Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

With addition by subtraction peace, stability and freedom will one day trump violence, evil and terror. The world would be a safer place if we all pitched in and assisted our beloved and esteemed officers who sacrifice life and limb by virtue of their character, honor,integrity and a word spoken straight from the heart, dignity. one cannot even begin to wage any war against a formidable foe if you are not centered in on your principles, morals and mettle. Yours, Officer Cook, helped to shield Dade County and its people from such adverse misery caused by a troubled and mindless man. His ventures turned out to be a misfortune, worse than ever your loss, Officer Cook, a good man, an honorable human being with class and desire, humility and the blessings that Our Master leaves upon your cherished soul of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 7, 2018

The family has the recollections. They have the memories. For some closure is difficult. Your beloved family, Officer Cook, has you and your wonderful honesty and courage surrounding them all moments. Your soul of affection is never too far away from their humble pursuits of joy and happiness. And now with Christmas and New year's fast approaching your missed very much. Your smile and engaging personality, your dignity and esteem for a job you wanted to do since childhood. Integrity and character second to none that saved Dade County from more ghastly who knows what. The residents and your fellow partners were all very grateful to have known the class of heroes. A man with uncompromising trust and humility serving and protecting those sacred venues with unselfish vigilance and expert diligence. Saluted, honored and always treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 7, 2018

The length of love and the width of bravery, all the love and living spirit of your cherished and enriched life, Officer Cook, a hero whose foundations of honor, dignity and integrity have formed your legacy where your memory here in Dade County is forever being saluted. it takes wisdom and courage to muster up the character and commitment to bring a semblance of serene and safe moments for all. Your peers, family and those whom you befriended have all respected and so admired your fortitude in preserving truth, justice, trust and liberty for humanity. When humility and loyalty get confused the results can be exceptionally serious. Peace and happiness belong in a human being's daily affairs and yours, Officer Cook, were sadly taken from you at age twenty-five with more on the scopes of resolve and engagement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 7, 2018

Unity among diversity is a tremendous asset. One that must be shared for its values. honed for its humbleness and competency. practiced and preached with the loving respect it surely deserves. One of your many attributes, Officer Cook , an esteemed hero of bravery, dignity and the decency that all men and women must take into account while battling an enemy of diverse proportions. You raised our spirits in Dade County to newer and more substantial levels, Officer Cook, through your feats of ferocity and the resolve to see peace and transparency through until your last ounce of strength. Always treasured and humanely humble, humanity's wealth was your unwavering and hopeful humility setting down along with sanctity and civility on the streets and corners of a community that has shown its admiration and appreciation for your endeavors of special uniqueness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 6, 2018

Mustering mettle and morals takes all the acumen and keen awareness possible. And so too does maintaining honor and integrity as humanely parades down those streets where one may run head on into danger. That terrible day, Officer Cook, May 16, 1979, you answered a domestic call knowing full well what might transpire. Your humble nature and heroically stout character protected Dade County and its citizens as you gave the ultimate sacrifice for humility and civility to stand tall and proud. Your parents, sister and beloved wife, your widow, all have missed you, but have saluted your piousness and devotion to leader, motivate and to steer the best of serenity and safe journeys our way. your life, Officer Cook, your dreams and fulfilling moments shall never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 6, 2018

Good diction and humble gallantry will go down as one of many things that you have solemnly saluted for, Officer Cook. Dade County was greeted with your humble and sacred presence in that it was utilized to save lives. To prevent a firestorm of more disaster than what was already occurring. A stoic man with a passion for perseverance and the resolve that brought peace and liberty into a venue that was calling out for humility. They meaning the people received the loving and esteem affections of your time and watch, Officer Cook. Humanity feels the pangs of your untimely loss to a society supposedly built by principles and ethics, all the highest of character which supported yo uGod filled missions of goodwill and everlasting faith personified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 6, 2018

