Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Talent, honesty and bravery surely help those devoted public servants where as mistrust, dishonor and disloyalty only disgrace the badges worn by those bold and dignified women and men and its in their blood the passions they put forth to serve and to protect the integrity and values of life so important. Desire and faith surely can deter detrimental behavior never allowed by any department. Your code of conduct, Officer Cook, was to live humbly, think wisely and resolve issues to the best of your capabilities. Dade County and their citizens were in your humanely heroic hands where a smile and some courtesy never hurt anyone. A man full of hobbies and passion pursuing happiness and gallantry the only way you could fair, forward and with unrelenting ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2018

There can be no doubt that Badge#1664 was well known in the corridors of Dade County as it humbly and ably followed our safe passages and provided goodwill, peace and enthusiasm to all. Your demeanor, Officer Cook, was of a happy nature, open and honest, polite and well mannered, courteous and brave, surely God gave you your humility and the integrity to dignify your valiant calling for police work. Ambitious and astute, loyal and with plenty of acumen. You stood face to face and toe to toe demonstrating to your comrades and family members just what you represented. Sanctity and the sanity that comes with a humble piece of mind. A legacy constructed upon the foundations of character, morals, mettle and ideals of intellect and the ingenuity to see your journeys through. Never forgotten and well respected by humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2018

When tempers flare and fray, ferocity must be exercised to bring resolve home. Nothing can be absent nor missing while you are out on your duties patrolling for some peace and civility. Dade County had your heroism, Officer Cook, along with your sunny smile and friendliness out on those dangerous pavements pursuing justice and freedom for all mankind. No matter the time or venue, your dignity and desire were present with your integrity and character so crucial to combatting turmoil and torment. A salute for your conviction, perseverance and trails of tenacity which has at least to this day made lives matter and more serene for us. A warrior who was welcomed into God's loving embrace with His open arms of mercy and compassion just as you so adequately displayed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2018

Dismal and sad, the words used to spell out one's very own life being taken needlessly by violence and terror. Nothing that powerful and austere may run rampant among humanity. There are enough ailments already harming our world. You came along in 1973, Officer Cook and for a quarter of your life you were out policing and protecting the values and honor of Dade County residents. Nothing better than a happy young man full of honesty, integrity and vitality dignifying his determinations to be the best public servant out there honoring humility, striving for justice and efficiently overcoming peril to restore calmness amid the kayos that was transpiring that day. You will always be treasured as a soul of mankind whose goodwill and grace was blessed to be with us for a too short twenty-five years of fruitful destinies. Our Lord has now taken your compass and directed at an even more humane calling. Your soul watches over your family and those women and men trying to be brave and honorable while delivering tranquility and good fortune. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2018

Violence needs to be disarmed of its power to prevail over society. It cannot be allowed to run loose displayed its wanton evil. Your fights in Dade County, Officer Cook, provided a steadier tomorrow, one made greater if your humbleness and humility were honorably present. You gave your life so peace and harmony may reside among us. Humanity needed your stellar character and commitment to both excellence and pride. A uniform of wisdom, desire and the faithfulness of loyalty to your esteemed colleagues who have saluted and solemnly honored your heroic memory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2018

When life is imperiled police are out in force making us more safe. All you can be is your best and uphold your honor, dignity and integrity central to your humble missions of goodwill. You kept your end of your affirmation, Officer Cook, to protect and vindicate all Dade County from unlawful violence. The best and most supreme hero whose legacy stands as a pillar of our society in morals and in humility. Its humane esteem and elegance conveyed the messages of tranquility and the virtues of your vigilant actions that afternoon hotter than ever when you gave your life so ours could keep marching on. Time does that and sadly as we remember you, Officer Cook and your gentle and gallant soul, at least, well can look to the skies and see the bluest of nights. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2018

Hope and pray for the best and through God's compassion, kindness and mercy surely goodness shall come. Your department and family wanted you to survive that brutal day of infamy and violence, Officer Cook. They really did. The Lord must have had other more special plans for your soul of valor, honor and the loyalty that only integrity and dignity can spread. Dade County was under your scopes of surveillance and civility, the makings of your morals and mettle, character and convictions. Those divine shelters have been well protected by your perseverance and persistent efforts, Officer Cook. Our enhancements and enrichment have now become our greatest resources for peace and harmony. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2018

