Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The stroke of your hands, Officer Cook, was Dade County's stoke of genius. Luck is sometimes a part of police work, though skill and talents, values and principles will take a career further along than anything else. Your system of values, ethics and effort were all the creations of your decent and honorable upbringing at home. That humble achievement was your parents responsibility, their pride and joy. Their darling heroic and humanely dedicated son whose value as a public servant was worth all the class and care we could ever dream of. Your personal concern for those whom you protected was for freedom and unity to share as one in all our journeys through life and in good health. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You took excellent care of us and God is perpetually taking good and kind care of your devoted soul of serenity, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

The devil's right hand henchmen are evil, callousness and just heinous disregard for human life. Our peace, stability, prosperity and vitality here in Dade County were brought about through your goodwill and humane honor, Officer Cook. Plain and simple. It's in the hearts of hero's like you, Officer Cook, that make the world revolve. In other words , a no more decent and deserving public servant whose dignity and integrity had to match wits with ruthless violence and the damage its intensity lets out. Peace and safety here were brought by a warrior and a servant who had the guts and gumption to battle on so long as wisdom and maturity were cemented together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your staunch character enabled you to achieve where others might not have. Building blocks, cornerstones and foundations set down by a gallant young man with a fighting spirit that will never be surpassed nor duplicated.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

Your physical being, Officer Cook, went back to the earth where you came from. Your gallantry and good grace advanced to a higher spiritual level. Our Lord, Master and Creator sees and hears the cries of all people, babies, man woman old and young and even police who need His assistance from time to time. The calls of help went out and on May 16, 1979, there you were, Officer Cook, patrolling Dade County for peace and liberty ready to lend a helping hand, Your soul was exposed to the villainous Mr. Pearsall and for your character, ideals and integrity, there was no more finer dignity being left in the streets ready to fight that awful gunfight which took you from among us. Your family and department all suffered the anguish, that gaping hole still is left in your family where hopefully time has healed some of the wounds inflicted upon their souls too. You were a good man,Officer Cook, highly honored and duly respected for heroism at its zenith. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A career and life leave undone where do we pick up the pieces and march on with our dreams and aspirations? Your beautiful soul, Officer Cook, will lead the way from the staircases to heaven where perfection meets perseverance and prudent proficiency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

To delve into dignity, devotion, decency, determination and dedication, you must first begin to swim upstream in unshakeable conduct and that includes carrying dignity, humility and honor far and wide. The winds and breath of evil seem to flourish and with that being said, all public servants must advance their wisdom, convictions and commitments to honorable scruples. Nothing better than boldness, nothing more righteous than being humble and reserved so long as we knew you always had Dade County's intentions in your golden heart, Officer Cook. You wore a pristine uniform and carried your badge of honor exceedingly jst as prescribed. No man or woman who ever served and partnered with you could say otherwise. Your character now and forever exists peacefully and without an yharm in God's throne reserved for His flock of angelic heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

Happy are those content with their lot. You were a healthy, happy and maturely humble man, Officer Cook. That alone should have kept you safe and sound. Tragically, evil conjures up other nastier thoughts. It has its own mindset and conclusion. Mr. Pearsall's ill gotten evil left your department void of your unassuming and heroic virtue and validity that you handled all your assignments with honesty and the scopes of security, integrity and dignity. You were confident in being available and able to conquer duress here in Dade County on its behalf. A cherished labor of bravery and valor always to be founded in bricks, marble, granite, whatever your good name and Badge#1664 and its yeoman work won't be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

Fishing expeditions are fun. Tourist trips are enjoyable. But, ferocity and tenacity pack that much needed one two punch to kayo bedlam and mayhem. All the fuel you don't want to ever pour over wickedness. Once it gains momentum there is no telling when it will surcease. You did really well in your battles over crime and mischief here in Dade County. Officer Cook, you were just the proper and dignified man of means and commitment to execute his roles precisely to the letter and to help rid terror from our midst. We can surely honor your dignity and integrity by placing our humility toward humanity in a position where we all gain. No worst loss than losing you at such a young age with more left to accomplish and that is left to your peers and family to continue accentuating your acumen, astuteness and the very virtues of your legacy, heroic and humble . Loyal and thoughtful, wise and full of vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

