Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
I hope and pray that your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, is still alive and well at the humble age of one-hundred and three. She raised two fantastic children and of course Nancy knows her darling younger brother is deeply and very dearly missed. Heroic and heartwarming the reception you gave Dade County with your pride, excellence and the honesty of your dignity, decency and integrity. What is verified is your virtue and remarkable resiliency. Saluted and stoically remembered as a legend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mrs. Cook, you and your loved ones will always be special, cherished and in my heart and prayers. Happy New Year to you!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 1, 2019
Vindicated by your undying and unselfish vigilance, Officer Cook, you were not a vindictive person with not a mean bone in your body and always that bright and happy smile of endearment that meant so much to your family and the people of Dade County protected by your honored wisdom and steadfast maturity. It was found in your integrity and the vision of your characteristic of dignity that made evil think twice. Never a day goes by without the thoughts of what we are missing by not seeing that enhancement that you left behind along with your humility. It soothed humanity and brought corroborative peace and safety to a venue that so honors your valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 1, 2019
The preying mantis is one creature. The maniac that caresses violence and evil must be eradicated from our world. It is simply unfair for people to go around committing outrageous acts of mayhem. You surely did your job, Officer Cook, the purpose for why departments desire good men and women alike, brave and honorable. They simply and humbly tackle the toughest of occupations where oscillating is not always preferred. Dade County being a large metropolis has had its share of moments where heated disputes and racial unrest certainly may not use their unwelcoming character to achieve a means to the end. Place some humility, dignity and integrity into the equation, the results will be telling. badge#1664 was dedicated, determined and motivated to lead other souls of esteem through those rings of resolve. Your blessed and heroic name, Officer Cook, shines brilliantly in Our Maker's eternal home above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of civility and the sanctity by which sanity should rule the streets.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 1, 2019
Invoking sensational humility and honesty brings the best of dignity and integrity into one's precise searches for serious trouble and it's found in tenacity, ferocity and ingenuity that make the greatest assets in any officer's assistance over fighting evil. Your career and life, Officer Cook, was founded upon the ideas and ideals of stellar character which can make America great again. You made Dade County peaceful once more by principles and an ever present engaging personality of bravery and calmness all missed today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing is duck's soup. You just try to stay within the confines of trust and truth distributed to all humanity. Our Master has given you and your comrades His special reward for capturing callousness and corralling those who continue their conceit and display dishonor.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 1, 2019
Never cruise and snooze, you'll lose. Violence serves as society's wake up call and we and those brave and honorable souls had better be prepared to dig deep for a battle that's brewing. Your confidence and courage, Officer Cook, helped to seal in goodwill and tranquility here in Dade County where adversity and strife look to unravel the best laid plans of humanity. It was all your commitment, conviction and character which made an essential difference in all of our lives. You are to be commended and gratefully honored for aiding and protecting us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 1, 2019
Steamy and angered, those who commit evil put the rest of a peaceful society at danger and unrest. Nothing worse than tensions soaring like the thermometers that tell us how hot it is outside. You performed very well, Officer Cook, everyday never running from violence and heroically facing your daily tasks head on with nothing but honesty, integrity and the humility that befits a dignified man. Candor and gallant, Our Lord has your precious soul next to Him. You were a consummate public servant, Officer Cook, a tragic for your family and mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 1, 2019
Good cheer and good news should rule the day. Peace and quiet, security and safety at the cost of a supremely ultimate sacrifice. What a life of honesty. integrity and dignity you left as your legacy and heroic humility, Officer Cook. A true and truthfully trusted Dade County hero. Character and courage under the fires of ferocity building their goodwill throughout our society. In a nutshell you were a very charismatic and concerned gentleman, Officer Cook. Forevermore a heroic angel with wings of boldness to match. Nothing replicated and nothing duplicated. All straight from your golden and trustworthy heart of esteem and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 1, 2019
