Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Kind and courteous, the very breath of bravery and boldness stoking the flames of ferocity with your soulful patrols over Dade County's own special people. Your career and life, Officer Cook, offered balance and esteem founded in the walls of welcoming honesty, integrity and the dignity to survive the everyday challenges that all public servants face. The struggles continue and so does your peaceful soul as it encircles our planet. Those cornerstones of justice will never be shattered nor torn down for humanity has recorded your treasured loyalty and humble spirit of faith and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Morals and mettle mix in well in attempting to eradicate evil from our midst.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2018

When our brave public servants valiantly surrender their lives for peace and security we must thank them and their families for their humility and honor to protect our very freedoms. Dade County has saluted and humbly respected your authority in trying to corral evil from our midst. No better a gentleman and person of integrity whose character and style of policing resulted in many enhancements today. Shame you could not be present to view these happenings. Today is your mother' s birthday. She is one-hundred and three years young. You were the consummate student and honored motivator who led others through danger and peril. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2018

Our safety and security was punctured by the gross and evil actions of Mr. Pearsall. Our society was unjustly treated as was your family and department, Officer Cook, by his very terrible decision to take your life and nearly those of your comrades and those civilians involved in that nasty domestic dispute. Dade County suffered the major loss of a unique and very special angel. You were the consummate protector whose staunch character, integrity and honest dignity made you a forever honored guardian angel. God's honor roll of heroes and heroines are resting humbly in the pious halls of truth and justice. Those galleries of gallantry and vigilance ever so devoted and faithful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2018

On the bookcases rested resolve and resiliency doing their part to quell terror. Evil launched against police officers just wanting to put an end to a horrible day in Liberty City in MIami-Dade County. What a servant you were, Officer Cook, enriching our landscape with commitment and wisdom, honor and humane actions. That day of May 16, 1979, your breath and life was snuffed out by a man gone crazy. Why this happened and to you, Officer Cook? The Lord has your resourcefulness and dignity wrapped soildly around your uniform and badge and even your weapon that you were laid to rest with. An angel and valiant gentleman of care, concern and the kind of consideration always treasured as is your serene and decent soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When it came time to shake, rattle and roll those cages where corruption and violence visited, you were reliable, responsible and most accountable , Officer Cook. Fondly remembered and very much missed by all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2018

The bait is there to ensnare evil. Bravery and boldness, charisma and character working excellently with morals and mettle to drive dignity and fruitful integrity home with humane and humble honesty to vanquish the tempestuous actions of those inclined to go off the straight and narrow pathways. You lived a very powerful life of humility, Officer Cook, exhibiting energy and effort poured into all your labors of love and esteem. Dade County's folks reaped the dividends of your unwavering and no doubt outstanding professionalism, prudent and quite precise. Your heroic legacy left an imprint upon society to be so duly and solemnly saluted for gallantry above and beyond the calls of service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2018

With guidance and support of a community that revered you, Officer Cook, may your honor, name and memory be righteously remembered. Heaven is that pristine location where legacies of heroism now can have their greatest affect upon society. Dade County can be thrilled for your tenacity and unselfish, undying and unwavering character that stimulated serenity around these corners where your courage ranged. Nothing better than humanity having a humane and humble servant having humility, sanctity and the civility to restore calm and keep their devotion at a high level of perseverance. Intelligent and intuitive do assist one in their crime fighting endeavors. Officer Cook, God rest your soul as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Ethics, values and loads of ideals created better circumstances by which to live in harmony. A rich and truly faithful life bounded by boldness and bravery.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2018

Sometimes in typing a word or two they stick together. Nothing back admiration and respect for a hero, yourself, Officer Cook, who roamed the streets and venues of Dade County with sheer efficiency and determination. Your honesty, dignity and the yoke of integrity never was broken as was your total character and visionary commitment to outstanding service. Peace, stability and the unification of all mankind was represented by your watch, now from heaven may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2018

A validated hero of esteem and loyalty, your days and years, Officer Cook, offered Dade County a glimpse of what was going to be a career of satisfaction and character that would take violence and rub it off the streets away from our jarm. In keeping with your solemn word and affirmation, you delivered the goods of faith and hope to those calling for some respite. Our master's lair of loyalty and resolve rests soundly in their actions of bravery and humility covering humanity like never before. Enriched and invigorated by you, Officer Cook, your family's warrior and hero whose brightness shined every single moment. Those days and nights were made safer and more tranquil by your loving resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2018

The souls of the brave go to heaven awaiting God's rich rewards. Your career and life, Officer Cook, were founded on the terms of tenacity and integrity through the vibrations of vim, vigor and vitality, it served Dade County and humanity with the zest and zeal that dignity brings. Public servants must having outstanding awareness and acumen to carry their watches where their effects will have a prominent role. No doubt your valor and gallantry made peace, harmony and sanctity a reality to be solemnly honored. Humility and humanity with reverence and optimism for the future. Your family, peers and friends would have loved for you to be here today to witness these changes brought about through your wisdom and heroic enhancement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2018