Morality and values are that versatile duo that rest in the hearts of those with honor, dignity and integrity flowing in their veins. You had police work, etched in your soul and did everything in your power to make it happen. Thankfully you served and energized Dade County's own with your amazing grace, unyielding leadership and unrelenting fight against wrong and the wickedness it spawns. Your character and spirit live on in your family's pursuits of happiness in life and the freedom to live on carrying your heroic legacy close to their hearts. Resolve and determination enjoy that eternal habitation where nothing can interfere with your new assignment. Keeping us serene from Our Maker's perch of perfection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 6, 2018

Consolidate today and make the most of what God has provided you with. Your aspirations and dreams, Officer Cook , became realities back in 1973 when your badge was pinned on your chest. A man with responsibility and honor,humbling preserving life with all your might and mettle, dignity and integrity as hot as coals being stoked on a fire. Fierceness and compassion, tenacity and diligence. You can be absolutely sure Dade County and its folks have continued honoring your heroic memory of greatness and of goodwill. Violence and how real men and women, heroines and heroines live their days and years confronting such absolute terror. Makes you wonder what this world is coming to? You were that humane and loyal soul, Officer Cook, whose style and dedication befitted humanity at its lowest hour. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 6, 2018

A bundle of boldness is better than a bush of brazen actions. And your life and public service career, Officer Cook, shall be applauded and so distinctly honored for loyalty and faith during harsh and dangerous times. You literally saved Dade County citizens from a major headache that terrible day that Our Lord called you home. So energetic and unselfish, your total endeavor was for the safety and harmony of those living in Dade County. If not for a man of refined commitment and character, no telling what Mr. Pearsall could have unleashed. Your intensity and integrity made all the difference as did your, vigilance and dignity. Desire and humility tugging at humanity's side. Ride high on your angelic wings, Officer Cook, your family's hero and most resolute warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 6, 2018

A company man filled with a giving spirit and unmistakable heroic humility and honor. A gentleman of wit and wisdom, a vision of resourcefulness beyond your years of life, Officer Cook. You put Dade County and its residents back on that roadmap to peace, tranquility and the allures of unity. Without some reasonable serenity and security our happiness and peaceful travels become a bit more difficult to carry out. Fortified with fruition and ferocity, your character and its undying and most humble courage under fire have been and are being poignantly so honored. We salute your acumen and resolve, Officer Cook, as it filtered back to a community where violence left its ugliness that took you from your family, colleagues and close friends. Never anymore harm and where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let it be known that in God's kingdom you can sleep soundly in knowing you protected and cultivated our ways of life and enchantment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 6, 2018

A peaceful society is by no means a guarantee to a safer place to prosper. At least with graceful and honorable men and women serving and sacrificing we have a chance for a semblance of something good. Your pursuits here in Dade County on our behalf, Officer Cook, instilled a breath of fresh air by which to inhale. To fumigate the foul odors of evil would be nice if it could be permanently filtered from our midst. And your humility, sense of reason and along with dignity and integrity brought your humble and heroic character, Officer Cook, to newer heights. Today your resolve and terrific life and meaningful career are being fondly saluted for they alone with of gallant proportions. Your missions of goodwill now and forevermore are being watched over by Our Maker and Master. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 5, 2018

Bread and water are the staples of life. So is honor, integrity and bravery the quintessential parts of a good honest law enforcement official. You were a man whose heart was genuinely caring and kind, Officer Cook. No doubt you had more to fulfill and to live for. Our Lord needed your sincere and serene soul back in His heavenly house next to your father to uplift and to watch over your family and future comrades who now battle the impediments and perils caused by evil. You gave a stellar effort and nothing was lacking during your voyages of vigilance over Dade County and its people. Character is rooted in a person's heart and soul and you left everything on those streets where danger confound sand confronts the very best of brave women and men of humility who serve humanity with all the class and desire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 5, 2018

