Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Relevance is what you did now and yet for those brave and honest servants their heroism centuries ago leaves that lasting effect of endeavor and dignity, so help integrity's ingenuity. Your protection of Dade County, Officer Cook, is well spoken and humbly mentioned as a legend and as a humanely loyal leader of other troops where tenacity got its best challenge day in and day out. Violence and terror never lets up nor does slumber. For having the character and correct principles, Officer Cook, can we truly say tranquility has arrived. You paid the ultimate price for humanity to breath and to prosper and as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, those stones of serenity yo u turned over, may they and your magnificent soul and its mettle by blessed. Trust . Hope. Resolve. May they share each other during our relaxing journeys to liberty and unity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2018

Turn the page and next to the columns of class, courage and confidence you'll find real humble honor, humility and the humble esteem that dignity and integrity incorporate into those battles of evil where your sheer boldness, Officer Cook, brought lasting peace to all Dade County citizens. A piece of every officer who gives their life is channeled into all future men and women who remain cherished and hopeful.You did not let anything get you down, Perhaps, if those side panels were around back in your day you would still be with us. Your destinations, destinies, voyages,journeys and missions were certainly well documented and devoted to the peace and goodwill of our society. Our Lord has you covered and very well protected up in His heavenly abode where no more violence will wreak its havoc upon your treasured soul of humane and heroic distinction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2018

Like a fine wine, your maturity, wisdom and vision got better as you grew older. Today at nearly, sixty-five you would be retired and enjoying life with Karen. God had other more serious and humble determinations for your immortal soul. You gave Dade County, Officer Cook, everything you had to overcome this sad and sadistic evil committed by a troubled man. Your conduct and considerations for humanity were of the highest character, dignity and the honesty that integrity sprouts forth. You take some resolve and some serenity and safe travels should come from this. Heroism does not get placed on a plate and just handed to anyone. One must be serving and faithful, dedicated and capable of leading other women and men brave and pure through peril and other obstacles that threaten to impede peace and quiet. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave heart and soul, Officer Cook, for our happiness to continue. Sad yours could not travel the same pathways.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2018

A sharp mind combined with solid instincts that produced the humble accomplishments by which you will be fondly remembered for, Officer Cook. Magnificent , morally proper and meaningful in the directions of dignity, desire and devotion to all mankind, Dade County was a community where your heroic actions of May 16, 1979, will forever never be overlooked nor placed on any dusty shelf. You gave your life and career for transparency, honor and the humane intuitions that commitments and character always represent. A noble and most respected man, a gallant heart and bravery over and beyond those scopes of surveillance. We and your family, Officer Cook, can be one hundred percent certain your comrades too shall salute your humane and civil minded duties of resiliency and perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2018

Winning the war is welcome relief. Though the casualties remain etched in our hearts. Your thoughtfulness and courtesy, Officer Cook, will be solemnly honored. You rescued Dade County and its residents from nothing but terror and its violence. Those waves of wickedness crashed into innocent folks looking for some prosperity and a
sense of harmony. Integrity, dignity and honesty all blended well in the mix of morals, mettle and resolve. Forever has your character, convictions and commitments to pride and excellence been those tools that other brave and bold souls pursue peace and its humility. Humanity will glad to have a hero such as yourself counted among us, Officer Cook., Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2018

A life of happy trails ended by the monsters of a demon. One man totally bent on hell and evil. But, Dade County will forever remember your guts and grit, Officer Cook, your passion, honor and courage when lives were in danger. Colleagues and civilians being rescued from the jaws of violence by your unselfish heroism, humility and the dignity by which integrity and character must march on. Saluted and so humanely revered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2018

Prosperity relishes its happiness by just the simple acts of the brave and bold. The honorable and heroic reap their rewards from God's own very special seat in the heavens above. Your courtesy and politeness, Officer Cook, never wavered, never diminished, nor ever died. It's living in the bodies and souls of your loved ones passed down from their courageous warrior and savior to all Dade County. An attitude worth emulating if safety and the bonds of stability are to co-exist in harmony and in unity. In a wise man, there can be no foolishness. In a soft spoken man there can be only truth and trust faithfully discharged from their dignified tongues of integrity. Violence, terror and its tyranny were handled swiftly and by the book. Mettle , morals and the class of your good character saw to that. No repercussions. Only resiliency and the greatest respect for humanity hidden in your humility. Sanctity shall reign supreme. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2018

Happy are we who live to achieve another day of happiness. We can thank you, Officer Cook and your heroic actions here in Dade Count for saving our faces. For your humane and stoic feats of faith and tenacity may your soul be triply blessed. Serenity and security come at moments with an ultimate price for performing your tasks with clarity and alacrity. All loving and mutual in that your honor and the integrity for which dignity follows led your destinies down those trails of humility bestowed upon the gentle wings of humanity. Your heroic wings, Officer Cook, enable you to soar higher and higher in the same breathes as your vision, commitment to pride and the wisdom to reach out during times of treachery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our sadness, more importantly your family's sadness helps build those bridges to a future of happiness and the good health they have. Heroism binds together, it shall never tear your tarnish that which you placed here, Officer Cook, cornerstones for a safer haven to enjoy all that you should be offered the chance to do. Our Master has a plan and your resolve and resolution is inscribed upon those tablets where ferocity was designed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2018