Strolling along and having a real good time, well we can be thankful for your soul of serenity, Officer Cook, for these times. Though, we still continue struggling with crisis after crisis and now with Hurricane Florence pummeling the Carolinas, Lord have mercy. He surely drove your courageous life and career of humility and hope around those borders of honor and decency. It was found in your desire and dignity, where integrity's seeds were planted. And for staying the course of good character and fine scruples may your blessed soul and spirit be bonded along with that of your Charles, your father, may he to ores tin peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2018

Peace and bravery run on the very same track and fields as do honor and integrity. It is found in dignity's desire that all public servant's maintain this level if violence is to be captured and taken out of commission. Your determination, Officer Cook, was to be the best and to make Dade County a safer and more thriving environment for its residents. Only your fine character and upstanding commitment to justice helped to see you through your missions of hope, goodwill and prosperity for our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2018

A man of God lives by his very courage, faith and humility. No doubt your honor and heroism, Officer Cook, will be saluted forevermore. You rescued Dade County and its citizens from some pretty awful violence and torment. It's found in your persevering character as to why we have peace and safety tied as one today. God's choir of valiant angels can really sing His praises as you and your sisters and brothers who laid their lives down continue keeping tabs onus from the celestial heavens where perfection is a reward for spreading serenity and civility our way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2018

Every man has three kinds of names: one given them by God, man- the others given by their parents-and the one they acquire by virtue of their labors during their lifetime. Your good and sacred name, Officer Cook, is honored and dignified by your humility and integrity dispensed back at Dade County in service and in bringing peace and hope to them. Your life and wisdom had that vision and sentimental virtue never to be overlooked. We are blind until we see. That is the human plan. Nothing is worth the making if it doe snot make the individual. Why construct glorious communities if a person unbuilt goes and unless the architect groes too. Our Lord kept you safe for the most part, Officer Cook ,He kept your being from the flames of torment and designed paths of perseverance for which you navigated upon. If only on May 16, 1979, did not not come upon the stumbling block of a boldly evil man. Your principles continue to inspire flocks of future men and women brave at heart and honorable in solace who have taken up your professional vocation to keep us serene and sure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2018

The brave and humble can rest knowing they did their jobs with awareness, alacrity and a sense of civic pride. For we understand God will ultimately give them their due rewards for having saved us from strife and evil. You were a blessing as an honored young man and dignified public servant, Officer Cook, who loyally served the likes of all Dade County. No better character and convictions that spurred us on to greater motivations. Your steadfast determination was your occupation and no better a welcome warrior than yourself, Officer Cook, missed terribly and yet we know god has your cherished and treasured spirit sleeping peacefully in His abode. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2018

Officer Cook, you were my family' s neighbor, friend and hero who as our savior vitally instilled the wonderful care and character designated for compassion and kindness. No matter the circumstance you were there present to preserve the goodness and richness of Dade County residents. Their goodwill stood by your side and only by virtue of your wisdom and vision, your integrity and dignity could complete those central tasks of tenacity and resolve to stop a violent man from pursuing his callous craft of hurting more people. You responded and your values and morals simply but not easily went to work. You tried and your valiant heart did as you were trained to do. Saving lives and giving up your own for your friends, it is what is faithfully and humanely inscribed on your gravestone or ledger. Those books of note God keeps a perfect record and your reward with by commensurate with your heroism. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2018

As we age aches and pains are a part of the process. But, death and the early loss of a beloved family member, this is too much to have to suffer and remind us of what might have been. Losing you at age twenty-five, Officer Cook, with so much more to offer our world left a hole in your family and department's heart that has taken a while to recover form. Your family hopefully is doing well and to your mother once again, happy birthday, Mrs.Cook on Monday. Your darling son whose painstaking bravery and honor shielded Dade County from evil we be saluted for having humility, honesty and dignity firmly by his side as he patrolled for safety and serenity. His gentleness shall be assuredly so honored as a hero who gave an uplift to his fellowman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2018

There's a need for the crede. The passion to prepare oneself and to pursue the vigors that violence percolates. It is our world that demands and expects loyal and honest participation from its brave soldiers of serenity whose gentleness touches each of our very souls. Mortality is a part of life and whoever is born shall know that one day Our creator will come calling us home. Your community here in Dade County remembers your work ethic, Officer Cook, those tracks of decent and fair service, dignity and integrity humbly and heroically stapled to your side. If only that day, May 16, 1979, one bad character had chosen not to commit heinous and wanton violence against you and your comrades who knows what today might bring? Certainly, He has your beautiful soul of elligence circling around us, its brilliance illuminating our fruitful journeys in life and happiness. Tragedy is that same peace and contentment should be with you and Karen today. Always admired and adored by your family,peers and friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence just guts one's soul and leaves a burning sensation that won't seemingly ever disappear.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2018

