Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Put the weapons down and surrender quietly before all out hell breaks loose. And exactly by not following a public servant's directives can this result. You tried your best, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County's residents. Believe me from what I read you exposed your soul to evil and reached out honestly and in a dignified fashion to stop Mr. Pearsall. His humility and civility were not up to the tasks. Our Maker's sovereignty has your character and charisma stored in His glorious palace for eternal safekeeping. We honor your heroic intentions of integrity, ingenuity and intuition by solemnly saluting your bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A life saved is considered as if one saved the universe. Humanity is indebted to your feats of fire and wisdom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2018

Put the weapons down and surrender quietly before all out hell breaks loose. And exactly by not following a public servant's directives can this result. You tried your best, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County's residents. Believe me from what I read you exposed your soul to evil and reached out honestly and in a dignified fashion to stop Mr. Pearsall. His humility and civility were not up to the tasks. Our Maker's sovereignty has your character and charisma stored in His glorious palace for eternal safekeeping. We honor your heroic intentions of integrity, ingenuity and intuition by solemnly saluting your bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A life saved is considered as if one saved the universe. Humanity is indebted to your feats of fire and wisdom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2018

The strings of a kite help lift up its might. The gallant and brave, we need not rave. It is honor and integrity that launch dignity, but oh my what a pity. A gem of a human being yourself, Officer Cook, saved the day, Dade County's resolute hero of commitment and character. It rocked your family, though they know your heaven's, "Uncle Bo." Renowned and respected for being a serene gentleman with a hunger to disassemble and destroy evil the only way a thoughtful soul of deliberation knows how. A fitting and final tribute to a warrior once more, god take Officer Cook.s hand to that all perfect land where brave and bold roam. No more harm, nor hurt will come your way. This alleviated our fears and raised our hopes of good cheer and prosperity to take hold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2018

Bears utilize their claws to hunt for food and unfortunately they can kill their prey with them as well. Public servants attempt to put their mitts on mindful mischief and pure mayhem. You circled around the various areas here in Dade County, Officer Cook, searching for some humble satisfaction in gathering peace rather than discontentment. You were that reliable and honest go to maker of dignity and the divine attributes of austere integrity. A hero to be fondly remembered for transparent character and the convictions of trust and truth that were bestowed upon your bountiful soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A day, a night, a bright afternoon, the serenity and calmness were delivered by your humble affections and journeys you undertook, Officer Cook. Mankind and society's loyalest of workers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2018

Let honesty and humility galvanize, so of like hot butter seeping through hot bread. Polarization does not need to come through those thoroughfares of tenacity and integrity. You were a considerate and decent man of heroism ans humanity. For having done an outstanding job protecting us and bringing in reinforcements of resiliency and restorative virtue, Officer Cook, may Dade County and its generations of understanding residents duly honor your mettle and encouraging words of enhancement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2018

Dynamite packs a mean punch and when one applies their wisdom and dignity to conquering evil, the results can be excellent. Your honor and integrity, Officer Cook, was on the line each day and not a second to spare which battling this burdensome foe. Our stability and ways of life were provided by a man of devotion, class and character all brought about through your humbleness and love of life. A life cut terribly short by wanton violence, your aid to your colleagues and the folks has never been far from our minds. Keep looking down on us, Officer Cook, your humility and civility will remain close as your beautiful soul of affection and harmony soars high above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2018

A bounce house is for kids and adults to jump around and have fun. Police use whatever means feet, a car, a bicycle or motorcycle to travel from one task to another assignment and logically common sense and extra caution should always be implemented. The day as tragic as May 16, 1979 was, was saved by your heroism and dignity, Officer Cook, crucial to the survival of lives of your comrades and the citizens who could have died the day Mr. Pearsall took away your integrity, character and honor by virtue of his virulent actions. Now in heaven all the bounces are the same, perfect and can never be diminished by violence which you firmly and justly took an active role to defeat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility is the breeding ground of success and that in turn leads to more enhanced chances to make a difference. You created a bond, Officer Cook, that can never undo mankind and the community where you were revered and greatly admired for your feats of ferocity and heroism.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2018

The basics of being a squared away officer include everything, conduct, manners ,ethics and no matter the time, weather or any other circumstance they are expected to act accordingly within department rules and standards. You worked marvelously well here in Dade County, Officer Cook, disrupting disturbances to direct peace and goodwill to all mankind. Can never forget humility and valor while chasing after terror. Safety and its band must march and be able to function with one another. As you treasured spirit circles around those who cared and of course your loving family and partners who toiled feverishly with you to end this insane wickedness, keep in mind as God blesses your heroic and humanely wonderful name and life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2018