Encouragement is good for the soul, for the physical effort has been instilled in all of us by God. your cherished community fondly salutes your character and dignity, Officer Cook, a mainstay of your mettle, morals and the intensity that integrity brings to humble and humane honor. A revered servant, loyal and faithful to those challenges that lied ahead. At least you gave your best everyday, Officer Cook, though the wars of terror still trudge on, your soul overlooking and helping your heavenly comrades ensure some kind of peace and the progress by which perseverance moves forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2018

There can be no trepidation when using tenacity and boldness to fight crime. Your humane and heroic exploits, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County and its citizens made you a hero forever. You courageously faced danger and through your unselfish honor, integrity and dignity did you succeed in keeping us peaceful and together. Always wise and prudent, humble and full of humility, your blessed soul keeps looking down on your family, peers and friends. Just too young to have been taken by this wanton and heinous violence. Character builds composure. Commitment constructs bravery and foundations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2018

No one is a robot and departments that utilize them do so for dangerous assignments. Your breath of knowledge and capability, Officer Cook, meant Dade County would not surrender to wickedness and its turmoil. You accomplished as a hero must. You imparted virtue and wisdom upon your partners and so in turn it made your character, honor and integrity stand dignified to battle for our serenity and quality of life and your career with more left to fulfill. God heavens are pristine and now as you res tin peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment rests in conviction and yours, Officer Cook, was bravely diligent.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2018

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Vanity is in God's eyes where real bravery is in the souls of His beloved and admired heroes and heroines. Surely, Dade County was rescued from Mr. Pearsall's clutches of evil and you had your valiant prints of ferocity on that hot spot, Officer Cook. A gentleman with a gallant passion and golden heart, humanity's own legend bringing tranquility and sanctity back among the crowd. You'll be etched in your family's hearts and the many other hearts of those befriended. A prince among men and women whose humanitarian desires and devotions made a world of difference. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your gravestone represents justice and sacrifice, resolve and resolution under duress in the blessed name of the Lord who rules this Earth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2018

Violence is that ticking time bomb that must be carefully detonated before it blows up any given venue with its ruination and wreck less abandonment. Dade County was pretty much under your youthful guidance and self-confidence, Officer Cook, as you were a proud man and yet able to take direction and eventually lead other brave and beloved souls through disruption and despair. We never gave up hope as we knew peace and its security do take time to materialize. That day God directed your honor, integrity and character to where dignity was put back on the streets where you your colleagues and those citizens caught in the disturbing sounds of gunfire. Your soul rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero as does your perfect character sitting atop those lofty clouds of Our Maker's glory. A legacy of heroes and heroines so regally supreme in humility and humbleness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2018

Pyramids of persuasion, perseverance and prudent actions make the servants who serve worth their weights in gold. Dade County and its population was protected by your honorable character, Officer Cook and austere dignity and ever present integrity. A shame your pathways in life and a public service career with more journeys yet to come came to a tragic ending by heinous and reprehensible evil that day. Our movements and missions allowed to march on while your unwavering humility sleeps soundly in God's crypts of courage. An honor roll of relentless effort on your heroic part and blessed soul, Officer Cook, that touched our very hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2018

Place the bread and butter on the table along with salt and pepper. Add some spices, kind of like adding ingredients of honesty, integrity and some real old fashioned dignity and unrelenting dedication which you had, Officer Cook, for your position and loyally humble esteem for Dade County's unsung citizens. Valor and vigilance never again to be duplicated. Diligence and devotion never to be seen ever. Your heroic legacy of conviction and quality of character is eternally gracing with humility Our Master's seats at His tables of ferocity and tenacity unselfish and unying. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2018

Police must maintain peace and despite having only so much God given ability they must function on more than ingenuity, intuitions and integrity. It has to be from their heart and the pit of their bellies where ambition, acumen and drive kick in. Your desire to be the very finest, Officer Cook, began decades before growing up in North Miami Beach, Florida. A community the Cook Family called home and an area about ten miles away where you laid down your life on a hot afternoon of May 16, 1979. A disturbance of diabolical proportions, one where you saved many lives that day, civilians and your fellow Metro-Dade colleagues in dire straits. A life of liberty given in honor, dignity and devotion to the causes that evil unwraps upon humanity. There is no humility when violence is churning wildly out of kilter. You bravely preserved the integrity of life and its values, ideals and scruples. And for this you will be greatly honored and given humane and heroic salutes for salvations and sincerity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wisdom and vision travel well when executed to the letter of the laws being applied justly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2018

