Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Too much hate and evil that seems to perpetuate around a world that should be sweet and loving. The peace and tranquility seem not to translate as they should and yet the world and Dade County was blessed by your stoic nature, Officer Cook. God gave you to your family for twenty-five years and never were they disappointed. For in every hero we find a unique quality that stays etched in our hearts and minds. A gentleman of ideals and integrity, honor and dignity that helped humanity get a handle on this revolting run of nothing but torment and kayos. Our cornerstones were wisely built on your solid character, crusading commitment and courageous convictions. The walls of Our Maker's fortresses have the resolve, the motivation and the leadership to faithfully keep all sound. Your soul and that of your colleagues, Officer Cook, keeps illuminating those darkest of days. You remain very missed in your family's heart and they know you were the epitome of excellence and profound proficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 29, 2018
Since we are the freest world then benefit of doubt should be given to everyone. That is unless you have a proclivity to committing the worst of violence. You stopped problems, Officer Cook, before things got worse and on May 16,1979, you did everything the way you were trained along with your partner. You were heroic and humble, honest and humane, dedicated and determined to see things through so that our harmony and pursuits in life would be happy ones. You were entitled to see things beyond the scope of their outcomes and you had more to fulfill, I guess as I've said many times, Our Lord needs His heroes and heroines of conviction and character soundly sheltering those who have paid the ultimate price for liberty. We salute your unselfish commitment and won't forget your gifts to humanity. Humility can silence the loudest of those who talk and don't act. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your bravery, Officer Cook, cemented your legacy here where you continue to be proudly saluted.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 29, 2018
Chance and fate are not related. Only the wisdom of one's eyes and ears which go after terror and its associated evil. Our peace and unity in Dade County was because of your undying respect and faithful devotion to our needs, Officer Cook. No sense and polite with good values along with all the much needed honesty, integrity and dignity which went into your battles over this nasty nemesis. You'll be humbly and humanely remembered for carrying intelligence, ingenuity and humility on your uniform and badge of recognizable boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 29, 2018
When the deck is stacked never waver, delay or give up. Never capitulate when callousness threatens your environment and you gave every ounce of bravery, honor and loyalty in this endeavor, Officer Cook. Polite and sweet, even tempered and morally proper. When common sense and wisdom came calling you needed no prodding, Officer Cook, as Dade County and its citizens were in excellent hands of a gallant man of character and the consistent perseverance. All your dignity, vision and integrity has been now transferred to God's fruitful of plains where you can now protect and patrol those sacred pearly gates. All those heavenly foundations are safe and sound thanks to your beloved and charming soul of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 29, 2018
Resolute and humble, you can seemingly not go wrong when one comports themselves in this manner while fighting against the likes of evil and its unwanted violence. You battled everything in Dade County on our behalf, Officer Cook and remained on the tracks of tenacity while staying open and honest, dignified and heroically humane. Your character clarified why we need servants full of integrity who sacrifice to make humanity right once again. It spelled out your humility and civility which can only add goodwill and foster relationships devoted to the peace and safety of our society. Especially what has happened this last week in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where a synagogue shooting by a lunatic claimed innocent lives and a man in Aventura, Florida in Dade County was arrested for mailing pipe bombs to ex-presidents and other prominent politicians. By the way Officer Cook, my mother worked for the man's in Aventura's mother forty years ago as a bookkeeper for her cosmetics business. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. keep watching over your esteemed and beloved family and comrades who brace for a never ending war over this wickedness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 29, 2018
No chips on the shoulder nor chinks in the armor, just all ahead honor, respect and loyalty for a humbly heroic position of patience, dignity and the persevering integrity. You could not have performed your job any better on behalf of Dade County's own, Officer Cook. True peace came from your sincere effort and nothing strikes mankind and humanity better than a brave young man of admiration and dedication. Truly a hero of trust and humane boldness. It rests in the solid commitment of all public servants as they bare responsibility for a thankless job. Your unselfish character, Officer Cook, provided the impetus for us to continue onward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 28, 2018
Bravery and honor yesterday, today and tomorrow shall never be overlooked, forgotten or relegated to the shelves where dust and anything can get on them. We won't forget your reason and motivations for serving and preserving our lives and the years that mean everything. Dade County meant everything to you, Officer Cook, your place here was as a hero of humane and civil determination. If dignity, honor and integrity could return you to your family they would be most appreciative. Your life was upheld by understanding what good old fashioned character, wisdom and vision can deliver to those waiting for something beyond the ordinary. Saluted and duly noted for resolve and resourcefulness. Missions made meaningful as your journeys was all fruitful and humble. Humility in the Cook ,Tidwell and Wilkerson Families means humanity has been fulfilled. Though, you had more left to share, I guess God needed to have your cherished soul by His side to observe those here braving peril to eradicate wickedness from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 28, 2018