That new precinct, that higher division seems to grow by leaps and bounds just because of all this rotten evil. It's the honor roll of bravery, honesty, integrity, character, dignity and etc. All great and humble heroes and heroines who have persevered and stayed the courses of good conduct. You certainly carried your weight every watch, Officer Cook, devout and loyally qualified to faithfully represent all Dade County citizens. One must take a leap of faith, a chance if one is going to acquire a means to the end. The finale of violence. The completion of ghastly actions that cause our most esteemed to take drastic actions to preserve which you did in an outstanding fashion, Officer Cook. Humanity is indebted to your humility and civil minded notions to stop a violent and most troubled man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family's joy should grow by leaps and bounds with you here today present at all the occasions celebrating life. God knows about time and its value and honors His departed with clarity and salutes of homage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2018

The anvil of humility was pounded down when Dade County was under your heroic auspices, Officer Cook. Violence only causes more anger and consternation than we already need and with your wisdom and character those opportunities for peace and serenity came about more often. You take grit and gallantry and process them along with fine integrity and the legitimacy of dignity, you have a very special and humble young man who accentuated our lives with his adoring and respectful presence. Always missed and saluted mightily for pouring your soul in your work, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2018

The swivels of security, serenity and safety keep turning ever so. No matter the situation you always had a remedy of resolve, Officer Cook, which in turn protected Dade County and its people. Always dependable and honest, your heroic dignity and integrity flowed through your veins like fine wine. Besides your loving family, we shall cherish your heart, character and fighting spirit which frightened away terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2018

The axis of evil is violence, terror and wickedness and where they spin their webs of despair, deceit and devastation is anybody's best guess. And all any duly bodied and humble public servant can do is stay focused on reverence, respect and the package of honesty, integrity and dignity. Fortifying your ferocity, Officer Cook, was what genuinely created peace and goodwill for all Dade County citizens. Our serenity and safety all the result of your aspirations and heroically challenging days and nights spent toiling for some resolve. You'll never be forgotten for saving humanity's face with your unassuming character and most passionate commitment to both excellence and pride, wearing your uniform pristinely and in a composed manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2018

Go out and reel in your dreams, resolve and resiliency will follow closely behind. Our peace and inspirations are because of you, Officer Cook.No man worth his salt was more prudent and prouder to serve than you. It took every bit of your might and morals to handle and to untangle this web of wickedness. You handled humanity with such class and desire, only the caring concern and decency that made humility take notice. Always a hero. Always treasured by your esteemed family and brave comrades of character. You slipped those bonds of life for a share in eternity. A loss beyond words. A life of memories for your loved ones to reminisce. Police work is diligence and the virtues of integrity, dignity and the honesty bestowed upon valiant souls who search for truth and trust between those cricks of heinousness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2018

Callousness crushes the hopes and dreams of our beloved law enforcement families whose loved one gave us honor, hope and unforgetable wisdom. You also gave Dade County the reality of seeing some peace and prosperity by virtue of your courageous actions, Officer Cook. All the serenity, safety and security would be great if we and your family could witness your appearance before us, Officer Cook, but, it is Our Lord who conceals your beloved character and charm in humble quarters. Integrity, honor and dignity that took the brunt of a man's sad crusade bent on evil. Homage and humanity collaborate to honor your gratitude and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2018

A leader motivates by his or her own conduct. A brave and trusted soul of vision and wisdom who parlayed his humane and heroic life into a journey for stability and unification for our society. Dade County was well represented in its hopes of goodwill and the inspirations of a charming and dignified man. A public servant with a clue, better yet, the infinite supply of ferocity and tenacity being applied to your faithful endeavor, Officer Cook. Missions and destinies well taken. Justice proudly and humanely served on behalf of all humanity. Years later, Officer Cook, your blessed soul and heroic name remains not just on walls of honor, the very best places in your family and department's heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Thanks for constructing a sound and more serene environment for us to thrive and to pursue joy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2018

Our communities, nation and society in general can never succumb to the treachery of terror and violence as it would make us more vulnerable to further attacks. You created a loving bond for all Dade County to unite and to share alike. Our peace and harmony came from your unwavering inspirations, Officer Cook, a hero and an honorable man who steered his cheery character right into the middle of some agitated behavior carried out by a wicked man. You will be fondly saluted and remembered for humility and the sure signs of sanctity which must exist on the streets if unity is to take hold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2018

Much anticipation awaits a valiant soul who travels to meet up with terror. An adversary worth its overweight giving terrible trouble to loyal and dependable public servants. Your tasks in Dade County were made tougher even with your soul of grand character and real dignity, Officer Cook and yet your humbly went about your business with as much integrity as one can muster doing a very perilous job bringing safety and success to an area where you remain deeply honored and etched in our hearts and minds. You showed class and fortitude along with unselfish heroism trying to curb a wayward man. Up in heaven you now and for eternity walk that proverbial beat where nothing will ever harm you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2018

