Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
You give your might to upright indignity and you plan and travel on your destinies which define your missions. You took the challenge of police work seriously, Officer Cook and Dade County's own were served with class and the eloquence of the quintessential public servant so full of promise, integrity and the humble honors that were bestowed upon your heavenly soul. Not a day goes by without not thinking of you and your sheer determination to fighting our battles which turned in wars over wickedness. The class of character and the genius of gallantry made you a better man and an even superior hero. Mankind was treated respectfully and with the same dose of humility that all officers must display. Never forgotten and always humbly honored for your unselfish sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 6, 2018
Greatness is concealed behind those curtains of courage and conviction and only your prideful and honorable commitment, Officer Cook, helped to steer violence away from the Dade County community where you lived and worked. Your whole career and life was built and bridged around the foundations of ferocity, integrity and the decency that dignity brings to the battle. You are missed very much and your heroism saved countless lives that day and for the character and values you had, Officer Cook, may you blessed name be solemnly remembered. It has been noted and saluted for we find in all brave souls the everlasting fortitude to make things move forward. A good man with a fighting heart your effort and sincerity were always poured into your labors of love. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 6, 2018
So pleasant and typically resourceful, your pathways in life, Officer Cook, should not have been interrupted by evil thirty-nine years ago. Your family and comrades were robbed of a gem of a man whose character, integrity and dignity were on par with your resolve and vision. We pay for certain things. You paid that ultimate price on behalf of Dade County and its residents to live freer lives filled with aspirations for greater heights. Our peace and prosperity were also you happy trails and pursuits. Never a finer human being and an individual steeped in humility and the sanctity that civility brings out. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Trust and faith are never remote and your devotion and dedication, Officer Cook, are being so humanely honored. A warrior of unity and a savior of harmony working to restore the truth in the word justice.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 6, 2018
Have hope, be devoted to faith and invoke the principles of honor and dignity, peace is more probable than ever before. Your trails of tenacity started in Dade County and maintained that certain level of serenity and safety for all mankind. Officer Cook, you will forever be honored and saluted as a hero of humanity and a gentleman whose bravery and wisdom helped to you to conduct your professional affairs on a more meaningful level. It's found in a humble public servant whose character and charm worked wonders when you were fighting violence. God has your endearing soul nestled among the many other heroes and heroines who too laid down their lives the the unwavering humility to carry forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 6, 2018
To the naysayers out there, don't be pessimistic . For there are brave, honest and dependably loyal men and women risking their lives and careers top serve, protect and preserve the peace, freedom and serenity that unification brings. Never a problem when you performed, Officer Cook. You were a sincere and dignified young man, a Dade County hero forever who answered the calls of duty with all your heart, soul and integrity. This proved to be a lifesaving situation and for the people and your colleagues they will admire and salute your respect and resolve on behalf of humanity. In your genes of gallantry, there was always the simple humility and civility that must be attached to the battles over violence. You did your job very well and demonstrated the highest degree of character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 6, 2018
All men and women brave and honorable must act in sync or literally sink in something unfathomable. We saw your personal touches, Officer Cook and the gentle breezes guiding your life and soul throughout Dade County where evil was treated and at least your best attempt helped to head off a more nastier moment. It was just a few minutes and in that short span we and your family lost a hero and innocent soul who was just going about his professional duties. You saved lives that day, Officer Cook, the convictions of character, wisdom and vision helping move along your humble honesty, integrity and dignity for humanity's sake. The blessings of God's tender affections allowing humility and nobility to function together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2018
I meant to say if evil could be dumped far away from us we would be eternally grateful. Once life lifts off, it can be anybody's guess where it might travel to. Yours, Officer Cook, climbed to humbly great heights here in Dade County sealing in peace of mind, unity for all and for your tenacity it was tranquil at most times. A man of gallantry whose career brought nothing but honor, dignity and sheer integrity to those dangerous pavements, but also of course to your loving family an department which has humanely honored your heroic feats of character and commitment to right a ship that was filling with more kayos and bedlam than we could imagine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement lives on and so does your mortal soul, Officer Cook, it had the trimmings of resolve and tenacity inscribed upon it. A heart of care, concern and consideration always striving for greatness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2018
Evil sees and violence and can hear, if they agreed to stop their monstrous advances on a society that calls for reconciliation. Resiliency and production by all duly affirmed public servants makes resolve and honesty go about the challenge of keeping integrity and dignity pinned to one another. Your hopes and dreams, Officer Cook, were based on your navigations around Dade County chasing after crime while making sure harmony and safety were hovering above us at all times. Humility takes note as humanity watches its own in action. Your humbleness and heroism will so solemnly honored. Forever were they proudly carried on your badge and uniform. Morals and principles were the values of your unassuming character, Officer Cook and you'll never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2018
With a penchant for perseverance and humble honor for humanity, let it be known that your humility and civility , Officer Cook, protected the likes of Dade County better than most. Seeing that you were dignified and possessed the inner being of integrity it's clear why serenity and unity have continued to cover our pursuits of happiness. Those very same journeys that you undertook, Officer Cook, on behalf of a community that still reveres your blessed name in heroism's eyes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character says more in less words, than words talking without action's support. A narrative worth paying close attention to .
