Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

High stakes require gentle authority. Gracefully guiding honor and devotion down those roads of resolve and sincere courage, your bravery and boldness, Officer Cook, combined forces with your your integrity and dignity. Your thoughtfulness and truthfulness nestled together to protect and guide those living in Dade County on safer pathways. Our lives were being jeopardized by a terrible person, a coward with no consideration for his fellow human being. You acted righteously and with an engaging sense of urgency doing your utmost to halt a horrible time. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2018

Shrink your debts. Don't shirk onus. Seize your pride. Salute goodness and humility. You made the ultimate provisions, Officer Cook, so our tables would be arranged in order. In order for our stability to take hold. Fruition is hard to grasp. For the mundane and those with mettle, life all of a sudden takes on newer meaning. Dade County's life and experiences were firmly planted at your feet and hands, Officer Cook, great character, wonderful integrity, efficient dignity all did its job trying to quell terror. Nothing worse than police officers shot some taken tragically while doing their due diligence. You are a humble and humane hero, Officer Cook, all with clarity and vision wisely focusing your ferocity where it would have its greatest affect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2018

Never forget your past, because it is the future that may come back and grab you. Today is now and present. Your sacrifice, Officer Cook, back on May 16, 1979, represented Dade County and the entire police world in the ever growing honor, esteem and the bravery that you wore on your shirt. A badge of distinction where destiny and devotion traveled with integrity and dignity. It sure made our lives more secure and serene, though nothing should be taken for granted. And all because of a wayward and that came to Liberty City that afternoon looking to bend and break the quiet those people had a right to live for. Their happiness and goodwill usurped by a mad man and you performed, Officer Cook, in a first rate and with a humble character. If he would have given up you all would have returned to your families. Your family adored you my neighbor, friend and hero. Your comrades paid you the highest respect and reverence for coming through and trying to stop a bad situation for becoming worse. Never forgotten. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2018

Spurred by evil, our world has a load to learn about civil and human kindness. They could have learned from a master in speaking and in honesty. Yourself, Officer Cook Dade County's hero of gallantry and the fortitude of integrity and dignity surrounding your patrol car. Everyday and every watch you were all eyes and ears looking for improving our lots in life. To provide a new lease on life does take extra motivation. You never that incentive , Officer Cook, seeing that your lessons were begun in your and nurturing house. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, you instilled in your children, Officer Cook and his sister, Nancy, all the character and charm that would carry them over those bridges of boldness, commitment the humility that humanity expects. Saluted for wisdom and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2018

Soliciting sanity and civility takes a brave soul of the highest regard for their fellow American. For Dade County and its residents you mustered all your honorable decency and courage, Officer Cook, the convictions of a desirable man, a public servant who assurances of dignity and integrity kept the peace and safety glued together forevermore. Only your stellar character and principles in fighting for our rights and liberties kept us channeling our daily lives in a meaningful and fruitful direction. You be fondly remembered, Officer Cook, for that inner spirit and breath of humility. It was your best resource an dour best neighbor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Empowering and enhancing, they all meet during times of violence and tensions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2018

The Bible states that one should choose life over death. But, tragically men and women who give of themselves to protect life and property cannot always have this freewill. In other words when they sign onto become officers there probably is a notice or disclaimer that says they may have to sacrifice for the will and safety of the public. Dade County was and is not a playground for crime only the parks where adults and children run and jump around. Your profession, Officer Cook, spelled out your onuses and how honesty, integrity could wisely curtail evil. Dignity toward mankind must mean something. You were a humble man, a brave gentleman of grace and noble actions. The sentiments of your family and colleagues who pay due homage to your life and career cut short by a wanton maniac. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2018

When mischief muscles in the mindful and faithful must utilize their sheer mettle and morals to direct their compasses of courage and concern. your compassion and heroism together, Officer Cook, no doubt left that mark of distinction and dignity here in Dade County. A high energy public servant, your honor and integrity brought the composition of your sterling character right where peace, security and prosperity shall affix their acumen, diligence and harmony. The respect for humanity was evident the day humility called for you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2018