The bonds of work, the labors of love, the meaning of mettle, they all support the profound and decent work that intelligent and intuitive men and women try to produce on an everyday basis. No small task. One big challenge when attempting to keep serenity and unity, harmony and peace flowing freely. You at least performed your job, Officer Cook, skillfully and in a trustworthy manner never letting Dade County's people down. Character and conviction speak wisely of a devoted and talented young man's days and years determined to get after the roots of rotten evil whose terror spread out and never seems to let up. Until your last breath and heartbeat, you never gave up always the passion and most compassionate heart there was digging down with humble resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

Your blessed initials are all over your good work and gentle kindness, Officer Cook. Dade County fondly looks back on your life and honors your service to them. Your hopes and dreams were never dashed even though your family would rather you be with them celebrating all the good and grand moments of their successes. It was in your genes of grace and gallantry where highly treasured principles, character and the honest integrity and dignity lied. Evil was addressed by your unwavering and undying sacrifice one made possible by your stellar reputation among your professional comrades. Always saluted and never forgotten. Rest in peace neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

The scoundrels who commit cowardly acts should face the worst consequences. For actions like these our country has no place for their beings. It is in the hearts, minds and souls of the many brave and civilized individuals who risk their own lives to shelter us with peace and liberty in order for us to enjoy the fruits of our peaceful pursuits. Your career and life, Officer Cook, was noted with nobility and the fighting mettle that only honor, dignity and integrity bring. Dade County and its citizens were well taken care of by a man of courage and boldness, one whose own self humility and humane heroism will long be solemnly saluted and honored for the cherished and humble esteem for which your character and commitment stood tall during the outrages of utter ignominious violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

A fever breaks when you get better. Unfortunately, violence does not break, it bends and snaps the structure of our society that looks for some harmony and unity for all people. And here in Dade County you were the consummate protector, Officer Cook. Girded with valor and bravery, your honor, dignity and integrity were quite essential in stalling heinous and wicked actions of a troubled young man sadly bent on violating the public's trust. Your passion and compassion guide dyour roads of resolve and trails of ferocity forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and of a heroically sound heart always there to assist and to greet others with your big infectious smile.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2018

Generous and gallant, brave and bold. Your story has been told and of your tenacity there was none more than yours. You rescued your comrades and citizens from an abyss of absolute terror that fateful day of May 16, 1979. A man lost too soon whose destiny was in becoming a certifiable man of mettle. The ideals of wisdom, conviction and commitment never waned, they only became more apparent as you gracefully and humanely went out and sought justice for humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2018

Calendars were created to remember the good and not so good. We'll never need a marker to fondly honor your life and career, Officer Cook. That's for sure. Dade County takes a night to honor heroes and heroines alike whose hearts swelled with dignity and integrity in service to their communities. Your journeys helped to net violence while blanketing peace and goodwill among all mankind. Never a finer gentleman of gallantry and a man who mastered the arts of awareness, astuteness and acumen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2018

Covered by courage, dignified with desire and a hero of humility bestowed upon humanity, your missions in life, Officer Cook, saved Dade County and your department from greater harm than we could ever realize. Your character, honesty and integrity fortified your pursuits of happiness and peace while attempting to extinguish evil. A real humble and humane hero whose values and scruples matched your energy, wisdom and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 17, 2018

For all the accidents that cost a public servant their life, there has to be some remedy to correct this perplexing and serious problem. A shooting range, a bad drug deal, an ambush where an officer is killed by their partner, mistaken for a suspect, things and departments must overhaul this system so justice is meed out fairly. I do understand you have domestic situations where a couple who are police and one who is off balance comes and kills their spouse who serves the people. Here in Dade County there has been one instance of an accidental death. Your life, Officer Cook and career did not happen by chance. We the people here in Dade County were given supremely superior protection, the love and admiration of society upon your stellar and humbly heroic soul of serenity doing its job with a full barrage of boldness, bravery, loyalty and the dignity of integrity which directed humanity's peaceful navigations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2018