God has the excellence and all the essential elements of bravery, courage and honesty sealed in His heavenly shelters. Your courage and valor, Officer Cook, have been solemnly honored as has your desire and devotion to serving Dade County and its folks with nothing but esteem, integrity and the dignity that wearing a public service uniform delivers to justice. Our security and harmony were brought to the top by your undying and unwavering endeavor to stop evil and create a more securely humble environment with which to live for. mankind and humanity is deeply indebted to you, Officer Cook, your family and department's welcome warrior and a hero of values and principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your build and they will come. You have entered the pearly gates of perfection and loyalty where only those who gave are delivered everlasting mercy and compassion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 5, 2018

Remember those who passed, celebrate their lives of valor and dignity while they were sacrificing their honor and integrity for the peace and safety of their communities. Dade County was made safer those a little less since your untimely passing. It was not just a passing as you were killed in the line of duty while struggling to get a troubled young man to cease and surrender while he was ordered to do so. Take your morals and scruples and place them together with your resolve and resiliency, Officer Cook and it's plain to view why you were so humble, heroic and accomplished for your years beyond the crowd. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and humanity are the reasons why our heroes and heroines possessed humility and the sanity to dispense justice, truth and trust to mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 5, 2018

Great leaders have those eyes of effort, efficiency and energy trained on their tasks and particularly ones that focus on removing violence from our midst. Your career and life, Officer Cook, was the complete and unselfish package of honor dignity, integrity and dignity in dedicating yourself to protecting the welfare of all Dade County residents. You were supremely heroic and humane in all your character, consideration and the decency that your professional position called for. Saluted and honored for having the ambition to carry your humility and stoic reverence with total sanctity. Those streets were made safer by your unassuming presence and gratitude for having a job you always dreamed of becoming. Brave. Concerned and resolute. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 5, 2018

Safety is a trait not to be taken lightly. It's gentle process in procuring peace and togetherness for all mankind. We are miss you, Officer Cook, your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, your beloved sister, Nancy and your beloved wife, Karen. You were that breath of fresh air who dedicated his life, integrity and continuity to Dade County to reel in resolve and some quiet times for all. Mankind honors you, Officer Cook, it pays humble and heroic homage to your pursuits in life. Humanity and humility run side by side in this never ceasing battle over wickedness. You have to dig in and dig deep down for the outcomes that are desired in this terrible outrage of violence. You were a very heroic and gentle soul, Officer Cook. Now as an angelic hero may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Division only tears at the heart of mankind. We need reliable public servants whose determination matches the parameters for defeating this cruelest of foes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 4, 2018

Walking humbly in God's ways, you were a very devout and stoic man, Officer Cook. Dade County's prospects for quiet and unity were on the way up and it was a devastating day when your young soul of tranquility was taken from your loved ones and police peers. If dignity, honesty and integrity could bring you back today no doubt your loved ones would be very grateful. You paid the ultimate price for freedom and the transmissions of your messages of goodwill and appreciation. You were a Godsend to your parents and sister, your beloved wife, Karen and everything you did was for the sake of God's glory. Building relationships take time, it's not an overnight project and for twenty-five years of accomplished journeys may your name and humility be blessed over and over. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 4, 2018

Responsibility means taking onus. Onus can be a times a giant burden and for your devotion to duty, Officer Cook, Dade County was always in sterling and stellar hands. Police officers have plenty to tackle on their plates of wisdom and dignity on an everyday basis. Violence only adds fuel to those fires of perversion and upsets the apple carts of what we desire in security and in safe travels. You attacked problems and circumstances head on, Officer Cook, never letting up on your undying and unwavering mettle. Since you were born and raised with manners, courtesy and politeness it's easy to view as to why you were an accomplished young man of the highest integrity, honesty and dignity, all from the character and its convictions. Humanity remembers your life and career of durability and virtue, Officer Cook. You were a gentleman and a gracious warrior who is missed very much. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 4, 2018

Blaming others for mistakes we make is just wrong. Your humble and humanely heroic actions of May 16, 1979 and everyday, Officer Cook, paid dividends for the citizens of Dade County. A man of steadfast faith, resolve and the gumption to gallantly go out and save lives and deliver the much needed peace and serenity we all crave. Your character and commitment, Officer Cook, shall be saluted for generations and it's humanity and your family that suffered over your tragic loss. Humility, civility and sanctity now rest gently within Our Lord's arms of compassion and mercy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Involvement means enhancing society in one shape or another.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 4, 2018

