Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Ointment and bandages are but temporary measures. Police work for the now and for a better tomorrow. With success one must possess some honor, integrity and dignity. Any signs of a letting up and the bad guys really hold sway over us. Wickedness must be handled by uniquely special public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero of lawful and heroic proportion who provided relief and resourcefulness to your everyday tasks. We honor your memory and your humanely humble and esteemed trails of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are being cradled in God's gentle hands of mercy, your very sweet soul hovering above us keeping things straight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2018

The crazy and lazy should understand they have their work cut out for them to achieve a noble start. Thankfully you were a goodson, respected, giving and caring for your family and peers of justice, truth and trust. You made the distinction, Officer Cook, between loyalty and devotion in order to begin your climb up that humble ladder to humility. Fate came and for your heroism it brought everlasting dignity, reverence and the character that must be incorporated into the designs of dignity and integrity. Violence and evil one day will be stomped out for eternity and those living here in Dade County will experience the revelations of security and the hunts that humanity builds for our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2018

Applaud if you will but salutes of bravery, honesty and character translate better into one's heroic legacy. Your perseverance and resolve, Officer Cook, seemed just the right formula for dealing with Dade County's citizens and delivered to them serenity and the humble assurance of harmony and unity for all mankind. Integrity, dignity and vision make wisdom and humility most cherished as was your soul of goodwill, faith and compassion, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2018

Evildoers aren't fly by nights. They perpetrate violence and torment just to get someone's goat and try to supress the good work done by many humble,loyal and honorable men and women of law enforcement. Your days, years and career, Officer Cook, was the Dade County model of consistency founded upon the morals and virtues of having excellent character and the quality of having basic integrity and dignity to see your hopeful safe journeys through. You were not tired and had so much more life left in your soul. God must have needed another superior angelic hero near His sacred throne to lookout for us and your beloved family members. Now you can stay safe and secure in knowing your resolve and mettle were as legendary as your humility and resolve working tirelessly on our behalf so that the staples of peace and tranquility could diligently work as a tandem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2018

If only crime could be climate controlled maybe the world can rest easier. Too bad evil took you, Officer Cook, from your family, comrades and this whole world. You were a classy and gallant young man who went to meet His maker before your time and fruitions. Dade County was under the supreme sense of vision and wisdom while you perused the corners for something resembling peace and security. Always aided by acumen and humility so very vital to the accomplishments of any public servant of character and faithfulness. Humanity stands grandly for your heroism and salutes with pride your gentle soul of bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The fight never departed from your heart and you gave us everything transparency represents in our society of freedom and goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2018

One just needs to look in the mirror before judging others. Our world would be a better place if humanity looked more humane and humble. Perhaps violence and its evil might take note. Unfortunately, wickedness spares no one and does not differentiate between day and night. At all times, at all moments the barrage of bad comes and strikes at all sides and every end possible. Its might is the core of its strength and many have come and tried, too many have given their lives for serenity, security and the sense of peace and purpose to co -exist as one. Here in Dade County you were counted on, Officer Cook, to deliver some roots of harmony along with possessing and maintaining dignity, honesty and integrity of character the staples of both your life and public service career. We are forevermore indebted to your heroism and inspirational ingenuity and intuitiveness. The roads are wide, the trails are narrow, with your ferocity and tenacity tyranny was slightly decreased, though your absence leaves that pit, the wide hole your family has had to dig through to fruitfully champion your noble legacy of elegance and effort. Time honors you, Officer Cook, a brave soul who took up the causes of goodwill willingly and without regret nor hesitation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2018

Quirks are one thing. perks are for executives, those big shots whose models of modesty and honesty don't even sniff or come close to your humbleness and honor, Officer Cook. You served and were a soldier who learned under the best and then demonstrated the capacity to motivate and lead other brave souls through mayhem and kayos. Dade County is a large area not like New York, but surely just as dignified and its people wanted a framework of goodwill, peace and some semblance of unification for all. They gained your loving trust and humility through the mandates of mettle, integrity, dignity and character which helps to build the central cores of honesty. You cannot begin to stop violence if you cannot be civilized and noble. One day real soon with your soul watching over your family and those sisters and brothers who fight for our very lives, Officer Cook, peace and quiet will remain the order of our happiness and fruitful trips around society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2018

The beacon of hope, the dean of dignity, the ideal man of integrity, the gallant servant who graced Dade County with his humble and esteem presence, you were a hero, Officer Cook, here in a community that supposedly cares about each other. We cared back then. I cried when I heard what happened to you. All these decades later, it comes back full circle, your values, your roots, your core principles, but, most importantly your honor, integrity, courage and humility all wrapped by Our Creator within those walls of dignity. Defending our rights and freedoms, standing up and bravely patrolling our perimeters where your perseverance and pure desire meant all the difference. Now in Our Lord's lair of angelic heroes and heroines may you forever rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Destiny and fate called out on May 16,1979, may our prayers forever be tucked away in your family's hearts of happiness, health and healing. The wounds were deep , hopefully time and the love of God can find its way where it will gently touch them.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2018

