Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The days are empty, the time seems lost,what is not lost is you, Officer Cook. A very decent and honest hero who saved Dade County from the claws of heinousness all by a man of trouble and depression. Lots of folks have issues and problems. There is still no excuse for unsightly and violent behavior against public servants. They risk it all to serve and save us from turmoil and unmitigated evil. Only a man of character worth his salt could actually go out and perform a very commendable job. And your loyalty and courage, Officer Cook, reached newer foundations every time you acted humanely, heroically and with humility to stop this individual's launch of lunacy upon our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Now we stand and humbly salute your unwavering, undying and unselfish sacrifice that has shielded us and brought everloving unity, tranquility and the transparency of endeavor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2018
Records of sporting stars are sometimes made to be overtaken. One thing you cannot ever ever take from a hero is their honor and dignity. It deserves to rest in peace along with their humbleness and integrity. Your grace and gallantry, Officer Cook, saved Dade County from irreparable harm that day of May 16,1979 when you gave your life for civilization to march onward as does your family and comrades with your heroism etched in their minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were essential part of our landscape. Resolve and resiliency never leave the heart of a beloved and esteemed man of sanctity and trust.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2018
Police set up those traps to ensnare terror and who knows what else. You had the virtual trimmings of tenacity and integrity, Officer Cook, to tackle the tough issues that perplexed Dade County citizens. You were mainly an esteemed and brave soul whose life revolved around your family and friends. When work came calling it was all the concentrated effort and efficiency poured into your loving and respected resolve. It gave us the chance to experience first hand what real peace and safety are about. Never better scruples and character which made you a better man for those awesome onuses that lied ahead. A salute for your service and humility which has humanity taken copious notes. So too should all future men and women. Badge#1664 served with civility, nobility and the sanctity for which our roads deserve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2018
Bravery knows no end. It's honor, dignity and integrity of a hero so humble that reap the rewards of those eternal trips in heaven where you now and forever rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. Never one to retreat, you answered all your calls and their assignments with all the acumen and awareness that the Lord Himself gave you. Imparted and implanted within your divine soul of affection was the sage wisdom and courage, the validity of having great vision and the mettle of maturity that fought long and hard against violence in and around the corridors of all Dade County. All humane and having humility on your uniform and badge of boldness and alacrity. May your soul and your name, Officer Cook, be eternally blessed along with your family and colleagues who helped you to sustain your serenity and safe passages for one and all.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2018
A body and soul belong as one. Just as dignity and integrity belong together. Honesty and humility too belong as one. Dade County always had a civic pride and how glad they were to have you, Officer Cook, serving and protecting them. A source of inspiration, your deals of deliberation were set on them and in keeping unity and harmony marching as one unit. Today, we can pause and reflect back on your character and amazing journeys you took for twenty-five years, six of them with the Metro-Dade Police Department. Honor the Lord's word and strive to do His work as honestly as you are able to. Humanity and mankind reward those servants whose boldness and valor are everlasting. Yours, Officer Cook and resolve have been humbly honored all these decades later. No one forgot your humility nor your proverbial passions and persevering nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2018
The accounts are there. Your will gave hope and goodwill to mankind forever, Officer Cook. The truth is that trust and responsibility must share in defending our rights and liberties. It was all about being honest, dignified and having integrity all through your life and police career. Never a day without thinking about what might have been if you were alive and well, retired today with Karen and doting on your beloved family. Dade County had your trustworthy character and proud commitment to excellence and convictions of sage wisdom, valid vision and steady maturity beyond your years of expertise. A hero whose sole purpose was to deliver the free spirits of congeniality and security to assist us in our life's pursuits of joy and peace. God's friendly gates are surrounded by bravery, resolve and humility. That's how a loyal heroine and hero shall be remembered for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2018
