Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The paths to preservation and perseverance have to go through tyranny and terror, but remember it is only short lived. That's because good men and women all brave and loving battle this wickedness on a daily basis. Your last day of life, Officer Cook, May 16, 1979, should not have been. You responded to a domestic scene replete with your honesty, sanctity and serenity. All you tried your utmost to do is to get a troubled man from surrendering. It's always going to be tragic as to why you were taken. A soul of reverence who shielded all Dade County from a terrible scene. No better character and class, decency from very humble values. These ideals can only make one better. Your grace and humility, Officer Cook, helped humanity shine on. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 11, 2018
Don't hide. The good people who defend peace and unity are coming to get you and stop your evil. You stopped that here in Dade County, Officer Cook. A reliable and dependable public servant whose honor, dignity and integrity humbly protected our liberties. Those enhancements have been enriched by your loyal and faithful resolve, Officer Cook. The cream of the crop rises to the top and your character, commitment and conviction have better positioned society for more fruitful missions. Your journeys, humane and heroic are now being guarded in Our Lord's sacred pearly gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 11, 2018
A day of reckoning and a day for atonement. God gives His faithful flock the opportunity to get back in His good graces. Your faith and devoutness, Officer Cook, helped to pull you through the majority of your life and police career. There was more left to pursue. God needed your sterling honor, stellar integrity and outstanding dignity nestled firmly and humbly in His glorious abode. Heaven makes us more tranquil and serener than ever. Never more blessed and respected for unwavering courage and the compassion to dig deep down to corral heinousness and violence unwanted and too wanton. Saluted for good service with a smile so bright it will illuminate the darkest of venues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 10, 2018
To dream the impossible dream and to fight with unbearable sorrow, yes evil and terror conjure up images of sadness and frustration in multitudes. It was in your treasured soul, Officer Cook, to represent Dade County as its warrior and savior of mighty resolve. Heroes and heroines display acumen during adversity and character and conviction while honesty and dignity carry great weight while men and women brave and strong go through a battle test of sorts spreading security and safe harbors for one and all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 10, 2018
Those rough spots can be smoothed over with serenity and harmony all from your caring and kind heart, Officer Cook. Dade County experienced some tough times when you patrolled, turbulent and tumultuous indeed. But, it took all your sheer will power to make goodwill, hope and devotion a sincere reality. Our Master has your humbleness and honesty along with your passion, integrity and dignity stored in His eternal chest where all decent and brave heroes sleep peacefully forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mankind's very resourceful public servant saving the days and nights of its esteemed citizens.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 10, 2018
Take heed when violence comes from unknown areas, for you may never get a second lease on life. Your heroics in Dade County, Officer Cook, brought forth dignity and peace for its people. Surely, your integrity and honor won't be forgotten. Your class and character saved the day and a new dawning for a brighter future one enhanced more if you were here to witness it, Officer Cook. Humanity'd humility and civility were protected by your undying and unselfish commitment to truth and justice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 10, 2018
Birds chirp. Evil cheats us from our much necessary goodwill and the pleasant peace of life. Your missions, Officer Cook, were dangerous and filled with peril and yet you gave your life of integrity, honesty and dignity for Dade County to reside in resolve and serenity. Humility fills humanity with all the kindness your character and decency gave to us, Officer Cook. A warrior and savior whose blessed name resides forever in those deep blue skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 9, 2018
True heroes keep their humility and humbleness within their hearts of compassion and goodwill. Your faith and perseverance, Officer Cook, provided the needed assurances that Dade County residents would be fine. Never a classier man and a gregarious gentleman of grace and gallantry. Those enhancements are here to stay and violence which you tried to eradicate will disappear someday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. As Jewish people get prepared to usher in the holiday of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New year we wish for health, peace and all the best.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 9, 2018
That barrel of boldness fills rather quickly. Better let your dignity and integrity serve you well. It surely did wonders in your days, Officer Cook, a beloved friend and respected hero of all Dade County. Your bravery and commitment assisted your pursuits of safety and the security we all come to crave. God has your character guarded in His palaces for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 9, 2018
A supreme hero with the instincts of an intelligent and honest public servant who served and fought for freedom here in Dade County. Your character and integrity helped your dignity in framing our peaceful pursuits in life. Never forgotten for having resolute humility and the humble decorum that you had your entire career and rich life of happiness and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 9, 2018
A superman you were, Officer Cook. No costume that day. Just a uniform decorated with honesty, integrity and the visions that create wisdom and dignity. The wars of terror seem to spiral out of control and you kept things in Dade County from shaking apart. Never finer ethics and values, never better character and a commitment so humble and humane, now we know Our Maker has your cherished soul saved from harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
Guns are drawn and courage is born. It is that inner spirit of humbleness and humility where honor grows from. Your commitment and dignity, Officer Cook, gave us all the reasons as to why we respect and solemnly salute your heroism. It was from sterling character and engagement with Dade County citizens whom you delivered resolving peace and serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity finds its heroes and heroines tenderly surrounded by God's loving grace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
We respect and revere public servants not as fictional characters, but rather because of their appeals of awareness, acumen and astuteness. It's the only thing flowing in their veins of vigilance and blood of boldness that when combined with dignity , honesty and integrity can bring violence to its knees begging for surcease. You went about your business, Officer Cook, taking care of us here in Dade County who desired tranquility and the softness of calm. Quite a humble feat on behalf of humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
Impending disaster, doom and dire straits need a quick diagnosis to fix and correct problems before they snowball out of hand. You got there quickly, Officer Cook and all anyone can really say is that you handled your affairs with much precision, professionalism and prudent resolve. The answers come from heaven as to why did Our Lord needed your soul of peace and hope surrounding His flock of angelic heroes and heroines? Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
