Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The vines of virtue swing to the tunes of vigilance and the virtuoso of protecting that you were known for, Officer Cook. Dade County's ever present messenger of mettle dealing hope and goodwill among its cherished citizens. Cant forget your unasumingand unselfish bravery and boldness developed as a youngster under the tutoring of your parents. Our mothers and fathers share in our good and not so good times. Combining sanity and civility, the sanctity and humility of the streets was under your watchful eyes and control, Officer Cook, where clarity and vision, ,wisdom and acumen lied. Our enrichments, enhancements and individual feats may march onward because of your undying sacrifice to better prepare us for the future. One that would be more lit if your physical being were among us. Yes, your spirit and soul, Officer Cook, does hover above shining its countenance down where its effects will be more welcomed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

No subtle hints were needed when you patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook. Substantial gains were made when peace and freedom, unity and safety were brought to each household. The humble hero, beloved and adored by his family, colleagues and close personal friends from all over the United States paid a fond tribute to your ferocity and those spark plugs of sensational work. Your honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, spelled doom for those waiting to commit wanton acts of violence and bloodshed. Our devotions, hopes and aspiration shinged on your humility and kindness that you blessed our society with. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The straw that stirred the drink so to speak. Carried to heaven with class, decency and character, Our Lord's fortress is full of humanity and the loving humbleness bravery offers a glimpse of.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

Screaming and yelling only creates more commotion. What is needed are brave and bold souls of resolve to get in there and down to the basics of bringing peace and security to our region. Dade County was your domain of respect and reverence, Officer Cook, a place you and your loved ones including your beloved, Karen called home. The seeds of a man or woman's labor's bare those fruits of fruition that sooner or later become more valuable. What stays with a wise and diligent man is his humility, honor and dignity. This integrity helps to seize the moment and take away wickedness. You had the morals, gumption and grace my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. Character and class now and for eternity head that honor roll of angels. Brave and strong, unique and exceptional. They bolstered society's hopes and goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

Drowning in sorrow only delays the difficult recovery from ;losing a beloved family member. Those days and nights of anguish and grief can be quite consuming. Your department and family, Officer Cook, did not get to say a proper and fitting goodbye. Their lives and dreams, inspirations were temporarily placed on hold while they said a goodbye and farewell at your Inspector's Funeral three days later. Dade County has had to deal with losses all these decades later when their hero was struck down in his prime of life. Your desire and dignity, fortitude and intensity where you gave your career and life, Officer Cook, are still there, a bit changed a little. For having honesty and integrity may your blessed and loyally treasured name receive its heavenly reward from Our Creator who instilled sound character and proficient principles within your golden heart of consideration and hope. Stability and tranquility ar enow and always paired as one never leaving the other's side. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

Don't stop to believe. Pause and ponder the ramifications of resolve and resiliency pouring themselves into grand resourcefulness. You put out quite a lot of fires, hotspots in Dade County, Officer Cook, with your courage and commitment to pride and excellence still and forever wisely intact. A gentleman of vision and the acruity to face good old hard earned peace and stability must be formly and memorably saluted. Something to speak of your beloved instincts, integrity and the humbleness that dignity and intellect bring to the tables of tenacity while addressing tyranny and evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

Friends forever and until the end , Officer Cook, you provided Dade County residents with every last ounce of your energy, breath and heroism. The brave and bold, they battle adversaries who mean what they mean. Their damage spread far and wide and your good character, honor and noble integrity and dignity forged a unique bond with everyone. Your untimely death, Officer Cook, has not severed the good relations and goodwill humanely enhanced by your vision and wisdom. Its affects are still being today even as your serenely valiant soul passes by. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Doze when it's time to sleep. Devote and dedicate when duty and conviction call from humanity's top branch.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that right is a part of civilization's mantra. Teaching right and doing right are certainly two separate things. Integrity and intelligence, intuition and ingenuity are as important as good common sense and the wisdom of vision, dignity and honesty. How on earth can one devoted young man chase after peace turning wickedness in wonderful welcoming harmony if character and certain moral traits are absent from the picture? You were surely, Officer Cook, a deserving young man who followed your dreams and tried to set Dade County and its citizens up forever in stability. Trust, faith and goodwill shares in those humble burdens. It still is up to each recruit to carry their own weight. This community, this nation, this society has an obligation to provide a tranquil setting for the people living here, you did that, Officer Cook, humble and heroically admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2018

Thunder, lightning , terror and larceny. All in a day, afternoon and evening of eventful moments. Your days, Officer Cook, were occupied with seizing evil and replacing it with some good old fashioned peace and stability for mankind. Our society beckons for right and wrong is not a part of civilization mantra. Your love and labors, Officer Cook, remain a vital part of your heroic legacy as will your sincerity and humble nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Decisions. Decisions. We all most be proactive in this never ending callousness and heinousness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2018