There can be no shortage of character and good morals from those dedicated to enforcing the law. It ravages our world creating trouble and never ending torment. You were exactly the person, Officer Cook, who could bravely
assemble peace and promise for all Dade County citizens. A gentleman of justice and fairness, your honesty, dignity and integrity are the backbones of your humble heroic legacy now and forever. You served with poignant precision and a belief in principles for which tranquility and faith may lead the way. Those trails you blazed, Officer Cook, have been and are now set for all future men and women of gallantry to follow in a careful way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2018

Bottled up in the sands of time, your tenacity and devotion, honored and humble, Officer Cook, represented the prayers and thoughts of a respected and wise servant. Your grit and gallant passions led Dade County through the torments of evil. No hesitation. You were simply a cut way above the crowd. Integrity, dignity and proper professional conduct dictated your pursuits of happiness and prosperity while shielding those who desired relief. A hero never to be forsaken, only greeted by God's loving arms of oristine and gentle care. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2018

Time does heal wounds. But, the precise moment of destiny we leave up to Our Creator. He took a bright and revered young man of humility and honor. But, Dade County was spared significantly by your character and honorably dignified sacrifice, Officer Cook. Our frustrations became your journeys to emancipation and freedom for all mankind. Humanity takes comfort in humility's sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Exposing evil takes great pains and your resolve, Officer Cook, brought unity to the front and center of tranquility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2018

Desire leads to devotion and the steadfast determination to ward off terror. Your pursuits, Officer Cook, made Dade County and its residents better suited to living more quiet and humanely humble lives. Pride and excellence are best left to the resourceful and very esteemed brave souls who plunge their souls into saving and preserving. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2018

The concourses of courage begin with bravery, boldness, vision and wisdom. Otherwise, dignity , honesty and integrity cannot take firm grasp over evil. Dade County was wisely watched over by you, Officer Cook. a trusted public servant whose character was humble and esteemed. Wickedness was extracted from among our society by your effort and efficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2018

Resolve and resurrect good relations among mankind. You faithfully discharged your roles, Officer Cook, with honor, dignity, integrity and respect. Saving Dade County from peril, your battles over violence were what made peace and unity a stable factor. When heroes display humility toward humanity this means everything. A tireless servant who now patrols God's perfect world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2018

The Young and Restless was a soap opera. You were young and very efficient, Officer Cook, A brave man fighting with all your grit and gallantry on behalf of all Dade County. Ever diligent and dignified, your hunt for prosperity and peace never wavering nor was detoured. A mission so monumental, our thoughts and dreams rested in your hands and heart of humanity and the hopes of real quiet. Never forgotten and so humbly etched in our minds. It's character and conviction that will be saluted for having the right tools of tenacity to treat the problems that panic and kayos can level at any given location. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2018

Loved and welcomed by Our Maker, your spirit, Officer Cook, handled Dade County's problems with all the right wisdom, congeniality and the vision that clarity may bring. Your honest and forthright approaches helped steer peace and tranquility our way cutting off violence right inits trails. Secured and saved by your unwavering character and commitment to pride, dignity and integrity really do live forever under God's rooftops of resiliency. No more a humble, humane and heroically sound officer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2018

A bashful and benign individual may have a rough time dealing with turmoil and adversity. A centered and honorable public servant can reach down for a little extra motivation. You went far and wide to solve and resolve Dade County's issues, Officer Cook. Never far from our hearts and minds. Placing good scruples and the sincerest of intentions, you brought goodwill and stability to our environment through class and devoutness to details. Humanity relishes one whose humbleness lives inside and allows their skills to greatly assist them when violence hinders their safe havens for happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's will was your blueprint, Officer Cook, nothing stopped your navigations.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2018

We are all Our Master's children. Just that those who fight are the brave souls who uplift our spirits with their unyielding honesty. No convincing necessary. Your unrelenting talents and integrity, Officer Cook, picked up those in Dade County whose britches required a slight adujstment. Stern and yet fair. Unbiased and tested in all your furious journeys over peace and harmony. Stability breeds enhancement and your dignified character, Officer Cook, brought the clarity home once and twice more. Though terrible things happened that awful day when the silence was hit with gunfire. Kayos and bedlam upsetting your fruitful destinies her eon Earth. Those peaceful pastures lush with greenery ar where your soul of eternity resides forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A truly superb man and a warrior for a human being.Godspeed Officer Cook! You have been missed terribly. Just terribly!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2018