Perseverance must not plummet off that cliff of courage.It must stay stable and sure handed. Your steadiness, Officer Cook, made folks in Dade County breathe a sigh of relief. No better a man uniquely skilled to act as humbly,humanely and heroically as you did that day. Character and heart working in unison with dignity and desire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity enhanced. Citizens empowered. Lives enriched.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
The devoted their wisdom and bravery slide from corner to corner protecting our very silence. You watched over our harmony and unity, Officer Cook and Dade County came alive once again. You can consider your honor and integrity, dignity and gallantry intact as we so humbly honor your esteem and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
Concessions are one thing. Conceding and throwing in the towel when evil strikes is surely another. You gave your best charge at wickedness, Officer Cook, securing the peace of all people . It did not matter who just as you are now that shining soul in heaven, so too were you a hero of honor and dignity where integrity and vision lie. The streets of Dade County were made safer by your presence. Less safe by your departure too soon from among humanity. Yet you can cheer us on in our lives of satisfaction now following our visions of tomorrow, they would have been your dreams and the enjoyment that you and Karen would have treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You never gave up nor ran from your duties, Officer Cook. May 16, 1979 shall be designated "Character and Honor Day" for all Dade County and the entire police community here. We all have a voice of reason and decadence must spring forth from our mouths of sanctity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
The tracks are laid for treachery to fall into the rivers that will swallow them up. Tenacity is the that special ingredient that can stem the tide of tyranny. Dade County was handled by your resourcefulness, Officer Cook and what mattered most was your care and cherished consideration for humanity. It spoke of your valor and validity, candor and decent honesty and unselfish while composing yourself and integrity during moments of stress. The best and the most humble rest where angels of humility flock together watching God's pearly gates of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
Constant repetition helps shape our senses which must be sharp in times of crisis. Learning and training, practicing and preparing only moves the heart closer to its goals of honesty and intelligence. Your body and mind, Officer Cook, were tuned to those very same frequencies of tenacity and emotion. Surely, Dade County and its folks got your message, urgent and public. Turmoil should have never taken you from among us. Evil was exposed by your stellar integrity and dignity that all law enforcement personnel must possess. You had it all to live for and to pursue a career where anything can go wrong, we humbly salute your heroism , fair play and justice for which you keenly distributed security and safe havens for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
When services end, those brave and dignified are laid to rest. Time only stands still for a passing nanosecond. Time and duty were always accentuated by your labors of love, Officer Cook. Your responsibility was to preserve and stop violence in Dade County on our behalf. Honors paid to those intensely loyal men and women are afforded because of their unwavering commitment to excelling in peril and danger. Some have the make up, while others look to succeed elsewhere. A career carved out of courage and nobility with all the wisdom and vision to see sense and humility until its completion. You continue to be greatly missed, Officer Cook, the memory of your enchanted soul left an impression so great, reverence will so salute you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
Callousness constricts the flow of faith and goodwill to any community just looking for some harmony and prosperity. You were navigating the various corridors of Dade county, Officer Cook, promising your part to end bloodshed and tension. No one expected your life of service to end that miserable day. Torment and terror left a big hole in your family's heart, one that sought peace and quiet, not anguish and grief. You can be certain your honor and dignity channeled its branches of power where humbleness and gallantry were. On your patches and chest of pride because all brave souls of serenity both women and men fight for the very same purposes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
High stakes require gentle authority. Gracefully guiding honor and devotion down those roads of resolve and sincere courage, your bravery and boldness, Officer Cook, combined forces with your your integrity and dignity. Your thoughtfulness and truthfulness nestled together to protect and guide those living in Dade County on safer pathways. Our lives were being jeopardized by a terrible person, a coward with no consideration for his fellow human being. You acted righteously and with an engaging sense of urgency doing your utmost to halt a horrible time. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
Shrink your debts. Don't shirk onus. Seize your pride. Salute goodness and humility. You made the ultimate provisions, Officer Cook, so our tables would be arranged in order. In order for our stability to take hold. Fruition is hard to grasp. For the mundane and those with mettle, life all of a sudden takes on newer meaning. Dade County's life and experiences were firmly planted at your feet and hands, Officer Cook, great character, wonderful integrity, efficient dignity all did its job trying to quell terror. Nothing worse than police officers shot some taken tragically while doing their due diligence. You are a humble and humane hero, Officer Cook, all with clarity and vision wisely focusing your ferocity where it would have its greatest affect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
Never forget your past, because it is the future that may come back and grab you. Today is now and present. Your sacrifice, Officer Cook, back on May 16, 1979, represented Dade County and the entire police world in the ever growing honor, esteem and the bravery that you wore on your shirt. A badge of distinction where destiny and devotion traveled with integrity and dignity. It sure made our lives more secure and serene, though nothing should be taken for granted. And all because of a wayward and that came to Liberty City that afternoon looking to bend and break the quiet those people had a right to live for. Their happiness and goodwill usurped by a mad man and you performed, Officer Cook, in a first rate and with a humble character. If he would have given up you all would have returned to your families. Your family adored you my neighbor, friend and hero. Your comrades paid you the highest respect and reverence for coming through and trying to stop a bad situation for becoming worse. Never forgotten. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
Spurred by evil, our world has a load to learn about civil and human kindness. They could have learned from a master in speaking and in honesty. Yourself, Officer Cook Dade County's hero of gallantry and the fortitude of integrity and dignity surrounding your patrol car. Everyday and every watch you were all eyes and ears looking for improving our lots in life. To provide a new lease on life does take extra motivation. You never that incentive , Officer Cook, seeing that your lessons were begun in your and nurturing house. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, you instilled in your children, Officer Cook and his sister, Nancy, all the character and charm that would carry them over those bridges of boldness, commitment the humility that humanity expects. Saluted for wisdom and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 8, 2018
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