Crusades are for the brave and bold who knowingly and without doubt go above and beyond to furnish ferocity and stability when violence looks to roar like a tiger. And Dade County was under siege all because of a troubled and crazed man who shot your colleagues, Officer Cook and civilians and then shot and took your young life and career away from your family and humble comrades. Our safety nets were given by your faithful and devoted loyalty. A man of honor, dignity and integrity keeping his word of affirmation to rescue us from sheer callousness. We salute a class individual of character whose legacy will be perpetually paid homage for your unwavering actions. Humble, heroic and humane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2018
Opinions and facts are just that. True diversity, tough love and true and loyal dependability and honor bring peace and serenity to an area, rather than dishonor and being a rogue public servant. You were a good man, Officer Cook, steady and humble, a gallant gentleman full of compassion integrity and the wisest of dignity. Dade County and its folks were given excellent and quality care under your supervision, Officer Cook. Humanity and humility were the guiding lights of your career one with missions quite esteemed. Forever a Dade County legend of character and sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 8, 2018
The nutrients for honor and wisdom are good vision and the dignity behind one's humane and heroic integrity. You were that driving force in Dade County, Officer Cook. A pillar of hope, a man of mettle and morals, a gracious gentleman of humility and the authority with all the character and noble capability to branch out tranquility and the harmony that heated evil looks to prevent. The citizens were kept safe and sound by your unwavering and very humble actions, Officer Cook. You family's legend and your department's savior when the time came calling you could be counted upon to bring down wickedness and replant some semblance of safe and serene passages. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2018
With the full support and the humblest of honor and confidence were you, Officer Cook, able to go out on patrol in Dade County and produce real peace and calmness among its citizens. Never hesitating and surely never running from the calamity of callous violence, you can be quite certain that your honesty and integrity will be faithfully remembered and duly saluted for its dignity and the commitment that solid character brings to police work. A profession where mind and body must work on the same cylinders of courage while that hero of humanity takes their humility around the various venues and locations where stability and serenity ought to be. Missions fulfilled and now Our Creator has called your home, Officer Cook, sadly before your time with everything deemed as complete. An A for effort, perseverance and bravery over and above duty thanks to scruples and undying wisdom, maturity and the vision to protect and to enhance our futures you should have been a part of, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2018
Insinuation leads to doubt. When trying to both solve and resolve dilemmas there can be room for compromise just not of honor, integrity and the dignity that fairness rests under. Your compassion, Officer Cook, was top flight. Your journeys and their destinations were of sound body and of sound mind. You were the epitome of a thinking man's officer who serviced Dade County and their needs with as much grit, gumption and gallantry to last a whole lifetime. For a disciple of discipline and character your makeup fit the profile of a very noble and humble public servant whose instincts tugged at the heart of humanity. Saluted and dignantly remembered as one brave warrior whose life revolved around his community. A real Godsend, Officer Cook, an esteemed and treasured man of reason and your work habits demonstrated this point succinctly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2018
Never devalue the dignity of a hero. Their souls shine brightly here and forever in God's enchanted castles when He reaches out and leade their souls of humility and honor back home. Home is where one's heart is and eternity is where good old fashioned resolve, resilience and effort are stored and protected from anymore evil. You were a loyal servant, Officer Cook, faithful to Dade County and its folks by your tenacity and valiant pursuits of truth and justice done right. Virtues and values of the highest regard. Just keep looking down as we offer prayers from your family and peers. may those who serve be blessed with wisdom,vision and the convictions to do right in Our Lord's eyes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2018
Sometimes the decks are stacked against us and even in good times one must be ever so vigilant. You never know who or what is lurking out there ready to snap or pounce upon us. Like a lion or tiger, you ran to danger, Officer Cook, wherever Dade County and its folks needed moral support your compass of compassion and courage was calibrated and set to go. Full stem ahead with honor, bravery, intelligence and an arsenal of acumen, dignity and the right integrity and character to cut right to the chase. Humanity was appeased by your loving and gentle touches of your secure and peaceful soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It shall be noted your undying might served and gave us the fullest of endeavor as long as Badge#1664 swung around the corners and streets of a community that supported and respected your intuitions of morals and scruples.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2018
