Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
You surely paid it forward and back, Officer Cook, for serving Dade County and its people with supreme heroism and the integrity that honesty and dignity teach. Violence and evil were under your humble eyes of efficiency and the values so dear to our world. A man with total character and composure whose commitment to both excellence and pride won't be forgotten. Your peers of trust and truth, Officer Cook, have saluted your humility and humane resolve, the things legacies live forever by. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The foundations left by your unwavering and unselfishly fruitful journeys, Officer Cook, will stand as our humble enhancements. Civility and harmony sometimes struggle to co-exist, because of your missions of goodwill and faith can we prosper and pursue happiness with a more cheerful demeanor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2018
A group effort is best when dealing with controversy and considerable trouble. You saved that day on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, when your honesty and integrity drove you and your partner that day, Scott Lincoln, to the Liberty City area where a hotbed of callousness was brewing. You did all you could to restore calm and a sense of harmony to a community shouting for some peace. The tranquility of heaven is humanity's humble and brave who sacrificed humility and their sanctity for all we want and that is for safe and easy passages. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
The offense and defense must be constant in order for all plans to defeat violence to have a chance to succeed. Your mind and body, Officer Cook, held our keys to a vitally safe future, one that would have been more enhancing if God had allowed you to continue your humble missions in life. But nonetheless, your honesty, wisdom and the breath of your unwavering integrity and dignity continues carrying its sway today. You have been missed by your family and close personal colleagues who fought those battles alongside of you. The structures have been built now your role, Officer Cook, is to keep watch from above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
Like two ships passing in the night, the romance of resolve along with dignity and integrity make one's humane, humble and heroic honor reflect their life. A life well traveled, Officer Cook and well lived for your twenty-five years of toil, tenacity and humility. Humanity feels the loss of your esteemed character and outstanding efforts to remove obstacles and make Dade County and its people vibrant once again. You were a sincere and dedicated gentleman, Officer Cook, nothing vague about your vigilance and diligence as it sealed safety and liberty within those walls where happiness, joy and ordinary pleasures may roam. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A good cheer and a faithfully noted gesture of goodwill marked your career and we can absolutely salute that with all our hearts. The soul of vision and wisdom that produced the vibes of inner peace and a refreshing resolve.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
When the Lord calls a brave and honest heroine or hero home, you can surely go humbly to your eternal abode for having served with dignity and distinction, it is all in God's master plan where service and peace reside together in humility without the slightest friction to shake things apart. Dade County wa sin superior hands, Officer Cook, when you steered around gaining momentum and turning away violence from our midst. Humanity and character never circumventing their onuses in this wildly fought battle over tyranny. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
If blood is thicker than water, then the bloodlines of the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families run far and wide. With diligence and dignity that honored society as well as your integrity and character, Officer Cook, surely a simple reason as to why you were so well established at a tender young age. Dade County had thickets and thorns and you my neighbor, friend and hero bounced for place to place looking for some relief and stability, peace and happiness will stick their necks out so mankind can feel your gentle humility as it touches us in more ways than one. Rest in peace. Eternal life is better than suffering and God has taken away a valiant man of courage and good spirit who shined his countenance upon us and his beloved family.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
When the shadows fall across the trees you know it's time to hunker down for we never know when an ambush of trouble will arise. It comes and sometimes you don't get a chance to plan and prepare for its advances. Dade County was under your preserving eyes and ears, Officer Cook, the heart and soul of honor, bravery and the humble esteem of dignity and integrity. When you patrolled for some peace and prosperity you had a framework of ferocity and tenacity to help alleviate some of the dangers. And you'll forever be your family's darling hero and warrior, one whose fight had the sight and the weight to pull others through those rigors of stress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
Sometimes what is needed to remedy a situation is known as "tough love." If you can take the heat then you can distribute the criticism. Your humbleness, Officer Cook, afforded you the opportunity to do what had to be done to accomplish security and safety for such a large venue where respect and admiration went hand in hand. You led other men and women by virtue of your honesty, integrity and how you dignified your composure during the tense and stressful days and nights wher eturmoiland torment might strike. Never better character, sanctity and of course your humility a virtue all officers should wear on their sleeves. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
By Our Creator's design and amazing grace did you come true and through, Officer Cook, during your watch. You created a bond of loyalty and goodwill through trust and valor displayed by a highly recognizable man of commitment to pride and excellence and the convictions to maintain a role model of character for other officers to emulate. Dade County was given your assurance of harmony , tranquility and a chance for society to escape the trappings of terror and evil. We keep your spirit in our hearts and prayers, Officer Cook, every moment, because there is never going to be the thoughts of letting go of your humane heroism. it rescued your community from despair and disgrace. It will always be tragic that a young man took your life by promulgating violence against you, Officer Cook and your comrades whose souls were too trained to abolish evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