Live life with honor, God's humility will shine its rays of resolve upon one's mortal and heroic soul. Dade County with under your sheltering wings, Officer Cook and its auspices of being noble and astute. The days of old were yesterday and in the past. So much has transpired since you left this world my neighbor,friend and hero. Always the consummate warrior! Always a man of richness in character and values. Scruples build foundations. Ferocity and tenacity keep the bases solid. So does a little humility and a good word. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 1, 2019
Posturing and a reliance on complacency can never be tolerated whenever any public servant leads other brave souls or acts alone in this fierce fight over terror. Dade County was well served and well looked after during your watch, Officer Cook. Harmony and its assurances of unity and prosperity for all mankind were attended to by your acumen and awareness to the situational circumstances surrounding you. The hopes and dreams reached fruition if only we could see you here today, Officer Cook, representing humanity with dignity, integrity and class of character. A terrible loss for your beloved family.,department and mankind in general. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 1, 2019
The waters become a little murkier because of meaningless acts of evil. Violence penetrating our communities where hope, goodwill and peace must rise to the top in 2019. And for your humility, honor and respect, Officer Cook, nearly forty years ago your family and the entire police world lost a compassionate soul of decency and scruples. Integrity and ingenuity will never lead a public servant do a false path of mistrust and dishonor. You revered and cherished refined character and unwavering, unrelenting and unselfish heroism directed the convergence of serenity to all Dade County where your humble esteem is raised and duly saluted each day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 1, 2019
And Jupiter aligns with Mars. So too does real mettle. morals and heroic honesty line those streets and roads as it goes up against a rude enemy. An awakening like an earthquake that seizes upon our insecurities as it looks to unleash heinous evil. You rescued us, your comrades and the folks, Officer Cook, from a beehive of harm and you can be quite certain your soul of peace and serenity provided to all will be humanely saluted and duly honored for preserving the ethics of humanity all by your unselfish humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2018
Steak tastes great with seasoning. Honor and dignity make right with character and humane integrity peppering its charges. Evil must be headed off at the pass. All before it stampedes our very proud world. Society took you, Officer Cook and because of your humbleness, Dade County's folks were raised a notch higher in respect and in admiration for coming through when humanity called for your appearance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2018
The teeth of a tiger and the venom of a poisonous serpent, they are all as lethal as anything. Crime no matter robbery, murder, domestic dispute whatever can be chilling and plain outlandish and cruelly evil. You prevented that day in Dade County, Officer Cook, from being worse, though it was pretty serious enough. The sue sense of honor and dignity were dispatched to that scene along with your inner being of integrity. Always character and commitment to excellence, a gallant man with humility and grace as steady as need be. You fought for security and freedom like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2018
Heart, honor, courage and honesty count for all the marbles in this crazy war of wickedness. Never down and out, your humble and heroic exploits on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, spared a community more irritation and harm than one can imagine. Decent and well mannered your humility on humanity's request brought security and safety to a region looking for some source of precise resolve. Those fruitful journeys on mankind's best footing stabilized our happiness and allowed for opportunities to flourish. Just that you, Officer Cook, should be here to welcome a New Year full of hope, peace and good health in the spirit of the season. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2018
The citizens cannot be held captives by those creatures of habit who commit vile and despicable crimes. Only your passion and goodwill, Officer Cook, went into your entire professional body of work. It was Dade County who benefited from your kindness, dignity and spirit of honor and its trust in integrity. Your colleagues and department along with your loving family have faithfully and fondly remembered your solace and sacred ways of praise, Officer Cook. God has your beloved and serene soul of character stored in His mountains where your missions paid more than dividends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2018
Double up and double down on your dignity and virtue. They assuredly come in handy all the time. Your feats and ferocity on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, made you the hero of accomplished acumen and honor reserved for those loyal and treasured men and women who dig deep down in their pockets of precision and its conviction. The best intentions to stop a crazed man from going further in his rants against the establishment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2018
Desire can never dim our spirits, for it's doom and gloom that can make our minds dizzy with confusion. Never baffled, you were a brave warrior, Officer Cook, bold and sold on a plan for harmony and its serene mannerisms. Dade County had your stellar character, Officer Cook,to off seat those wars of attrition. Take care of yourself as you humanely and very heroically tried to alleviate our biggest fears. Never one to cut corners, your achievements are for humanity to salute and take note of your noble actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2018
