Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Off the cuff routines are not always prescribed. Although, at times to ad lib is not always a realization. rational and honor must be utilized when battling against an enemy such as violence and any related crime. Your passions, Officer Cook, brought you to Dade County where you grew up in a loving home where manners and dignity was preached, practiced and learned. Nothing but sadness over losing you at such a young age with more lessons still ahead. Peril And danger were replaced by serenity and harmony, goodwill among mankind. Your humility, Officer Cook, remains totally encased in God's loving heavens above where you and your humbly stoic heroism and character are residing forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2018

The goal is to punish those evildoers and bless those humane and peaceful servants who steer right into the heart of horror. You can't run and hide. You went right into the teeth of something so wanton and terrible that day, Officer Cook. A fine man with a pedigree of precision and dignity supporting your labors of character, honesty and integrity. Dade County and its folks were left much better off because of your unselfish actions of humility to go along with your heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A cornerstone stays enhanced so long as all future men and women carry on with your legacy, Officer Cook, the way your lived and led other brave souls.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2018

Playing a flute produces sweet and soft sounds. You beat those drums in high school loud and clear, Officer Cook, just as you walked on Our Creator's pavements to patrol Dade County loud and humble. Violence saw you and your honorable pathways in dealing with such strife and callousness. If only Mr. Pearsall heeded your directions we might not be reflecting upon your career and life. One filled with joy and security, integrity and the ingenuity that dignity delivers to outstanding morals and mettle. A foundation of fruitful journeys well laid out and just sorry you could not have finished what you started and you will be remembered as a hero of esteem and courage forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The accolades would have been saved for another time.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2018

The aim of officers is to strike at evil and take it down for good. Your missions, Officer Cook, were undertaken for the sake and vitality of all Dade County residents. No more a humble and competently honorable soul than yourself tackling issues with dignity and integrity. All heart and all character that represents your humane and heroic legacy. Today, we salute your life of humility and give peace and thanks for a job well done. Resolve and acumen as well as commitment to both excellence and pride. The Lord gives and He takes His brave children back home to a place where perfection and valor constitute one's solemn passions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2018

The doctrine of divinity is to be honest and open, brave and operate your life and career with nothing but dignity and integrity. God's divine grace shined down upon your sweet disposition, Officer Cook, a gentleman with a trustworthy demeanor and conclusive character that sought out serious trouble when Dade County was in dire need. You came and rescued the citizens and your colleagues and made everlasting safety and unity your desired aspiration. Destiny then sadly came calling for you at the tender young age of twenty-five with more left to pursue. Violence and its taking of a life can never be vindicated nor can you be brought back to finish out your career and a life with your beloved, Karen. Principles, values, goals and dreams can all get quashed in a heartbeat by evil's unleashed powers. God's humility shines upon your soul, of wisdom and passion. All the right reasons why your service was very much greatly appreciated. Its scopes of surveillance were focused on us, your family and department who salutes your ingenuity and creativity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Respect for mankind is admiration for a public servant's job done well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2018

Conclusions are usually based on facts not fiction or heresay. You went about your business, Officer Cook, with only the best of intentions, integrity and the honesty of having humble dignity. It solves more problems and dilemmas than you think. A man of cherished and respected appeal calming down the citizens of Dade County during some pretty turbulent times. The going gets tough the resolute and committed get down to the professional affairs ahead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Crime and evil were fairly and truthfully handled during your watch. Always the greatest care and compassion for humanity. God's humble abode has your humility and virtue sealed forever in those walls of bravery and vision.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2018

Whether light of day or dark skies at night, public servants depend mightily on their resources of honesty, dignity and integrity to pull them through the tough and rough times. They look as you did, Officer Cook, to terminate terror and torment once and forever making Dade County's folks safe and secure. God's kindest of heroic angels serving with his passion and distinctly warm character. Warm and friendly, one cannot be lulled into a false sense of security for we know evil is like a poisonous snake waiting to bite its prey. The fallen are never forgotten for their heroism which sheds light on their humility and sacred actions which buoy society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You led by class. You were determined to overcome a terrible ordeal. You devoted your heart and soul in an undying and unselfish attempt to snare evil when it struck your community where you remain, Officer Cook, their savior, friend and hero of honor. Commit to the Lord's merciful will, you'll not be steered wrongly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2018

