Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

To lessen violence would make a society that sometimes flounders in its own footsteps more appreciative of the many good servants, men and women serving the purposes for which God placed them on this Earth. You were placed here, Officer Cook, for the very same humbling reason. To enlighten our joys, hopes, happiness and pleasures. You can only accomplish this if peace, freedom and harmony are plentiful and likewise that of your honor, desire, devotion and decency. A hero of integrity and dignity with a bold character and the sound humility battling through evil's mazes where mayhem and utter kayos roam free. Sooner or later it must be stopped for anything constructive to begin to take its shape. Your family and department salute your memory and gallant legacy. Loving. Admired and reverently respected. A universal gentleman with a caring heart and warm smile that greeted everyone and that is most sadly missed forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2018

With a kaleidoscope of kindness and acumen, you protected and served the people of Dade County faithfully and with great resolve, Officer Cook. Never a more loving and supremely respected officer. Never oscillating nor running away from your official roles, your humble honesty, integrity and dignity helped to shape the peaceful landscape and the unity we were looking for. Character builds bridges. Cornerstones and their very foundations lie where they lie because of your unassuming virtue and valiant efforts to save and to free us from the barrels of barbaric behavior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2018

With an anvil of anger, the wrath of those who commit evil and violence can only make our very humanity cringe with apprehension. Never do we the citizens expect less from our duly devoted, honest and sincerely loyal public servants. Your goodwill and fondness for all Dade County, Officer Cook, made you a better man, a superior warrior and a humanely humble hero. It took every ounce of your soul of good character, humility, dignity and charm to restore our unity and liberty for all. You'll never be more solemnly honored for bravery, wisdom and the courage for that which your heart pursued. Your passions and dreams have become our aspirations and the ingenuity of your personal inspirations. A legacy of building goodwill and hope among all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2018

Rambling and rumbling are as bad as fumbling and stumbling along. Never a misstep, Officer Cook, only real honest ingenuity and integrity based within the walls of humility and supreme dignity, as it made your efforts on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. Their peace and stability, unity and happiness came about because of your performance and perseverance. Always sensational and always saluted for first class desire and the character that good scruples bring to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2018

A vivid life and a sweet voice silenced by the vindictive actions of a viper. A man who like a cobra struck at the heart of Dade County and killed you, Officer Cook and nearly took the lives of your other comrades, shooting two and nearly taking your partner that day, Reserve officer Scott Lincoln who was riding with you. Also, Detective Donald Blocker who finally arrived on the scene and killed Mr.Pearsall.Those conversations with Scott had to be pretty special after all you were a humble, loyal and very dependable public servant. Our settings of serenity were struck by your unwavering and unselfish honesty, integrity, bravery and dignity. Your heroism and humility is now at the highest of humanity's heights. Heaven is the venue of the vigilant and brave, the confident and not the complainers. Silence is golden though your family, peers and friends would still prefer to hear your insightful and impactful wisdom even some funny jokes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Thank you Officer Cook, for gracing and embracing mankind with your compassion, care, concern and unadulted consideration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2018

In human nature there is frailness. But, in every men and women serving to defeat violence there must be ferocity and the sheer will power to overcome large obstacles that threaten our very cherished happiness in our society. Mankind owes a debt of gratitude to you and so does Dade County, Officer Cook, for your heroic efforts. You always left home with a smile and your outstanding honor, integrity and the dignity tha tall valiant souls of mercy and hope bring to the table. Now at God's large throne do you reside, Officer Cook and so does your character, humility and decency dispensed to our world. A hero's welcome to eternal tranquility where you now serve an even greater role. patrol those sacred streets and golden paved roads where only perfect resolve occurs. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2018

Missions mount. Destinies abound. Journeys add mileage to its heroes and heroines who strive for that perfect plan to defeat doom. Violence perpetrates nothing but bad tidings and only your gallant tenacity, Officer Cook, allowed Dade County to try and to reverse that tide. The flows of character, decisions and the mastery of mettle assisting honesty, dignity helping carry one's humble integrity, all in the Lord's blessed name. Your caring and consideration delivered some semblance of quiet and harmonious moments to an area and community where your traits were very much essentially needed. You are missed and remembered for your dedication and motivation to lead other comrades through thick and thin. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2018

