Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

These winds of wickedness blow those surges of unpleasant terror through our midst and all any honest and humble police officer can do is their part. If everyone pitches in the fight to save humanity will have been accomplished. You brought your courage, bravery and valor, Officer Cook, to Dade County venues and streets where your presence was most appreciated. Honesty, integrity and dignity served humility and its civility quite well. You will be heroically saluted for resolve and the resiliency that lends credence to stability and its sanctified moments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enriched and enlightened by your treasured soul of safe passages, keep watching over us and your family, Officer Cook. Your vim, vigor and vitality were the principles by which your morals were straightforward and to the point.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2018

Silence is golden but maybe our worst enemy in this world. Think about how much more violence would be unfurled of some would come forward. You helped to keep Dade County peaceful and serene, Officer Cook. A trustworthy man of truth and faith devoted the ideals and morals that shielded us from harm. You are our hero and a gentleman of gallantry and character all from the honor and dignity that integrity centralized during your career. Perseverance and prudent actions saved lives that day and everyday no matter. No one will overlook your humane and humbly civil actions all in humanity's blessed name. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2018

Captured and cornered, evil's menacing eyes of betrayal and doom must be eradicated at once. No second chances to creep back into the crevices of those cornerstones fondly and humbly laid down by the brave actions of our devoted public servants. Your voice and passion, Officer Cook, gave your hope and reason to believe our concerns and tranquility were right there at our doorsteps. No more dependable and honest man protecting using all his gallantry and dignity, character and integrity to boldly commit to ideals and principles so heroically sacred. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2018

Whenever a shots fired call goes out no one knows what to think. Hope all is well and the police and citizens are safe from harm. Dade County as are all large areas is filled with strife and turmoil. And you were the humble and unassuming man of dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, who with honor and character concealed in your loving soul went out on your patrols scanning for serenity while chasing down unending peril. It is a sure thing you'll be so humbly and humanely saluted for salvation and dedication to being able to lead other comrades through danger. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2018

Ability is part of availability. Durability is being able to withstand the mental and physical rigors of a difficult and stressful job. It can be a taxing position for the very best of women and men who take bravery and honesty seriously while going up against the combative forces of callousness. Dade County got an excellent effort from you, Officer Cook, born to lead and dignified at heart. peace and being unified all the results of your character and congenial ways. Thank God for your superb sense of direction, wisdom and the acumen that clarity displays on its screens of common sense. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For all the onuses place don your heroic and humble shoulders, Officer Cook, we the people forever salute your valiant life and career.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2018

Vaults are used to house many things. Our hearts and souls hold the keys to our very successes and that can also bring down those curtains on failure if honor and dignity do not go down those trails where integrity is best suited. Dade County has seen it all, Officer Cook, Badge#1664 and your very refreshing soul circling around us with its clarity and wisdom shining like a diamond. Your character and conviction held sway over us and preserved our sanctity as we so desired to live in humility, our very humbleness gracing this world, so too your humane heroism. Humanity was blessed and so were you, Officer Cook, our Godsend and hero. You paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms, liberties and so may your family and professional peers of inspiration too be greeted by prosperity and good health. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Valor, virtue and values are those safe deposit boxes to bravery and boldness. You utilized your instruments of ingenuity, intelligence and intuition better than anyone making Dade County safer, though your untimely death while dealing with mayhem drains some of that serenity and safety away from our beings.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2018

Laughter is good for the soul. Foolishness wrecks our very hearts and bones with nothing more than bravado. You laughed, Officer Cook, you could clown around with your family, but when evil struck in Dade County it was all seriousness. Never a whim of indecision, never a lack of morals or valor. All ahead dignity and reverence for which integrity enters the fight. Sometimes a long and heated battle. Our serenity and its balance at stake and your persona, Officer Cook , handled resolve and resourcefulness as well as your class and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enlightening. Enriching. Enhancing. Your heroism and humility gave humanity that extra special blessing by God.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2018