Grim and sad, your untimely left us and especially your loving family devoid of your wonderfully smiling face, your presence and sense of humor I'm sure is greatly missed at all holiday functions and yet they know in the heavens above rests your supreme valor, noted wisdom, vision wrapped tightly around your unwavering civility and serene sanctity which you provided the Dade County area and its folks with. Plenty of everlasting heroic honesty, integrity and the ingenuity of dignity which for sure can bring more safe passages. Your humble journeys, Officer Cook, had all the right tenacity stapled to your character, desire and proficient decency. Forever honored and solemnly saluted for undying and unrelenting effort put on the line. Those streets had you, Officer Cook and have been a little bit less safer. Take care and watch over us and those who wear their uniforms and badges of boldness and bravery in an unassuming manner. Help shield them from harm. Only Our Lord can plan and your spirit is assisting in this difficult process. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2018

Bustling and hustling, a humble man's daily effort. To stabilize any venue one must be diligent and committed to using those tools at their disposal. You never shied away from violence, Officer Cook, you went right for its perpetrator and accomplished more just by being here in Dade County on your daily rounds. Your dignity, integrity and honesty were indeed humble and efficient in this war over an adversary so demonstrative. You finished your duties and then Our Maker took your character and your soul back to His eternal home to help safeguard those no won protection detail. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2018

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Shape up or ship out. Now is the time to check in and come ready for the fight of a lifetime. Dade County has seen everything and always you acquitted yourself, Officer Cook, with the juices of zest, zeal and vigor flowing in your body. It surely made evil rise and take heart. What a courageously gallant heart you had, Officer Cook, channeling all your resources of honesty, goodwill into your integrity and dignity. Always relevant. Always saluted and revered, respected and cherished for your unselfish heroic actions that preserved peace, saved lives of your comrades and those civilians you were responsible for watching over. May God watch over your soul of peace and your spirit of humility, the treatment for some of humanity's woes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2018

The beast lies in wait to terrorize a community where serenity and safety look to pitch their tents of happiness and prosperity. Dade County was your expertise, Officer Cook and your repertoire of resolve and resiliency certainly helped to compliment you rhumble honor, esteemed bravery and the bounties of boldness, dignity and integrity. It had to be a concentrated effort you always put forth with outstanding character to achieve at least some breakthrough in peace and unity for humanity's own sake. A hero and warrior whose ideals and vision championed our humility and sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Division is still a part of very world. Those who labor, sweat and toil in tenacity, tyranny one day will perish and goodwill will replace unrest and tensions that exist sadly. Keep checking in, Officer Cook and those now serving on their toes with their compasses pointed in the right direction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2018

Pestilence can ruin the delicate balance of society's precision and pristine ways of happiness. A refined and resourceful man, your exploits and pursuits of safety and unity on behalf of Dade County made you a legend to be humbly honored, Officer Cook. Your six years of loyal and dedicated service made us feel more at home. We just wish your appearance was still with us though we know your spirit never left us or your family and peers. Violence takes those brave and calibrated souls of dignity and integrity and then they go straight to heaven where they await their humane and humble accolades from Our Chief Savior. Only your character and transparency helped to prevent a more terrible scene than what was already transpiring. Unity and understanding can only take their genesis if bravery and boldness carry themselves with distinction and deserving motivation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The goodness of a hero's heart reveals a soul of serenity as its gently touches our own very hearts. Still hard to fathom thirty-nine years since you left your family, colleagues and close personal friends. Decency and intuition let you achieve more than anyone could ever imagine, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2018

On every public servant's radar is their cunning cleverness and yet courtesy and other professional traits must present themselves when fighting crime. Dade County was the location were your virtues were severely tested day in and day out. When a living son,brother, husband and family member leaves their dignity, integrity and honor on the streets in an attempt to steer terror away from our midst we must be humble. It was the same character, hope and goodwill that was in your blood, Officer Cook. Mr. Pearsall stole your life and soul from those who cared and admired you. Never will humanity be as safe and secure, yet those who take the baton must share in the onus of accomplishing some mighty tall tasks. Your assignments made for more progress and your fruitful journeys will always be blessed and blessed for heroism and the art of caring and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A classic man with a gregarious heart and soul now revolving forevermore around our world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2018

Police work is not a play nor is it theater. it's all business that can have a lingering and yet chilling affect over those who demand and want harmony and a little civility. Your honesty and integrity sheltered us in Dade County with a pleasant amount of peace and safety though the cost was your young life, Officer Cook. We pause and remember your drive, dignity and the desire through good morals to create some moments when violence is lessened a bit. Character, commitment and conviction take vision, clarity and wisdom down those righteous wings of humanity where humility and humbleness were set upon your wonderful soul and a uniform worn proudly and efficiently. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2018