Submit to serenity, chances are security and safety will follow suit. Your years, Officer Cook, were well spent toiling for trouble here in Dade County and your ultimate sacrifice bears this out. Your life was humbly and honorably given for stability and harmony to overtake violence and the baseless actions of a depressed man. Your character rode high on your resolve and by possessing values and morals, Officer cook, may your life and treasured soul be celebrated for eternity as you continue to be respectfully honored for summoning the inner might to battle for what you believed in. Truth and fairness, firmness and humility, civility humanely and heroically given back to our humanity. A frank man with a gentle breeze blowing your soul around Our Maker's heaven above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2018

With open arms did your parents, Officer Cook,welcome you and your big sister, Nancy, to this world. She misses you greatly and if your mom, Mrs. Cook , is still alive and well, she too misses you greatly. Her darling heroic son, "Billy." So refined, so revered, so respected and so resolute. Dade County only wishes it can see you today,Officer Cook, with that bright and sunny smile. Your comportment, courage and dignity only made your honor and integrity sparkle that much more. Those whom you served with and the people you watched over have some liberty, enhancement and were enriched by your devotedly faithful pursuits of happiness for humanity. Humble and humane go right in the same foundational structure as does character, commitment to excellence and equality for all, Trust and truth can always assist any officer during those heated moments of tension and duress. You showed mettle and were a tenacious warrior and above all a hero forever to be fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2018

Lions pounce. Evil pries. It tries to open a pandora's box of who knows what. You stopped an unsightly man from committing more evil, Officer Cook and sadly gave your life for Dade County's residents to live more freely and peacefully. Your soul of wit and goodwill will be honored for its humbleness, humility and the sanctity that only decency, dignity and integrity bring. For having the character and the connections to transparency may Our Lord keep you closer to HIs arms and side as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It is found in public servant's like yourself, Officer Cook, the gentle touch of tenacity, always carried by your side.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2018

Never delay nor procrastinate for we pay the dearest of prices. Our stability and enhancement were your onuses, Officer Cook and you took your responsibilities most frankly and quite seriously. Danger and peril must be rooted out and uplifted to a place where they rightfully belong. Our vitality and freedoms were at your side and the humble hero in you protected our resources wit hall your acumen and vision. The wisdom of character and dignity are the ingenuity of honor and integrity. You keep your values and principles and we were the recipients of your legacy. One that stands on guard and from the skies above your soul of kindness and nobility, Officer Cook, has risen from its humility keeping humanity safe and secure forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave the ultimate for our every movement and peace of mind, it's a crying shame your happiness and smiling face could not be here today to witness all that you helped to set down.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2018

To those who drive to protect, to the ones who fly to serve, to the humble who use a boat to persevere,may your journeys and missions be blessed with success and the safety the honesty God implanted within your hearts and souls. You soul, Officer Cook, was nourished by the love and admiration your family, friends and comrades had for you. You loyally served Dade County with all your might and the inner strength that honesty, humility, integrity and dignity could muster. A terrible day for your family and the entire police world when you were taken. Your character and convictions have been vented now to Our Master Himself who watches over you and your colleagues who sacrificed for humanity to arise from this mess of mayhem. Violence and bloodshed spill their seeds of destruction while you were a gentleman of gallantry, hope and faith. Goodwill and serenity never were better when that maturity beyond your years was present and girded our every movement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Day in and day out when the going gets tough, the diligent and vigilant get going.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2018

Satire is just that. Humility and humbleness speak humanely of our most esteemed and beloved of heroines and heroes past and present. You donned your uniform regally and pristinely, Officer Cook, as a symbol of the reverence you had for your position. A most important role striving to serve and keep safe we as the people of Dade County. You lived not to far from my family and that will be a deep regret in not knowing you or your parents and sister, Nancy. Though, I 'll always remember that humble letter from your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. Your "Billy" was so full of honesty and respect, his desire, loyalty and dignity made all the difference in the world of chaos attempting to save the people and his colleagues caught in the crosshairs of a wicked man's plot against the establishment. But, sincerity and humility when matched with character, commitment and integrity made you an unsung hero forever and we do cherish your memory, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 made resiliency, proficiency and efficiency words that have a deeper meaning. God has His angels of valor, His heroes and heroines shielded in heaven where they now serve a more profound role. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2018

