Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Our society today seems like a giant maze. A plethora of everything we would like to be safe and prosperous. But, wickedness wants to step and crush all our dreams, goals, aspirations and pure desires humble and esteemed. Dade County was where your spot here in your cherished community will remain heroic, honored and forever dignified seeing you were the consummate man of substance and heart, Officer Cook. Your family and peers will never let you down carrying your legacy as they pursue their lives and dreams. today as was the case forty-three years ago you'll remain an inspiration ofvirtue, ingenuity and intuition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2022

Spirit is an airline. Yours, Officer Cook, flies heroically straight to the skies above. A first class gentleman devout, faithful and determined to fight crime which saving and preserving the lives of citizens living in and around Dade County. Such a decent man gallant and solid in all the columns of courage, dignity and the humility of heart and character. A sounding board who embraced his chosen passions joyfully and who never be more saluted for inspiring us to follow in your humbly paved footsteps. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2022

Opportunity sometimes just knocks once on the door. You must be prepared to answer the calls of duty, dignity and integrity which you did, Officer Cook, honorably, heroically and with a humble heart and soul. They persevered and steered evil away from the residents of Dade County to be cherished as you remain an angel of perfection patrolling the streets above. Character that was devoted. Conviction true and faithful. Commitment that was unselfish, tireless and unwavering. Your family, comrades and friends all salute and always pay homage to your memory and its spirit which keeps their missions here aglow. Virtue and wisdom that gave devotion and determination that discipline to succeed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2022

Trouble never followed you, Officer Cook. Tenacity was the spirit for which your soul and heart both gentle and sincere preserved your beloved community. You took pride every second you donned your uniform and badge. Dade County will cherish your life, career and esteemed family who marches onward. Time never ceases. Your life now heroic and angelic will be earmarked by homage and humility. You sustained us and your family, your mother and father, faithful, devout and humble raised you and your big sister, Nancy with class, decency and desire to help their fellow human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2022

Complications cannot be ignored. The complexion must be resolved in an orderly fashion without delay. Dade County was your onus, Officer Cook, where your heroic deeds sincerely loyal and esteemed. The people who depended upon your instincts of ingenuity, intuition and intelligence all supported by honor, dignity and integrity will always be admired. A decent man who protected with his heart and soul all professional and unwavering. History will remember a quality man born into a genuinely beloved home with manners and distinguished morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2022

No dreaming. No just going through the motions. Every watch emotion, empathy and a passion driven to succeed make up your heroic life, career, Officer Cook. Forever a Dade County hero whose dignity fit the criteria of someone who had integrity, honesty and everything true on his lips. We live because you cared were concerned and demonstrated manners, courtesy and politeness no matter the circumstance. Danger impales us and you imparted wisdom, a sense of fairness and the emotional wit that balanced your very treasured life and all too short a career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2022

Great women and great men produce without fanfare. Heroism is humility and heart carried by the pillars of dignity, integrity and reverent character. Your stoic and valued life and career, Officer Cook, remains cherished and an essential part of a legacy steeped in humbleness that shielded us here in Dade County from the throes of tragic adversity. You'll be saluted and remembered solemnly as a servant who was passionate and took his duties most responsibly and was relied upon to gave an assist whenever called upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character that was consecrated. Commitment accentuated. And truthfully trusted convictions that are perpetual in your family lighting the torches of your established legacy, bold, virtuous and wise.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2022

I saw on an officer's stone, words are but leaves, deeds are the fruit. Surely as the sun rises today, Officer Cook, everything you were honored for: honesty, sacrifice, dignity, integrity and dedication has been cherished, admired and loyally carried forward by your family members as your legacy grows. Heaven gained an angel of character, trust and true commitment that was taken from you as your family mourned your loss. Society and your department lost a valued and distinguished warrior who revamped the landscape and streets of Dade County with the exemplary examples of morals, humility and a graceful heart and soul of virtue and wisdom. Badge#1664 was worn with unselfish effort, undying perseverance and tireless energy that protected us and gave us a semblance of tranquility and stability from an accountable public servant of passion and precision. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2022

The paths and trails have been kept warm and alive by your spirit and soul, Officer Cook. For the citizens of Dade County have never forsaken you. Patrolling with passion, perseverance and every glance of galvanizing goodwill, loyalty and esteem so treasured and adored. You were young yet bold. A gentleman filled with every pride and character entail. Never a moment without saluting your disposition and commitment to excel in the basics of battling evil. It robbed your family, peers and friends of a truly warm and embracing fellow. The pillows you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero are holy and now as an angel God's loving kindness wraps its arms around you for eternal safekeeping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2022

To stay vigilant is a constant reminder of what you accomplished and how dangerous your important position of honor, truth and trust were about, Officer Cook, as you went about your sacred duties to keep peace here in Dade County. A circle of friendship came about because you gained reverence, wisdom and maturity beyond your years for having and keeping basic skills of integrity and dignity that are your cornerstones to be solemnly honored and saluted for their virtue and valor. You gave your life, saved lives in the process of your heroic and noble actions of awareness and vision. Never delayed never derailed, you went right into the source of the problem. This is why God has rewarded your spirit and soul which fly high and were surely enriching. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2022

