Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
All public servants are the children of Our Lord. And their humbleness, heroism and honesty may never be allowed to be swooped up by senseless violence. Courage and patience all from your golden heart, Officer Cook. The one that beated strongly while enhancing Dade County, saving happiness for those who cherished your loyalty and continue to faithfully execute salutes of wisdom, integrity and dignity displayed at all moments. The souls of valiant characters cruise on God's eternal wings up to heaven where they are welcomed by a loving and humane embrace. Humanity rewards humility. Civility answers sanctity's dispatch and nobility never disappears from our sight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The reins were taken ever so gently by your loving arms, Officer Cook. I wish Mrs. Cook, that you could hug and love your son along with your daughter, Nancy, a very treasured and beloved event. God has his beautiful soul looking down on everyone things will never go dark again. We affirm that!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 13, 2018
Peaks, valleys, mountains and hills a some point they must be climbed in order to pursue violence while chasing peace and happiness, safety and prosperity. You surely had a great role, Officer Cook, in uncovering terror and exposing it for what it was worth. Or in this case all the tragedy that your family and department experienced with your untimely death. The lines of duty, the length of one's honesty, dignity and integrity maybe long and winding. You made certain serenity and a sense of well being followed suit. Your kindness and humanely heroic character and attitude brought everlasting enhancement at the undying and unselfish cost of your young and vivacious life, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 13, 2018
Boasting takes a pounding. Misconduct can get you roasted and lack of perception and awareness may get you toasted. Pardon the rhymes, but police work is all about fairness, firmness and ferocity mixed among honor, integrity and staying resistant to outside forces trying to corrupt men and women of integrity staying true and loyal to their characters, commitments to pride and having the principles of conviction to carryout assignments promptly and correctly. You maximized your endeavors on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, allowing for peace, stability and humility to settle in the various venues where you remain so humbly honored for bravery and in saving lives both of your comrades and those citizens who were caught in the crosshairs of evil that awful day. A great man and wonderfully consummate human being giving humanity a taste of your tenaciousness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Day and day out all effort and never a quiver of doubt.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 13, 2018
Putting the pedal to the "mettle" and when the stroke of that proverbial brush is ready to do its humane ans heroic thing, there you were out in Dade County patrolling the canvass searching for some sanity from the sage wisdom the Lord Himself honorably gave you. It was in your fighting virtue and the vigilance of valor and deserved dignity, Officer Cook, that you succeeded although we and your family would have wanted for your life and journeys to continue their rounds of resolve around such outstanding and brave character. The best of the rest out in tandem battling a bully of an archenemy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's eternal paint brush never misses a stroke, its humility is concealed by the loving souls and their wings of boldness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 13, 2018
Dismantling doom and evil takes an entire team effort. You must build from the bottom and rise above it all until you reach that pinnacle of humble accomplishment. You rose from humbleness and an upbringing from your devoted and beloved parents, Officer Cook, who educated and showed you the ropes. Sometimes it's tough to grab hold of those ropes of resolve for we know it takes humane skill, honor and above all else dignity and integrity with great character. Dade County prospered from your service and heroism and you will be fondly remembered as a public servant who cared, dared and possessed that certain quality of humility. Humanity had indeed a most blessed man among their ranks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 13, 2018
Mac and cheese are popular. So is integrity, honesty and dignity which distinguishes women and men of the highest esteem and class. Your desires, Officer Cook, were to make Dade County and its folks more prepared and safer than ever. It took your will ironclad and your heart of giving to replace evil with effort and some serenity. A man of character and charm doing what you always wanted to become and it was a terrible day May 16, 1979, when the Creator Himself called your beautiful and faithful soul home to be at His side with many others whose leadership and steadfast motivation served its notice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Distributed along with humility was the harmony that only strives to unify us. Our planet is entitled to serenity and only those navigations of meaning are just that if fruition is reached at some point.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2018
Never rush to judgment. Let The Master of the universe manage humanity as he personally directs His angels of valor as they pursue their dreams and ideals. Praying surely helps it can't hinder and while patrolling for peace and quiet in Dade County, Officer Cook, you tried to be careful and humbly cautious. Never let anyone suffer and for those suffering help and desire, honor and reverence were travelling their pathways to secure some freedom for all. Humility and society speak with one tongue and for your tenacity and gallantry, Officer Cook, the good Lord has your reward awaiting your soul. God's kingdom of character and conviction are perfectly aligned never a need to readjust anything. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2018