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 5, 2018
If we could throw a sheet over serious crime and just dump it dar away, it would be great. You grand endeavors, Officer Cook, helped to spearhead goodwill and some liberty in to the Dade County community where the citizens were calling for something. A man clever and courageous whose calling of honesty and humility enhanced your integrity and dignity so we could freely pursue our peaceful lives. Cornerstones and their bridges are built on the very foundations of humanity where humility and civilmindness should be the rule. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 4, 2018
Acumen, awareness and being astute nowadays pays more dividends than one could imagine. It is all part of the characteristics of courage, valor and bravery serving communities by public servants who remain honest and open , dignified and humbly full of integrity. Your career and life, Officer Cook, here in Dade County, had its highs and the tragic low the day your family and department lost your sweet and pleasant soul of safety. A little less safe, your memory, Officer Cook, has been felt all these decades later and continues to be etched and so honored within the frameworks of our world. Our Lord has your treasured soul protecting those down here who serve the venues with the very same vision and alacrity as you maintained. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 4, 2018
Ferocity and tenacity are peace and unity's neighbors of reason. They compliment bravery and boldness the very same way honor, dignity and integrity allow the movements of all people. Dade County was under your jurisdiction, Officer Cook and nothing was better than seeing your smiling face serving and protecting our rights. Terror disrupts the very flow of freedom and better to be safe and secure in knowing harmony and tranquility was in humanity's best interest. Thank God for your humility and civility, Officer Cook, as it allowed you to resolve tough circumstances. Foundations set down by a loving and composed young man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 4, 2018
Shy and timid might not cut the mustard when out dealing with wickedness. But, humble courage and humanely implanted honesty will at least assist in the most difficult task of redirecting crime away from us. Your efforts, Officer Cook, helped bring goodwill and esteem to the citizens of Dade County. Cherished and personable, integrated with integrity and devoted to dignity, your pursuits of serenity, unity and happiness won/t ever be forgotten. Our missions can keep going forward as your soul of peace and good blessings continues its upward climb ascending to God's pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 4, 2018
Interrogate with humility and pursue peace and goodwill with honor as this is humanity's gentle way of reminding us of our destinies.Your missions and fruitful journeys in Dade County, Officer Cook, were undertaken by your unselfish and unwavering dignity, integrity and character. We the people received prompt and prudent care for a considerate and humble gentleman. Loyal to your colleagues and faithful to those who trusted your instincts, your heroic actions, Officer Cook, will be fondly saluted and solemnly remembered for steering evil away from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 4, 2018
Abominable just horrible we still read about cop killers released unto the streets of society. A very painful and sad part of our justice system. Families, comrades and friends who try and cope with a loss beyond words. Your killer, Officer Cook, was shot and eventually killed by your comrade, Detective Donald Blocker. For your versatility and acumen you proved your valor and honesty could and would heroically stand up to the likes of evil while defending our liberty and unity right here in Dade County. A safe haven we hope for all to pursue happiness. And only your character and fine reputation at least attempted to keep calm and civility on those dangerous venues. Humility served humanity quite humbly and proudly. Bold, brave and with a clarity only wisdom and vision bring. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 3, 2018
Police have to try to do an outstanding job and not be outlandish in their efforts to bring down wickedness. Only a Godsend sent here by The Creator Himself. Your heroic work, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County will always be humbly, humanely and honorably regarded. The highest source of pride, character, loyalty and the sageness of serenity, dignity and the ingenuity that integrity brings. Crying over you, Officer Cook, is a normal thing and should never be discouraged as you meant everything to your family, friends and esteemed peers of bravery and transparency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 3, 2018
Serenity floats above the wings of ferocity. The tenacity by which terror reigns must be stopped and its boldness must be brought back down to size. Your smiling face, Officer Cook, tells the story of a legend whose heroic life and career were humbly chronicled. In Dade County the residents faced external danger from a man whose destiny was doom. Deceit, depression, whatever he had did not have to result in violence in which your life was taken. The chemistry of courage and bravery along with the resolve of honesty, integrity and dignity carried your graceful pursuits of peace and wisdom for a venue whose vision for the future was clearly defined. Thanks to your humility and noble actions, Officer Cook, more evil was stopped in its tracks, although, you continue to be greatly missed by all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 3, 2018
Remember the good times, but, never forget those isolating moments of infamy. Those moments are capsulized and etched into our memories by way of our hearts and minds. You gave everything to make a safer community for us to live in here in Dade County, Officer Cook. A man whose maturity was way ahead of the crowd. That was from your friend, classmate and colleague, Retired Police Chief Geoffrey Jacobs. Hope you are doing well Chief Jacobs. It's found in loyalty and desire where those roads of resolve meet and only in persons of honor, dignity and integrity shall violence and terror be extrapolated from our world. You did your part, Officer Cook, true and trustworthy, loyal and dependable until the end. We honor and solemnly salute your humility, courage and decisive dedication and fierce determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 3, 2018
