Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Partake in your latte before work and then buckle in and get ready for a tall order. Everyday challenges the ingenuity, intuition and intelligence of everyone out there protecting life and limb. Dade County no question was under the siege of one sick human being who needed help. You came, Officer Cook, to that scene and tried to calm him have him give up. Never happened. Your hope and character were indeed placed in harm's way along with your creed of courage and honor to maintain dignity and integrity while all along enhancing society. Humanity praises you for sincere humility and the gumption that comes from having certain mantras as instilled by God in your soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 5, 2018

Cannon balls shoot out of their receptacles and no one knows where they might land. What must come from the hearts and souls of brave servants is honor, dignity and the integrity in knowing at the end of your watch your gave your best effort. You certainly did, Officer Cook and we the citizens of Dade County could not be any prouder of your heroic actions and humane gestures of gallantry and civility. Your character and ideals were sewn into the threads of your uniform of unwavering and unselfish commitment a sacrifice worth forever saluting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 5, 2018

Feats of brilliance are one thing. A reminder though, stay humble and virtually honest and success may follow you. Your ferocity and tenacity here in Dade County on our behalf, Officer Cook, spared lives and brought the comforting tones of serenity and safety to all. Mankind is indebted to your service and dignity which because of your heroism and humility is forever remembered. The warrior of wisdom and vision whose mettle and tasks of resolve have been cherished by your family and close comrades. A man of nobleness who represented himself and his department with all the desire, decency and class befitting his principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 5, 2018

You gave your life, Officer Cook, in the name of justice and honor. All the sentimental reasons why you were loved by your family and devoted to you peers of respect and relevance. The resiliency, efficiency and proficiency you displayed on behalf of Dade County was most humane, humble and heroic. The caliber of your honesty, integrity and dignity forged better relationships, fostered goodwill among our society and breached those walls where abomination looked to strike its ugliness. No better character and courage, Officer Cook, that helped to build skyscrapers of serenity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mettle that matched wits with wickedness. Humanity found its priceless gem of a gentleman so gallant and composed. Your passing left a sour taste in our mouths and a gaping hole in our hearts that hopefully time will find its process of healing.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2018

Every public servant who wears a uniform and badge is supposed to be vigilant and honest. No half efforts and surely no laziness when violence preys on those less fortunate. We all prayed you would pull through that day of May 16, 1979, Officer Cook. A day of heroic proportions here in Dade County all special , humble, heroic and unique. For your character and clout along with tremendous tenacity and integrity assisted greatly in the search for some harmony and togetherness. Surely, Our Maker's books and ledgers record those solemn deeds of action as He welcomes those women and men of mettle and strength to an eternal home like no other. Only the best of kindness, courtesy and well earned praises for humanity's quest to march on fruitfully and faithfully. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Introspection gets a grand goodbye at any Inspector's Funeral. Yours, Officer Cook, was your final sendoff before facing a much more challenging task, protect those streets above with all your fellow angels. A legitimately humble honor roll.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2018

Women and men of honor and character don't spend their precious moments bantering among themselves. Because their tenacity and dignity does their speaking and its inbred in their integrity to continue to fight with your might over peace and safety. Bonds that don't bend nor snap. Here in Dade County, Officer Cook, your resolve and effort shielded many from peril and you cannot ever be forgotten for the cherished respect you garnered from your peers and a loving family who gave their love done's soul to this nation for twenty -five years, six of those spent toiling and navigating for nastiness and replacing it with goodwill, faith and cooperation among mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A coward is a rat that scurries around. The man that took your life, Officer Cook, would not have known intestinal fortitude from aptitude and attitude. A rotten apple who got what he deserved for coldly taking your life, Officer Cook and nearly those of your admired and brave colleagues of humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2018

Observations are fine. It is speculation that can run wild. And surely we don't want to overtax one's brain with postulation. Your mind and body, Officer Cook, were as sharp as a tack and so therefore Dade County and its people were always in excellent hands. Gentle but firm. Loyal and devout. Humble and honest. Dignified with a wealth of integrity, it's the ingenuity and wisdom that enabled your humility to serve and to protect our liberty and freedoms to pursue happiness. We take time to reflect and to look back on your staunch character, commitment to pride and outstanding work that saved countless lives and made our community better because of your unselfishness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When warding off evil, action surely silences the gospel and empty talk of chatter.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2018

I meant to say that to leave your mark upon society is not only priceless but humane and heroic as well. Rhetoric is just conversation. Action out weighs talk which is cheap unless it produces some positive affect. Society cries out for hope and serenity and you delivered those goods of value to Dade County residents, Officer Cook. Man thinks and God laughs. Our Creator welcomed your honor and esteem, loyalty and reverence into His house of dignity and integrity. Badge #1664 had that and every bit of solid character and stellar commitment gracing those pavements of resolve and justice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2018