Our dearly departed and beloved reside in a world where there is no pain, no harm. Just pleasant and cherished esteem for the honor and bravery that carried their lives of resolve and integrity. Dignity and wisdom belong in the very same sentence structures surely as character and vision. You carried out your divine and devoted service, Officer Cook, as well as any hero would. You stopped a domestic scene from becoming more electric and diffused as best you could that man's devious and diabolical plans to take more innocent lives. I miss you, Officer Cook and so does your humble family and loyal comrades. Trust in God and He won't steer your compasses wrongly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Prudent and practical all methods to deal with violence's ruinations. Angelic wings fitting perfectly and humility snuggly around your treasured soul of serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2018

The aches and pains of evil only accentuate our effort to eradicate this monster from our midst. Do whatever is in your power while harnessing your honor and humility to make safe havens for one and all. You created a safe environment in Dade County, Officer Cook, because of your unwavering principles and unselfish dignity and integrity. They sway terror from us and you delivered peaceful surroundings for us to thrive. Character is the truth and commitment is our trust and faith placed in your humanely heroic hands. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God adores His women and men, brave souls fighting for our rights to continue with our missions, journeys and destinies.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2018

It is stated never to wake a sleeping dog. Well evil needs an awakening and a real swift kick in the fanny to sweep it away from our society. You answered all your calls, Officer Cook, with all your might, mettle, morals and the strength that courage musters in honesty,integrity and dignity. The core of your service to all Dade County in your outstanding and marvelous character, bold commitment to excellence and pride and the wings of conviction which now up in heaven are allowing you, Officer Cook, to glide, soar and fly higher each day. It's in your veins where decent humility and valid vigilance were found. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2018

Resting in God's perfect domain of dignity to duty, honor given to humanity and integrity incorporated into all your pursuits of peace for Dade County, Officer Cook, you will forever remain a humble and most heroic legend among your family, peers of public service and those wonderful and many friends who got to know Bill Cook, Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664 who persevered and was refined in character all while chasing down an adversary as brutal and tough as violence truly is. Trusted, truthful loyal and faithful, never a moment without a pause and reflection for a caring young man whose humility and civility carried your life and career down those pathways of persistence and energetic resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2018

Statues erected are fine just so long as the instincts of ingenuity, intelligence and integrity run side by side of one another. You ran around Dade County , Officer Cook, offering goodwill and safe journeys to those interested in some. Honor and humility stayed with you from birth until you were given a fitting burial with the honors due to one gentleman who was considerate and mindful of his presence in our world battling crime and mayhem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God adjudicates and your soul permeated among the righteous who dignified their trails of ferocity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2018

Novel approaches sometimes are met with success, other times any alternative plan must be devised to diffuse impeding doom brought on by wanton violence. You were the thinking man's officer, Officer Cook, so humble,brave and bold, your honor is to be treasured as the Lord Himself holds you in His loving arms. Your lips,arms, legs and brain provided the deepest of meanings as to why you did an outstanding job serving Dade County and its people. Serenity, accountability, reliability, humility from your caring and golden heart, they all were your source of strength and character. The valiant know from where to act and your heroic actions shielded an entire region from more harm and duress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2018

Elevation comes to those who earn it. No stripes or anything are given out until you ratchet up your dignity,integrity and honorable resolve. That is the way the saga will be. Your earthly career, Officer Cook, was the trails of evil in Dade County along the tracks of tenacity and unwavering character to complete your faithfully discharged missions on mankind;s request. All we ask of brave and civil minded is some engagement of peace and effort put forth under heroic and humane circumstances. Humility and humbleness speak the very same language. Make good on your words of wisdom and boldness without a hint of conceit or deceit. God then rewards His cherished messengers of morals and mettle. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Eliminate the evil and raise the flags of freedom and stability for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2018