The straight and narrow is through the roads of resolve and bravery. try and get the job done properly the first time around. Never let complacency spin you around. You were a top level officer, Officer Cook, candid and careful, concerned and courageous. The A through Z's of the alphabet were mastered succinctly by your sheer will power and goodwill to spread serenity and liberty around the corners of Dade County. Mankind dreams, you accomplished your goals and hopes for a better today and tomorrow one a little more uneasy due to your most tragic absence. But for having character, conviction and commitment, may humanity's humbleness serve as our everlasting motivation as we chase after the boundaries of tranquility and liberty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2018

Consumed by desire. Painted with perseverance. Penned with prudence. Refined by resourcefulness and resolve. Better to keep chugging on in humble honesty and the central themes of tenacity and unwavering and unending dignity and integrity, it offers more resistance against the retributions of violence and it never ceasing terror. You took care of your professional business, Officer Cook, here in Dade County as a true and trusted hero. Responsible character, resounding commitment at least with decency and scruples can better protect and administer peace and unity than someone not up to snuff on serenity and the basics of law enforcement. You will always be treasured for loyalty and consideration from bottom to top, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2018

Scheming and plotting, evil people sit and methodically think about how to unravel our gloriously peaceful society. You learned, trained and were super diligent in your endeavors, Officer Cook, to have Dade County stay safe and sound. If courage and dignity can carry honor an d bravery over the top of the mountain, then integrity can surely stand tall against the brazen who look to desecrate those decent and desirable folks. Your missions, journeys and destinies were all around our community, one that so reveres and salutes your humanely humble and gallant name. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I tall begins in earnest when your badge is pinned on your chest of concern and wisdom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2018

Age and youth are no always so relevant so long as the honesty, integrity and dignity fall in with bravery and the humble composure you need as a public servant. Dade County saw your maturity and mettle, Officer Cook, as steady as your resolve and clever character. It is always needed when trying to rest calm and harmony to a community asking for this. Always so heroic and loyal, humane and steeped in humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enrichment and enhancement carry with them an awesome burden that hopefully our officers of today can keep next to them.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2018

Cheating on a test is totally wrong. Copycatting one's ideas are a little questionable, but don't all public servants have to behave the same? The answer is yes they should endeavor to maintain honor, have relentless resolve and a fighting spirit. Keep law and order by virtue of having a certain humane dignity and wisdom strapped to their waistband and badge. For all the terror and kayos you were accounted for, Officer Cook, here in Dade County roaming the streets for some relief and tranquility. Nerves become frayed and than no telling what might happen. You accentuated and achieved more, Officer Cook, during your walking of the pavement to promote mercy and faith among us. You demonstrated compassion so should we all. You had pride and fortitude, so shall we . Only the best are now and for eternity kept safe from harm's way. Your fellow angels, Officer Cook, up there in the shiny lights of God's palace sharing their humbleness and boldness with one another. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your life of twenty-five years were of renewal and sanctification, a civility and nobility not always seen clearly nowadays.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2018

Plant s thrive better when nurtured. Police strive to be better as defenders when nourished with morals and the mettle of good honorable work. Right from their heart of gold and the good graces of integrity and dignity forming a one two bonding used to vanquish evil. Dade County was under your watchful youth, Officer Cook, twenty-five years old and a proven veteran at leading others through the storms of strife and adversity. Never forgotten and always the soundest of character and morals. Nothing but truth and trust not a falsehood nor fable. Humility and humanity were paired together as you and Reserve Officer LIncoln were partnering as one team on that terrible day, Officer Cook, when your pathways in life were stopped by a crazed young man's outrage against our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2018

Nothing more foolish than a person's own stupidity and nothing better than one dignified and humbly honest young man battling with all his energy on Dade County's behalf. We request loyal and friendly protection and we got the full tank of tenacity, gallantry and the acumen that integrity and dignity bring forth. Your commitment and conviction, Officer Cook, were of heroic proportions and for us having harmony and prosperity may you gentle and beautiful soul of safety be extra blessed as we honor by a stellar salute your bravery, unwavering and unselfish in sacrificing for our happiness and aspirations to continue taking fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A diary a day helps bring everlasting humility your way, Officer Cook, a hero and a savior whose colleagues won't forget your wisdom, maturity and visions of a brighter tomorrow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2018

Determination helps to overcome problems. Dedication when applied to the surface of dilemmas assists in resolving conflict. Your authority and stewardship, Officer Cook, embraced the likes of which Dade County will not see again. Our ways of life and hope through your honest goodwill has kept terror at bay all these decades later. Nothing simple about integrity and dignity launching themselves at the rages of atrocity. You'll be well remembered and so richly honored, Officer Cook, for common sense, humility and the motivation to lead other men and women brave and humble into danger.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2018

