Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Take care of business and honor, integrity and humility take care of themselves. You acquitted yourself very well indeed, Officer Cook, as Dade County and its people were in very fine hands of a well mannered and heroic man of ferocity. All these years later after you tried to stop a wayward domestic incident you paid dearly for our freedoms and peace so much so that we are indebted to your service and vivid vigilance. Expressive and endearing all the righteous men and women in heaven are the heroes and heroes, the dignity, integrity and sanctity of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The humane and concerned answer Our Creator's calls with resolve and resiliency that keeps them safe we hope from harm. Violence should not have taken you, Officer Cook, from your loved ones and sisters and brothers of the law enforcement world. You were doing your usual excellent job all during your missions of goodwill and respect for your community.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2018

The sudden passing of a loved one who gave his soul only helps to unify his family who remembers his bravery, desire and honest esteem. In your genes, Officer Cook, there was much dignity and integrity that you utilized in fighting for Dade County citizens' rights. A tough job and with your skill and vision, the assignments were done with effort and compassion. Our serenity and safety were tied together by your esteem and civility to be a humble public servant. Colleagues and your family do honor your memory and forever can look back on a wonderful man of engagement and concern for his fellowman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2018

Dignity and integrity help those whose souls of peace and goodwill search for answers in this never ending saga over serious mayhem in our world. Your purpose, Officer Cook, was to protect Dade County and its folks to the very best of your capabilities. Versatility, durability and responsibility can never hinder the valiant souls who toil in taming this monster of an adversary. We say your character and convictions, Officer Cook, were to the point and your diligence will always be fondly cherished. Our Master has an honor roll of heroism and humility patrolling those sacred pathways where perfection is never lacking. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A dear friend and family member who served with passion taken needlessly before his time.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2018

The holiday bring gladness to those who serve the Lord with honor, humility and reverence. You served God, Officer Cook, with a full plate of dignity and integrity given Dade County and its residents a newer meaning of peace and inner perspective. Today, as we get ready to usher in the holidays of Chanukah and Christmas may the God Creator bless your spirit and those of your comrades and family members who continue your heroic legacy. It's humanity that is a bit less safe by your absence which in turn can only make one's heart grow fonder. Saluted and so solemnly honored for values and character of your vision and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2018

Bravery and decency reveal a more humbler heart than most. It's true that trust and tenacity can turn real dignity and integrity into something more than completing a task. The success of one's missions of goodwill, peace and safety can transform an entire community into a haven for hope not despair. You worked tirelessly, Officer Cook and very heroically to steer harmony, civility and tranquility into the oracles of Dade County and its residents have thanked you. Your beloved family has steadfastly carried on with your heroic and humane legacy all these difficult decades later. A pilgrimage of restorative resolve through outstanding character and the loyalty that has made you a gallantly treasured saul as one of God's many angelic heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Energetic and enthusiastic to tackle problems face to face. Evil and violence demand actions that are not counterproductive to society's happiness and pursuits of liberty and justice for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2018

The umbrellas of unwavering, undying and unselfish service to mankind never fold up. They stay open so long as other brave and honest men and women take up the battle. Their heroism and integrity assist them in motivating and in leading others through peril and strife. You brought a renewed sense of vision and wisdom, Officer Cook ,to your job and its corporate roles of resilience. May Our Master allow you to sleep soundly in knowing that your character, humility and sanctity helped to blossom boldness and esteem within your ranks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The lights stay bright so long as your smile can be pictured as it was over forty plus years ago, Officer Cook, besides our flag of glory, faith and hope. Something must spring eternal. Never give up the fight!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2018

Now Chanukah and Christmas will be forth coming and the lights will be dimmed a bit to pause and reflect upon your life and soul of service given to Dade County's citizens. Their harmony and organization of togetherness was shared by you, Officer Cook, a gentleman of gallantry and the utmost humility. It placed honor and decorum back on the streets where who knows what evil was lurking. Your sacred truth and civility banked goodwill and everlasting appreciation where its affects would have the cutting to eradicate unthinkable mayhem. We richly honor your principles and character, the fairness to act with efficiency to tackle this humane and heroic project we brand as service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family misses the breath of you hugging and loving your great-nieces and great nephew along with your nieces and nephews. Always close, respected and treasured for aiding and uncovering unwanted callousness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2018

Neat and ready, one must be prepared both mentally and physically to handle the rigors of such an uprising of violence and turmoil. Dade County had plenty of everything and Badge#1664 was there to protect and to preserve life. Your uniform, Officer Cook, wa solemnly and modestly worn by a man whose soul of bravery and steadfast integrity, honesty and dignity worked like heck to fight off violence and any other unrelenting problems that threatened the peace and goodwill of our society. You can be sure, Officer Cook, your loyal and unselfish morals and humility will receive and has long since received its eternal thanks from Our God above. We are less safe that you are not here to personally oversee things being constructed here, though your soul of aspiration, inspiration and total dedication and motivation knows the coming and goings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2018