Support among the sister and brothers of the law enforcement communities is quite essential to the survival of the citizens they protect and preserve. Our rights, trusts and freedoms must be given safe harbor in order to explore and to pursue newer exploits. What a wonderful life you had, Officer Cook and just really sad it was cut short and your career of appreciation in saving and aiding us. You tackled anything assigned to you and were a happy man full of smiles and good cheer. Someone should have reminded Mr. Pearsall, the man whose robbed your family and Dade County of your adoring affection. Your presence brought humility to a humanity struggling to cope at the time with unrest and tensions that ran higher. Effort and efficiency stopped a situation from escalating into more harm and violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Undying and staunch loyalty from a hero of humane proportions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2018

Authority is the humble leadership of other warriors who dare to place their body and soul on the line to seal serenity and safe havens for one and all. In Dade County, Officer Cook, you will and have been fondly honored and remembered for kindness, goodwill and the faith behind your journeys and their destinies. God we must believe truly takes those honorable and trustworthy souls to a newer location where they dignity, integrity and humble natures are constantly being protected by the Lord Himself. With resolve and fairness do we honor and treasure your life and career. Those pictures of heaven and the lush greenery must be something to behold. Take care, Officer Cook. Your pristine character and solid commitment will be so solemnly honored forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2018

The days of young and the days of old all with a story to be told. we relate, relive and remember all who ever lived and died in the heavenly name of peace on Earth. You were one of the many heroes and heroines here in Dade County, Officer Cook, fighting tooth and nail for some resemblance of unity, liberty and the safety we are entitled to live for. Gallantry and grace surely imbued you, Officer Cook and your professional life of public service to benefit your community where you lived and grew up learning the lessons to humility firsthand from your loving mother and father. Taking things for granted was not how you functioned, Officer Cook, as you were a practical thinker whose character and morals worked excellently with your undying mettle. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. saluted for good sense and goodwill, humanity has endeared itself to you, Officer Cook. Wear those angelic wings humbly to allow your soul to soar higher and higher. You left big shoes to fill, Officer Cook. The burdens and onuses are great. The challenges and tests to see if peace will last are there everyday. The sturdy and honorable own up to the calls of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2018

In life standing pat is something, then advancing and producing special work is how we shall be noted and duly remembered. Your courage and valor, Officer Cook, were sound as were your heroics in providing Dade County folks with the peace and stability they are used to having. You risked your life and career in order for your family, colleagues and friends to continue down those tracks and paths filled with prosperity and unity. If character and honesty breed integrity and dignity those battles over an enemy as large as violence will soon be dying down. You were a humane and loyal public servant whose humility and humbleness shall remain cherished and revered. All the respect and admiration are due you, Officer Cook, as are salutes of clarity and acumen for directing mankind through the tough times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You have to take chances in order to climb that ladder of accopmlishment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2018

Former President George Herbert Walker Bush was eulogized and buried last week. Every time I see a flag draped box being carried I'm reminded of you, Officer Cook. As your comrades carried you up the steps of St Mary's Cathedral for your Inspector's Funeral. You were quite a man my neighbor, friend and hero. Gallantry. Honesty. Dignity and integrity all from your soul of commitment, character and the convictions to protect and serve Dade County citizens from impeding harm. Evil and terror produce the worst of violence and the fact that you bravely ran into the teeth of danger that day of May 16, 1979 and every day of your watch to provide and spread the warmth of good cheer and humility throughout humanity says a lot. We never overlook nor forget the heroes and heroines who sheltered us during their missions of faith, wisdom and vision. Rest in peace Officer Cook. Serene, noble and sacred as you forever watch over God's eternal gates where the honor roll seems to multiply daily. All very sad. Honored and saluted for resolve, resourcefulness and unwavering and unselfish resiliency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2018

