Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Gumption is grit's determination to assess and to carry out a task at its peak of efficiency. Superior effort and maximum honesty and integrity certainly assist dignity in its ever present job of warding off wickedness. Dade County one hot day in May of 1979 felt a man's wrath and viper like assault on public servants and the citizens and so you came to the rescue, of your peers and saved those honest civilians from further harm. You'll be forever a hero, Officer Cook, brave and responsible, just and trusted for prudent and most professional character during a storm of serious consequences. Our nation and community where you were respected and admired pays homage to your unrelentless humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2018
To fully recognize the past, we must salute the present and for those future men and women protecting us they too must seize upon the opportunity to make life better for all and safer for our kids to carry on with the tasks at hand. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, fondly made Dade County a little more together in stability and enlightenment. All anyone can ask is for some dignity, a core of integrity and the finer points of stellar and refined character honor in class and in decency which documented your decision to become a police officer. Never an easy choice, although, Officer Cook,, you knew as a young man growing up in North Miami Beach, FL what you wanted to be . Precision and prudent. Punctual and modest. You spirited faithfulness and idealism in all your travels by being able to motivate others through peril and danger. You'll be remembered for acting upon humanity's behalf. It was humility and civility that fostered bravery and your legacy of heroism forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2018
Paying homage, saluting and giving you a standing bravo, Officer Cook, would be the highest compliment we could you rway. A hero's greeting for your undying and unselfish gallantry that came directly aimed at saving Dade County from a plethora of problems all launched by one man alone. A one man wrecking party bent on dishonest ill gotten hatred directed at the police who look to restore calm amid the kayos. Yes, security and prosperity for a region by a man focused on values and humbly heroic character. Humanity's gifts to the world delivered by an angel with his wings of wonderful proportions now floating up above in that all important legion of honor and courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. From day one it was all ahead full and never wavered in its direction. You are forever an inspiration, Officer Cook. serene and chipper.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2018
For being a fiercely loyal and treasured Dade County hero, Officer Cook, you receive straight A's in acumen, moxie and the mettle that you possessed to humbly battle the epitome of evil. Its challenges are broad and require that certain special touch. Everyday you accounted for effort and integrity, character and its constant flow of ferocity and dignity, humility and a humble tap of honor. We now salute your distinguished soul whose serenity and safety have brought forth a newer word in resolve that has enabled those people to live safely and to pursue passionately. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Master has you soul, Officer Cook, gently cuddled in His most warm and welcoming arms of goodwill.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2018
Bestow boldness and its characters of bravery in a benevolent soul and you'll end up with the branches of honesty, integrity and dignity being spread far and wide. For Dade County's folks they had your loyal soul of approval and affection saving the day, Officer Cook. A superbly conditioned man following his instincts to where trouble and torment lingered. You brought peace of mind and a unifying stability to a community calling upon your scopes of humility and the sanity that must reign down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2018
Completion is defined as finishing a job. Competent is having the mettle and motivation to go about your business in an honorable and dignified manner. Integrity and character are well stocked in God's splendid kingdom where serenity and bravery can indeed rest well. Dade County can rest peacefully because of you, Officer Cook, a dependable and responsible soul of compassion and the mercy that God bestows upon His public servants. Those heavenly gardens are just flowing with humanity's version of simple humility as you were a loyal and blessed hero. Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It is just terrible that violence had to take your young life and upstart career from you, Officer Cook. A human being caring and speaking just plainold truth and trust among society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2018
Dazed but okay. You pick yourself up and continue with those monumental tasks that lie ahead. The road to smoother days may seem a bit long and challenging. You navigated Dade streets, Officer Cook, with prudent care and a high regard for your fellowman. Today, honesty, integrity , wisdom and dignity receive the most humble of salutes. Solemnly for a man whose soul stayed open even as violence was breaking out. God's lineup of legacies has the finest character, commitment and convictions patrolling for peace and some serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Day after day you accomplished more than anyone, Officer Cook. Twenty-five years of engagement, eternal life and homage humanely paid to our officers of distinction.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2018
Queens and kings live in palaces. Honest and brave souls reside in their homes until Our Master comes calling for their gentle souls of humanity. It's in the eyes and ears of humanity that you excelled, Officer Cook, with protecting the public trust of Dade County citizens. Gallantry and humility mixing their dukes with violence. You accomplished in your fights, Officer Cook and we are still experiencing rough times because of this menacing evil. You can be certain your class and desire will be so honored as much as we think about you, Officer Cook. A day never to be relegated tot he back shelves of serenity and actual safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your due diligence was your dedication and driven determination to drive dire hopes away from our midst. Only encourage never discourage nor discredit a human's honesty and humility.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2018