The spirit lives as long as the living remember. Very precise and humble saying. I know your family members have never forgotten their "Uncle Bo." They have not forgotten you, Officer Cook, Their humble and cherished hero of loyalty, kindness and the versatility of valor and honorable dignity. It went right into Dade County and preserving the sanctity of life. Our very beings saved from undue violence all by one man. Diabolical and devious ,you cannot say more except your convictions and character, Officer Cook, were superb and spot on. Your loved ones suffered a most anguishing loss. Karen losing her soulmate and companion, your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, losing her darling and heroic son and your sister, Nancy, losing her darling little brother, of course your extended family losing an uncle and great-uncle. Society bears these scars and hopefully these decades later have provided a bit of hope, faith and healing. I know your mother was a very devout Catholic, I saw that cross swaying in the breezes whenever I passed your North Miami Beach home. Take care, Officer Cook and may God shine favor and blessing upon your distinguished humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2018
Without warning humanity can have its dignity and humility destroyed by one violent episode of callousness and just plain evil. Your goodwill and hope, Officer Cook, offered Dade County and its citizens some positive reinforcement. Never again will we see your smiling face and jovial self and for your family and professional comrades this surely tears at their hearts. They keep you alive in spirit and champion your passions and commitments to excellence and pride as well as can be expected. It was all about your peaceful journeys and missions that mankind and society will be deeply indebted to your service and scope of safe travels for everyone. Courtesy and manners from well meaning gentleman of valor and notable distinction whose now has his heroic spot reserved in the skies above where Our Lord's honor roll of civility rests comfortably. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearing and engaging, the trust and responsibility never lacked. Principles to support your devotion to all calls of duty.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2018
Grudges are for those lacking maturity. They bog down good old fashioned bravery, honesty and boldness. The kind most public servants display, they don't need direction nor prodding. You took your roles, Officer Cook and went out on the streets of Dade County looking to proclaim that peace and harmony were the order of the day and not turmoil and terror. A great big shame Mr. Pearsall, the man who took your life did not get this message. Discipline and dignity go together with faith, desire and integrity. This must accompany all police in their vehicles of valor and vigilance. The sadness of your humility, Officer Cook, is that we cannot physically see you anymore, it's your spirit and immortal soul circling over us observing our going and coming. They carry a humble onus and that is to carry on with the very same determination, character and dedication that you utilized to enhance our world and that is very much missed. Heroism and sanctity go humbly hand in hand and your efforts, Officer Cook, won't be forgotten only so humanely saluted for greatness of heart and for bringing trust back to a downtrodden community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2018
Cherish the courageous and treasure those who subject themselves to torment in order to protect us evil. You placed your very being and spirited soul, Officer Cook, in harm's way to shield us from violence. Plain and simply your integrity, honor and dignity shined like a diamond. A very promising career headed for more fruitful missions cut short terribly by this wicked and heinous violence demonstrated by a troubled young man. The light stayed on but no on was home. Your resolve and resourcefulness, Officer Cook, was just the elixir for those living in and around Dade County as it delivered real life safety, security and humble serenity. Humanity records the nobility and civility from its men and women of commitment, mettle and character, all taken on their brave patrols to keep us unified and moving forward. God needed you, Officer Cook for a very different assignment and that was to guard those pearly gates of gallantry while watching over those who now honorably serve the cause of society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2018
Tenacity is not trivial. Ferocity is not frivolous. Graduate from greatness by being diligent and humbly honest. You passed your exams, Officer Cook and represented all Dade County and its citizens with everything and even more dignity and integrity than anyone could imagine. You persevered through rough and perilous times and helped to restore a sense of peace and calm throughout a region that forever salutes your valor. It's strength of your character and the wisdom of your cherished soul which displayed the highest morals and regards for humanity. Humility is sacred and your humane heroism, Officer Cook, will be remembered for generations to come. You bridged those gaps where evil and violence was lurking and your name shall remain blessed as well as your beloved family and colleagues who served with you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Fences may keep bad animals from entering your property, police scour the streets looking for some truth, trust and justice for all mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 12, 2018