A profession that can be frowned upon is a position where excellence in character, honesty, integrity and dignity is expected from each man and woman who bravely serve their communities. Our stability and civility here in Dade County were delivered by your unwavering and unselfish bond of assurance, Officer Cook. Actions always shall speak louder than words and your faithful and humanely humble actions saved an entire venue and the lives of your esteemed and gallant comrades too. God's tests are placed upon society to see if we can uphold our end and for Badge#1664, proficiency, efficiency and resiliency marked both your life and career of virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 3, 2018
That eternal camcorder is turned on for all to see. Your life and commendable career of humility has made humanity stand up and take notice, Officer Cook. A very humble and honored public servant sacrificing for the good of Dade County and its community. It was your shining grace, concealed honesty, enhanced dignity and the intellectual pursuits of integrity that navigated around those perils where your service and protection was greatly appreciated. The years of toil and sweat producing the sounds of sanctity, serenity and the heavenly unity for mankind to further continue its destinies of prosperity and happiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 3, 2018
Committal is the action of consecration when the physical being is remanded back to the dust of the earth from where it came. A new and more humble genesis continues when the soul of a beloved and honest hero ascends those ladders of devotion, integrity and dignity to heaven where Our Creator has a more difficult assignment ahead. That role is to eternally guard those pearly and sacred gate sof bravery, humility and civility where no further harm will come your way, Officer Cook. No one, your family. your friends and colleagues wanted you lost in this abysmal battle over evil and violence as you tended to the needs of Dade County and its citizens with all your humane and heroically loyal strength and fierce tenacity and resolve. All of your refined and morally pious character, conviction and commitments to both excellence and pride are now front and center in God's celestial honor roll of angelic heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you will never be forgotten, only saluted and properly remembered for your service and spreading out our peace, decency, and safety for all journeys to keep moving forward. Sad that your missions were deemed as completed, you had more left to accomplish, our world is less safe by your absence , though it makes our hearts grow fonder of your mettle and for this humanity is grateful.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 3, 2018
One rakes their driveway of leaves, how about all law enforcement personnel raking up the mess from evil and violence. Haste makes waste and all this does is tarnish and bring ruination to our already embattled world. Your part, Officer Cook, was instrumental here in Dade County where you solved and were resolute in your duties. The peace and freedom,the harmony and the tranquility must allow mankind to unity in their efforts to live more safely and without the noises that gunfire and and other kind of turmoil may bring. If character, dignity, honor and integrity brings wisdom, vision and clarity any closer to the truth, then your trust, Officer Cook and humility will be humanely and heroically so saluted and paid homage for saving lives while giving up your for our journeys to move on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 2, 2018
If you can't be thankful for a person who gives their life for their fellow citizen then what is this world coming to? Dade County came upon the throes of a vengeful and wicked man who was bent on destroying police and his fellow residents. So there you were, Officer Cook, to respond and try your utmost to put out a situation where turbulence was swirling like no other. Those winds of evil blowing against a peaceful community where your valued service, integrity and wisdom were front and center. Those who display the humane character and conceal their efforts are the ones being rewarded by Our King Himself. You started the goodwill and brokered relationships between all people in our society and for being mindful, humanity takes your humility, Officer Cook and uplifts this along with your courageous spirit. Thirty-nine years is a long time since you sacrificed your life, Officer Cook, your family and department ha snot forgotten their comrade and friend to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 2, 2018
Treachery does not fool anyone. Society is sadly marked by the evil temptations of terror and nothing fools anybody. Your resolve and common sense approaches to battling through adversity, Officer Cook, are well documented. Dade County can live more safely because of your determined and undying heroic actions. The deeds of the pious, the resourcefulness of the righteous are bravely and humbly store din Our Lord's gigantic treasure chest. If character, conviction and commitment are not followed by a man's valiant honor, integrity and dignity than all else is lost. We lost you, Officer Cook, physically, your spirit though still and forever will be alive in your family's heart. A great man, a wonderful human being and an engaging young man with that humble and prideful smile who reached out and tugged at the essence of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 2, 2018
Your brave, honorable and humble soul, Officer Cook, will stand guard in heaven and pray for our safety and peace of mind. No more barriers of evil and hate circling our wagons. We in Dade County hitched our harmony and dignity to your badge of boldness, character wrapped tightly around your clean and crisp uniform. It all begins with integrity and the virtues of dignity that can even begin to defend our freedoms. Your colleagues and you, Officer Cook, saw those trails being blazed and warmed for those future women and men who took over your watch. Maybe your maturity, morals and mettle will allow them the chance to complete those assignments for which God needed your spirit of enhancement more in His kingdom of perfection where the honor roll of angelic heroes and heroines sadly keeps enlarging. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's written and etched in stone how much you meant to your community, how valued was you championing of humility and the talents that humble sanctity and civil minded people.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 2, 2018
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