Ignorance cannot be put ahead of your routine. Violence is unforgiving and it takes the certain temper to go out and patrol looking for some sense of decency and good grace. Your shining soul, Officer Cook, was very blessed as it served the greatest purpose on behalf of Dade County. It protected and never provoked. I don't know why Mr. Pearsall was bent on destruction and ruining the lives of those sworn to defend our freedoms and liberties. It takes a certain acumen and awareness to carry out daily roles where stress and danger release their evil inclinations upon a society that looks for some sense of dignity. Your principles and dignity, Officer Cook, were top notch and nothing will ever tarnish the badge of boldness and distinction your heroically wore for six years of resilient commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 28, 2018
Never tease anyone for you may never know when it will come back and bite you. You show humility and demonstrate courage, then honor and reverence will come and follow along. In Dade County where your career and life began its ascent on humanity's behalf you were a brave young man. A Godsend with humble talents all for the sake of tranquility and the ridding of evil from our midst. Nothing but grand character that allowed you to build goodwill and to foster friendships among mankind. The good they are blessed and your life, Officer Cook though, it ended at the tender young age of twenty-five had all the promise and those horizons were indeed left for your family to carry on your pursuits of happiness, serenity and peace for all. Humanity and humility meet and nothing but good vibrations must come from them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A warrior with the mentality of a very valiant public servant.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 28, 2018
The emergence of humility leads to the appearance of bravery and honesty. There are certain traits individuals must have and your character, Officer Cook, along with your wisdom, vision, integrity and dignity helped to prepare Dade County and its citizens for peace and the stability that harmony brings. Faith brings resolve and your commitments to pride and excellence, Officer Cook, made you the humble and humane hero that will be forever honored as your blessed soul rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in God's enchanted skies above.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 28, 2018
Dawn arrives and another day of challenges. Our Lord put us through vigorous tests to witness if we are up to snuff. Tasks become more difficult. Staying morally straight becomes less clearer and for some public servants serving with integrity, honor and dignity gets harder. You served and braved peril humbly and with the highest regard for your fellowman, Officer Cook. That gauntlet was placed down upon Dade County and its folks gracefully and most gallantly. Words can seem meaningless unless the emotions of humility and humanity touch the very souls of character. Yours, Officer Cook, was heroic, humane and brought down wickedness and for making the ultimate sacrifice may you so be solemnly saluted for wisdom and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2018
Police can't forget their God given talents nor can they overlook good character and the honesty of having integrity and dignity. Your hunts for peace in Dade County, Officer Cook, were difficult and you gave everything the citizens and Our Master could ever ask for. Humility must be employed at every turn if a staple of safety and prosperity is to become reality. Heaven has you forever, Officer Cook, your family and peers have wonderful memories of a life well lived even though violence took you away from your important missions of goodwill. Your spirit watches over those robust and refined men and women who brave danger to save our very souls.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2018
Right is right. Wrong is wrong. Nothing perturbs society more than outcasts who seem inclined in committing evil and wickedness. Its stench truly leaves one sick to their stomachs. You saved the day, Officer Cook, with your remarkable effort and genuinely humble pride. A uniform donned in a pristine and noble manner. Only the good of mankind and your wonderful sense of serenity and honor kept more evil from taking place on May 16, 1979, a day where Dade County residents had a hero taken, dignity and integrity usurped and yet through it all heroic actions never to be forgotten. A heart of humility working on humanity's behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character strikes a beautiful chord when it parts are one.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2018
One who wavers cannot work smartly. A foolish person cannot begin to grasp the concepts of life. A selfish individual cannot share in enriching this world and one who remains humble and accepts the will of heaven will humbly reap their reward. You had your life and career pretty well mapped out, Officer Cook. Destiny came calling and your blessed missions here in Dade County were spent toiling for peace of mind, no easy chore and going after trouble again, no easy assignment. Family and comrades have remembered a valiant hero, ordained to find that small niche in humanity where civility and enhancement can be found. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2018
The enemy of our souls seems to crave causing evil and tensions between the peaceful and those who desire safe journeys. Every mission you undertook, Officer Cook, was for the service of Our Master, Our Maker who builds the bridges here for us to passover. A great man, a devoted leader, an honorable man, Officer Cook, your soul was of the highest dignity and integrity that only quality of character brings. As a public servant devoted to reigning in evil, your commitments to excellence will be remembered dearly as a part of your heroic legacy. A cornerstone of courage and care, humanity was indeed very blessed and enriched by your unselfishly humane endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2018
Tyranny and terror strike fear no one wants. Its size and leverage sometimes so large it takes an entire department to combat its rages of ruination. In Dade County where you were respected and greatly admired, Officer Cook, your years as a public servant were marked by violence and unrest. Very sad a domestic incident touched off by a troubled man took your life. It robbed your family of its humility, honor and dignity. You were a man of gallantry on all your faithful missions imparting the words of boldness and integrity to other brave souls who too searched and looked to keep us serenely safe. Always civility and its sanctity on those streets where peril and danger seem to lurk. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2018