The will to survive becomes tougher as those battles over adversity get more difficult. At least here in Dade County you tried, Officer Cook, to maintain a semblance of decorum. Even with the best of training and God given skills, dignity and honor applied to integrity still are tough to match. The citizens were fortunate to have a man of uncompromising values guarding their backs and homes. Wisdom, maturity and vision deserve extra special care as does humility and civility. You can believe, Officer Cook, that your memory and heroism will be righteously honored and dearly saluted for bravery and gallantry unlike anything else. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2018

To leave your humble mark upon society is not priceless, it very heroic and humane. Your career an d life, Officer Cook, was centered on courage and focused on ferocity and the sheer determination to provide Dade County with goodwill and its serenity where it rightfully belonged. All thanks to your humility and honor splitting up with dignity and integrity. What I mean is they followed you, Officer Cook, along with your well mannered character which accentuated your morals and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2018

A genius is a person whose IQ may be higher than most. Though police work does not take a rocket scientist, it does take stamina and acumen pinned together with virtues and valid truth and honesty, the kind of dignity that follows integrity its leader on its calls. Your community of Dade County, Officer Cook, cherished your life and career where you knew right from wrong. And by having certain criteria you were to maintain safe passages for all concerned. No more finer a human being, humble and autere, nurturing and not naive. You can be sure, Officer Cook, we will always pay homage to your blessed soul. Its difference helped to channel peace where it ought to belong. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those pillars of perseverance have been laid down and will stand as straight as you did in accomplishing your central tasks.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2018

To be recognized as an icon you must be a stable of dignity, humility and the integrity that honors our world by your most humblest of feats. And only by authority in leadership can humanity judge one's achievements. You were a humble hero, Officer Cook, blessed by a bountiful family and a collection of comrades as respected and admired as yourself, Officer Cook. Nothing in public service is ever easy, the difficulty of reigning in evil as no small potatoes. It can be a time bomb waiting to explode and that day you sacrificed your humane character was a day never to be forgotten. A generously great man was lost while fulfilling his aspiration to make us safer and stronger. Harmony and tranquility look to drop their hammers of quiet upon the loudness of maliciousness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Justice will someday be served and wars shall cease to exist. All people will live prosperously and in sanctity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2018

Our hearts beat with joy. They get filled with torment, pain and sorrow when a loved one is rudely and viciously taken from our midst. The day will arrive and your family, Officer Cook, will see you again. The anguish of your tragic loss still lays like a pit in our throats cutting off our air supply. You tried to stop the destinies of a wayward man spinning out of control here in Dade County. Every ounce of your remarkable bravery, boldness, dignity, integrity and honor was purposefully utilized in this battle to cage his rage. A most note worthy hero of humbleness and the esteem of a community for your undying humility, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2018

Transportation takes us from place to place and from point A to point B. In Dade County the four corners are NE, NW, SE and SW and every living being who wears a pristine uniform and a shiny badge has a central obligation to secure and find bad while sheltering our unities and freedoms in a resourceful manner. All in your day of reckoning, Officer Cook, a celebrated man of honesty, vigor and the virtues of valor, vision and dignity from being bestowed with a very special gift of humility crucial in your humble battles over wickedness. Nothing spoke finer words than your unassuming character and unselfish mettle. We can be sure your heroic name is always for its solemn job performance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The clothes, the name and the language were all the complete package of perseverance and never a wasted moment

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2018

Eagles soar up in the skies above. And so does the immortal souls of our most bravest and beloved of heroes and heroines. God never leaves their sides for having taken on a role of reverence that can truly not be repaid. Your duties in Dade County, Officer Cook, were not just driving around looking for serenity, they were to keep violence away and to allow sanctity into our most humblest of homes. Now your honesty, dignity and wisdom by which your integrity stood has been most welcomed into Our Lord's most enchanted of homes. Character and humility are not just heavenly dreams, they are now and forever the earthly conduits by which your soul of mercy and compassion shall protect those peaceful gates of gallantry and where grace is all good.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2018

Bravery needs no introduction. Only the humble salutes of honor and treasured heroism to see us through forevermore. You tracked deceit and evil with the nose of a man on a journey, Officer Cook. Vigilant and valiant, your desire and dignity here in Dade County will be honored and etched upon our hearts and souls. It meant the world to share you with us for twenty-five years. Thank you to the Cook, Wilkerson and Tidwell Families for this very special gentleman of accomplishment whose career provided more stability than we could ever imagine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend an d hero. With your caliber of commitment and character, Officer Cook, those eternal gates will never shut. Honored men and women serve now an even more important role. Pearly and peering. The view from those green gardens look more breath taking than ever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2018