Faith alone cannot balance those ledgers of law and order. There must be a physical exertion achieved to make serenity and safeness a part of our lives. In Dade County police are the rightful authorities who go out and risk their beings exposing them to danger and torment. The turmoil and terror stressful and hazardous at times. Officer Cook, you were the consummate warrior and epitome of a humble gentleman. A uniform worn with honor, dignity and the commitments of character and integrity following you during your watches. A treasured man whose scope of success came about through intense training. Never a worry or problem, you just a trusted and truthful human being who acquitted yourself with nothing but ethics and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2018

If variety is the spice of life than all is not lost. As we depend on superbly honest and decent individuals to serve and to protect our lives. You humbly and most assuredly were and for always a Dade County hero, Officer Cook. The sacrifice of dignity and integrity to fight against violence cannot be overstated. Our missions were your journeys and destinies where sadly violence robbed you and Karen of being together for many years to come. Character and the precision of principles resting on the brooks of boldness while affirming your devotion to humanity when humbleness and loyalty came calling. Always solemnly remembered and saluted for unrelenting resolve and resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2018

You try and resolve problems and then hope to rehabilitate that individual. All one brave and trusted hero can ever do is just perform up to their capacities. Humanity places its aspirations, dreams and hopes in the humble hands of the humane and honored, the civil and those constantly showing dignity and integrity while out on duty fighting off this extraordinary adversary, one that lurks and tries its most to test a person's mettle and character. Dade County was under your watch, Officer Cook and for all the sense in the world so was our balance of safety, serenity and the sacred words of happiness, liberty and unity for each person. Saluted forever, your life and career, Officer Cook, was predicated on proficiency, efficiency and resiliency. Respected and greatly admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2018

Police can never be debilitated by the slightest hint of doubt otherwise their dignity,integrity and honesty will cloud their journeys in protecting and in serving the public at large. You proudly served Dade County, Officer Cook, with pride and all the adjectives of determination, dedication and pure desire. You were a young and robust man of unquestionable character, undying commitment and unwavering concern and convictions which helped to bring peace and liberty to an area wanting some relief. Thank goodness for your humility, goodwill and mercy which permitted sanctity and civility to march on those streets that were paved with peril that one brave official must navigate around. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2018

There are no fortune cookies or crystal balls to predict our future. Just some sense of honesty, sanity and the sanctity that civility brings into any given venue and community. You preserved life and had a real burning passion, Officer Cook, to restore faith and common sense for Dade County's folks who were feeling the sting of torment. One person gone awry is all it takes to unnerve a locale where peace and safe passages should be a rule of thumb. Your honor, dignity and -integrity were all humble components of your austere character and convictions to upright our ships of resolve. Passing into the night your glowing spirit, Officer Cook, keeps heaven eternally and gallantly aglow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2018

Gazing into the future, the picture is not always so clear. Destiny has its style of transforming life and its respect for real honor and the liberties we all enjoy in the freest land in the nation. That turkey I ate last night, Officer Cook, was because of the unselfish sacrifice you made to aid Dade County's own almost forty years ago. hard to believe it was nearly that long ago when our security and pleasures were uprooted by evil. A consummate gentleman and heroic angel of character and valor serving with resolve in all your tasks. Now you look down on your family and peers of today serving with the same very notion of humility and charm as you so regally did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Friendships like bridges take time to construct and so does boldness. It does not come on when you flip a switch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul of devoutness and faith forever illuminates our pathways to perseverance and precision.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2018

One should soak up as much wisdom and sage advice as possible, it will surely help you in any future endeavors. Evil needs the swiftest of attention and its detail cannot get sidetracked by undo lack of integrity, dignity and honesty. More than your smile, Officer Cook, was your attention to preparation, motivation and the sheer ends of determination which protected Dade County residents from terror. The treks of a troubled man bent on violence against law enforcement personnel. You showed your moxie and mettle, Officer Cook, acumen and versatility so valuable in your trails of humility and tenacity. The character of a hero personified by the esteem of your colleagues and family members who so solemnly honor your humbly humane pursuits of serenity, peace and unity for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2018

The gentle breezes blow. The birds chirp and the leaves on the trees change color. Winter is in the air and so are these glorious holidays. Your presence, Officer Cook, would have been most welcomed by your family. You are a hero of the highest regards for Dade County and mankind. Humility and honor such as yours won't be forgotten. And neither will your integrity and dignity which assisted you in your battles over violence. No matter the circumstance you could be counted on for supporting character, loyal commitment and the forever present humility and humble esteem. Saluted and etched in all of our thoughts and prayers during this holiday season. Resolve, bravery and the visions of wisdom never get shelved they are there for everyone to see. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2018

Eternity has your very sweet and heroic soul of valor and vigilance, Officer Cook. Dade County has your blessed and cherished name inscribed on its walls of honor at your department and at Tropical Park in Miami. You were a staple of virtue, the paradigm of precision and perseverance. The hero your family and parents raised with dignity, integrity and the humility of honesty and principles in shaping our everlasting peace. Saluted for bravery and gallantry that saved humanity from more wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2018