Delegate what you must, but, be devoted to honor and bravery while staying dignified and keeping integrity within you rhumble character. You maintained a high profile here in Dade County, Officer Cook, while protecting and trying to restore unity and peaceful missions for all mankind. Resolve and resolution at times are difficult to come by because of evil's eyes and ears. They look to snap those tightly woven strings of serenity which humanity demands. You were a courageous young man built on morals and values within your heroic and humane soul. Never forgotten and solemnly saluted for humility and sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2018

Glib and gab don't belong in the line of duty with bravery, boldness and professional honesty. You cannot begin the battle without some integrity and dignity which you possessed, Officer Cook. The trenches in Dade County were dug deep and your sheer energy and resolve went into our peaceful pursuits of freedom and happiness. Character only begins to scratch of you rhumane, heroic and noble life bounded by fundamentals of trust and fairplay. Humanity thanks you, Officer Cook,a hard working public servant who protected like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2018

Hands of humility, fists filled with ferocity, lips that spoke the truth and honor sadly tough to replace. Your life and police career, Officer Cook, was filled with nothing but love and respect from your peers, friends and your family who shares these wonderful memories of you. A life taken way too soon by unmitigated violence all at the hands of a young man perpetrating wanton ruination. Your journeys and missions of salvation, solace and security, Officer Cook, instilled awareness in the hearts of Dade County's faithful. Today, we the people and your family treasure those golden moments, the years just passing quicker than we would like them to. But, keep in mind humility, civility and sanctity last forever just as your blessed name and the resolve you8 gave your soul for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character. Our Master clears up the clarity by having your heroic wisdom and vision a tHis side at all times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2018

Whatever your position or rank, you earn your reward based upon how honorable and loyal you remain to the causes of justice. If you comrades trust and believe in your dignity and integrity you probably make an impact as you so passionately did on behalf of Dade County residents. But, to keep in mind staying taciturn and doing what is deemed correct surely makes better inroads than being one who leaves that straight line of civility. Sanctity is what needs to reign down on the various venues and your unselfish character and commitment to pride and excellence saw to that, Officer Cook. A legend and a builder of humanity through the eyes and ears of the Lord Himself. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are etched in your family's hearts and minds as well as those of your friends and fellow officers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2018

Hands of humane honor and the feet of dignity tenaciously travelling to chase after heinousness. What can we say regarding your austere integrity and dignity making an impression on the good folks of Dade County and never to be overlooked. Instead, Officer Cook, you remain loyal and cherished in your family's loving grace and in the humility of your department. Whenever there was a problem, Badge#1664 was present and there to take responsibility. Terror and evil demand just actions and for pursuing your missions with zest and zeal may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You sure are missed, Officer Cook, a graceful and enthusiastic servant who just wanted for serenity and safety to stay within those walls where torment and turmoil looked to unravel our very lives.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2018

Our heroines and heroes deserve so much credit for performing a thankless job. A vocation in which their valor is stamped upon the ideals and values of our society. Your loving esteem, Officer Cook, uplifted the spirits of the downtrodden of those residing in and around Dade County. Those venues, streets and corners were marked with peril and wickedness and you should be commended for doing a yeoman job in creating a serene and docile environment all because of maintaining honesty, integrity and dignity in all your faithful trails. Tenacity and ferocity are not just learned as they must be a by-product of one's upbringing which take sits roots at home. Maturity, wisdom and vision made evil do a double take and you tried your utmost, Officer Cook, a gallant man and character of the highest regard for his fellowman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The bricks and mortar were laid skillfully by your journeys, it is a shame your presence could not witness all these changes. It was steel resolve and efficiency beyond the calls of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2018