Limber up and get ready for a never ending battle over corruption and evil. Well regarded and well prepared, your priority for working in Dade County, Officer Cook, was the welfare of its citizens. Stoic and humble, honored and admired, dignified and adored, your integrity sparked your pursuits of taciturn times for those who value the morals of society. Humanity praises your ideas and vision, Officer Cook, heroic and humbly forever etched into our hearts and prayers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The courage of one's own crusades is the proficient resolve that is born from one's resourcefulness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2018
Think, don't fret or show signs of regret. God's mercy riles the world which is full of good and bad. You were a capable officer, Officer Cook, one hero who in times of stress could be counted on to deliver unstoppable stability and genuine relief. Dade County and its people rallied upon your honor and integrity to allow your dignity to carry out its primary roles of justice on behalf of our society. Humility and humanity come as one package and for your humane and outstanding work in the line of duty, may Our Lord pray for your serene soul, Officer Cook, as it worked countless miracles on our behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The lines are drawn. Values await the owners of resiliency. Patience rewards bravery and trust.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2018
Ferocity in earnest keeps one from free falling down those tubes of terror. Your direct methods, Officer Cook, surely worked most of the time and just really tragic that day of May 16, 1979, you did everything in sync, morals, dignity and integrity to stop the advances of a wayward man whose life was all fowled up in a quagmire of trouble. To the righteous, God blesses their heroic beings for shielding us and all Dade County from unending torment. Resolve, loyalty and humility from up close. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2018
Crude and cruel, whatever happens when violence circulates around us does seem to leave that remarkable scar which cannot be mistaken for anything else. Dade County was under your constant supervision and superior clarity, wisdom and all encomposing maturity, Officer Cook. Way beyond the crowd in effort and energy, honesty and the soul of integrity with dignity helping to pursue justice and truth. Never a more heroic and humble job on humanity's behalf. Stay over us with your unassuming character and relentless commitment, Officer Cook. Keep those gates open . Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2018
Morale must be high and character can never waver. Your days and years, Officer Cook, were well spent patrolling Dade County in search of peace and quiet. Violence must never rule the day or roost. You can be sure the honesty, dependability and integrity will always be saluted hence forth and forever. Humanity appreciates its heroes of regard and loyal esteem. Your humility and noble deeds, Officer Cook, are to be fondly looked back upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 31, 2018
The common denominator with all humble heroes and heroines is that adversity reveals character. And their feats of inner strength and a fighting heart tell us why we have some semblance of security, harmony and the serenity that acts as our buffers between violence and peace. You brought indisputable work to your department, Officer Cook, a man, a gentleman whose gallant honor and dignity uplifted our spirits. What integrity! A situation where all your resources that humanity could bestow upon you, Officer Cook, was utilized to undue tensions that were giving Dade County citizens fits. We shall fondly pay homage to a wonderful life and career all be it cut way too short by evil. The hero in you, Officer Cook and in Badge#1664 was donned smartly and most humanely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Creator's den of desire and devotion awaits Our King who gives them a most difficult task and that is to guard and protect those pearly gates. The baton is weighted and the question will it be dropped during important moments when peace is on the line.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 30, 2018
Insert integrity, ingenuity and intuition into your heroic actions, you'll be amazed at the outcomes. Evil and terror require the incorporation of humble dignity and humble honesty straight from the heart. The mind and soul partnering together to enhance peace and serenity in a community where its people are crying out for a servant of principles and character to act the part. Dade County was under your guiding wings of civility, sanctity and humility which is forever going to be so solemnly honored. You were, Officer Cook, a consistent and wise man of profound vision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 30, 2018
Buying time affords one some more time until reinforcements come to aid and serve the causes. Officer Cook, you were the role model of gallantry, grace and valor who made his dignity and integrity stand up against wickedness. Dade County has seen the likes of many a man or woman dedicated to the designs of fruition and during your life if heroism and humility which was stamped on the serenity and unity of all mankind. Society has its happy days and still suffers from baseless hatred and senseless bloodshed of which you faithfully tried to stop, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
December 30, 2018
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