Through the eyes of Our Lord comes clear and crystal perfection. Humans are not, but with the loving support from above honor, bravery and the mettle of integrity and dignity begins to take fruition. Your resolve and perseverance, Officer Cook, made us better here in Dade County with your humble and unwavering heroism and humility. Humanity's building block is a strong one, character and then quality of commitment to fan the flames of injustice and evil. We raise our hands and arms saluting your destinies, journeys and accomplished missions of faith and goodwill. Rest in peace safety, compassion and trust were firmly planted upon mankind when you served, Officer Cook, our friend, our warrior, most importantly your family's beloved angel.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2018

Through the eyes of greatness gallops the humbleness of gallantry. Not just pure and simple. Some things are more complicated to comprehend than others. Your life and police career, Officer Cook, boiled down to the parameters of morals and dignity that when added to the realities of resolve, honesty and integrity made Dade County and its people more comfortable and able to live more liberated. Finding peace and solutions is not easy, routine or mundane, but with some of God's merciful humility he showed you the ropes, Officer Cook, clearing your paths to humane and heroic success. Rest in peace my neighbor ,friend and hero. Real honest to goodness women and men courageously caring for their venues and compassionately helping to broker civility, sanctity and wise and visionary futures for one and all/

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2018

Correct diction and proper speak are the language of which honest men and women communicate to one another. Your lips, Officer Cook, spoke the truth and as a trustworthy public servant, your protection has been greatly honored. We pay homage to the memories of those gallant and dignified heroes and heroines who leave this world surely more fulfilled than ever before. Integrity, character, morals and honor bring hope. Dade County was revitalized by your unwavering and unselfish resolve, Officer Cook, a gentleman and a humanitarian that society has revered all these decades later and still continues your legacy in your family's pursuits of happiness, peace and prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity suffers indifference and indignant times when our brave souls are rudely taken. heaven awaits their arrivals as a new day comes calling. Our Leader's pearly gates stay open perpetually to carry the souls of those who humble spirits have shaped creation in one way shape or other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2018

Beloved and missed terribly, you were an exceptional man, Officer Cook. The clouds where darkness were were removed by your honest and focal efforts to secure peace and harmony for all Dade County citizens. You were and always will be your family and department's warrior of esteem and humility as you wore this on your uniform of construction and of goodwill. Faith and ferocity can only accelerate the war of terror and your endeavors, Officer Cook, will be so humanely remembered by humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A cornerstone designed by dignity and integrity lasts forever no matter the circumstances.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2018

The status of our country hinges upon our stability and peaceful movements. You provided Dade County the very best service, Officer Cook and never doubts regarding your stellar character, commitment and the courses of conviction. Deserving of honors, it was your humble honor, integrity and dignity that went into your life and public service career. Our core of harmony and freedom has remained as has your memory of a wonderful life although it was cut to short by wanton violence. Keep watching over us and your family, Officer Cook, with your humility and serenely peaceful and humble soul of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Engaging and endearing your dedication and desire have been greatly absent from our landscape.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2018

Manners is not a hard thing to learn. It's just for a few it can be a chore just to get around. Never a worry about you, Officer Cook. A Dade County police hero and an institution of integrity, honor and dignity. You battled those wars against evil and summoned the courage and conviction to fight for our liberties and unity. From humble beginnings and a stable home life was where you learned morals and the humility so essential to brokering new relationships. It's mankind that is missing your presence, Officer Cook and charming smile. It was about truth, trust and justice being faithfully executed. Character makes a gentleman a man and your bravery will be saluted forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Class and decency sleep soundly in those pearly gates of humane gallantry.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2018

Kindness at times can be eschewed. Though no mistaking humility for humbleness and honesty intended to provide more serene trips for those of us desiring some stabilizing unity. The fact of the matter is peace and good women and men working as one, dedicated to their craft can make quiet times and when that day beckons, Officer cook, your bravery and dignity will be so honored as much as your integrity and ingenuity. Your family and police peers have continued your quests in search of harmonious moments and it is located in the resources of humanity where you stood face to face to confront an evil and despicable man who took your life and nearly those of your esteemed companions on the streets of sanctity and solace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We weigh good versus bad and find the scales of justice tipped in your humble favor, Officer Cook, as Our Master rewards your soul for coming through in the clutch.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2018

Dade County was under your loving auspices, Officer Cook. A man of true heroism and grit. Your gallant efforts staved off more adversity that fateful day than anyone in Dade County could ever imagine. You put your hopes and fruition of goodwill on the line in order to save lives while maintaining a balance of honor,integrity and dignity all stored away in your uniform of unrelenting resolve and character. Amazing our peaceful journeys that could continue because of your humbling sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sheer guts, gallantry and civility allowed you, Officer Cook, to patrol these often times rough and unforgiving avenues of violence with a clear wisdom of maturity and vision to be totally vigilant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2018

