Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Police get pulled in every different direction. From side to side do they slide and attempt to secure the public safety and the peaceful harmony that should exist in the world. You were the ultimate savior here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Those twenty-five years of experience and maturity really did serve you and the citizens
well. Excellence in endeavor, decent values and the common causes of honesty, bravery and the integrity that steered your dignity to where evil needed to be curtailed. A man and a legend of a supreme hero bounded by the bonds of boldness and the principles of humility, sanctity and the sanity to go out and search for some unity. It bands us together as all people should while pursuing their happiness and chosen careers in life. Never more blessed and in heaven, Officer Cook, is where your toughest eternal tasks lie. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2018

Rural, metropolitan, wherever there is a need police must step in and preserve the very living integrity of life. Times change, people change, the case is there for prosperity and peace without violence. Here in Dade County where you patrolled faithfully and with great humility, Officer Cook, it was your life and effort being placed into your labors of love. The honest, decent and humane hero in you, Officer Cook, trying his utmost to restore order after a man bent on evil shattered the hopes and fruition you had left to fulfill. It says plenty of your character and courage to convictions of dedication and the desire to make circumstances right again. Humanity received its loyalty and unwavering support from you, Officer Cook, this world and your family's beloved and darling warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2018

Back in the day things just went on. Business was conducted as usual. Police conduct their affairs in the fervent hope of bringing safety and serenity to their areas of watch. Your aspirations, Officer Cook, became a stark reality as you were a fine public servant, ever so vigilant and determined to protect Dade County and its residents to the very best of your abilities. Heroic. Humane. Reserved. Resilient. The man of mettle and morals that more men and women brave and capable must possess. Never forgotten and saluted for valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2018

Rhetoric is just that. Reality strikes hard and sometimes never lets up. Dade County has witnessed its ups and downs. You replenished and restored peace and harmony, Officer Cook, through honor and the good senses of dignity and integrity. It makes evil stand up and back away a little gingerly. But, your character, kindness and the boldness of commitment made your humble nature and its humility more respected which of course you were and always cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2018

The brilliance of boldness balances out the ferocity of one's own faith. Your preservation over this community of Dade County, Officer Cook, has led to newer advances. Newer structures and a renowned sense of enhancement. For our unity and tranquility, Officer Cook, nothing finer than your stoic mannerisms of mettle, honor, integrity and God's presence of dignity in your beloved soul. An achiever whose astuteness and fortitude was of humane and humble giving. Always solemnly remembered and given an honorary salute for unselfish gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2018

Silence sounds eary. So too does the unprovoked absence of a loved one. The family must summons the strength and courage to carry on. Dade County as are all communities indebted to their superior public servants. Their loyalty and esteem never wanders nor does their tenacity when trouble presents itself. Officer Cook, your tour of duty was founded on the good practices of principles and the understanding of what it takes to possess sound integrity and dignity. They get utilized a lot and so does courage and wisdom inits fight over tyranny. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2018

Rational runs parallel just as humility runs side by side of honor and heroism. Surely too does integrity and dignity race together to add help to lend credence to any calls of work. There can be no fun and games while peril and fear are out there hanging us in the balance, caught in the hairs of horror. Your attempts to calm, Officer Cook, led your trails of tenacity and drove your whole life and police career with more left behind sadly for other brave souls to undertake. If peace and harmony are forever to share i in the goodness of mankind, then somehow violence must be disposed off as quickly as possible. Dade County lives in peace for the most part and there can be no questions regarding your proficient character and commanding leadership of other valiant men and women. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones don't bounce off walls, they stayed bonded and sealed in the cracks and crevices forever. Your contribution, Officer Cook, to the reshaping and authority that gets the point. We appreciated you and your heroism, unwavering and unquestionable.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2018