Dressed to defend and when one's life is taken, the sacrifice requires all men and women be dressed in full uniform including having the gun belt on. Polished shoes, a tie and long sleeved shirt are all part of the picture of a hero or heroine resting gently. Your work, Officer Cook, unifying and freeing Dade County from the bondage of life was deemed complete. All your honesty, integrity and dignity have been shifted to heaven where God awaits your regal soul, Officer Cook. Peace and prosperity have uplifted our very spirits and because of your sterling humility and saving grace can we begin to dig out from a mountain of mayhem and mischief.. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2018

Gallant women and men have the guts, now only if they keep their honesty, integrity and dignity intact those wars over wickedness will be a bit easier to stomach. For your professional exploits, Officer Cook, Dade County was on your map of mettle and concern. An all out effort to liberate a community caught in the grips of one man's violent outbursts against the police. One day there will come a punishment, though he was shot and killed for his callous actions against you, Officer Cook and your colleagues. Liberty City and society can breathe a deep sigh of relief at night. Humanity has nothing to quarrel about. Humility and civil mindedness were implanted in your soul where character lays actively watching. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2018

Shirking one's solemn duties only delays violence from abating. Running away instead of serving only enhances violence's march onward. Dade County and its folks were searching for a sense of honesty, dignity and integrity and badge#1664 acquitted itself very well. You did your utmost, Officer Cook, to stave the tide of terror. Safety, serenity and unity are three important components of life and in and of themselves. Our lives were made greater by your austere and brave patrols while trying to root out evil. The buildings and their edifices are set in stone, just a crying pity you could not see what you did, Officer Cook, to made a dent in society's fight for an inner peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No stereotyping. Officer Cook, you were the personification of a passionate man, faithful and devoted to your community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2018

Always cajoling and captivating, your concern and care for your community of Dade County sure made all the difference, Officer Cook. mankind's lovable and gentle man of gallantry and its humanely humble honors. Taking nothing for granted, you went about your business as usual and saved lives everyday. Your dignity and integrity meshed well with your convictions to perseverance and with a resolve that is to be revered may God bless your mortal soul of serenity. It's the living example of a brave public servant full of decency and composure in times of strife and serious trouble. To begin a battle as brutal as fighting evil, you must be a loyal and humane individual who can balances the rigors of the job, one you chose, Officer Cook, freely and without regret. Your sacrifice shows your character and its transparent constitution. We have a sense of security, peace and a stabilizing tranquility because of men and women like yourself, Officer Cook, who cared for society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2018

When that avalanche of adversity gets going its momentum can be dreaded. As we really never know where danger and perils may strike next. At least, Officer Cook, you donned a crisp and pristine uniform in honor of Dade County and its residents. To serve and protect, a sacred public trust not to be usurped in anyway shape or form. You held evil at bay while risking your soul heroically for your comrades and those whom you greeted on a daily basis. Always a humble man full of refined character and the righteousness of resolve while motorizing your morals to an area calling for some basic humility. It was your presence that saved humanity that awful day and has a nation paying tribute and homage to your unselfish and undying legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2018

Nothing is gained, but nothing may be lost during these tense moments where violence spreads it ugly heat. During stressful times you could relied upon, Officer Cook, to carry the lion's share of those onuses too much for an ordinary person. Honesty, dignity and integrity helping to emancipate us from the abysmal arrogance that terror whips up. There are good and bad days, not everything is peachy keen. But, with a little trust and tenacity you were able to stop problems, Officer Cook, before they grew out of kilter. The humility of a hero sheltering our lives with some serenity and pleasantness. Always the best of intentions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Help keep us safe, Officer Cook, as the New year of 2019 soon arrives.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2018

Let there be peace on Earth and honor that follows the brave and composed men and women who have a part in our freedoms and liberties. Dade County was treated by your amazing grace, Officer Cook and its tranquility has been spread out by your unwavering commitment to character, conviction and the senses of integrity and dignity wisely moving within a community where its residents were searching for a little care. You gave the greatest concern and compassion for mankind and for your heroic actions, may God bless your cherished being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2018

By the bars of boldness and the bands of bravery did you, Officer Cook, fulfill your duties to see justice and its truth distributed fairly and mercifully. The goodwill of mankind rides on every soul's watch over evil and its trying times. Dade County was under your unconditional attention and dignified humility central to resolving conflict.Those flames of honor burn forever glowingly in God's houses of wisdom and vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2018

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