Shipwrecked by complacency and incompetence , police departments already have enough to worry about besides securing the safety and peace of those they serve and protect along with keeping their colleagues safe and secure. Violence does not discriminate, it goes after police, young and old, kids of all ages no matter their educational status, background or race.The creed of cold and calculating individuals is attack them and who cares so what? You gave more than your value and life, Officer Cook, defending Dade County from the throes of woe and sorrow. If only your dignity, honesty and integrity could bring you back to your loved ones and peers of resolve and character, Officer Cook, then your missions in life could continue in a gameful manner. You will always be honored for having the right stuff, heroism, humility for humanity and the ideals by which we can revere your legendary and most humble name. One day I'll have to pay a visit back to D.C. and the Police Memorial Wall of Honor where your solemn service is resting on a plaque there. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2018

The achievements of a person's life and chosen career really do accentuate the authenticity of their loyalty and due diligence to their tasks at hand. Slowly but surely peace and its reason floated humbly and quietly around the venues of Dade County. And all because of your heroics and honor, Officer Cook. A gentleman with a humane heart, a scholarly young man looking for hope and some faith among those desiring a little shelter from senseless violence. You stuck in and hammered away feverishly to maintain a code of ethics for us, the citizens who wanted to live with dreams and freedoms. All our aspirations have been firmly grounded within those cornerstones, Officer Cook, that your maturity, decency and vision helped to begin. Your wisdom and commitment poured into your labors of love and esteem for those who were besieged by bad people bent on destroying our society . And thank goodness for your unrelenting goodwill, spirit of free choice and the gallantry that graces us . You were here for twenty-five years, too short a period of time and yet they are were blessed and counted as your heavenly reward for your efforts put forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2018

The train slowly moves down the tracks of tenacity with its engines of effort, energy and efficiency blowing at full tilt. The blasts can be deafening and yet you stood in there, Officer Cook and fought like a man of honesty, integrity and dignity should do in procuring peace and decorum for all Dade County. What a welcome relief! We can stand proud and humble that a soul as treasured as yours was, Officer Cook, the good vibrations of vigilance and virtues were there to greet us daily. It is made in the hearts and souls of your good convictions that allowed happiness to prosper rather than to dowdle. It is now up to those men and women of the future to embrace the past, but to stay on course and to honor those past heroes whose feats of ferocity tried their utmost to eliminate terror, torment and torture, its turmoil can be quite revealing and nothing worse than tyranny it hits home like an anvil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2018

Things appear. They come and go. It is more difficult to wipe away the bad from our midst. You'll be remembered, Officer Cook, for your mentality and warrior mode that saved Dade County, its people and your fellow officers from more violence that nearly took them away as you sadly were from your family. Beloved and special, the Cook's were mainstays here in North MIami Beach, Florida, a community where you were raised and grew up to become the heroic of humility and of honor that bestowed the generosity of gallantry and grace upon mankind. A building block of boldness and commitment that along with your unselfish character and commitment to pride and excellence distributed desire and devotion among all persons. Our taciturn times and safe travels can be directly attributed to your actual nobility and civility whose sanctity worked wonders during your time., God took your special soul, Officer Cook, back to heaven His serene venue where you can safely patrol His golden streets and sacred pearly gates. Nothing can stop your dedication and motivation now as you are nestled with all your friends o flaw enforcement, angelic heroes and heroines of the highest regard for respect,loyalty , faithfulness and reverence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2018

There are no tricks in battling terror. You cannot just make things such as violence and wickedness disappear. The radar is hot and ready for those brave souls of valor to kick in and get rid of complacency and callousness from our society. You were a very blessed and special angel, Officer Cook, whose life passion was to become avery humble, heroic and fine public servant. Dade County lose smore when our most honest and dignified give their lives for a cause. Peace and serenity, harmony, unity and stability require the special labors of resolve, resiliency and fighting integrity. Like a ship your dignity and courtesies, Officer cook, sailed far and wide throughout Dade County rebuilding good relationships and cementing a steady foundation for future aspirations and their loyal fruitions. Never better in all aspects of acumen, awareness and alertness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Vision and wisdom were the conclusions of your cherished soul and life of careful and engaging contemplation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2018