The compass charters your control of honor and integrity that dignity that navigates decency around one's humble bravery. Your unwavering character and convictions, Officer Cook, were your commitments to Dade County in that you allowed the pathways of perseverance and precision to follow one another. Peace, tranquility and the sanctity of civility on those dangerous venues were your assignment and for humanity's sake and the awareness of humility, you did an excellent job of serving. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, it is your bravest of character that spurred your exploits onward. Our Creator has your soul humbly and heroically sheltered for eternal safekeeping.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2018
The past, present and all future bridges must be brought together under the same shelters of peace and stability. They can only exist when the good women and men fucntion at a high level of superiority. Your outstanding service, Officer Cook, helped to leave the good people of Dade County in good shape. Our framework was supported by your loving and unselfish endesvors to make right the unrest that was harming th epeace and unity for mankind. Humility spoke again and again for humanity. Your clarity, wisdom and maturity saw you through until the hour God called your adoring soul back to His heaven home where you now serve an even greater role. Take care of those who sacrificed and make certain the angels of heroism are backing you up. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One heavenly honor roll to be granted unlimited salutes of civility and nobleness. Sacred and loyal forever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2018
As a police hero of the past, Officer Cook, it is very important not to forget your legacy your left behind fo rother men and women to follow in. You blazed those trails of precision by having the correct honor, the proper level of dignity and the inner awareness that only integrity brings to the streets. Those very same locations you watched over with your eyes and ears searching for some unity and liberty to free us for the torments that terror unleashes. The best of character and the pride that humility brings, forevermore will you be so deservedly honored for coming to aid us and your peers of professionalism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2018
If you can adapt to change in the end you'll be better off for it. You were a hero and a man of action, Officer Cook, a trusted and humble Dade County hero who fought against those adversaries that threatened the very existence of a community where you continue to be vitally honored for your service. Your style of open endedness was just the righ tmix for a gentleman of humility, honor and the dignity that integrity respects while staying those pathways of resolve and tenacity. Fondly respected and humanely admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2018
Integrity, dignity and honesty cannot be improvised. They must come from the devoted and faithful heart of those who serve and protect our peace and harmony. Unerstanding and awareness play a central role in combating violence and evil and your heroic actions, Officer cook,prevented more dire circumstances. They were severe when you arrived on the scene and it was your character, conviction and commitment that humility has saved for those brave and humane souls of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Encouraging and enriching, you will be saluted, Officer Cook, for the humble wisdom, vision and advice you gave to other leaders.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 11, 2018
The keys to courtesy and honor lie in a hero's heart and soul. After all it drives their inspirational missions where they travel to fight against evil and adversity. The opportunity to touch the very heart of Dade County was a bond and affirmation, Officer Cook, you could not pass up. it was your youthful calling and passion to become a most resolute and deserving public servant capable of greatness. To achieve humility through the doors and gates of humanity. Not always the easiest to pry open, but, with a little heavenly assist the tasks became reality. You can only have civility and taciturn times when the dedication to calmand restore order is present and one is mindful of their surroundings. That's fortitude and character by attitude too. Change makes society stand and take humble notice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2018
The grapes taken off the vine are sweeter than the rest. The history of Dade County and its heroines and heroes who gallantly gave their lives will never get dusty on those shelves of serenity where you, Officer Cook, and many others took your honor,integrity and dignity on the streets where danger met you in order for a sense of safety and quiet journeys to march on. Time passes without blinking an eye and you continue to be very much missed. Your stamina, strength and most courageous heart of gold. Its humility and caring retold the story of your heroic legacy, now and forever a part of the family of esteemed colleagues bold and brave who went to work with you, Officer Cook, to destroy evil and provide some relief. Being a gentleman of character and the highest of ethics, your goodwill and treasured soul will always keep floating high above our world protecting those who loved you and those who now possess that baton of honor and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2018
Goodbye and farewell are just for now for when that day of your soul rejoining your family members, Officer Cook, the times and years they have missed will be there for them to reminisce. Your dad and you are sharing the times when death sadly separated you both. Hopefully, your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, is alive and well in California. You were your parents darling son and most heroic son who spared Dade County more suffering from a surge of unimaginable evil, the undoing by a troubled man. Depression is one thing, seek help don't go out and kill trusted law enforcement personnel who too have families and put their validity on honor, integrity and the eyes of dignity. You did more than we could ever ask for, Officer Cook and made the ultimate sacrifice so stability could march with humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character and class forever belongs on those walls where honor so humble sleeps soundly.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2018
