Officer Cook, were very important to you. Revered and respected, this mutual admiration is felt worldwide. For having the dignity and inner fortitude to fight for our rights here in Dade County, there could not be a more Your humbly heroic soul of peace gave those whom you served a new lease on life and those feelings of your loss have inspired us to keep plugging along those paths of prudent proficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S.Davis
August 31, 2018
We treat all people fairly and equally. No matter their race, religion or affiliation. You gave Dade County and its folks the best of your company and protection, Officer Cook. Undying. Unwavering. Unselfish and spirited all in the name of love and respect. So now as our hero and your family's of course may you be solemnly and fondly honored for courage and character, desire and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2018
Mayhem confuses. Kayos confronts. Violence victimizes. Evil looks to eliminate the gentleness of peace and earthly harmony. During your crusades here in Dade County, Officer Cook, you allowed calmness and to have their say and the hope of mankind was constructed by you rhumble goodwill, integrity and honest dignity. Your fights over evil surely delivered prosperity to our society who won't forget the humility in your heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2018
To have decency and determination we need to look at our most esteemed and beloved of heroes and heroines battling away this wanton mayhem and violence that threatens society's yoke of yearning. You learned your lessons, Officer Cook, at home and at the police academy. No better a venue to have your honesty and integrity supporting your dignity and intuitions. A fruitful mission sadly cut short by evil from just one man alone. Your character and consideration brought the scales of justice to a higher and more humble sphere. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and commitment to excellence.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2018
When you give you get repaid many times over. But, when you sacrifice your life and career to stop evil how else can one be grateful? Believe me Dade County and its residents are thankful, Officer Cook, your honor, dignity and integrity never wavered. It was full speed ahead to bring peace and harmony to its region. Humility and humble resolve followed you your entire life and if character like yours, Officer Cook, can save lives, than no more a devout and respected gentleman of gallantry directed back at humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2018
Police must duel to battle evil. Their durability is always put to the severe test and you came up, Officer Cook with passing colors. Dade County witnessed some real life heroics on your part. All the dignity, honesty and integrity poured into your dangerous labors of esteem and valor. We surely can remember the comported and stoic man of steel will and a faithful resolve. Your humility and reserved character, Officer Cook, has been and will forevermore be so saluted. That eternal vault of valuable scruples contains the souls of those who made that ultimate sacrifice to benefit mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No matter the weather peace and harmony must be devoutly dealt with. if force is needed so be it. Obvious, peaceful outcomes are recommended for all concerned.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2018
Police must duel to battle evil. Their durability is always put to the severe test and you came up, Officer Cook with passing colors. Dade County witnessed some real life heroics on your part. All the dignity, honesty and integrity poured into your dangerous labors of esteem and valor. We surely can remember the comported and stoic man of steel will and a faithful resolve. Your humility and reserved character, Officer Cook, has been and will forevermore be so saluted. That eternal vault of valuable scruples contains the souls of those who made that ultimate sacrifice to benefit mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No matter the weather peace and harmony must be devoutly dealt with. if force is needed so be it. Obvious, peaceful outcomes are recommended for all concerned.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2018
Hot dogs, hamburgers and soda wash down the food that feeds our stomachs. Violence and evil fuel a ferocity of fire that kindles the hearts of those who set out to commit infamy. You branded good habits, work ethics and the morals, Officer Cook, that add meaning to the words, dignity, integrity and honesty. Words to live by as is the bravery to make the ultimate sacrifice as you did on behalf of Dade County. Mr. Pearsall must have had a deep seeded hatred in every bone of his body and provoked more senseless violence than ever before. Sad he had no prior police record. After what happened to you , Officer Cook and your comrades of character and humility he now surely had trouble facing him square in the face. You were a blessed man of pride and resolve which only speaks volumes humbly of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's a terrible shame you cant be enjoying this Labor Day weekend holiday with Karen and your whole family. Those heavenly fruits sure do have a blessed scent. You must keep tabs on us, Officer Cook, as your soul flies higher each and every moment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2018
A benefactor bestows charitable kindness upon the world. A public servant relished their labors of love and peace and displays the proper temper to stop the torment. Dade County had its fill of unrest, tension and terror when you patrolled its corners, Officer Cook, a terrible domestic dispute only added fuel to a man's unleashing of evil and violence. Wickedness never vindicates as it only vanquishes good from a community where unity is supposed to be shared by all. Your character, charm and commitment to both excellence and pride is sorely missed today as it has been for these last thirty-nine years since you last tragically ended your watch. Fools are those whose minds are either in the sand or gutter. The wise and reverent see a society and expect to make strides in making stability and prosperity a foundation. Always saluted for wisdom, vision and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 30, 2018
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