Queens and kings live in palaces. Honest and brave souls reside in their homes until Our Master comes calling for their gentle souls of humanity. It's in the eyes and ears of humanity that you excelled, Officer Cook, with protecting the public trust of Dade County citizens. Gallantry and humility mixing their dukes with violence. You accomplished in your fights, Officer Cook and we are still experiencing rough times because of this menacing evil. You can be certain your class and desire will be so honored as much as we think about you, Officer Cook. A day never to be relegated tot he back shelves of serenity and actual safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your due diligence was your dedication and driven determination to drive dire hopes away from our midst.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2018
The voyages start when you can grasp the concepts of valor and its vitality. Not only living courageously, but fulfilling your aspirations honorably and with a simple and humble dignity and integrity. Wickedness needs sincere men and women of acumen and the resolution to provide the best resources to fight the affects of terror. Your challenges, Officer Cook, were to blanket Dade County and its residents with some sounds and cornerstones of quiet and stability. No matter the place or time you could be counted on, Officer Cook, to come through in the clutch.. Again, morals and character will contribute to the successes of any public servant. Wisdom and vision sealed and placed ably upon your badge and uniform were reminders of your humility directed back at humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2018
You surely paid it forward and back, Officer Cook, for serving Dade County and its people with supreme heroism and the integrity that honesty and dignity teach. Violence and evil were under your humble eyes of efficiency and the values so dear to our world. A man with total character and composure whose commitment to both excellence and pride won't be forgotten. Your peers of trust and truth, Officer Cook, have saluted your humility and humane resolve, the things legacies live forever by. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The foundations left by your unwavering and unselfishly fruitful journeys, Officer Cook, will stand as our humble enhancements. Civility and harmony sometimes struggle to co-exist, because of your missions of goodwill and faith can we prosper and pursue happiness with a more cheerful demeanor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 26, 2018
A group effort is best when dealing with controversy and considerable trouble. You saved that day on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, when your honesty and integrity drove you and your partner that day, Scott Lincoln, to the Liberty City area where a hotbed of callousness was brewing. You did all you could to restore calm and a sense of harmony to a community shouting for some peace. The tranquility of heaven is humanity's humble and brave who sacrificed humility and their sanctity for all we want and that is for safe and easy passages. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
The offense and defense must be constant in order for all plans to defeat violence to have a chance to succeed. Your mind and body, Officer Cook, held our keys to a vitally safe future, one that would have been more enhancing if God had allowed you to continue your humble missions in life. But nonetheless, your honesty, wisdom and the breath of your unwavering integrity and dignity continues carrying its sway today. You have been missed by your family and close personal colleagues who fought those battles alongside of you. The structures have been built now your role, Officer Cook, is to keep watch from above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
Like two ships passing in the night, the romance of resolve along with dignity and integrity make one's humane, humble and heroic honor reflect their life. A life well traveled, Officer Cook and well lived for your twenty-five years of toil, tenacity and humility. Humanity feels the loss of your esteemed character and outstanding efforts to remove obstacles and make Dade County and its people vibrant once again. You were a sincere and dedicated gentleman, Officer Cook, nothing vague about your vigilance and diligence as it sealed safety and liberty within those walls where happiness, joy and ordinary pleasures may roam. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A good cheer and a faithfully noted gesture of goodwill marked your career and we can absolutely salute that with all our hearts. The soul of vision and wisdom that produced the vibes of inner peace and a refreshing resolve.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
When the Lord calls a brave and honest heroine or hero home, you can surely go humbly to your eternal abode for having served with dignity and distinction, it is all in God's master plan where service and peace reside together in humility without the slightest friction to shake things apart. Dade County wa sin superior hands, Officer Cook, when you steered around gaining momentum and turning away violence from our midst. Humanity and character never circumventing their onuses in this wildly fought battle over tyranny. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
If blood is thicker than water, then the bloodlines of the Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families run far and wide. With diligence and dignity that honored society as well as your integrity and character, Officer Cook, surely a simple reason as to why you were so well established at a tender young age. Dade County had thickets and thorns and you my neighbor, friend and hero bounced for place to place looking for some relief and stability, peace and happiness will stick their necks out so mankind can feel your gentle humility as it touches us in more ways than one. Rest in peace. Eternal life is better than suffering and God has taken away a valiant man of courage and good spirit who shined his countenance upon us and his beloved family.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
When the shadows fall across the trees you know it's time to hunker down for we never know when an ambush of trouble will arise. It comes and sometimes you don't get a chance to plan and prepare for its advances. Dade County was under your preserving eyes and ears, Officer Cook, the heart and soul of honor, bravery and the humble esteem of dignity and integrity. When you patrolled for some peace and prosperity you had a framework of ferocity and tenacity to help alleviate some of the dangers. And you'll forever be your family's darling hero and warrior, one whose fight had the sight and the weight to pull others through those rigors of stress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
