Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

You can chew your gum so long as you walk the straight paths of honor and perseverance. You strolled down those lanes of learning and preparation which made you better suited to humbly and heroically serve all Dade County. The people speak and and an answer must be near. Finding some peace while sifting through some serious evil takes all the might of a very devoted and esteemed young man of which you were, Officer Cook. Possessing all the right tools of awareness, acumen and character takes training and primarily begins in one's home . Yours, Officer Cook, was the environment of calm and faithfulness along with the impactful lessons your parents instilled in both you and your big sister, Nancy. Always a man of integrity and dignity as these are the foundations and cornerstones for which humanity was created. having stellar mettle and humility only enhanced your pursuits of joy and happiness for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2018

Turn away from awful events and look forward to a new dawn arising. Today is so much different then when you patrolled, Officer Cook. Dade County has been growing by leaps and bounds. Your charm and vision was what the residents needed besides security and a little enhancement. Your honor, dignity and integrity of character went into your fruitful missions on behalf of humanity. It brought us out of the doldrums of impending evil. Your loss to your family, society and your colleagues has been greatly missed, though your family carries on your legacy as best they can with your respected and revered soul looking down on them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2018

Ageless, bold and brave and no doubt a man of commitment, courtesy and that word of character, you had the entire package of what every public servant must have. Diligence and dignity, honor and integrity are what the words humility and heroic humbleness represented in your work. Your work and life, Officer Cook, had meaning and relevance otherwise where would Dade County and its people be today if not for what you accomplished in a short time thirty-nine years ago? A bit less serene and safe, those responsibilities fall upon the lofty shoulders of those future officers, honest and composed when duress can get the better of them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Exactly why we honor and salute our heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2018

A good samaritan is wonderful. A gallant man of humility and honesty is what departments are looking for nowadays. Women too who possess the special and unique traits of tenacity along with integrity and dignity. A battle, a war that just seems to keep on percolating. Enough is enough. Violence and evil must stop at once. You did an outstanding job, Officer Cook, in aligning peace and welfare among Dade County's folks. So much character and so much humbleness that has humanity stand and take quie tnotic eof your heroic feats. Endeavor is not a once in a lifetime matter as it must be practiced, preached and approached on a daily basis. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2018

You cannot relax when mischief and mayhem are out in force. The streets and venues need the finest supervision possible. And Dade County was made safer when you patrolled, Officer cook. Such fierce determination, devotion and the dignity to when duty calls. All your humane honor and heroic deeds of integrity on behalf of humanity, surely God has your quality of character shielded as your soul keeps looking down on your family who loved and treasured you and your comrades who went to battle with you to fight this enormous foe. Enhancement and endearment the legacies we pay homage to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2018

Things take time. But time is not always your ally. When violence and terror breakout duly affirmed officers must be ready to step in and save the day. You saved Dade County, Officer Cook, from the grips of horrendous horror. A man troubled and bent on evil and because of his wickedness and treachery your young life and promising career ended too soon. Cannot forget your honor, politeness, passion, dignity and integrity while you tried to restore goodwill, serenity and safety for us. A man of the highest regard and character for an important position of truth and trust, your humility and civility will be forever honored . Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2018

Indulgence may lead to a shortage of honesty, dignity and integrity. As these three characteristics are the backbones of a public servant's commitment to pride and excellence which of course you steadfastly maintained during your time, Officer Cook, serving and protecting Dade County. Beloved and widely respected for humility and the sanctity that you brought to work and in sheltering security and safety among us. Mankind is forever indebted for your role in steering the tides of terror and torment away from our community. Your sacrifice bears out what we mean by having scruples and the morals to lead other brave hearts through evil. Always solemnly honored ans saluted for gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2018

Deluged by a sea of deceit, the currents of callousness flowing wildly, the surges of senseless evil whispering in the dark, no matter all women and men must be trained to battle these outrageous advances of violence that surely threaten the peace and goodwill of our society. Thankfully you were armed, Officer Cook, with undying and unselfish heroism, humble honesty, devout dignity and the intense integrity that loyalty brings to the venues of Dade County where you served with resolve, humility and the civil mindedness of having proper ideals and scruples. Once wickedness intensifies one must be ready and on guard for the unexpected. Definitely so tragic a loss of your valiant soul that protected and preserved our lives, the civilians and of course your brave and humanely esteemed comrades. All the acumen, character and motivation was poured into your efforts and efficiency. Saluted and honored for helping to avert a bigger crisis. Our Maker has your soul of peace and assurance,Officer Cook, on behalf of humanity tucked in the gates of heroism reserved for treasured human beings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2018