The sounds of evil break the chains of quiet that harmony creates. Serenity and prosperity deserve to be placed in the same sentence and nothing worse than being shaken by terror and its horror. You were sent here to Dade County as our hero and Godsend, Officer Cook. A man of values, a gentleman of congeniality and a public servant with the respect of his peers. Honest, loyal and intensely dignified and having unwavering integrity. You can be sure those fights you participated in saved countless lives and for outstanding character and humility. may Our Creator's fortresses of humanity shelter your very admired soul of resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our comforts have been permitted to go on, yours, Officer Cook, were tragically stopped by wanton and heinous violence. If only Mr. Pearsall used his brains Our Lord gave him.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2018
The next officer up theory may be well and good, it's just that honor and sacrifice cannot be replaced so readily. You were and still are revered greatly, Officer Cook, in Dade County and in the entire sphere. A nation of humble and saluted souls of serenity that bravely serve and protect life. Peace, stability and tranquility all come at times with the ultimate source and that is life. Your career and dignity, integrity and intuitions were well thought out. And so your character and outstanding excellence in commitment shall be what rescued humanity from peril. God takes His humility and allows it to exalt and to be uplifted by His divine and supreme protection. Never forgotten and always your family and department's heroic savior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy well rounded and secured in those foundations of tenacity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2018
See something. Say something. Anything that helps and does not hinder advances a police officer's cause in this very vigilant fight over violence. Never can be too sure when things will die down the battles rage onward. It was looking up for you, Officer Cook, here in Dade County, your home and community where you lived and gave your sanctity of serenity, your humble and esteemed honesty and the cores of courage, dignity and very decency. In any public servant's character and convictions must be found some integrity, it only skims the surface. Our humanity was constructed by your backbones of boldness and bravery, ingenuity and vision, Officer Cook. A hero to be recognized and so humanely saluted and reverently honored for seeking our shelters of goodwill, faith and hopes for brighter days. The sun's rays bounce off your beautiful and brilliant soul forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2018
Simplicity is good for some and for others all our work, toiling and sweating makes for better people. Police have a tough enough job already sometimes standing for hours in a baking hot sun or in a torrential downpour. You enjoyed your job, Officer Cook and were a highly admired colleague to all. Dade County received a fair amount of courtesy and kindness from you and you made for safe travels all by your unwavering and unselfish integrity, honesty and dignity. If all men and women were lacking in character, most have it some need a little kick in the rear to get going. You were a motivated and dedicated leader of others sharing and helping them pursue the very wanton violence that took you from us. Never more closer to our hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2018
Any surge in peace helps to accentuate goodwill among those in society desiring freedom. Liberty and unity are what makes our country so great to live in. You brought out the very best of your humble talents, Officer Cook, to make safe havens for those residing in Dade County and are to be commended for your endeavor. Colleagues, family and friends celebrate your wonderful life, although God must have wanted you near Him to keep an eye and ear on things. Eternity is humanity's home for safekeeping where no harm befalls its brave, honorable and humble servants who willingly risk their integrity, character and dignity for sanctity to take a safe place to reside. Badge#1664 was wore in a pristine and proud manner and will be so etched in our hearts as your cherished soul soars higher each day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2018
Robots are used in modern day medicine and in modern day police work as they serve an important role. To fight crime and its violence you require splendid men and women of the highest honor, nobility and dignity in battling to accomplish your tasks and goals. As it takes a total team effort, your career, Officer Cook, was spent searching for some safety and resources of resolve. It's difficult and can be unnerving at times and yet you persevered through it all with integrity and the highest standards of truth, trust and equality for all. Saluted for bravery and acumen, awareness always top notch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2018
Due diligence results in positive success and it all begins right at home. Respect for parents. Loyalty to siblings. Reverence for your fellowman. Whatever the case you displayed outstanding character, Officer Cook, in and and away from your professional duties. An honest and hard working man trying his utmost to stake peace and safe passages for everyone in and around Dade County is not an easy thing to do. With the assist of your comrades we experienced security. Your life and career of the highest principles shall not be forgotten and neither will your humility that allowed humanity to sail higher and higher in its pursuits of happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2018
Serenity ripples through a neighborhood while serious torment undoes the peace process sending sound waves of horror where they are not needed. In Dade County your humble and esteemed life, Officer Cook, was to serve and preserve our sanctity and only your honorable civility saw to that large task. A young man so brave and valiant sacrifices hid dignity, integrity and character so enhancement may proceed onward. Never a day goes by without the thoughts of you, Officer Cook and your loving memory enshrining our humanity. To possess stellar humility and to prepare us for generations to come, to put it succinctly you are missed by your family, comrades and friends to the zenith. Our Master has His roll call of honor assembled and ready to walk that heavenly beat watching over those sacred pearly gates. Gallantry is forever sheltered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 25, 2018
The glow of your soul, Officer Cook, makes things feel right. Although, we wish you were here today smiling and helping humanity sort through its issues. You were a man who was immersed in his work and on behalf of the citizens of Dade County we are grateful. Your honesty, integrity and dignity were the staples of your position, one taken without doubt nor reservation. Your mettle, morals and meaningful work will forever stand for other brave women and men to follow in. Big shoes and more problems. Your expertise was just right as you were a truthful and trusted policeman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 25, 2018
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