Mortality is something we all look at. At some point in time your life of service, Officer Cook, met its challenges and your mettle was as good if not better than your experience and efficiency. Honor and dignity, integrity and values surely beat humiliation and disgrace , your uniform and badge worked in unison to shield us here in Dade County from any awful turmoil that struck. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One hundred years from today you'll still be humbly honored and gracefully saluted for virtue and courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2018

Direct honor to a humble location and it will likely come back and pay dividends many times over. Your protection and service on Dade County's behalf took terror and wickedness away from its citizens. Your character and humility, Officer Cook, greeted the people with that same cheerful attitude and acumen that graced our society. Integrity and ingenuity took your career and life's pursuits down those happier roads. A shame you could not be here to witness all these changes that came about through your civility and serene passions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2018

Desire and dedication deserve humane salutes of dignity and valor. How else can peace and unity be realized without the honest efforts of men and women like yourself, Officer Cook? Dade County and its people corroborated what we already knew/ That values, morals and principles do take a career far down their lines of character, commitment and enhancement. You were truly one amazing man, Officer Cook, gifted and concerned, blessed with humility and integrity to fight off the affects of violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2018

Those who succeed in desire surely enrich our world. Their wealth is in bravery, honor and the very dignity that keeps us safe. Your trials and travels, Officer Cook, took you around Dade County where peace and serenity was sheltered by your humble and heroic presence. Never again can we be safe as when you patrolled. Your absence and character certainly have been most missed during these times of strife and evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2018

Heroism, honesty and mettle morph into bravery . It cannot be mentioned in any other humble and modestly dignified fashion. The truth is you were one reliable and trusted servant, Officer Cook, humanely sure and loyally confident in all your abilities to bolster Dade County's peace of mind, safety, security and the serenity that harmony and unity deliver as one. Your family and friends, comrades and anyone who knew you saw the excellency in your efficiency and performance put forth to save lives and that my friend is your legacy spot on. Diligence and commitment are equal nobility and humility given back to humanity. We praise the Lord for your blessed name and God fearing soul of reputation and distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

Treachery lies in those terrains filled with strife and terror. Humility, honor and a labor of love must fill the air with dignity, character and integrity if all is to be set right. You proudly served Dade County and their folks, Officer Cook, devoutly, desirably and very doggedly never letting evil get a running start. Once that occurs, it is off to the resolve and resourcefulness to utilize whatever mechanisms are there to dispose of this dastardly being. Its wings of wickedness are so spread out, it takes the entire effort of a department to conquer its advances. You are and were a very spiritual man, Officer Cook, your faith, goodwill and mercy never wavered once during your watches over us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

Terrible things need not be terminal. Terror and torment have remedies to fix what ails us. Good old fashioned honest and loyal police. And because of your unselfish resiliency and reverence for your position of trust, Officer Cook, God has helped take care of Dade County and its residents all these years later as you watch from a prime spot reserved for sage and visionary heroes. All you have to do, though it's an awesome responsibility is to patrol these pearly gates. We believe your wisdom, honor and dignity will assist your integrity in safeguarding those who need protection and security. The classic humble and heroic character and commitment to both pride and excellence that was superbly donned. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

Books are for those whose thirst for knowledge is unquenchable. A crook does not need much to succeed in their endeavors to make life worse for our society. Life during your time, Officer Cook, was pretty well here in Dade County except for that tragic day of infamy when you gave your life and soul in order to halt evil. The rash actions of a deranged man put you and your department in the cross hairs of his callous and inhumane activities. No better a man of distinction and the wisdom of integrity and dignity to stop dead in his tracks of terror. You gave your all, humility, civility and the sanctity of life by at least providing peace and quiet for those wanting to prosper and to pursue happiness. Good traits and character can make those adjustments that need to be made to preserve and to protect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

I don't look at police work as an odyssey. It may be an adventure going out there and trying your utmost to secure peace and whatever else combines to make stability as good as it gets. Dade County was under siege from tensions racial and on that lousy and terrible day a domestic incident in which three Metro-Dade Officers were shot by a crazed and wicked man. Your life had reason, Officer Cook and so did it contain integrity, honor and desire that made your travels more valuable. So versatile and full of vigor, a life gone before anyone could offer a goodbye. They came to your Inspector's Funeral on May 19th to say so long to a man of virtuous character, the composure of courage, the wisdom that only humility can bring to a hero so loved and cherished. Seconds are all cowards require to commit wanton acts of vile and terror. You were a terrific human being, Officer Cook, solemnly honored and never out of sight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2018

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