Legacies stamp serenity and safety on the backs of those who respectfully serve and watch over us. It is in their bravery and unwavering boldness that defines their character. Your commitment on behalf of Dade County , Officer Cook, shall be on our minds for the rest of our very lives. You sacrificed your gentle and pure soul of honor and decency so we the citizens could live lives of dignity and integrity. The two very important morals that your parents raised you and your sister, Nancy, with , Officer Cook. Humanity never gives up nor turns its back on its heroines and heroes who place everything in harm's way to perpetuate peace and goodwill faithfully among all mankind. Your department and friends of gallantry and noble deeds do solemnly honor your versatile manner and virtues of humbleness to be shared by anyone who dons a uniform and places a badge of conviction upon their chest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2018

No time for crash courses when perusing the streets looking for something other than terror. Toiling and teaming up with your partners made you a better officer and surely placed some of the yoke upon their shoulders as well. You led by example, Officer Cook, strong heart and insightful thinking that backed up your integrity, wisdom and dignity. You can only have these traits if your honesty is present and all accounted for. You summoned the courage and bravery to surpass your humble and humanely distinct legacy of heroism to the highest degree. Now we salute your intellectual values and principles which were never compromised while battling evil. Vision and its clarity clearly etched where it rightfully belongs. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2018

The diabolical have their sights and desires set on evil. Plain violence and hatred for society's folks who just want harmony instead of strife and turmoil. Police go out and try their best to secure quiet and decency among a community. In Dade County where you worked for six years of honorable and heroic service, Officer Cook, there was nothing better than your integrity and dignity gently moving aside wickedness all through your resolve and acumen. A man of courage and character whose loyalty shall be cherished forever as a hero and as a savior. God surely directed your paths and trails in life with His special brand of tenacity and ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2018

Deception and desperation, nothing worse when fighting crime than to be dishonest and disloyal to your department and those colleagues who serve side by side of yourself. You had Dade County's best interests, Officer Cook, right where your dignity and integrity laid. Even with stellar character and the fabrics of fine morals, you knew that day and everyday you were challenged by those intent on making life tough for us who desired peace, liberty and the pursuits of happiness. Your legacy of heroism and humility gave humanity a chance to fondly remember your life and career as a professional now an angelic hero patrolling Our Lord's sacred venues in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2018

Ruthless, rotten to the core and just plain self-serving, those are the types of individuals that must be immediately taken out of service. Placing their beings on the streets makes things tougher for those honest and brave souls of dignity and integrity to even begin to battle. Dade County already was a large region, a bureau of many waiting for some respite and piece of harmony which you presented them, Officer Cook, through your commitment and ideally great character. Never will your comrades or family forget your valiant attempt to corral a troubled man. Saluted for humility and humanity for having their backs to protect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman with an austere and engaging smile. The good die young and why do the wicked thrive? Our Master has these and other complex answers stored in His eternal treasure chest. High above where your soul circles us, Officer Cook, just a visual reminder of things.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2018

The persona of personality is that it enhances an already critical crusade of justice and honesty. Your smile, Officer Cook, could light up any room and for sparing Dade County and its citizens of more harm may your character, dignity and integrity be eternally sheltered in God's golden palace of perfection. Only the best are with Our Creator patrolling those streets where no more hurt will enter their souls. Stability and sanctity reigned when you heroically and rightly watched over us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2018

Laughing gas is known to calm down those who fear a dentist. You behavior and personality, Officer Cook, was meant to calm those whose tempers were fraying. Dade County was your area of concern and for giving all your honesty and integrity may God reward and bless your humbly heroic soul of care, valor and esteem. The gallantry to make peace and security a promise all by your unselfish boldness and concern for commitment to excellence. A uniform worn smartly and very confidently. You'll be so etched and thanked for saving us from the dangers that lurked back then. A man's character and desire that took your pathways down the road for six years of ingenuity and the intervention that our community expects. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our world demands justice and when faith and hope skip as one the result can only be a positive outcome.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2018

Rooftops can be scary just looking down. Just peek at your record, Officer Cook and we will locate great skills,morals second to none and the humble and humane honor which is central to commandeering your trails of tenacity around the corridors of Dade County. Its people welcomed your ever fresh demeanor and dignity as it fought a hard and long battle over adversaries large enough to halt the serene nature of one and all. Clever and fluid , your convictions and commitments to pride have been deeply appreciated all these decades later as they stand for a mark your soul of peace represented. Never far from our hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You most surely constructed cornerstones of courage for all future brave souls of resolve and resiliency. Don't jump. God will catch you and bring you back to His austere confines known as heaven.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2018

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