Evil erodes the public confidence and its perception of society. Bravery, courage and valor just as morals, honor, dignity and integrity are the antidotes to fighting off such heinous and violent disruption of our peaceful and prosperous movements. Dade County experienced many highs and lows and all you did, Officer Cook, was a superb and splendid job of protecting and maintaining goodwill through your gracious character, humble commitments to excellence and the wisdom and vision of convictions so clear it made us better prepared to face a future. One still bleak because of your ultimate and most heroic sacrifice on humanity's behalf. Our Maker has His humility, civility and nobleness encased in heaven where your very loyal and treasured soul, Officer Cook, rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2018

Steer clear of callousness and navigate around nastiness. It's your best hope to stay safe and free torment and turbulence. The waters at times are choppy and rough just like certain venues are when crime and terror strikes. Dade County felt its ugly sting and there you were, Officer Cook, to dispel something of a monster, a maniac who relished suffering and unleashed his barrage against you and your comrades, Officer Cook. Thankfully, your morals and mettle extended your outstanding character, honor and dignity into the very streets where your humility and integrity made all the difference. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Lord honors His master enhancers and protects their very souls of serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2018

Orchestrating durability, capability and versatility, all the responsibility and stress and you wonder how any duly regarded officer can serve those causes of peace and reason. Well, you surely served your time in Dade County quite well, Officer Cook. Never afraid to tackle problems straight ahead and face to face. For all the humility, wisdom and vision there must be a trust and truth in one's pursuits backed by honesty, character, dignity and integrity's eyes and ears that follow the brave on their missions of mercy, goodwill and faith. A blessed and cherished young man whose time was just twenty-five years of humble success in these wars over wickedness. Saluted for salvation and safety for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2018

Reverence is rewarded at some point in time. The brave and humane strive to protect and lookout for our freedoms and unity. There is too much violence and turmoil spinning wildly in our great nation. It takes the cumbersome efforts of many honorable and intuitive public servants to quash this machine of immense proportions. All your career, Officer Cook, Dade County's folks were your concern and your dignity and ingenuity and its was your humble passion that saved the day on May 16, 1979 and all times. God has His children of character and humility rightfully patrolling His land overlooking those who now serve and attempt to resolve disputes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2018

Emotions run high. Tempers flare. Motivation had better be centered right where it belongs. Its best affects help to fight evil and its violence. You battled in Dade County on our behalf, Officer Cook, with your entire arsenal of courage and valor so much so that you dignity, integrity and honor allowed you the humble and heroic opportunity to save lives. Badge#1664 had the values and proper character to attack humanity's many perplexing problems. Your humility, sanctity and serene civility gently placed safety and resolve back in our hands, Officer Cook, surely a warrior never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2018

The pressure is on as that proverbial thermometer rises. Tempers fray. Stress mounts and yet through it all, Officer Cook, you hung in there and persevered beyond expectations. Making any community safe is no small task and your heroic actions that day sheltered the citizens from further harm. Never forgetting your bravery and descent character, dignified by your integrity and the ingenuity that comes from excellent ideals and values. The heroes and heroines fought for a cause and because of their willing sacrifice humanity can move forward with their glorious journeys and fruitful missions of hope and mercy. You were, Officer Cook, the consummate professional in every way possible and badge#1664 was worn humbly and without the slightest tarnish. You sure are greatly missed today and everyday. God's kingdom unfortunately keeps increasing because of this evil and it has to stop once and for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. May your beautiful soul of serenity and civility watch over us, Officer Cook. Dade County's fiercely loyal servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2018

It always seems that the women and men of honesty and integrity have to pay the worst price for us to live safely and serenely. Dade County rests well because of your undying and unselfish commitment to pride and excellence all through loyalty and faithfulness. No doubts regarding your smile and confident mannerisms, Officer Cook, as they kept us secure and tranquil. Your comrades who served with you have solemnly honored and admired your dignity and fighting courage all from your warm and giving heart. It's spelled out in your unassuming character and achievements that have been saluted for making humanity better off. Enhancement, enrichment and education can only strive to knockout a foe such as violence. You did your part, Officer Cook, willingly with sound logic and the wisdom that relies on excellent vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dearly beloved by your family, colleagues and friends who miss you enthusiasm.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2018

Day comes and night falls, tonight the drinkers will be out on Thanksgiving eve on the roads. Let us all hope and pray everyone arrives at their destinations safe and sound. You provided that much needed security for all Dade County residents, Officer Cook. No better a man of class and gallantry trying his utmost to keep peace and some sense of unity among mankind. Society is a little less safer because of your absence. Your integrity, dignity and honesty were always captivating your colleagues of valor and resolve. This meant all cornerstones and their walls were soundly put down by your everlasting humility. Always humanity's greatest hero and public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2018

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