The temperature of hope and goodwill rises this time of the year. Soon it will another year of reckoning and in taking stock of your deeds of this soon to be past year. Hard to believe in thirteen months we will be twenty years into 2020. My gosh the years, months, days and weeks roll along. As you knew and we all understand time does not stand pat even in times of tragedy. From 1973 until May 16, 1979, Dade County's citizens were properly and proudly served, Officer Cook, by your loving embrace. You reached out to sage advice and saw a need to fix an injustice and with much deliberation took the consideration and made bountiful peace and liberty from your unwavering honesty, integrity and dignity. Covering our community like a blanket you will be humbly and heroically remembered for salvaging mankind and humanity from the swells of senseless violence by one man who never gave up. All he had to do and the Army would have taken him and gave him his punishment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. the conclusion of a well lived life and productive career although it was cut way too short by unmitigated violence against you, Officer Cook and your fellow officers, your peers and friends just doing their normal everyday job of pursuing and replenishing. Heavens gifts are the brave and honest who concern themselves with the challenges at hand. May they be celebrated and saluted forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2018
To take down crime, skill and some great instincts are necessary. Sometimes all the preparation, practice, field and classroom training just are not enough to overcome a miserable foe such as violence. But, you succeeded, Officer Cook, in making Dade County a more peaceful and serene locale to raise a family. It probably was why your parents and sister, Nancy, came down to sunny South Florida. At that time North Miami Beach was probably a much safer location than today and more could be done to combat crime. Your department had your morals and ethics working in unison with your values of honor, dignity and integrity. You cannot overstate the value of durability, capability and versatility. To adapt to change and to make adjustments in how you go about conducting your professional roles. Those foundations and cornerstones were laid down precisely by God's directives and he never steered you wrong, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2018
Your humble and loyal soul, Officer Cook, rests soundly in God's golden throne. The g for gallantry, grace and goodwill which you brought to mankind and your community. A prayer of thanks and for being a hero of honor, humility and the visions of righteousness. Dade County was mightily preserved during your time, Officer Cook, its people enjoyed the pleasures of peace and quiet while pursuing their lives as they saw fit. Almost forty years later and your character and conviction are forever etched in our minds and hearts. Yours, Officer Cook, was full of mercy, truth and the passion fro going after evil. Turmoil and torment we don't need. We need some hope and no reluctance. Better to be sprayed by the scents of security and serenity than anything else. God determines our missions and when destiny shall come calling. All that you stood for, Officer Cook, validates your virtue and vigilance all in the glorious name of Our Lord. Your motivation and leadership were all by-products of wise and sage character ready to lend a hand when needed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2018
Strip a person of their undying tenacity and what is left may not be able to overcome adversity in a region. Dade County was always under watchful eyes and ears when you persevered and preserved the dignity of life and property, Officer Cook. A self-confident young man stoic and stellar in all your passages in life and during your career where service and sacrifice were superior and so was your superb honesty, integrity and dignity of your character as your commitments to pride and excellence were boldly honored. You saved us from the clutches of a crazy man whose temper caused an unbearable loss for your family and comrades who had the humane, heroic and humble distinction of serving by your side in thick and thin, those times of strife and duress. God tests us and our patience to coordinate our destinies and journeys of justice, trust and wisdom forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2018
With addition by subtraction peace, stability and freedom will one day trump violence, evil and terror. The world would be a safer place if we all pitched in and assisted our beloved and esteemed officers who sacrifice life and limb by virtue of their character, honor,integrity and a word spoken straight from the heart, dignity. one cannot even begin to wage any war against a formidable foe if you are not centered in on your principles, morals and mettle. Yours, Officer Cook, helped to shield Dade County and its people from such adverse misery caused by a troubled and mindless man. His ventures turned out to be a misfortune, worse than ever your loss, Officer Cook, a good man, an honorable human being with class and desire, humility and the blessings that Our Master leaves upon your cherished soul of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2018