Nuances are one thing, mettle and actions supporting your honest and sincere efforts are another matter. Your unquestionable dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, at least brought hope and goodwill to all Dade County residents looking for some peace and comfort. Evil and violence don't take timeouts, they must be aggressively dealt with and only someone of sound mind and a humbly able heart can stop this onslaught. Every ounce of morals and the fabrics of your stellar character were needed in this fight over our humane harmony. Humanity demands, public servants esteemed and courageous must answer that call. Saluted and etched into our memories. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 16, 2018

Foolishness needs to be penned up for you require ferocity along with fairness, firmness and common sense when solving crime. With so much lurking for each honest and brave soul, they already have enough craziness to get them through their shift. Dade County is and was a large responsibility for a man young and strong as you, Officer Cook. Steel plated resolve, an engaging smile to back your integrity and the dignity that you were humbly blessed with. No doubt your character and concern helped bring unity and its stabilizing effort to a community where your heroically divine soul is diligently revered and so honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2018

There can be no slipping or sliding, running nor hiding when the faces of foul play discover their senses. Their evil must be dumped and flattened like a pile of rubbish. It took your entire arsenal of resolve, resourcefulness and resiliency to eliminate a perturbing and seemingly perpetual problem that confounds, confronts and confuses us every second of our waking lives. We love joy and pleasure, happiness.peace and good health. Something you too wanted and enjoyed for a short, too short span of twenty-five years of existence in this world. Your dignity, integrity and honesty was donned and girded and shaped the world's peace and serenity here in Dade County where your mountain of character and free spirit was contagious. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Here is a clue, enhancement can only last so long as the good folks, men and women alike fight together and stay on the same page of solidarity. Authority needs more able and humbly humane leaders as you were, Officer Cook, a warrior and true hero with a big compassionate heart and spirit to match.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2018

Keep awake. Stay aware and allow acumen to actually marinate among your cunning mettle. Your means and dignity, Officer Cook, offered hope and faith to our society. Dade County's community enjoyed some peace and a respite despite the head of terror rearing its ugliness. You and your comrades, Officer Cook, equipped yourselves with various methods to deal with this sickening adversary. Our rest and resolve, peace and unity along with some sense of stability has resulted from your values, valor and vigilance that has been stoically so honored and richly and humbly remembered forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2018

Dealing with peril, danger and evil makes you wonder how on earth you can stay focused on everything from honesty, integrity and good character? Dignity, vision, wisdom and the hope that goodwill among humanity has been placed equally among all locales. Here in Dade County where your fights until the end, Officer Cook, brought sadness to your loved ones who lost their dearly beloved and brave son, brother and husband. Never easy and never will be getting over the anguish while grieving your terrible loss. A gaping crater that if that were a tooth would cause a toothache of gigantic proportions. Conviction and intelligence spaced out far and wide where tranquility and the humble beats of boldness and bravery can blow their horns. You were the quintessential man of action, the gentleman of nobility and the civility by which sanctity can function. You achieved more in twenty-five years than most do in a full lifetime of honest endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's your undying and unassuming professional character that seized the day and saved your colleagues from further violence as well as the civilians that day embroiled in a bitter domestic dispute.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2018

Everyday is like that big reunion when everyone collaborates and conjures up thoughts on plans of action to defeat the deafening sounds of destruction and violence. Since a police officer's first job is to maintain dignity and authority over a scene, it goes to reason that keeping proper morals, integrity and honor can surely help collapse violence and keep residents secured from harm's way. For six years, Officer Cook, it worked wonders here in Dade County. Destroying doom and promoting prosperity was a mainstay of your career, your young life should not have been heinously taken away from your family and comrades. Your sense of boldness, Officer Cook, helped make our landscape more appealing and your unselfish sacrifice allowed us to move forward constructively with our dates of destiny and their devoted missions.God took your humble journeys and ferried them to a place high atop those beautiful mountains where the souls of His gathering of valor resides for eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 15, 2018

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