Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Man of dignity and hero most of all. The highest of humility was exhibited during your days, Officer Cook. Never a spot of tarnish only the consistency of tenacity which helped to rinse our streets in Dade County of ruin brought about by evil. When you have the desire, the devotion and motivation help to secure the honesty and integrity so essential to your wars over wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 1, 2018

Considerate and professional, you were the living and most humble example of what a good policeman is all about, Officer Cook. A most heroic legend in Dade County and across the USA. Never more morals mixed with mettle, resolve nestled in with dignity and honor to fight those missions where terror must be combated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humility and its character did its most proficient job of policing our roads.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 1, 2018

Being prudent and being cautious at least give any public servant the opportunity to salvage something from where violence strikes. Your pursuits of harmony and unity, Officer Cook, presented Dade County and its folks with hope and concern. You cared for the ones you watched over and because of your maturity and vision, it only goes to reason why you were an accomplished young man of honor and reverence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 1, 2018

We have strong men and women whose voices of versatility and durability strike the chords of courage and concern. Yours, Officer Cook, brought resiliency and no reluctance to Dade County. Its people were honored and proud to have you serving them and for your heroic acts of bravery and dignity, heaven so solemnly honors your honesty and wisdom of having integrity. Character rests soundly where you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 1, 2018

A man of honor and a hero of dignity, that 's humility speaking those humble and loyal tones of tenacity. It was Dade County calling for your brave appeal, Officer Cook. A gentleman of grace and hope whose character propelled your heroism to greater heights. May 16,1979 tested your resolve, Officer Cook and for a civil minded man your humility put peace and endearment back on those streets that were paved with peril. A warrior to be honored. Dignity and the voice of integrity to be saluted forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 1, 2018

A swoon of kayos envelops our area and we certainly require fine and upstanding men and women to combat its evil affects. You were an effective officer, Officer Cook and with your humility and esteemed honor helped to strip serious trouble from our community. Dade County and all its residents were under your mindful eyes of morals and integrity all dignified by your unwavering and unselfish character and commitment meant to bring the declarations of prosperity and tranquility closer than ever. Never forgotten and faithfully saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 1, 2018

Fate never reserves a date. Destiny teaches us the greatest lessons to be imparted by our honored and esteemed colleagues from law enforcement. Your sincerity, Officer Cook, channeled peace and perseverance within the boundaries and borders of all Dade County. Your crispness and courage when detailed with the humanity of character, wisdom and dignity brought your heroic integrity right where security and liberty was meant to be. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility stands ready at Our master's gates of justice ready to welcome with open arms those gallant souls of truth and trust.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 1, 2018

For the pious their rewards are our blessings. They were and always are going to be the heroes and heroines who surround us. Their spirits and heroic legacies are to be honored for having the acumen and the dignity that integrity and respect are known for. You were well thought of, Officer Cook, here in Dade County and all across our nation of law enforcement. Your savvy and moxie, mettle and ideals have been remembered and it is incumbent upon your family and your colleagues of the future to pursue crime with the very same humility and engagement as you so proudly displayed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 1, 2018

Your due diligence and virtual vigilance helped make Dade County and its people safer and more secure. You never know when Our Father who is in heaven will bring your destiny to an end. Sadly, Officer Cook, your life and career of honor was taken away by violence. The unmitigated evil by a man bent on harming you and your fellow officers. Your dignity, wisdom and integrity allowed for our sage journeys of peace and goodwill for all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and its values bring only humility to those brave souls who serve and protect us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 1, 2018

If you stay loyal and faithful, then God will reward your trails of tenacity. He blessed you, Officer Cook and now up in heaven He blesses you immortal soul of serenity. The soul of a wise and cherished gentleman whose earthly missions were humble and brave. Your inspiring integrity, humane honor and determined dignity helped to eliminate evil from Dade County. Candor and your unassumingly noble character saw your life and career through until God called you home. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 1, 2018

Take heart, the brave and honest public servants do all they can to stifle evil. As serious as it is, you were a superbly dependable young man and a hero forever, Officer Cook. Dade County was a place you and your family called home and for your service and highest of character may you be honored and remembered for giving back humility and decisive courage to us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 1, 2018