Being a married man adds to one's onus for their spouse and your love and honor for Karen was the breaths that you took everyday. Back then police did not earn much, it was the job and the humble esteem that drove your passions and pursuits of happiness while chasing down torment and turmoil. Those streets in Dade County and the honesty you had serving, one can only ponder what if? Nonetheless, your dignity and integrity were stapled to your proud uniform and badge of boldness. A warrior and a savior to be sure of. Your comrades have never forgotten you, Officer Cook, the ones still living wherever. Your feats, your faith and reliability, your devotion and courage, all top rate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I wished you would have been part of the crime scene investigations as a photographer. That was what you applied to do. Less stress a little safer.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2018

An unassuming and quiet man, you could have taught music, the drums to folks instead of risking your life to protect us from violence, Officer Cook. You chose a career one you had your sights set on as a young man. No doubt you achieved more in twenty-five years than most who are fortunate to live to one hundred . Determination and zeal along with honesty and integrity only brought out your humble and heroic character and commitment to all Dade County. Your values and versatility delivered the real pitch, peace and safety for one and all. Cherished and deeply admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2018

Jumping right into the fracas of terror one must have the ferocity in their skin of serenity and bravery. You were a very honorable man, Officer Cook, so refined and uniquely dedicated to serving the public in Dade County. One must never forget your enthusiasm, dignity and integrity fighting these complex battles over wickedness. Always the finest character, humility and loyal tenacity that has made your heroic legacy stand tall. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2018

Sliced and diced. Fried and baked. Broiled and roasted. Food prepared many different ways. Same in fighting off evil and its related wickedness. You'll require vigorous and mentally able bodied public servants. Honesty and trust coming from from truth and fairness. Take some dignity and sprinkle a little integrity and finally with some arduous training and practice in the field and in the classroom you may have graduated to the streets. As you knew, Officer Cook, Dade County's venues and corridors could be quite unforgiving and full of evil. You acquitted yourself with acumen and the wisdom, all in the name of clarity and resolve. As all people are, you were a very heroic soul, Officer Cook. Stability and security all merged properly though your life and career should not have been ended in a disrespectful and hideous way. Really sad! Humanity has your name and badge to thank, Officer Cook. Proud and humble to serve and preserve the powerful tenors of life so versatile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Etched and humbly honored, your legacy continues in the hearts and minds of your adoring family members and esteem and courageous comrades.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2018

Death is never something to be pushed to the side and just forgotten. Your loved one gave their life for a cause and that powerful affect effects our very futures. Their unwavering, undying and unselfish courage has made our flights a little safer. Serenity and vision extract the ultimate humility and honor from our very charismatic and noblest of heroes and heroines. Dade County and its citizens were the benefactors of your peaceful pursuits where tranquility and harmony may rest quietly and humbly next to one another. All your years, Officer Cook, were devoted, faithful and dedicated to integrity, ingenuity and the dignity of possessing master morals and values so humanely diligent in your laying down foundations that are the essential cornerstones of our future. Sacrifice takes bravery and the cunning valor to battle evil. It baffles the most bold and promising of men and women. But, you never gave up. Concealed within your heart and soul, Officer Cook, was a special and unique gallantry. Grace and your heavenly esteem for your fellow citizen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2018

Regimented and regal, your heroics, Officer Cook, kept the shelter of serenity over Dade County forevermore. What a host of honor, dignity and integrity were your basic patrols over a community that still so reveres and respects what you did for them. Your cleverness and vision when coupled with your character and pristine uniform gave us the feeling of hope. Humility on humanity springs even greater opportunities. Sad though you could not be a part of these changes, enhancements that have made the progress of prosperity seem within reach. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Integrity and dignity are part of every hero's legacy, yours, Officer Cook, shines very brightly from Our Lord's abode.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2018