The greatest and most humblest of blessed gatekeepers open those pearly iron edifices to allow inside those humane and austere heroes and heroines who sacrifice their souls for a better tomorrow. Peace takes time. But time passes right before our eyes and ears if we are not properly prepared for that next giant step. You performed your role and assignments in a sufficiently competent manner, Officer Cook and Dade County's own saw the results firsthand. Always top of the line decency, drive and devotion that takes desire to that next level. You'll always be most adored and treasured by all your family and colleagues. May 16, 1979 won't be forgotten. A sad day for your family and department as Badge#1664 went straight to those sacred gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2018

Nervousness is one trait that any humble and intelligent officer must try to avoid. You can experience anticipation, but to restore our confidence in the system, you must try and stay calm. Departments put standards of conduct in the work place helping to insure both the safety of the public and those officers who delve into resolving conflicts. You lived your life and career by the scales of peace and equal access for all. No problems wit ha man who conducts his professional affairs with the highest regard for morals and honesty, dignity and integrity reaching out as a branch of hope and caring. Your beloved and most respected soul of promise, Officer Cook, glides through those channels of wisdom and wonder firmly looking over your family, friends and those peers who worked side by side with you. When tension mounted, your humility showed humanity its way through the underbrush. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2018

Targets are abounding. Terror is flying around striking fear into a society already under duress. To keep this mess in control you need reliable ad loyal men and women of commitment, excellence in honesty, integrity and self-imposed dignity to fortify your futures. Dade County's care was under your humane and loving soul of security and heroism. Nothing finer than a man of resourcefulness and resiliency continuing our battles over a troublesome opponent. Your sheer character, Officer Cook and determination spoke of your leadership capabilities when under the radar scopes of acumen and astuteness. Your heart soul now comfortably patrol high above God's fruited plains. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2018

Deeds and desires can be a framework of our destinies. All of our journeys and missions show much better promise when honor and wisdom are securely fastened to ferocity's side. Your motivation, Officer Cook, in Dade County led the charge upward in the battle over wickedness. No matter the place or time, your uniform and badge shined brightly when humility and sanctity were knocking on that proverbial door. Your undying soul bravely sheltered us and for having the vision and integrity may God reward you and bless you vigilance and courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2018

Never nix the notions of the note worthy. Let their breath and soul be so humbled for its honor and service to all mankind. Your preservation, Officer Cook, meant a new dawning for all Dade County . A community that today continues its reverence and dignified respect and admiration for your unselfish dedication. Duty called and you responded without any doubt. You helped to stabilize a venue where a man bent on terror unleashed his vengeance against our society. Thankfully your valor and acumen met his resistance as you saved your comrades and civilians from greater harm. A class character and loyal convictions to harmony and freedom leading our aspirations in life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2018

With a bevy of bravery and boldness did you, Officer Cook, go out and secure Dade County's peace of mind and serene pursuits of happiness. Your welfare and health were important and for how your heroically acted on May 16, 1979, may God bless your grace and gallantry along with your honored soul of character and dignity. It is in your unwavering integrity that you fairly and faithfully protected us from evil. Humility touching the wings of humanity and you'll never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Good men and women shall uplift us here from impending doom. Our Lord takes those angels and keeps them firmly secured in His palms.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2018

Moxie and mettle help to resolve violence as much as honor and bravery. We send out our most beloved and humble of heroes and heroines to fight and to represent our dignity and desires, what happens next, only Our Master of the Universe knows. You were an astonishing man, Officer Cook, complete with character and integrity whose goodwill was tried and tested everyday you patrolled Dade County. You can be certain humility, sanctity and civility will be rewarded in those clearest and blues of skies. Honored and saluted for enhancing our futures. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2018

Rest In Peace Brother LEO. Thank you and your family for your sacrifice and service.

Officer Mike Robinson (Ret.)
Upland Police Dept. CA

September 6, 2018

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