Dishing out dignity and pure driven desire, your professional feats, Officer Cook, have been honorably remembered and so stoically saluted for heroism and humility on par with your mettle and character, a commitment refreshing and invigorating in that it returned real peace and a stabilizing civility to Dade County community calling for help. An SOS went out on May 16, 1979 and there you were at NW 77th Court and NW 12th Avenue trying your utmost to reason with a troubled young man and to calm down the masses. Quick thinking and admired for fulfilling your dreams and aspirations. They made enrichment and enhancement stand for justice and fairness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 surely held bravery and boldness as firmly as resolve and humility. Mankind's best of friends. Partners that honor society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2018

Your good soul, Officer Cook, surely gave violence a run for its money. Though no amount of money could bring you back. Our Lord has your integrity and ever present virtuous honesty and dignity tightly wrapped in His arms for eternal keeping. We here in Dade County was the recipients of stellar protection and proficiency like no other. Consider your treasured soul as one of heroic and humbly humane proportions as it graced the streets and pavements with more pride and energy than one can understand. Never confusion, only the inclusion of effort, wisdom and ingenuity to gave torment your best endeavors to deliver the peace and liberty we deserve. Humanity sets the wheels of humility in motion and away you went, Officer Cook, answering your calling. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2018

In life one must take chances if success is to be made a positive outcome. In police work sometimes you don't get a second chance to make right a problem. On May 16, 1979, you answered a domestic call that made your character, honor and desire demonstrate to all Dade County that your integrity and dignity were in the right zone. Your zest and zeal for life will be remembered forevermore. Prosperity and perseverance tow those lines where resolve and resiliency belong. Your tenacity and ferocity, Officer Cook, made your department their hero, your family's hero and humanity's peaceful savior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2018

Hope brings humanity its humility and humbleness brings health and prosperity for a brighter tomorrow. Dade County was given all the right signs of serenity and safe journeys by your kindness and gentle soul, Officer Cook. A man on a destiny of determination and the sincerest of dedication making us more at rest, more at peace and more responsible for our very actions. It's always sad when a brave man has his life and career cut short by wanton violence. But, your soul keeps looking after your family and a community that valued your resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2018

Praise goes to those whose souls and beings share in this blessing to aid the public. Your soul, Officer Cook, was and is continually honored for serving all Dade County with the right acumen and awareness. Always a cherished and most respected hero whose life of public service reflected the values and morals that good character and integrity bring to the profession. Dignity, desire, honor and class shared by comrades and family members who fondly remember their devoted love done. Harmony and unity delivered with optimism and the reality of enhancement for all our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2018

Your childhood, Officer Cook, had to be very most exciting and very charming. Consider this, when raised by two wonderful parents along with your sister, Nancy, things were always stable. When your dad, Charles sudden passed, there you were a good son always checking on your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook's welfare. It speaks volumes of your heroism and treasured humility. Always from your heart and that was your service loyal and unpretentious on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. Fair yet firm. Open and honest beyond a shadow of doubt. Your composure and dignity brought wholesome peace and tranquility to a community that forever so salutes your character, integrity and commitment. You would not want it any other way. All these decades later after your tragic demise in the line of duty, standing up for Dade County's distinction, you'll be fondly revered, Officer Cook, for standing up to evil, wisdom, vision and your unwavering maturity along etched so warmly in your family's heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resolve and resiliency represent equality and justice for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 24, 2018

Take a glance, a glimpse in the humble eyes of grace and gallantry, yours, Officer cook. A brave and heroic soul whose immortality cannot be forgotten. Never overlook ferocity and tenacity teaming up as a combination to defeat the likes of unwarranted evil and its impending violence. Dade County and its residents were kept safe by your actions of honor, integrity and dignity sharing those all arduous roles of vision, wisdom and the resolve that humility bestowed upon your blessed and sacred soul of serenity, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero whose undeniable character were central in bravely facing danger.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 24, 2018

Connect the dots of dignity, devotion and dedication, somewhere you'll uncover under the rocks of resolve some decency, desire and determination which was orchestrated by your valiant heart, Officer Cook. A legend in Dade County who served and was a decent and honorable soul of peace and its distinctions of deserved salutes of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humble life and humane career of humility is now resting nobly with others who have sacrificed for the goodwill of mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 24, 2018

The beauty of dignity is that it along with integrity and honesty stay with a brave soul even in eternity for it's Our Creator that has blessed you and your wonderful family, Officer Cook,for lending you to our world for an all too short twenty-five years of loyalty and trustworthy service to the citizens of Dade County. You can be sure resolve, resourcefulness, and your humbleness won't ever be forgotten. When desire and character merge at those perilous crossroads only the goodness of their beloved souls is truly revealed. Your shining soul, Officer Cook, keeps illuminating our darkest days and hours and preventing more needless violence and bloodshed. You are a warrior and a hero whose humility has uplifted our humanity to even greater heights of wisdom, vision and clarity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 24, 2018

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