Police work is about serving and saving lives. It's not about prestige, pomp and circumstance. Situations arise that need tending to and your unwavering and unselfish endeavor poured forth on Dade County's behalf, Officer Cook, made all the difference in our community. Never a hesitation or qualm, you just applied your skills, values and honesty to bring forth lasting resolution and resolve through deliberation and dedication to duties that called. Heroes and heroines are supposed to be loyal ,faithful and exceedingly humble, your humility, Officer Cook, earned that extra special salute of salvation and valor. Our Master's extra perfect lair exists with a foundation of fever pitch ferocity, nobleness and accentuated vision, wisdom and commitment to see these brave souls through until God called them home for eternity to watch over our futures of law enforcement patrolling our land, sea and air. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Of course, we can shed tears of sorrow for these untimely losses to our framework of humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2018

Ingenuity and intuition are indicators of intelligence and the articulation of acumen and awareness through dignity and honor. Your badge and uniform spelled out your roles and assignments here and around Dade County, Officer Cook. The good men and women chasing after terror torment and distress, two factors that influence whether or not harmony and freedom are able to co-exist wit hone another. Your character, humility and sanity constituted your convictions to righting a ship and procuring peace and prosperity for the good of mankind and humanity. Only the best of intentions and maturity to see your journeys in life through until the end. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you undertook an undaunting task and treasured your opportunities to make us safe and sound. A loyal servant saluted for conducting yourself in a proper professional manner always. Only true reliability, resiliency and resourcefulness made your days and nights seem a bit nicer.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2018

Most officers are polite, sweet and sincere and yet for all this honor, they still wear a giant bullseye on their sleeves of justice and fairness. They have a most difficult challenge confronting them daily, danger, peril, violence and hatred that sometimes causes undue bloodshed and the loss of life. Dade County and its people dealt with adversity before you, Officer Cook and way after your untimely passing. For some the reasons are never any clearer. It's clarity's way of calling us over to the sideline for a little conversation. Officer Cook, trouble and unrest beckoned your calling that tragic day and for all your humility, outstanding effort, dignity and integrity, where did society go wrong? God knows the answer and your heavenly soul of serenity is always above us day or night floating gracefully overhead looking down on your family, comrades and friends. One day they will reunite with you and your wonderful character and caring commitment to pride and excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2018

Dereliction and truancy cannot be tolerated by any department. Its bravest and most honorable of heroes and heroines must have that stellar integrity and dignity affixed to their buttons, badges and uniforms of resolve and humility. Your appreciation for Dade County, Officer Cook, made your patrols more meaningful and enhancing, no doubt. Our harmony, unity and stabilization all came about by your rationalizations and common sense that wisdom, maturity and vision clarify. Society still deals with evil and terror, you were one of the many morally righteous men out there doing your job in a yeoman like way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2018

Your undying integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, brought along the fervent hope that peace and its beauty would remain a stabile here forever in Dade County where you served very humbly. It was your humility and honest character that dug deeper in this never ending war over violence. The sadness, shame and tragedy is that your life was taken by this evil young man depressed and demon like. Never forgotten and always so honored for bravery in the trenches. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Tenacity in heaven is the ferocity of the pious. Keep looking down on us and your beloved family members.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2018

Fascination is our very own imagination telling us something interesting. Your pursuits here in Dade County were everything they were meant to be. God awful what happened to you while out there serving and preserving the integrity and dignity of life. A real honest and fairly faithful servant until the end. We still cling to our hopes and dreams, yours, Officer Cook, were robbed and snuffe dout by violence of the most heinous kind. I'll bet your family is doing as well as can be expected under these circumstances. You placed peace on earth and solidarity amongst the serenity at our doors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courage draws that bond of conviction even closer now and for achieving you will be supremely and humbly rewarded by Our Creator. Great job Officer Cook! A hero's hero and a special true warrior forevermore!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2018

The words of wisdom are of welcome relief. The wonderful kindness and charitable humility you displayed, Officer Cook on behalf of Dade County's citizens. A courageous and bold man, a servant of God summoning up the fortitude and honesty to battle wickedness and its own brand of diabolical destruction. You can reckon and be sure that your integrity and scruples, Officer Cook, will be eternally remembered. You sir, my neighbor, friend and hero had all the charisma and charm, so engaging with that big bright smile now all up in heaven facing us as you reap what you sowed in serenity and in peace for mankind. Passions and compassion go perfectly as a one two duo. You cannot leave home for your destinies without some humane humility. Humanity had its calls of duty answered by your suave and sensational work habits. Rest in peace in the glorious glow of Our Maker's fortress of eternal exquisiteness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2018