Authenticity is the awareness of acumen and honesty's way of keeping dignity and integrity together as a tandome on that same track of tenacity. You had the vision and motivations to lead other comrades through danger here in Dade County, Officer Cook. And thirty-nine years later that stellar character, staunch commitment and stoic conviction is and has been surely missed. Heaven welcomed you, Officer Cook, a hero so refined and humble humane and with humility from ear to ear. I'm sure you hugged your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace when you saw him. It goes to validating two men who lives of dignity, honor and dedication that must be saluted for courage and principles of faith and resolve forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2018

The fellowship of police is nationwide and abroad. You cannot have a finer close knit unit of unselfish, honorable and humbly brave souls of compassion and peace teaming up to make their communities of existence more safer. Your participation in these all important matters of pertainance, Officer Cook, surely enhanced the landscape of all Dade County. Confident, resourceful and full of integrity and dignity that greatly aided your pursuits in life and during your career, you can be certain beyond any shadow of doubt, that humanity will forever salute your humility and sacred soul of serenity. Violence was taken down when you served and protected our very existence. Never out of sight or mind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2018

Rounding up those evildoers takes so much power and energy, we, the ordinary citizen could not even imagine. Your girded yourself, Officer Cook, on principles and perseverance which made your humble esteem and honesty that much more prepared for a battle royal. Evil and violence tug at our hearts and your dignity and proficiency, Officer Cook, was on par with your convictions, character and commitment to everything good in policing a community. Dade County had its refreshing peace and goodwill demonstrated by your faithfulness and devotion to the assignments at hand. It's sad its finality came with more on the horizon. Now Our Maker has your serene soul, Officer Cook, guarding those sacred and pearly gates where honor and humility lie soundly with never an interruption. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2018

With a heart of gold and a life so young, you fulfilled your desires, Officer Cook, to do something very special for our world. That was to be a top flight police officer. Serving and preserving the lives of Dade County's own is no small task, arduous and adventuresome, your exploits and destinies were realized at a tender young age of twenty-five. A life taken away bu abominable evil,the grief your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, your beloved wife, Karen and your big sister, Nancy, all felt your loss and yet for your undying, unwavering and unselfish sacrifice your name and its humble honor and character, has been dignified and its integrity etched on marble and granite walls here in Miami and in our nation's Capitol. Never forgotten for a true love of life, for bringing in peace and some measure of stability, humanity pays humble respect to your treasured and gallant soul of affection and the loyal esteem that only courage can bring to battle a foe so large as terror. What torment and turmoil its carries as it seeks to destroy the happiness and safe journeys for all. In a few months it will be coming up to forty years since your tragedy, Officer Cook and boy you are very sorely missed by your beloved family and those who served with you. They have some memories and plenty of stories to remember, relate, relive and remind them of a special and humble gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2018

Every story has the same themes of tenacity and resolve meshing with honor, integrity and the wisdom of dignity. It's violence's menace and they are the good traits, but one must carry them at times if success in winning this war over wickedness is to be deemed fruitful. Your patrols around Dade County, Officer Cook, were well intentioned and full of objectivity and outstanding resolve. Only one with the fortitude and ingenuity would have some clue as to how to get a proper handle on terror. Humanity so solemnly honors your drive and goals to obtain peace, unity and the harmony that society demands. Thank God for ferocity and candor, character and staunch commitments to pride and excellence. A righteous servant of trust and truth administering justice for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2018

The weight of the world and Dade County at large was squarely on your humbly broad shoulders cof serenity and valor, Officer Cook and as all mighty and heroic public servants must do, you fight until your last breath. Every resource of honesty, dignity and integrity extended into our community where a decent and humane human being battled with all his virtue and humility to keep us safe and serene. For having excellent values and character may your name and family, Officer Cook, be blessed wit health, peace and prosperity this coming holiday season. Mankind looks to its founders and leaders for inspiration and you never let us down, Officer Cook. A master of conversing with that brilliant smile now shining down on your family from heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 11, 2018

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