Sometimes what is needed to remedy a situation is known as "tough love." If you can take the heat then you can distribute the criticism. Your humbleness, Officer Cook, afforded you the opportunity to do what had to be done to accomplish security and safety for such a large venue where respect and admiration went hand in hand. You led other men and women by virtue of your honesty, integrity and how you dignified your composure during the tense and stressful days and nights wher eturmoiland torment might strike. Never better character, sanctity and of course your humility a virtue all officers should wear on their sleeves. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
By Our Creator's design and amazing grace did you come true and through, Officer Cook, during your watch. You created a bond of loyalty and goodwill through trust and valor displayed by a highly recognizable man of commitment to pride and excellence and the convictions to maintain a role model of character for other officers to emulate. Dade County was given your assurance of harmony , tranquility and a chance for society to escape the trappings of terror and evil. We keep your spirit in our hearts and prayers, Officer Cook, every moment, because there is never going to be the thoughts of letting go of your humane heroism. it rescued your community from despair and disgrace. It will always be tragic that a young man took your life by promulgating violence against you, Officer Cook and your comrades whose souls were too trained to abolish evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
Instill truth and trust in honesty and goodwill, faith and resiliency will find their way to the top. It's in a genuinely likable young man who served Dade County with all his mettle as you so solemnly did, Officer Cook, for a quarter of your life you worked hard to become a proficient man of character and the class that dignity and integrity inspire. You engaged, enhanced and were that everlasting light bulb of sound vision and clear wisdom. No wonder your friend and classmate, Chief Geoffrey Jacobs noted you were way ahead of the crowd in terms of maturity. You hit the nail on the head, Chief, your heroic friend, Bill Cook, was a courageous and resourceful soul of appreciation and the acumen to handle any task or assignment placed his way. Never forget noe overlook a man's propensity for peace and perseverance. A sharp mind and brilliant constitution to make mankind safer though, a loss to society still being felt especially today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
The sprinklers of serenity, security and sincerity have been turned on and are running at full blast. Surely, as your gentle soul, Officer Cook, floats heroically up above, it was your loving embraces of honor, integrity and dignity that fortified all your life journeys on behalf of Dade County's people. The class, desire and character were only concentrated on your efforts to make peace and its living reality a central theme for mankind to channel its endeavors into making humanity more sound and serene. Never forget a young man cherished for following his passions of which are now a part of your legacy. Humility and words of boldness being relived and remembered in Our Maker's lushest of scenery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 25, 2018
North, south, east, west, all around us something sinister seems to be brewing. We surely don't need to be in a funk or befuddled over what to do next when evil wants to set its wings of wickedness down upon our very souls. We just need a cheering up and a little peace of mind to relax and settle our nerves. Your cunning, Officer Cook, your cleverness and candor were just what we needed. To dial up a prayer would be appreciated and because of your intense humility and honor, stellar integrity and dignity may God Himself shield you, Officer Cook, in His giant arms and palms of mercy and good cheer. All the tender love and cradling for sure nothing will harm you ever again. Buildings take time and the right materials to erect, your endeavor, efficiency and energy were given to you as a present from Our Maker. You were a very cherished and blessed hero. Humility and bravery shine like diamonds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
Life never seems to have its dull moments. Violence and evil are that razor blade that looks to slice apart anything resembling serenity and unity for humanity. You never took things for granted, Officer Cook, the stability and quiet days and nights were under your unpretentious leadership abilities. A man born to run. A young man with a humble wealth of knowledge ready to go out and make terror take notice. By all accounts you were a very cordial and dignified warrior of wisdom, great insight and the clarity that your wishes, dreams and goals reach a happy medium. We so solemnly honor your sacrifice and it shall be known that Badge#1664 served this great community with all its might. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Now, Officer Cook, with the Lord's blessings may you gently take your heroic angel's and roam God's perfected fruited fields where honor and ferocity roam like lions and tigers.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
A baker's dozen is God's thirteen attributes of principle. We must all try and emulate Our Creator and be honest and intensely loyal to those brave and mighty fighters of dignity who caress us with their gentle and humbly peaceful character. You really served Dade County, Officer Cook, with clarity and a charitable heart of gold. Peace, serenity and inspiration always trailing behind your vintage voyages. If valor and humility, calmness and sanity could reunite you, Officer Cook, with your beloved right this minute, Christmas would be wonderfully marvelous. Anyway take care and keep watch over your mother, sister and cherished members of a North MIami Beach pioneer family ,the Cook's served as the liaisons for much wonderful and friendly companions to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
In their time decades ago, Bonnie and Clyde gave law abiding men and women a run for their money. One man or one woman can give a fine public servant of honor and integrity all the plethora of problems that even well conditioned and finely trained individuals can handle. Unfortunately, on May 16, 1979, Dade County and its citizens were exposed to a frustrated and troubled man with a callousness for calamity. You were there, Officer Cook, to save and to rescue your comrades with all your character and conviction. Never a finer man. Never a more reserved young man of intuition. Our Lord has your soul of enchantment and peace, Officer Cook, gracefully gliding high above our fruited plains with those angels wings you were humbly given over thirty-nine years ago. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 24, 2018
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