Scheming is for those desiring to commit serious mischief. Serenity is for mankind that wants quiet times to fulfill their happiness. Your health and faith , Officer Cook, were dependent upon your ability to stop crime before it got running. Those streets can surely be unforgiving and for Dade County its residents had you protecting them, Officer Cook. Al quality of character and all total honor, integrity and the vital forces of dignity. Your humility toward society will forever be etched in our minds and hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 30, 2018

We prefer of course that all law enforcement have manners, courtesies and are above reproach. Dignity, honesty and integrity all must be above everything else. No shortcuts. No back cuts. Just truth, trust and some modesty in all your duties. Wickedness requires that special touch and your being, Officer Cook, soothed those feelings here in Dade County. Just atrocious what happened to you almost four decades ago in Liberty City in Miami while guarding our lives and your sacred life of peace and goodwill. You exhibited heroism and humility coupled as one and for these qualities may your spirit and career be solemnly saluted, honored and cherished forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 30, 2018

One should try and hide from pride instead of running to it and gloating. The righteous they speak the truth and let their shine with humble honor, dignity and integrity, it helps build a framework by which one can carryout their duties in a more civil institution. Your humility, Officer Cook, stopped a domestic scene from becoming worse and because of your heroism, Dade County's own were left better off in terms of harmony and unity because you cared and acted in a dignified and positive manner. All character and all class from morals on down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 30, 2018

Stability provides that staple of peace, unity and a semblance of hope and goodwill. Your fruitions, Officer Cook, in Dade County honored mankind and displayed a level of respect and gratitude toward Our Maker. He gave you through your skill and stamina all the talent in the world to bring turmoil down and allow for your humble dignity and integrity to invigorate our community. It is one that still pays humane and heroic homage to your legacy and its valiant character and commitment to principles and the highest of ethical standards to meet the daily demands of squaring off against such an adversary. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 30, 2018

The best have that certain zest of life filtering through their blood. The rest just try and do their very best. Policing any area requires a mindset of mettle and morals so dear as they compliment one's own humble honesty, integrity and dignity. It helped you, Officer Cook, to stay straight not that you needed assistance. You were a humanely humble man, brave and responsible for the entire welfare of Dade County's folks. Working with vigor and vitality your vigilance allowed you to track after terror and torment/ You can rest assure your humility on humanity's side will be faithfully executed and fully honored for its missions to be continued and shared by all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The cream of convictions and character rises to the top and so too will your soul of peace, Officer Cook, rise above all this world. Tumalt shall be one day lifted and the glory of Our Creator will be realized.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 30, 2018

Where there is life, there is dignity. Where we find the spirit we find integrity. Look under the rocks and you'll locate honor. It is that humble trait of a few that is the measuring stick of a person's soul of safety and peace where unity can park its shelters of security. You parked in Dade County at your department and went out and gave only one-hundred percent effort every moment of your watch. Samething with life and what we make of ourselves. In police work it is more than the valor and vigilance, there must be total dedication to rules and standards, high and the honor is expected along with respect for those whom you protect. You were a great man, Officer Cook, whose stellar legacy shall remain the foundation of a life well lived. Just wish you were here today enjoying your very special day. Our Lord and your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace are with you keeping you safe and sound. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 30, 2018

Faith is a variable implanted in most folks. Some just take it to newer heights and others utilize it when it suits them best. You were a completely religious person, Officer Cook, a member of the Visitation Catholic Church with your beloved Karen. But most of all you were a totally reliable individual whose heroism and honesty traveled side by side of your dignity and integrity. Dade County was served a slice of serenity and hope, its goodwill brokered by your unselfish efforts to put forth the effort and efficiency needed by duly trained public servants. All the bravery and courage you could muster was used everyday to dispel awful actions of a few wayward persons. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character and commitment to values and ideals with make destinies a little easier to to take.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 30, 2018

Success does not just grow on a tree. Its roots are firmly planted and take shape only when one is faithful to their peers and develops a rapport with honor, integrity and dignity. They all go into the fight over terror and violence. You were the apple of your parents' eyes and hearts, Officer Cook, their darling son and beloved hero of humility on society's behalf. It takes a marvelous man or woman to go out and patrol on a daily basis over a community where they are respected and greatly admired humbly by those who they preserve. Dade County is not just a place, it is an area that features much positive things about it. Dining and dancing are just a part. Attractions are another. Your adventures fighting crime, Officer Cook, will be forever remembered in the police history of heroes and heroines who laid everything on the line including their honor and character. Humility further one's humble journeys through thick and thin while warding off evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 30, 2018