Breakthroughs benefit society's heroes and heroines whose bravery, boldness and humble honor precede their labors of love and service. your career with Metro-Dade Police Department, Officer Cook, was heralded by your heroic and humanely humble actions of character, humility and the dignity for which integrity weaves its way through those corners where trouble and violence lurked. We here in Dade County have peace and a sense of renewed hope all because of your undaunted and unwavering missions of justice, truth and trust. We share in your family and department's loss of one brave soul whose distinction is now located in those thrones where tyranny may never enter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2018

Keep the heat on heinousness and the pedal of precision, sooner rather later crime and evil will fall like an oak tree. You tried, Officer Cook ,to chop down callousness in Dade County and have been saluted as a hero whose courage and honor was on a humble and heroically humane level as was your integrity and dignity. It is the resounding character and commitment to excellence that your police family beloved family bestows the humility upon your valiant soul of tranquility, Mankind and humanity revere our special angelic men and women who boldly travel down those pathways of proficiency while navigating with trust and truth around peril and danger. Heaven has these precious souls guarded by God's loving grace and nobility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2018

Dreams are the things that bring hope, goodwill and enhancement to society. Police enrich communities by their very tactical tenacity and furious ferocity. It's only logical that you saved life and spared more outrage that day, Officer Cook, in Dade County. The health and humility of humanity rested in your cherished wings of boldness and character. The integrity, wisdom and dignity that help shelter the residents from evil and terror. Honored and solemnly etched in your family's heart and in those of your esteemed and humble colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2018

Your tongue holds that key to long life. Control what emanates from your lips and His rewards are greater. You spoke with dignity and truth, Officer Cook, making Dade County folks more safer than ever. Courage, character and the heart of a lion all working as pistons of perseverance to control evil and keep mankind at peace and quiet. Those foundations and cornerstones, Officer Cook, you laid down by your unselfish humility and spirit will be so solemnly treasured forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mankind will remember your faithful being, one that helped bring goodwill to our world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2018

Ointment and bandages are but temporary measures. Police work for the now and for a better tomorrow. With success one must possess some honor, integrity and dignity. Any signs of a letting up and the bad guys really hold sway over us. Wickedness must be handled by uniquely special public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, a Dade County hero of lawful and heroic proportion who provided relief and resourcefulness to your everyday tasks. We honor your memory and your humanely humble and esteemed trails of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are being cradled in God's gentle hands of mercy, your very sweet soul hovering above us keeping things straight. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2018

The crazy and lazy should understand they have their work cut out for them to achieve a noble start. Thankfully you were a goodson, respected, giving and caring for your family and peers of justice, truth and trust. You made the distinction, Officer Cook, between loyalty and devotion in order to begin your climb up that humble ladder to humility. Fate came and for your heroism it brought everlasting dignity, reverence and the character that must be incorporated into the designs of dignity and integrity. Violence and evil one day will be stomped out for eternity and those living here in Dade County will experience the revelations of security and the hunts that humanity builds for our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2018

Applaud if you will but salutes of bravery, honesty and character translate better into one's heroic legacy. Your perseverance and resolve, Officer Cook, seemed just the right formula for dealing with Dade County's citizens and delivered to them serenity and the humble assurance of harmony and unity for all mankind. Integrity, dignity and vision make wisdom and humility most cherished as was your soul of goodwill, faith and compassion, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2018

Evildoers aren't fly by nights. They perpetrate violence and torment just to get someone's goat and try to supress the good work done by many humble,loyal and honorable men and women of law enforcement. Your days, years and career, Officer Cook, was the Dade County model of consistency founded upon the morals and virtues of having excellent character and the quality of having basic integrity and dignity to see your hopeful safe journeys through. You were not tired and had so much more life left in your soul. God must have needed another superior angelic hero near His sacred throne to lookout for us and your beloved family members. Now you can stay safe and secure in knowing your resolve and mettle were as legendary as your humility and resolve working tirelessly on our behalf so that the staples of peace and tranquility could diligently work as a tandem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2018

If only crime could be climate controlled maybe the world can rest easier. Too bad evil took you, Officer Cook, from your family, comrades and this whole world. You were a classy and gallant young man who went to meet His maker before your time and fruitions. Dade County was under the supreme sense of vision and wisdom while you perused the corners for something resembling peace and security. Always aided by acumen and humility so very vital to the accomplishments of any public servant of character and faithfulness. Humanity stands grandly for your heroism and salutes with pride your gentle soul of bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The fight never departed from your heart and you gave us everything transparency represents in our society of freedom and goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2018

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