The family has the recollections. They have the memories. For some closure is difficult. Your beloved family, Officer Cook, has you and your wonderful honesty and courage surrounding them all moments. Your soul of affection is never too far away from their humble pursuits of joy and happiness. And now with Christmas and New year's fast approaching your missed very much. Your smile and engaging personality, your dignity and esteem for a job you wanted to do since childhood. Integrity and character second to none that saved Dade County from more ghastly who knows what. The residents and your fellow partners were all very grateful to have known the class of heroes. A man with uncompromising trust and humility serving and protecting those sacred venues with unselfish vigilance and expert diligence. Saluted, honored and always treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2018
The length of love and the width of bravery, all the love and living spirit of your cherished and enriched life, Officer Cook, a hero whose foundations of honor, dignity and integrity have formed your legacy where your memory here in Dade County is forever being saluted. it takes wisdom and courage to muster up the character and commitment to bring a semblance of serene and safe moments for all. Your peers, family and those whom you befriended have all respected and so admired your fortitude in preserving truth, justice, trust and liberty for humanity. When humility and loyalty get confused the results can be exceptionally serious. Peace and happiness belong in a human being's daily affairs and yours, Officer Cook, were sadly taken from you at age twenty-five with more on the scopes of resolve and engagement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 7, 2018
Unity among diversity is a tremendous asset. One that must be shared for its values. honed for its humbleness and competency. practiced and preached with the loving respect it surely deserves. One of your many attributes, Officer Cook , an esteemed hero of bravery, dignity and the decency that all men and women must take into account while battling an enemy of diverse proportions. You raised our spirits in Dade County to newer and more substantial levels, Officer Cook, through your feats of ferocity and the resolve to see peace and transparency through until your last ounce of strength. Always treasured and humanely humble, humanity's wealth was your unwavering and hopeful humility setting down along with sanctity and civility on the streets and corners of a community that has shown its admiration and appreciation for your endeavors of special uniqueness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2018
Mustering mettle and morals takes all the acumen and keen awareness possible. And so too does maintaining honor and integrity as humanely parades down those streets where one may run head on into danger. That terrible day, Officer Cook, May 16, 1979, you answered a domestic call knowing full well what might transpire. Your humble nature and heroically stout character protected Dade County and its citizens as you gave the ultimate sacrifice for humility and civility to stand tall and proud. Your parents, sister and beloved wife, your widow, all have missed you, but have saluted your piousness and devotion to leader, motivate and to steer the best of serenity and safe journeys our way. your life, Officer Cook, your dreams and fulfilling moments shall never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2018
Good diction and humble gallantry will go down as one of many things that you have solemnly saluted for, Officer Cook. Dade County was greeted with your humble and sacred presence in that it was utilized to save lives. To prevent a firestorm of more disaster than what was already occurring. A stoic man with a passion for perseverance and the resolve that brought peace and liberty into a venue that was calling out for humility. They meaning the people received the loving and esteem affections of your time and watch, Officer Cook. Humanity feels the pangs of your untimely loss to a society supposedly built by principles and ethics, all the highest of character which supported yo uGod filled missions of goodwill and everlasting faith personified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2018
Morality and values are that versatile duo that rest in the hearts of those with honor, dignity and integrity flowing in their veins. You had police work, etched in your soul and did everything in your power to make it happen. Thankfully you served and energized Dade County's own with your amazing grace, unyielding leadership and unrelenting fight against wrong and the wickedness it spawns. Your character and spirit live on in your family's pursuits of happiness in life and the freedom to live on carrying your heroic legacy close to their hearts. Resolve and determination enjoy that eternal habitation where nothing can interfere with your new assignment. Keeping us serene from Our Maker's perch of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2018
Consolidate today and make the most of what God has provided you with. Your aspirations and dreams, Officer Cook , became realities back in 1973 when your badge was pinned on your chest. A man with responsibility and honor,humbling preserving life with all your might and mettle, dignity and integrity as hot as coals being stoked on a fire. Fierceness and compassion, tenacity and diligence. You can be absolutely sure Dade County and its folks have continued honoring your heroic memory of greatness and of goodwill. Violence and how real men and women, heroines and heroines live their days and years confronting such absolute terror. Makes you wonder what this world is coming to? You were that humane and loyal soul, Officer Cook, whose style and dedication befitted humanity at its lowest hour. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 6, 2018
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