Undying, unselfish and unwavering, your expertise, Officer Cook, was to put the pressure on evil and to rid it from our world. Dade County lived and still lives because of your effort and endeavor spread far and wide. The day to day onus of protecting is not easy and your character and conviction was just what we needed to stay safe and sound. Integrity, dignity and honor humanely placed in the face of danger to ward off the awful affects of violence. Your character has left those enhancements properly sealed within the corridors where Our Lord navigated your patrols of prudence. Never a more prepared and articulate leader of other esteemed colleagues. You won't be forgotten, Officer Cook, a prince among the angels of God's grand honor roll of supreme humility given back to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2018

There can be no chinks or dents in the armor of awareness, acumen and remaining astute. Since you started your career, Officer Cook, being sincere and candid, courageous and commendable allowed your fortress of ferocity and honesty to sink in protecting those of us living in Dade County who desired happy trails. A public servant of the highest decency, dignity and integrity which has been passed down to those comrades and your beloved family members who too pursue harmony and peace, prosperity in all their resolve to become decent citizens. Your paths were cut out just for you to walk in God's loving embrace while you served and now that your humble and heroic spirit has transcended those pearly gates of grace and gallantry. Valor and resiliency follow those who listen, learn and obey God's laws of nature and follow the character and commitment that all departments and their communities expect of their duly affirmed women and men of ingenuity and the precise applications of humility. Humanity carries that crown and for humanely serving, Officer Cook, may your family be blessed by your treasured and revered soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2018

Adjust your attitude and chances are your humble success will be reached. If you dare stray from the paths of resolve and honor, heaven help those souls of serenity for our peace and harmony will be difficult to achieve. You reached out to the citizens of Dade County, Officer Cook, promising sunnier days. Those skies were sunny and hot the day you gave your all for your community. Character, concern and a caring heart will be how you will be fondly remembered. A warrior with the mentality of a humane and beloved human being who will remain his family and department's cherished hero. A gentleman for all humanity serving and preserving our hopes and dreams, your goodwill and devotion, Officer Cook, were taken to a higher spiritual calling. keep walking that pristine beat where no harm will follow after you. Violence and terror should not have taken a man of passion who was just trying to calm a troubled individual. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Never any attitude issues. You gave an accounting worthy of a heavenly reward and your soul, Officer Cook, will keep soaring higher everyday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2018

Denigration should lead to an investigation as it causes utter humiliation. For hopes and well being to flourish and live peace and unification must be the words of goodwill that are faithfully discharged. You lived by your undying will to survive and take care of all Dade County. Its citizens humbly blessed by your recognition, resolve and the decent honesty, integrity and dignity poured into making humanity feel at home. God has your humane character and its heroism which marked your life and public service career, Officer Cook, never crossing that line of doubt nor lingering when vital time was needed fighting the forces of ferocious evil. What tenacity! You displayed the basics and as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let destiny show your accomplishments are now honorably inscribed in front and back of Our Creator's trusted walls of humility given to all civilization.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 16, 2018

Babies crawl. Fish swim. Violence runs like never before unleashing its awful affects upon our very world. The society you and your comrades, Officer Cook, served and protected with your soul of goodwill and faith. In Dade County sheer morals, character and conviction can surely help to ward off this wanton wickedness that still runs rampant. Your earnest efforts and honorable heroic actions helped to fortify our very reasons for marching forward. You can be certain your good name will be remembered and sealed in those walls where humanity was preserved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Class surely engages enhancement as well as leadership embraces motivation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 16, 2018

Desire and determination stay hand in hand so long as their accompanied by honor, reverence and the receptacles of resolve and resourcefulness. All your paths in life and during your career, Officer Cook, were carved out of courage and commitment to the fundamentals of excellent character and the maturity that intelligence bestows upon the simple and humanely heroic souls. Dade County was blessed by your young and energetic being, one that fought hard for our harmony, safe passages and the humility that civility sanctifies in all mankind. Nothing finer than being saluted for bravery and boldness working to free us of the oppression of evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 16, 2018

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