You parlayed proof of good work and discipline in all your efforts, Officer Cook and the results were overwhelming as to why we have a more peaceful and stable community by which to thrive and grow. The integrity, honesty and sound dignity is no enigma. It translated from your classroom onto the streets where deliberate concentration and unassuming dedication are called for twenty-four hours a day. Six years of talent, wisdom and vision, a whole life of maturity assisted you on your righteous pathways, Officer Cook. Never better character and the usages of unselfish values and humility to defeat evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2018

No need to serenade or to add more sugar. Your career and life was a carbon copy of your precious soul of affection, Officer Cook. Committed to the boundaries of bravery and boldness, your unwavering and unselfish made that distinct difference in the lives of Dade County. A community you were very proud to call home and where your humility glistened as did your badge and shiny shoes. You could not have asked for a more disciplined gentleman of honesty,integrity and dignity justifying his ingenuity and wisdom to strip evil from our midst. Respected and beloved, treasured and focused. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2018

What happens to canine officers and their lives of honor and bravery, it makes you think the mind of those committing evil must obliterated. You tried to uplift Dade County's spirits, Officer Cook, stoic, stellar and sterling. All inclusive honesty, integrity, dignity and character which goes a long way into fighting those forces of violence. Certainly, you ferocity and tenacity helped to turn that tide of torment around with some peace and stabilizing unity and harmony for all humanity. Always a well mannered man of valor whose spirit and soul of humility floats higher every second, Officer Cook, as you protect God's pearly gates and keep tabs on those pursuing wickedness in this world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those animals are well conditioned , well prepared and well trained for the various circumstances that they and their handlers face daily. You would have made an excellent canine officer, so diligent and so heroic. A wonderful human being taken before your time.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2018

Never be consistent in conceit it will veer your vigilance off those remotest of paths. Be decent in character, courtesy and the humility that honesty and integrity represent in our beloved heroes and heroines. You surely answered those calls where danger,peril and whatever else was found on those streets of Dade County, Officer Cook. Those who conjure up to commit evil should be ashamed as your life and career meant the world to your family, colleagues and close personal acquaintances. You'll never be more cherished, admires and revered for doing a spectacular job in securing and in brokering goodwill among all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2018

Poignant and addressing your concern, your sincerity, Officer Cook, endeared you to all citizens of Dade County. A brother in arms bearing his most humble and yet heroic soul of dignity, character and honor to save lives. A valiant servant resolving and offering hope and compassion in the very face of terror and violence. Integrity and humility concealed in your cherished soul in the heavenly name of peace and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2018

Heroism, humility and honor help to turn those pages of progress. That was a certainty when you maned the streets of Dade County, Officer Cook. A young and handsome young man full of inspirational wisdom and the validating vision to see your marches through crime and mayhem through. For such a devoted man of dignity and integrity it was very sad to see your life of crime fighting and joy for your family members to witness their beloved and darling hero in action giving us the much needed peace and prosperity. What character and class, so desirable and articulate in your mannerisms. You will be solemnly saluted for a job well done, Officer Cook, pride and humility combining forces to brush evil from us while your boldness fortified your cornerstones that you set down in stone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The daily grind is rugged, the resilient are resolute in finding solutions to the problems and dilemmas at hand.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2018

Courage and loyalty take honesty, integrity and dignity to another level where not too many public servants have come. They took you, Officer Cook, around the various venues of Dade County where you searched for peace and unity for mankind. Never a dodger and always on top of the circumstances at hand, your loving devotion and character have been remembered for humility, decency and the designs of determination that all dedicated men and women possess. Fundamentals and foundations placed perfectly for all future officers to continue your legacy executing it to the letter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2018

Father time offers the greatest perspective on how to handle a situation and life in general. Its challenges are too many to name. What greets officers everyday is violence or it seems that way. Some days are more taciturn than others. You were a reserved young man, Officer Cook and Dade County relied on your professional instincts to pull them through the doldrums. You did more than any other hero of bravery and commitment would do. It comes down to basic facets of tenacity. Focus never was clouded only a man bothered by everyday normal life. Why did he have to shoot you and take your life? Why did he have to shoot your comrades nearly killing them? The answers lie straight up in heaven where the righteous and resolved have to answer to humanity by their goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility helps to bring something uniquely special to each and every man and woman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2018

If you leave me now you take away the biggest part of me. In body and in soul, our beloved and esteemed ladies and gentlemen of the law enforcement go out of their way to produce your enchantment and quiet times for those folks desiring some rest and stability. Dade County was under your humble eyes and unwavering decency, Officer Cook. Our hero and of course your family's knight in shining armor. You equipped yourself with the virtues of vigilance and the outreach of your honor, integrity and dignity which fortified your trails of tenacity while chasing after evil and violence. Always the kind of concern and consideration that offered you the opportunity to capture callousness all at the hands of a troubled man with no principles nor character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The edifices stand stable all by your humble and heroic feats. Humanity respects your civility and humility which helped to bring evil to its feet. Our Master has your mortal soul of harmony, Officer Cook, saved and on call to continue your watch in heaven where no harm will come your way again. Your absence only makes your family's heats grow fonder of your life and public service career constructed on the fibers and fabrics of fairness, truth and trust.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2018