Guts and fortitude put the stamp of resolve and resourcefulness back into integrity and honor. It's the only way dignity can function during a public servant's career of stardom. Your toiling in Dade County on our behalf, Officer Cook, made us better equipped to live more serenely and in peace. In the Hebrew language, peace means complete and so sad your missions of decency and character had to end that hot and sunny May 16, 1979 day. Your soul encircles our very world you protected, Officer Cook, so gracefully, with great humility to honor a humble hero forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2018

God's perpetual glory shines down upon your soul of compassion and faith, Officer Cook. It really does and of brave and honorable heroes and heroines who made that ultimate sacrifice on behalf of Dade County and the entire world. A society still smarting from chaos and the mischief of violence. Who better and more equipped than you and your peers to see justice and harmony resting together. Certainly, dignity and integrity branch out their wings of respect as do wisdom and vision. All given in the blessed name of Our Creator and Deliberator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A fetish for ferocity coupled with a tinge of tenacity meant evil had better look out. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2018

Crash, bang and boom, the words destruction and terror bring. Brave, bold and honest are the fairly mundane ways to conquer this epitome of evil. And you served your time here in Dade County, Officer Cook, with much deliberation and desire as anyone. You held together our peace and unity as humbly and heroically as ever and your colleagues saw genuine love and admiration you had for your position of responsibility where character and commitment to excellence and pride really mattered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2018

A bore is one thing. Boldness and bravery are the two heads of honesty and dignity as they strive to serve the duels roles during wars over wickedness. And joining them in the streets is integrity which all men and women must possess in order to have an edge over this unrelenting fight over violence. You were vigilant in Dade County and its folks, Officer Cook, make no mistake. Your goodwill and efficiency yielded the results of character and its unselfish resolve. One day terror will stage its last battle and those curtains and lights will be extinguished forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Values, ideals and scruples help to seize the day whenever duress hits those venues. Of course, your partners politeness, consideration and courtesy were part of your vocabulary when navigating as well. A great man. A more humble and humane hero and human being!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2018

Partying and drinking in excess is bad. Persevering and patrolling for crime over and beyond the calls of duty is not. You never needed prodding, Officer Cook, as you were that reliable professional always encouraging your fellow sister or brother to greater heights. Since haste makes waste, better to ascribe to the heavens for God's open ended honesty which you possessed in your missions to keep peace and harmony here as a staple. Dade County would have been worse without you that day, Officer Cook and thirty-nine long years later we are a little less safer because of your absence. It can only make your family's heart and that of your peers grow fonder. That humane and noble character accentuating all we strive in life to achieve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2018

Determination leads to dedication and the devotion that one's own sacrifice demands. Your work and ethics, Officer Cook, only reinforced how good a police officer here in Dade County you were. You stood toe to toe and face to face with real evil. The violence of that man yelled loudly for assistance and you were present to back up your comrades saving them and those who you loyally watched over. A genuine soul of a man, so gallant and honorable, your integrity and dignity is what keeps the morale of a department at a high level. No wonder you were able to motivate and lead others through their trenches of tyranny. Always reserved and revered, respected and humbly resolute. Humanity received the finest attention during your all too short career in public service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family, Officer Cook, can look back with pride and cherish your memory. One heroic hero of a warrior.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2018

It is hard to retract that which has escaped to the streets. They can be very cold and calculating or they can be taciturn and stable. Your job, Officer Cook, was to resolve and to stop this sinister man from committing more mayhem and to bring a peaceful resolution with all your might and fighting muscle. Mettle and honesty have meaning and so does dignity and integrity as every last ounce helps during moments or hours of calamity. Dade County was never better than when you scoured its venues, Officer Cook, with your unassuming and humane humility. Heroic and loyal to the highest degree. The breath of your commitment and the way you donned your badge and uniform signaled better days ahead for your community. Bravery and boldness stake their claims to the posts of wisdom and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2018

Democracy is what our country demands. Evil demands attention too. Those humble and treasured souls who patrol our communities allow us the chance at real freedom and the opportunity to channel our passions into happiness. Your life, Officer Cook, gave you that humbly rewarding chance to make Dade County safer again. Never will there a man of hope and goodwill putting the puzzles of peace and stability together as you so faithfully did, Officer Cook. Humanity salutes and so richly honors your humility and the tests that God instills in a person's being of dignity and integrity, its genuine ingenuity to see your wars over error until Our Master needed your radiance and resolve revolving around the sun, moon and earth. A job well done. Character never finer. Heroism stands firm today as it did thirty-nine years ago.Long ago and very tragic indeed! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2018

Back in your day, Officer Cook, there was no social media. No twitter, instagram, my space and facebook blowing up with immense coverage. You had a spokesperson who relayed information to the general public at large. You did your job as well as any reliable and honest brave soul could. Never a misunderstanding or lack of attention to detail. When violence threatens us as it di in Dade County, integrity and dignity from excellent character and principles are to be justly applied. Every situation is unique and challenging, you gave, Officer Cook, your precious soul for prosperity and perseverance to take us down those tracks where tenacity knows its way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2018

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