Vegetables are good for you. A hearty dose of honesty, integrity and humility will in all likelihood take a person's missions father down those roads of perseverance than ever before. Your life and career had the necessary amounts of acumen, awareness and astuteness which humbly develop vision and wisdom into better utilities that must be put into action to defeat terror. Your pursuits in Dade County, Officer Cook, made a dent in this seemingly never concluding war over wickedness. But, your class and character steered your car in the right direction everyday you worked. Your family, friends and professional comrades are exceedingly grateful for your heroic actions that saved them and the people from an evil and awful man. You were a gallant gentleman, Officer Cook, full of personality and charm and the admiration of all toward you will be reverently etched upon our minds and in our hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2018

Doom can derail the best plans of mankind. To deter these notions of evil we in Dade County needed you and your undying resolve, resourcefulness and unending resiliency, Officer Cook. Sometimes even honorable and dignified women and men cannot cure all the problems that plague society, all they can do is surely act responsibly, hold their integrity, decency and desire close to their vests. It's their vigilance and virtue which can make all the difference. Our values and aspirations can be traced to your feverish tenacity and the fire which burned in your stomach as you were looking for some tranquility and equality among humanity. Keep your eternal humility centered up above where it can assist those who have taken over your watch, Officer Cook. If they possess half of what you bravely had at least we have the chance to capture violence before it strikes again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2018

Sound advice must evolve from a sound body and mind. You can begin to battle evil without the essentials of effort and honesty. Your devotion and dignity, Officer Cook, made us here in Dade County more secure and at peaceful bliss. Thank God your integrity and ingenuity, Officer Cook, was of the highest morals and fabrics of character as it left us with good feelings. It is your unwavering and unselfish humility that helped to lead other respected souls of serenity through violence and unbalanced terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones are those edifices that should last forever the same as your heroic ally humble legacy, Officer Cook. Never forgotten and always saluted for resolve and unquestionable understanding in the performance of all your professional tasks.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2018

Pretenders cannot even begin to fathom nor contend with stark reality which is crime, unrest and the nastiness by which violence roars and sinks its teeth into our leisure pursuits of life's peace and happiness. Coping and hoping may do as much as wishful thinking. Surely, you accomplished more than that, Officer Cook, by your loving presence and positively charming personality and its stellar character. If you heaven forbid had no morals, honesty or integrity we would probably be lost. I's dare say that ship would sink. But, you were really honorable and fiercely loyal to your battling comrades. Thank God there's hope. Your heroic actions and life, Officer Cook, stood for courage and calmness during their tense times when turmoil and violence look to obstruct and shale things loose. Kind of like getting hit on the head with a coconut. You'll be humbly and very much saluted for your sage advice, mettle and the complete embodiment of morals. No complacency. No inconsistency. Just plain old hard and grind it out work to spark the flames of justice and its fairness to humanity. mankind is deeply indebted to you and your family, Officer Cook and to Our Master who gave you to this society for an all too short twenty-five years of missions and journeys fulfilled. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Remorse at least helps to uncover those spreads of transgression.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2018

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that we who reside in Dade County can be grateful that you graced our landscape with your energy and endeavors. Peace and unity can be most difficult to come by at times. Yet, it was your unassuming honesty, dignity and valor which blessed us and for having the heroic integrity in your primary commitments may your soul of resolve and fruition be blessed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and the surges of decency remain with you forevermore in God's most beautiful of bounties.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2018

Snug as a bug at night, we who reside and live in and around around graciously and gratefully thank the men and women all heroes and heroines who have delivered the quiet and echoing sounds of peace. Your wisdom,vision and dignity, Officer Cook, provided this prosperity and unity amid kayos and peril. You gave your word of boldness, your bond of true brotherhood to shelter us and your honor never wavered. Quite simply, humanity's version of sanctity and the courage that civility implants in the souls and hearts of its humbly distinguished force to be reckoned with. Never more character, desire and the proven essentials of effort, energy and sheer efficiency while being under fire during violent times. A brave and well admired and cherished hero. Your legacy, Officer Cook, is for all future generations to take notice of and to live by the codes of courage and principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2018