Cold feet won't be able to deal with a myriad of issues that all men and women of honor and intellect must handle on a daily basis. Your skills and refined character, Officer Cook, made us living here in Dade County safer and more sound. Legends are born from humble starts and your integrity, dignity and vitality was of heroic humility. You can be sure that your soul and its beautiful memory will be so cherished and saluted for aiding and rescuing those comrades and civilians in trouble that day. Badge#1664 built many friendships and your loving esteem, peace and goodwill has been greatly missed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 4, 2018

With grease lightning did you and your partner that fateful day, Officer Cook, race to that domestic scene in Liberty City. Scott Lincoln was a very fortunate man not to be hurt. In fact besides Detective Blocker neither man was hurt. Your soul, Officer Cook, protective and serene was called and taken heroically to those pearly gates to meet your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace. Gallant and dignified. Honorable and full of loyal integrity that graced Dade County for six years of wonderful commitment. All the scruples and capabilities that enhanced humanity's future. The God earned talent was right there always a humble and able bodied individual. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2018

Whether young or old when a beloved soul of honor and humility is taken to heaven to answer for their deeds, the overwhelming majority can surely answer with a firm yes we did our jobs. Affirmative we comported ourselves with ethics and decency. Yes, we displayed and demonstrated competence, courage and of course humble integrity and dignity all central in a day's effort. The people of Dade County got great service. Excellent and humanely loyal performances while you, Officer Cook, were doing your part in calming and easing the tensions that existed back in the day. Conviction is not a rash decision. Commitment tales faith and humility to handle and to acquaint oneself of the responsibilities that go with the territory. Everyone knew you, Officer Cook, Badge#1664 and a uniform donned crisply and proudly. Now you are forever a hero whose legacy stands among those who persevered. The proficient and those whom seldom made mistakes or gaffes that cost human life. True accountability, durability and a trusting versatility to treat violence and evil and replace it with understanding and justice for all mankind. Peace, health and the ingenuity of a marvelous gentleman, gallant and graceful in all your endeavors, journeys, missions and destinies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2018

The designs of dignity and integrity form the frame of ferocity and the humble esteem that honor places upon those souls who strive to drive terror and ruin from their communities. You were an instrumental man, Officer Cook, pleasant and refined who worked tirelessly to save and protect our harmony and the taciturn times that come with it. Building foundations through character takes time for humanity to warm up and to receive its loving embraces from such adored people. Dade County was heroically under your guidance and acumen so much so that your civility and sanity in bringing these changes together has been humanely honored and will forever be solemnly recognized. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2018

Nothing like pleasant dreams. You can continue having the best of everything now that you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, in God's most perfect world. Nothing will harm you forever. You saved and rescued Dade County and its residents for an abundance of real tragedy. That sunny and hot day you gave your life, Officer Cook, honor, bravery, resiliency, dignity and integrity were being battle tested and you passed every exam with flying colors. because of your unselfish and undying heroic actions may your soul be blessed with numerous salutes of wisdom, maturity and the vision that makes vigilance stand and take notice. You were one valiant servant, Officer Cook, never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2018

Take care of courtesy and concern and take charge of your emotions and it will make for a better outcome. Nothing in police work can be predicted as there are no crystal balls. There was your shining presence and stellar image out on the streets of Dade County, preserving, protecting and persevering. Never a doubt you would grow to become a great man and you became a humble hero who helped to dispose of destruction and ruination in a community where you grew up and lived for most of your life. Honesty, dignity and integrity are planted within one's gentle soul of affection and the faithfulness which was crafted humbly by Our Creator. Foundations of ferocity well though out and you continue to be honored as a legend whose purpose was to serve us and provide some sense of character and unity for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 3, 2018

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