Search for reason, seize the opportunity and size up your situation, if you plan ahead generally speaking goodness shall come from goodwill given back to mankind. You gave , Officer Cook, you gave your sweet and peaceful soul for Dade County to have everlasting peace and safe travels for one and all. Our unity is the results of your outstanding work, uncompromising beliefs in honesty, integrity and the dignity used to battle violence and its never ending hostility directed at society. Only your blessed name and character saved us from much more harm as it did for your comrades, esteemed and heroic as yourself. When humility and humility clash the repercussions can only be of a resourceful nature. Nature's way of touching our very hearts which you did on behalf of mankind, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2018

If everything was peachy keen we would have a world of robots. The same thing repeated day after day. A message is meaningful if its words are precise and yet don't get stale. Police need to be authoritative and yet show and demonstrate intuitiveness and some sort of ingenuity. It's basic to their survival and that of those they serve and protect. Your honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, gave you the chance at least to hook up some semblance of safety, peace and virtue among a community that so honors your memory. Heroic, humane and a gentleman of gallantry, character and humility. Sanity to face peril. Civility to act in a calming and caring manner. We were assured of everything in spite of what you faced on May 16, 1979, a day never to be forgotten in the entire police world. Infamy and just cruel callousness hatched by a crazy man bent on violence against the men and women brave at heart who were just trying to restore peace and calm him down from unleashing further catastrophe. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2018

Liberty City is a place where many call home. Your community of Dade County, Officer Cook, honors your pride and mindful service. It was your humble dignity and devotion to ethics and integrity that allowed you the opportunity to make safe journeys for the most part around this area where sadly evil took you from your family, friends and brave colleagues. The lion's share of responsibility now falls upon the broad shoulders of those carrying your legacy of character, commitment and the fulfillment of your dreams and hopeful aspirations. Nothing worse than to have one's life snuffed out at a still tender age. Twenty-five is young at heart and your heart and spirit, Officer Cook, shall forever live on in your family's happy and healthy pursuits of prosperity. Their mission is to stoically carry on your vision, your faith and remain honorable and dignified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2018

The wonders of life offer a glimpse into a future so promising. Yours, Officer Cook, was filled to the brim with honor, boldness and bravery. A decent and deserving hero who saved his comrades and the residents of Dade County from the teeth of terror. Never forgotten for humility, charm and engaging character, your integrity, vision and wisdom of dignity won't be overlooked. Violence looked twice when you came, Officer Cook, to confront it face to face in a humble and humanely heroic manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2018

Bullets flying. Bombs bursting. Violence destroys. What else can be said for peace and prosperity? Our quiet times unhinged by wanton and callous actions of some. Those deranged and wicked most be stopped at once. Your job, Officer Cook, was made tougher by that very day of sinister cruelty sadly directed at the police and Dade County citizens. Your role of keeping stability and sanity surely tested the breastplates of your bravery and honorable tasks all in the name of dignity and integrity. It's the human quality of your unassuming and humble character, Officer Cook, so revered and yet so special. You will always be nobly remembered for coming to our aid and that of your distinguished peers of justice and truth. Badge#1664 would be retired with honors if you were alive, your department and county most assuredly and solemnly paid homage to it three days later at your Inspector's Funeral at Our Lady of St. Mary's Cathedral. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The band of dependability, accountability and reliability never broken. One day a reunification with your blessed family members will occur. For now you and your father, Charles, are together sharing father and son stories of his military career, your youth and public service professional career.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2018

If you believe, have hope. If you are resourceful have resolve. Humility and humbleness dispatch the greatest of honor that can be bestowed upon an individual. Dade County remembers its flock of faithfully loyal and cherished souls, soldiers of servitude who bravely risk their lives to teardown the walls of wickedness and deceit. You dreams, aspirations and now our inspirations, Officer Cook, helped to land those copters of courage and character right where commitment and clarity ought to be. Humanity witnessed your actions of heroism and humanely noble deeds right before their eyes. Never more motivation and effort poured into your proficient passions in life. All your journeys, Officer Cook, were blessed by Our Maker and so fitting to be among an honor roll of humble heavenly humanitarians, they sacrificed for the common good of our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2018