I did stop and visit your grave, Officer Cook to salute your honorable and heroic actions on behalf of Dade County citizens. It was all about ethics, morals, dignity and the fabrics of ferocity and integrity. You can be sure your memory will stay etched in your family's heart and minds so long as they live they live on to keep up with your happiness and joy for life. Only those with character, compassion and the spirit of serenity and trust may apply to try and complete the arduous assignment of endeavoring to unseat wanton and heinousness from our world. Humanity relies and accounts for its most esteemed and bravest of soldiers who march forward with their missions of decency and overwhelming resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 30, 2018

November for the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families is a trying time. Your beloved relative, Officer William C. Cook, gave his whole being to furnish the foundations of peace and serenity within the walls of all Dade County. such a refined man with a bright smile to light up a room and an engaging personality that matched your endeavors of faith and resolve all because of who you were. You comported yourself with honor, esteem and the loyalty that dignity and integrity bring to a hero's character and commitment never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Bravery in your bones, ferocity in your heart. Your soul steers your family's pursuits as well as they carry on with your heroic legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 30, 2018

Born with humble bravery and boldness, your life of happiness and honor, Officer Cook, should never have ended due to one man's wanton evil. Though, you served and saved Dade County citizens and your colleagues from more harm, your character, class, dignity and integrity will always be most treasured and heroically saluted. Perseverance is in the hourglass of humanity where humility and sanctity lie. You opened doors of goodwill and resolve all by your unwavering and undying declarations of decency, devotion and dedication to all tasks placed on your professional itinerary. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today, you and Karen, Officer Cook, should have been celebrating your sixty-fifth birthday. Certainly a moment to pause and remember one mighty warrior, gallant and courageous.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 30, 2018

The stars twinkle. The brave are beloved by their inspirational and humble boldness in courage and their honor. Wickedness demands the repetitive actions of integrity, character and dignity if one is to overcome its devastating affects. You fought long and hard for Dade County citizens, Officer Cook and never capitulated to those who wanted to commit wanton evil. It's a shame Mr. Pearsall did not get that message. You were a hero of the highest humility and for constructing cornerstones may you be forever be paid homage. A plethora of preserve and self confidence, your humble feats, Officer Cook, will be long remembered for generations to come. It's heroes like yourself, Officer Cook, who have laid down foundations that are set in stone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2018

Of course God willing I'll try and visit your grave, Officer Cook, tomorrow on your birthday and offer my prayers for your sweet and gentle soul of effort and efficiency as it guided your destiny throughout Dade County in search of some peace, stability and true togetherness. You can never be forgotten for your heroic undertakings where service and professionalism run parallel with one another. Lord knows we sure can use some quieter times considering the plight of our world today. Humanity suffers greatly when violence threatens to unravel the resolve and resourcefulness you humbly helped to lay down, Officer Cook. Credit there goes to your loving folks and yes I will always keep you in my heart and prayers, Mrs. Cook. Officer cook, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In heaven the peace is like a pin dropping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2018

Rations may be good for some but a grand and healthy dose of reality starts with some honesty, deliberate dignity and the humble and heroic creations of integrity all central in stopping the advancement of terror in our midst. You were a very determined and civil minded public servant, Officer Cook, who now soars high up in those grand castles in the sky with your soul gently breezing along in the deep blue nights . Dade County by your character and commitment was spared more evil on May 16, 1979 and the sacrifice you made on our behalf, on our accounts of serenity and harmony must never be overlooked. Instead let them be blessed by Our Master who brought you into this world sixty-five years ago tomorrow November 30, 2018. A harsh reality stares us pointblank in the face and for exceeding our expectations humanity has been rewarded with your passionate missions of goodwill and devoutness of faith and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We all know drinking water will suffice . You thirst for knowledge, wisdom,vision and maturity was at the top of the charts of courage and consideration for mankind's welfare. Happy birthday, Officer Cook. Eternal birthdays are the embodiment of a person's life and accomplishments and should not be taken lightly or for granted. Your occupation was just what you dreamed of becoming and for us in Dade County it was a Godsend and a true humble and cherished blessing from heaven where you and your dad, Charles, are cradled comfortably in those humble and loving arms of mercy and peace. No more harm coming your way. Just a very brave soul of distinction and nobleness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2018

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