Odds are for sports bettors, those junkies who look to score big. I would rather have a banified man of pride and integrity like yourself, Officer Cook, who served and saved the lives of his brothers and those citizens involved in that domestic unrest that tragic day when you gave your life for salvation and a sense of safety for those choosing a semblance of stability. You took your onuses humbly and willingly risked your soul, Officer Cook, to stave off sinister violence perpetrated by a troubled man, young like yourself. Those fences of ferocity were set up by your heroism and friendship with humanity's friend, humility. Civility on the streets of Dade County was your chief priority and nothing was going to deter your missions and dreams of faith, hope and goodwill for all mankind. Take heart, character and wisdom clearly go well with vision and virtue as they offer clarity into a young hero's valor and explorations of excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police work is not a gambling junket, it is the hopeful pursuits of happiness, unity for all and tranquility for those pursuing goodwill and the challenges of courage and concern. You cared, Officer Cook, we salute your inspirations and ideals of ingenuity and intelligence.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2018
Thank God , Officer Cook, you had more than a clue about what good old fashioned politeness and perseverance was about. It took you into the Dade County neighborhood to serve and to protect its folks and your honor and desire stood those tests of time as did your dignity and integrity which carried sway into those wars over violence. It lead to peace and some staples of unity for a community reaching out to you and your resources of resolve and resiliency. Your unassuming and outstanding character is now and for eternity stored in Our Lord's master havens where heroes and heroines souls of serenity continue at peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2018
If you will it, it will happen. All except death which is a part of the lifecycle process. All who are born shall one day pass on to that eternal world of perfection and partake in the fruits of their sacred work. You lived your life, Officer Cook, most astutely, most humbly and more than anything, most poignantly and honestly. It's in those genes of your esteemed family, your parents in particular where you learned your courtesies, manners and values. Nothing needed to be drummed into your head. Persistence pays huge dividends to those who maintain loyalty and virtue all while staying dignified and with humane integrity. That's what made you a top flight public servant preserving the peace and harmonic stability of all citizens of Dade County. Comrades took their cues of courage from you, Officer Cook, your steadfast and undying determination to make humility from tension and undue unrest was and is how we will so remember you and your treasured soul of tenacity. It's character and clarity buoyed by the hopes and aspirations of boldness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2018
For the Cook, Wilkerson and Tidwell Families the month of November is a solemn one in which your father, Charles, may he rest in peace and yourself, Officer Cook, may you too rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero are mourned and missed so dearly as the holidays and your birthday and your dad's day of passing roll around. Promises of brighter days ought to be on your horizons and as heroes both you and your father, Officer Cook, are to be honorably saluted. Given wisdom and vision is that humane and humble virtue of dignity, integrity and the tolerances of faith and ideals. It's goodwill being brought back into Dade County to serve the principles by which serenity and freedom go forth proudly. You gave your life and your career deserved the plaudits of perseverance and resolve, homage and humanity fruitfully serving one another with stellar character and the acquitting of acumen and excellence in boldly displaying your badge of honor and reverence. Society so richly distinguishes its heroines and heroes of years past who sacrificed for our destain of dastardly deeds still out and about the various communities in our great nation. One land indivisible with liberty and justice for all. You practiced, preached and protected, Officer Cook, with all your cunning might and cleverness of your heart. Now your soul has been set free to patrol God's golden gates and pearly venues of perfection where no more harm will ever come your way. Take care, Officer Cook and I'll continue praying for your blessed and devoted mother, Mrs.Julia Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2018
Justice for all carries that hope and solemn responsibility to protect mankind with all your might. With all your heart, Officer Cook, did you give and concise and prudent effort. Dade County reaped the benefits of your distinguished character, class and dedication. All through the channels of goodwill and fairness, integrity, honesty and dignity to be accountable for your actions of bravery, the humbleness of your soul conveyed those important lessons to be forever ingrained in those future public servants who go out and search for peace while trying to get a handle on callousness and its pure wickedness. respected and revered, admired and gallant, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
November 10, 2018
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