Police never want to get into that proverbial pickle. That situation could spell disaster. Better to be unheralded and modest, than brazen and stubborn headed. Never one to look for spotlight or the headlines, you, Officer Cook, always looked to the best possible solution to resolve a conflict. That day of May 16, 1979, your character and vigilance along with heroic honor and integrity was placed in dignity's hands and feet where the completion of that difficult assignment cost you your life, Officer Cook. For your family and peers it was nothing but an insurmountable loss of an esteemed comrade, brave until your last ounce of energy. Only so richly and humbly honored for coming to Dade County's aid and for starting the peace and harmony process. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A trusted warrior and the most kindest savior Dade County's folks could have known. Gunfire broke out and your scruples took command of a tragic circumstance where you saved life, your colleagues and the civilians.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2018

Poetry maybe nice for a rainy day, but bravery and honor giving one's life on a sunny and hot day for Dade County citizens is what makes up a young man'a interior character, honesty and righteous dignity and integrity. The pieces of every public servant's modals of operation. With violence gaining strength all women and men called upon to battle a most belligerent foe must be accountable and ready to spread out peace and unity as you always did for every man, woman and child, Officer Cook. Everything by standards and the accentuation of good values and ideals to be surely and humanely cherished. Humanity thanks you, Officer Cook and solemnly praises you everlasting humility, it stood the tests of time. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Evil does not need guess work, it has to be right there and reliably accomplished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2018

Grit, guts, gumption and gallantry, you had all those wonderful characteristics, Officer Cook and so much more on the horizon if not for your honor and duelity of integrity and dignity being robbed from your adoring soul of refreshing humility. It spread peace and tranquility around the neighborhoods of Dade County as well as your resolve and never ending wisdom, vision and the maturity that according to your friend, Chief Jacobs , was years ahead of the crowd. Police work is not a ball game or sporting event. Violence insults and undermines the corporal responsibility that our society has to each other. Nothing more insinuating than evil individuals boasting of their coward natures. Your life, Officer Cook, was cherished, well mannered and quite well defined because of your esteem and bravery in peril's face. Tenacity, civility and your virtues helped you greatly to calm down those tempers erupted. Sad Mr. Pearsall did to you and almost took your colleagues' lives because of his troubles in which assistance can have been given to him. A hero and a warrior with a fighting spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2018

Dolls, clowns, trolls and teddy bears all for the young at heart and older people to play with. Evil is not to be toyed with. It's sinister and downright cruel for anyone to be subjected to wanton violence. You kept us safe here in Dade County, Officer Cook, by virtue of vigilance, valor and the vigor of your demanding position. Willingly your honesty, dignity and integrity patrolled and protected wit ha special kind of zeal and passion. Humility and humbleness shared in your unwavering character to make stability and security those all important factors to producing prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2018

Those in your time, Officer Cook, who toiled and were tenacious cared about the public at large. No shifting and no running away when terror and torment came full speed ahead. You turned the heat up on evil, Officer Cook, with honor, integrity and dignified everything with the personification of perseverance and the resolve of a determined hero. Dade County could not be happier, though your loss means seeing less character, commitment to pride and excellence and framing ferocity where humanity needs it the most. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Well keep looking up to the stars in that deep blue sky for your enriching soul of sense and wisdom that comes from being serene.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2018

Stars are those whose glitz and glamor are idolized by those who chase fortune and fame. Police are rewarded by their departments and by God Himself who records their boldness, bravery and honorable heroics. Your humility, Officer Cook, was a centerpiece in the efforts to make peace and togetherness a by product of one another. Diligence and devotion underscored your patrols here in Dade County on our behalf. You'll not be forgotten for having dignity, character and integrity in all the values and principles you helped to enhance. Treasured and so revered, respected and humbly admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence was at least dealt with seriously when you were here doing an awesome job.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2018

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