Sailing off into the sunset would have been nice. Retirement would have been mighty something, Officer Cook. Twenty-seven or so years of honest and loyal service to Dade County folks. Unfortunately, six years of capable and very able protection left us wondering why your life ended so sadly and so violently. Your life had commitment and character along with heroism and humility pulling humanity through those doldrums of despair and impending doom. It's safe to conclude we will salute your unrelenting gallantry and sacrifice. Serenity and nobility stamped on society behest and the goodwill of your journeys that has left a fruitful impression. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing worse than being curtailed by a callous fellow bent on violence against police and the public. Your family has many pleasant memories of a wonderfully exciting life once again sadly derailed by evil at the tender young age of twenty-five.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2018

Delirium can cause momentary loss of mind and its critical functions. Nothing worse than a devoted and dignified public servant acting out of character and of sound morals. Certainly, here in Dade County your honor and integrity, were always put to the tests of tenacity and to witness if you were up to serving us with righteous gumption and a heroic heart of humility. It's all central in keeping stability and security where its correctly belongs. Your professionalism, Officer Cook ,stood top and center all worn on your sleeves of dignity and decency. Your desire was of a sound mind and your vision and inspiration now and forever serve as a large reminder of your legacy. Not just local, it is spread out throughout the entire police nation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2018

The constellations and stars are properly aligned. For those cherished and honorable, brave and humble, let us hope and pray they can stay that way for their entire career. It is not a one hour venture, it lasts eight or perhaps many more hours of integrity and staunch dignity that is necessary to get past violence and eliminate evil once and for all. Dade County was pretty fortunate to have a hero like you, Officer Cook. Sturdy, steady, self-confident and calm during tenseful times. May 16, 1979, was surely the day of reality and your performance was outstanding saving life and protecting more than we could ever be grateful for. Your service came at the ultimate price, your life of humility, your aspirations of astuteness, your character crusading around the corners of a community where danger and peril hide behind the bushes where brazen obstruct the peaceful flow of ferocity. Never a day goes by and you are not highly and humanely thought of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2018

Stretching for serenity, reaching for resolve, never deserting dignity nor shunning the spotlight, your career and life, Officer Cook, was predicated on the proclamation of principles and the integrity that good character can bring into the jungles of wildness and pandemonium. Plenty of unwanted racial tension and strife during your watch over Dade County and its people. So you adjusted, acclimated and evaluated. Excellence in wisdom, vision and the guises of humility and civility. It was the treatment for sanctity to continue once again. Always saluted and treasured for being a loyal and faithful servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Institutions are located and set in stone because of your undying and unselfish sacrifice that has benefited society. Though we all miss you, Officer Cook tremendously. Family, comrades of courage as was yours and your personal friends from all over this land. Opportunity knocks, at times you only have one chance to shine brightly, for twenty-five years of achievement that was humanity being saved and preserved. Its honor and ingenuity kept intact.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2018

Feuding and fussing never solves anything. But good old ferocity and tenacity helps to surely ensnare evil and its tormenting mannerisms. You resolved and were devoted to the tees, Officer Cook and Dade County was always in the finest hands of humility and loyal esteem. The insurance of ingenuity and integrity delving into dignity and honor, it says it plainly and quite righteously. You were the characteristic hero of humanity who served and delivered good relationships among all mankind. Today, yesterday and tomorrow you have and will be highly thought of, Officer Cook. A salute for allowing our missions of freedom to march forward. Time never stops, it's sad life and a passion for happiness, zest and zeal must now reside forevermore in those pearly gates of Our Creator's enchanted kingdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your service, Officer Cook, all the love and admiration of a grateful nation and world. Never forgotten. Badge#1664 had its shining hours, days and years assisting in this never ending battle. Too bad Mr.Pearsall did not get the message! He caused this ruckus and took you from your family, colleagues and close personal acquaintances. And nearly those comrades wounded and almost taken from their loved ones as well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