Instill truth and trust in honesty and goodwill, faith and resiliency will find their way to the top. It's in a genuinely likable young man who served Dade County with all his mettle as you so solemnly did, Officer Cook, for a quarter of your life you worked hard to become a proficient man of character and the class that dignity and integrity inspire. You engaged, enhanced and were that everlasting light bulb of sound vision and clear wisdom. No wonder your friend and classmate, Chief Geoffrey Jacobs noted you were way ahead of the crowd in terms of maturity. You hit the nail on the head, Chief, your heroic friend, Bill Cook, was a courageous and resourceful soul of appreciation and the acumen to handle any task or assignment placed his way. Never forget noe overlook a man's propensity for peace and perseverance. A sharp mind and brilliant constitution to make mankind safer though, a loss to society still being felt especially today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
The sprinklers of serenity, security and sincerity have been turned on and are running at full blast. Surely, as your gentle soul, Officer Cook, floats heroically up above, it was your loving embraces of honor, integrity and dignity that fortified all your life journeys on behalf of Dade County's people. The class, desire and character were only concentrated on your efforts to make peace and its living reality a central theme for mankind to channel its endeavors into making humanity more sound and serene. Never forget a young man cherished for following his passions of which are now a part of your legacy. Humility and words of boldness being relived and remembered in Our Maker's lushest of scenery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
North, south, east, west, all around us something sinister seems to be brewing. We surely don't need to be in a funk or befuddled over what to do next when evil wants to set its wings of wickedness down upon our very souls. We just need a cheering up and a little peace of mind to relax and settle our nerves. Your cunning, Officer Cook, your cleverness and candor were just what we needed. To dial up a prayer would be appreciated and because of your intense humility and honor, stellar integrity and dignity may God Himself shield you, Officer Cook, in His giant arms and palms of mercy and good cheer. All the tender love and cradling for sure nothing will harm you ever again. Buildings take time and the right materials to erect, your endeavor, efficiency and energy were given to you as a present from Our Maker. You were a very cherished and blessed hero. Humility and bravery shine like diamonds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
Life never seems to have its dull moments. Violence and evil are that razor blade that looks to slice apart anything resembling serenity and unity for humanity. You never took things for granted, Officer Cook, the stability and quiet days and nights were under your unpretentious leadership abilities. A man born to run. A young man with a humble wealth of knowledge ready to go out and make terror take notice. By all accounts you were a very cordial and dignified warrior of wisdom, great insight and the clarity that your wishes, dreams and goals reach a happy medium. We so solemnly honor your sacrifice and it shall be known that Badge#1664 served this great community with all its might. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Now, Officer Cook, with the Lord's blessings may you gently take your heroic angel's and roam God's perfected fruited fields where honor and ferocity roam like lions and tigers.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
A baker's dozen is God's thirteen attributes of principle. We must all try and emulate Our Creator and be honest and intensely loyal to those brave and mighty fighters of dignity who caress us with their gentle and humbly peaceful character. You really served Dade County, Officer Cook, with clarity and a charitable heart of gold. Peace, serenity and inspiration always trailing behind your vintage voyages. If valor and humility, calmness and sanity could reunite you, Officer Cook, with your beloved right this minute, Christmas would be wonderfully marvelous. Anyway take care and keep watch over your mother, sister and cherished members of a North MIami Beach pioneer family ,the Cook's served as the liaisons for much wonderful and friendly companions to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
In their time decades ago, Bonnie and Clyde gave law abiding men and women a run for their money. One man or one woman can give a fine public servant of honor and integrity all the plethora of problems that even well conditioned and finely trained individuals can handle. Unfortunately, on May 16, 1979, Dade County and its citizens were exposed to a frustrated and troubled man with a callousness for calamity. You were there, Officer Cook, to save and to rescue your comrades with all your character and conviction. Never a finer man. Never a more reserved young man of intuition. Our Lord has your soul of enchantment and peace, Officer Cook, gracefully gliding high above our fruited plains with those angels wings you were humbly given over thirty-nine years ago. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
Figuring out the simple computations is relatively easy. Calculating an evil person's next moves is never simple. Nothing in public service is a piece of cake. Nothing is a slam dunk. Society just needs an adhering and loyal man or woman who is able and willing to fight with their strength and inner being to quash this unwavering and relentless enemy. Your life, Officer Cook, was about family, friends and your work dangerous as it was. You put the heart and soul of all Dade County back on the map. With honor and love, integrity and dignity could fight the indifference that still baffles us. Mankind still rocks from assorted ailments which have constricted our peaceful journeys. A means to a sounder life was your goal, Officer Cook, a most beloved hero saluted for courage and resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
Terror and torment cannot be swept under the rug. They must be properly and diligently disposed of. Dade County was observed and under your heroic eyes, Officer Cook, the greatest of vision and valor leaning upon the poles of perseverance and honesty. Integrity and dignity symbolize truth and the trust one needs to succeed in his or her efforts to maintain civility and safety upon those avenues of adventure and destiny. Those missions, Officer Cook, you willingly elected to pursue have been dedicated to your memory. A loss of monumental commitment and character that only made our trails more serene and sounder. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