Incredibly honest. Humanely humble and bravely loyal to your comrades, Officer Cook. Legends don't happen overnight. Every man and woman decent, dignified and having character must earn their stripes by pulling their own weight in any community they serve and protect. Peace and serenity were not just in Dade County but since this was your location, Officer Cook, your strong suits were humble and many. To tame the likes of terror and torment every single tool in you arsenal had to be utilized and it was to the fullest degree. Today, many decades later after you gave your life, soul and uniform of distinction colleagues and alike pause and salute your cunning cleverness and a willingness to do whatever needed to be done to bestow peace and its righteous balance back where it belongs, among our society where humanity toils for truth and trust. Never forgotten and sincerely honored for valor and diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2018

To tune out terror would be equivalent to giving in to evil. No person worth their salt wants to do that. Too much is on the line. Exactly. Dade County needed able minded and those whose physicality could match wits with nothing but violence. You were a talented young man, Officer Cook. Wonderful and caring, kind and considerate and understanding. A humility and humbleness that if today's officers men and women possessed, it might keep some out of trouble. Dallas, Texas recently fired a policewoman who shot her neighbor. Not all the details have come forward. Good and bad. The good their humility and honor converse humanely as to their character and dignity. The finishing touche s of ferocity and integrity offered you a perspective on how to handle Dade County and in keeping us the citizens safe and secure. Sound mind and the wisdom of vision and its clarity was your motto, Officer Cook. Orimed and full of perseverance and passion for a demanding task full of peaks and valleys. Thank goodness for your refreshing spirit of kindness and goodwill just as your heroic legacy passed down to your family, community and comrades who honor and salute your bravery from your golden and gifted heart of compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For peace and serenity to live on as a by-product and stability for civility, there must be a starting point of reason and common sense. Unity demands this. One world and four corners. One God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2018

The pillars of one's own life are their honesty, integrity and dignity. Your exemplary life, Officer Cook, was founded on the fruition of faith and the spirit for which you lived with a code of conduct that can only enhance your outstanding work and the class of heroism. Yes, you fought those battles here in Dade County in which prosperity, peace and a little unity for every man, woman and child was on the line. Their dignity and honor were worn on your sleeves of courage and zeal. The zest you had and your character, commitment to pride and excellence coupled with your convictions to do what police must. Be strict and stern when called for. Be mindful and forceful when the situations called for it. Most importantly understand the breath of fairness providing justice and equality to mankind. It's humanity way of respecting your authority and how to become a more motivational leader of other colleagues. You took your tasks to heart, Officer Cook and acquitted yourself in an unselfish and unwavering manner giving your parents, wife and other family members those feelings of such wonderful memories of a life taken too soon. More was ahead. God created a special and desirable place in His heart for your bravery my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven is the venue where you can welcome those comrades who sacrificed for a brighter tomorrow. It will always be tragic that you were allowed that opportunity to personally experience those foundations you laid down for society. Violence must have its time when to end. Hopefully today will be the moment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2018

Police heroes and heroines who lay down their lives refresh our own minds with that certain intangible characteristic we label as bravery. Their courage and valor led their pursuits of happiness while they were trying to tackle the bigger problem we call crime and terror. Here in Dade County you were one spectacular public servant, Officer Cook. Never any problems. You just went out on your patrols looking for some resolve and some humble and forever lasting security for those desiring some. When a humble man of character and leadership is attacked and taken by senseless evil what else can we do? Cry and just wonder what the future would be like. Your capable dignity and integrity honored mankind for twenty-five year sof life and service to a community that pays you homage. Humanity affords you, Officer Cook and your beloved family solace and salvation for coming to our aid, your comrades and those civilians caught in a nasty web of wickedness displayed by a troubled young man. His future and your professional futures intertwined by his heinous and cowardly actions perpetrated against police. We'll never know why and your beautiful soul, Officer Cook continues making its circuits around our universe observing humble men and women such as yourself, serving and making sure the branches of safety and harmony are spread out fairly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Better to be reserved, humble and loyal, you can check those boxes and many more, Officer Cook. You have been and are missed very much!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2018

Total responsibility must be asserted when going after evil. Violence can and usually unleashes it ugliness whenever it feels the need. Dade County and its people had you as their hero and savior, Officer Cook, a man devoted to the values and principles for which society can properly run itself by. Having the decency and desire made your honesty, dignity and integrity that much more ideal. Our stabilizing factors of peace and serenity, vitality and vigilance all came as a result of your heroic effort that day of May 16, 1979 and everyday for that matter. You'll always be solemnly remembered as a patriot and as a cherished gentleman of character and the outstanding humility that assists humanity greatly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2018

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