The world to come is the world of truth. To translate it is an eternal venue where total peace and serenity rest quietly nestled in Our Lord's giant palms of mercy, faith and goodwill. Nothing stopped your diligence and vigil over us here in the Dade County community, Officer Cook. You grew up here. Went to school here. Did the drums at Norland High School and graduated for the MIami-Dade Police Academy with Chief Jacobs, your classmate, friend and mentor. No one from your family, peers and friends would have ever envisioned your life and career ending nearly forty years ago at twenty-five. All the sense in the world, the integrity and honor of possessing humble dignity to fight off violence. You were crafted and chiseled for police work, Officer Cook. Great instincts, calming voice, character and class, decency and desire. All now up in heaven resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You can rest assured things are being handled wisely by today's officers of bravery and boldness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

Beloved, likeable, intuitive, never quitting and gallant, you had the right credentials, Officer Cook, to serve and to protect the inner spirit of Dade County. Front and back and from side to side all the correct shades of serenity and virtue tied to the wings of integrity, honor and its most humble and heroic dignity. Effort, energy and efficiency can bolster this battle over evil and stem its tide of terror no doubt about it. Your grace and good nature, Officer Cook, offered up to those residents a little sense of safety, harmony and the tranquilizing affects of unity. It's good to be proud. It's joyous to be happy and robust. Thanks in part to your heroism and humility the cameras are rolling and so is God's all important video camcorder. Might as well take it all in now. Aspirations, inspirations are all part of our missions, destinies and so called valuable journeys in life. Somehow, Officer Cook, all these should be continuing, Our Maker and Master had other grand and glorious plans for your earth worthy soul of harmony and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

You can accomplish anything you set your heart to do. Saving and preserving life is not piece of cake. For thousands of years police have encountered difficulties in performing their jobs, why? Because either they were not trained adequately enough or they strayed from those pathways of honor and integrity. Their dignity and desire was interrupted by a fixation on committing evil themselves. We here in Dade County have been most blessed and rewarded at the very same time by the numerous heroes and heroines of the law enforcement field. You were a part of that great surge of security and peace, Officer Cook, duly honorable and proud to wear your uniform and badge of bravery and its undeniable boldness through your character, humility and the heroism that drives the mechanisms of mettle. You'll be reverently saluted and humanely so deservedly honored, Officer Cook, for patience, prudent measures during times of violence and practical maneuvers that saved the citizens and your comrades that May 16, 1979 day we , your family, peers and friends lost a proverbial hero of relevance and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

Primed with the finishing coats of courage and caring,your exploits here in Dade County, Officer Cook, onl helped us as they taught us an important lesson in life. Be careful. Be courteous and be cautious. You stayed humble and true to your word of serenity, its peace and tranquility more humane and cherished than ever before. It is in the undying commitment to excellence that revealed your true touche sof tenacity while being honest and poignantly dignified in your wise convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

For the goodwill and pride of your community, it is better to swallow your pride and let go of the past. The present is here now and it's all because of you, Officer Cook. Dade County's version of a gallant man whose grace and tolerance was second to none. You took us through the rigors and through the obstacles that danger lays out for its brothers of boldness and courage. Alway sheer will power and might coupled with character and decision meant your honor, dignity and integrity would stand intact. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Never an overachiever, just a humble man of response and relief shaping our better moments wit ha touch of brilliance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No dallying. No daydreaming. Just plain old hard work that has made your legacy stand up tall and straight.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

Like fine wine you got better as you grew more mature, Officer Cook. Even as a teenager growing up your maturity was well ahead of the crowd. Sterling character hooked up with stellar integrity, dignity and the wisdom honor places on those men and women responsible for our emancipation. What a task! Securing and sweeping evil off Dade County streets and venues was no small task. On the contrary, it required every ounce of your dedication, determination and desire from your caring heart, Officer Cook. We look to our brighter tomorrows, ones made sunnier because of your humanely heroic soul. Levity is one thing. Nothing jovial when duty called and lives were on the line. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2018

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