Holidays are supposed to be enjoyable times. Yet, devastating when a beloved family member is absent from the festivities. You continue to be very much on your family's mind. As you were a hero of humility and stoic honor, Dade County, which was reserved in this war over evil. Dignity and loyalty surface when they are met at the crossroads by integrity and ingenuity. You were a thinking man, Officer Cook, an officer and a consummate gentleman of goodwill and unselfish heroism on society's bequest. Your deliberations over justice and truth will always be remembered for the class and decency of resolve and intense determination, the character of dedication and devotion to faith and fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
Deceit and dishonor defeat the grand causes of diligence and dignity forever duly worn on one's badge of bravery and boldness while in the actions of making communities safer than ever. Handle violence and eradicate evil, somewhere down the line the incorporation of peace and its enhancing beauty will decorate one's integrity and wisdom with that humble scent of serenity and security for mankind. Your feats of ferocity, Officer Cook, benefitted Dade County and its folks better than than eve. A truly crying shame and terrible injustice that your life and career was robbed by one man's callous and wanton violence against our beloved public servants and the morals and ideals for which society proclaims victory. Humanity and humility go well as a team when practiced and engaged by every single living being who so desires to follow God's edict and blueprint for a healthier and safer life. You exposed the virtues, Officer Cook , for which you have been humanely and heroically honored. Bravery and valor while facing an adversary of great proportions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
Nothing is just dumped on a person. In police work it is humbly placed in their hands and feet to look for solutions that will resolve any conflict. You firmly believed in faith and hope, Officer Cook, with your gentle compassion, coveted courage and duel integrity and dignity did you go out and patrol Dade County for long awaited serenity and the comforts of unity whose liberty shall strike those notes of nobility. The days of old with character and conviction so bold, it's a hero's career and life circuits to be retold. They never grow old. Your beautiful soul, Officer Cook, follows your loving family on their faithful and fruitful journeys where their paths are clear and your legacy continues to burn brightly high atop God's eternal gates of grace and beauty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your brave and humane comrades can tale solace in knowing you saved them and those citizens you protected with your assortment of acumen and full blooded awareness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
Mistakes and miscues cost time, money and lives. Accountability and dependability must not forfeit their roles in this always ensuing battle over wickedness. You kept your composure, Officer Cook, with honor and resolve while humbly chasing after the bad guys and gals. Crime is not a one gender evil. If one has civility and honest character in their lives, the chances are good they will turnout just fine. Dade County wa sunder your wisdom, vision and vitality as you gallantly pursued peace and planted the hope and goodwill furthering humanity's efforts for more prosperous days ahead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humbleness and humility are valuable in assisting others and in living sounder lives.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
Time never diminishes nor lessens a brave man's humble sacrifice. Nor does it tarnish the uniform of undying and unselfish feats of character, dignity and integrity all honorably carried out by you, Officer Cook, one of Dade County's many heroes and heroines who due diligence to violence and in serving the calls of humanity has been duly saluted. Humility and peace make serenity and civility that much more appealing. The eyes and ears to pursue truthful justice faithfully and firmly has not gone without reaction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
Police work is not about tricks and gimmicks. The graceful and gallant go on with their professional acumen and honorable craft as any man or woman should. You carried yourself, Officer Cook, with integrity, character, wisdom and clarity as well as any hero would. It is those who lived in Dade County back in your day and now presently who can say thanks Officer Cook, for your undying, unwavering and unselfish sacrifice. You faced evil squarely and never flinched when aiding and rescuing those citizens and your comrades lives were in jeopardy. You lived a proper and very humble life on behalf of humanity and it's in your beloved soul, Officer Cook, that has earned you the proper respect from an entire nation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We must go on and carry your legacy as a torch by which to learn and to yield from temptations.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 23, 2018
Responsibility must be doled out fairly and most prudently. Otherwise the chaos that ensues maybe more difficult to overtake. Gunfire or whatever evil occurs has to be eliminated once and for all just as any other issues that loyal and brave public servants must deal with constantly. Consistent and concise, your precise honesty, integrity and dignity, all composed by you, Officer Cook, made Dade County a more serene and safer venue to live in. Your loss though makes us a little less safer, we must guard against being vulnerable during moments of mayhem. If one is born with humility and faith, devotion, desire and effort will surely trail their every endeavor put forth. Our Creator watches His flock of duly affirmed and tries His utmost to lead them safely. Twenty-five years of fulfillment and one day of utter ignominious actions against the establishment, you'll be so honored for your humble and tender soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 23, 2018
God's tables are set in those deep blue skies with everything from honor to sheer tenacity as displayed by His loving souls of peace. Your exploits here in Dade County , Officer Cook, delivered a newer sense of resolve, goodwill and the hope of positive times ahead. You can take honor, reverence and dignity to a more meaningful level of optimism if you still humanely humble and allow your humility not to overshadow the ideals and morals you must have to fight in the first place. Believe in a cause and rally around its purpose, the soul of your being, Officer Cook, worked wonders as you strove to make a most welcomed impression upon our world. Young and fruitful and unafraid to tackle a foe so menacing. Your character will be saluted and your memory, Officer Cook, will be duly etched upon your family and colleagues' hearts forever. A hero and a resourceful savior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 23, 2018