By God's tender loving grace will our world one day witness true tranquility and safe travels. You pursued a career, Officer Cook, that was sound and yet for all the dangers you patrolled Dade County with all the wisdom and common sense that brave men and women of honesty, integrity and dignity possess. Our inner peace and stability is directly traced to your unwavering and humbly unselfish humility and resolve. Your family and comrades miss your candor, charm and engaging personality one that fit the profile of a persistent and persevering gentleman of the highest regard for his fellow man. Character builds courage. Faith builds devoutness. Goodwill brings us closer than ever before. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2018

God unlocks the keys to life and its mysteries. a great life, Officer Cook, although cut way too short by wanton and repulsive violence against you and your colleagues along with Dade County citizens. You led by honor an d dignity, character and integrity. Heroic and humanely humble. God has His honor roll of angels and their humility sealed within His blue skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2018

The pages of perseverance, prudent work and the precision of good instincts, excellent character and the bravery that boldness displays in honesty, dignity and integrity was never more apparent when you served Dade County, Officer Cook, with proud and humble loyalty. Violence took you physically, it did not take your sweet and innocent soul of humanity. For all the talk, just walk out and do as best of a job given to you as possible. You handled your affairs with as much respect and class as civility and humility can demand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroic and strong, we salute and honor your life and career of the highest esteem and dedication to public service as there can be.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2018

If right makes might and haste makes waste, then it goes as no secret that if you comport yourself with honesty, dignity and integrity you be better off and the world would be better served. You protected the people of Dade County, Officer Cook, with all the doctrines of desire, decency and the devotion from your professional position of authority. Your unassuming character and distinct personality were just we needed to live peacefully and more securely. All the enhancements have been put down and it's a crying shame you could not have witnessed these changes all because of the evil which took you from your family, friends and police comrades, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You stood for truth and justice, trust and the firmness of resolution.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2018

Your soul forever gently caresses God innermost spirit, Officer Cook. Its grace and valor covered Dade County's streets like a blanket covering us and keeping us warmer at night. To go out and patrol those venues where who know what lurks out there, you have to be pretty brave, astute and full of awareness. That's honesty, integrity and dignity addressing us. Your core of character and class, addressed those issues, Officer Cook. All the desire and concern for your fellowman and for the peace and stability of humanity. It's found in those simple and humble angels who risk everything for peace and prosperity to be a living and waking reality. Sometimes humility and civility are hard to acquire, your good manners and politeness did more, Officer Cook, than you could ever imagine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2018

Trampled by terror and torment, your quick thinking and humble tenacity, Officer Cook, stopped a deranged man for carrying out more evil that awful day when your family and the world lost its brightest star. A man of courage and conviction, a gentleman of gallantry and the good graces of humility and honor that helped to disperse peace and resolve among Dade County citizens. You place dignity and integrity on the line everyday and you deserve to be saluted and so humanely honored for heroic actions that helped to enhance our world. Those foundations and cornerstones you set down in stone, Officer Cook, were the results of countless hours of effort and unending relentlessness on our behalf. Never forgotten and solemnly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. That day will come soon when evil will be wiped off our society and relax and take a breath as that sigh of relief has come.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2018

Cautious and careful. Nowadays, police must be constantly on guard. Danger and peril seem to easily find one another and feed off of each other's ways. At least you tried your utmost to save and serve Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook. The consummate public servant full of compassion along with honesty, integrity and dignity. When one is replete with heroism and character it makes fighting off mayhem and kayos a tad less complicated. Though, you never took things for granted and for this humanity salutes your courage and wisdom. If you stay the courses of being humble and carrying humility as you proudly wore your badge of boldness, Officer Cook, then God will bless your mortal soul of serenity as you graced your community with your inspiring presence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2018

The newspaper captions read officer gives life for his community. The true is your trust and tenacity, Officer Cook, surely shielded all Dade County folks from much further harm. Evil is not humanity's friend, it's an albatross that wraps its ugliness around those neighborhoods looking just for some spiritual relief and a little peace and unity. Bringing us together, Officer Cook, utilizing your honor, bravery and integrity only made you a more accomplished and dignified public servant. Only your consideration, kindness and concern was among your best assets in this battle over terror. heaven has you and your beloved soul, Officer Cook, with character and your both unwavering and unselfish resolve can you protect us while patrolling those pearly gates of gallantry. Your grace and humility steered your passions and journeys in a life and a career hushed by the awful sounds of gunfire and kayos that day of May 16,1979, when we pay homage to a hero and his meaningful legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2018

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