Rivers run deep with plenty of water engulfing them. Such is a young man filled with the scents of pride and morals, those were your legacy, Officer Cook, they remain cherished and vital forever as your family carries your dignity, integrity and blessed acumen everyday with them as their hearts and souls live on in happiness, health and gratefulness. You continue receiving God's fortitude for having the humility to function despite peril looking to block your trails and paths of true and trusted loyalty to your comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County will always remember your kindness and decency spread far and wide.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2022

We walk, talk and live because of great men like you, Officer Cook, who served the noble purposes of humanity. Not only a big old smile, a man affixed on a mission to fix the ailments that have slowed down the positive climbs of our world. Tranquility and assurance is a tall order to ask from decent and desirable servants such as yourself who gave Dade County and its people a fighting chance to survive. You'll always be saluted and honored for having blessed humbleness, a heart and soul where integrity, virtue and dignity never departed. Badge#1664 was respect, genuine and intuitive all in God's sacred name where your earthly journeys never were better. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2022

One day a most petulant world will become more at rest from all this wickedness. Terror, turmoil and torment deliver a beating that not always heals with time. Moments, seconds and minutes all count, you made the most of them, Officer Cook, heroically displaying the wares of honor, integrity and dignity that stood toe to toe with foe whose voracious appetite to commit crime was overwhelming. You voice, calmness and reasoning all were because of your tireless and unselfish heart and soul that are now part of heaven's base of angels all soaring higher. Stellar character, stoic commitment and sterling convictions all truth and trustworthy provide the essential basis for your life and career with reverence, gratitude and endearment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2022

Security and serenity need constant elevation. For only mankind, society and humanity rely upon the most honorable resources of dedicated heroes and heroines. Dade County was embraced by your loving esteem, cherished passions and smile yet serious demeanor, Officer Cook, that was sincere, beloved and virtuous. For if integrity, character and dignity falter then violence and its associated evil would have free space to dash the hopes, dreams and aspirations of our very world. You created and distributed everything meaningful in peace, stability and accountability despite being under terrible adversity that afternoon of May 16,1979 when your family, department and the entire police world lost a gallant and well versed gentleman of boldness, wisdom and enhancement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2022

Poise and fearlessness were some of your many heroic attributes, Officer Cook, more importantly Dade County will never forget your unassuming and unselfish work ethics that protected them for evil. Our very stability and harmony all coming together because of humble dignity, integrity and character. You built a foundation of faithfulness, hope and goodwill to shine on forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue, wisdom and loyalty directed mankind to provide the essential basis for sanctity and liberty to pour forth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2022

An apple is a shiny fruit. A polished public servant is humble human being. your honor, service and dignity, Officer Cook, put serenity and security forth here in Dade County to be heroically saluted for it captured your unwavering character, commitment and your faithful convictions of everything in the words of truth and trust. Wisdom, vision and maturity were the bonds of your energy and unselfish fortitude. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2022

Valor and virtue are honor's codes of reverence, dignity and integrity all which were in your heroic heart and soul, Officer Cook and Dade County will not forget. You were the apple of your parents' eyes, sister and beloved Karen. Forty-three years is a long time and your sacrifice that delivered peace and quiet won't be overlooked as we salute your spirit and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2022

The world could certainly use more politeness and courtesy. Your manners and decency, Officer Cook, knocked on many doors brokering our very serenity and humility here in Dade County. Integrity clear as day. Dignity and respect always esteemed, loyal and quite cherished. We salute your bravery, dedication and virtue all from your tireless fortitude. Your family misses you very much and your beloved parents along with yourself are forever cradled in God's loving arms of compassion, truth and perfection as angels now. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2022

Your easy disposition, Officer Cook, was all humility, heart and heroic. Exactly what Dade County needed yet you were consummate, fair and firm in all your essential duties. Danger and peril make for a tough time and your life and career were dignified and filled with integrity that was character, commitment and conviction. The cornerstones of courage, care and concern were enhancing and mot uplifting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2022

Poise and fearlessness were some of your many heroic attributes, Officer Cook, more importantly Dade County will never forget your unassuming and unselfish work ethics that protected them for evil. Our very stability and harmony all coming together because of humble dignity, integrity and character. You built a foundation of faithfulness, hope and goodwill to shine on forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue, wisdom and loyalty directed mankind to provide the essential basis for sanctity and liberty to pour forth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 19, 2022

You can offer a hero's welcome to another officer from your department. Detective Cesar Echaverry passed from a gunshot wound he received while protecting Dade County from a robber. Just twenty-nine and also a young man filled with poise, passion and honesty just as you were filled with. Dignity, integrity and your crusading character uplifted mankind and surely enriched our lives as your values, morals and mettle still keep your family moving forward with your legacy bonded in hope, truth and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, your faith and heroism are always greeted by God and His heroic angels, a flock of ferocity so heart warming and invigorating.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2022

One small step for mankind when astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin landed and walked on the moon. Big and humbly honored steps you took, Officer Cook, to heroically rid Dade County of torment and problems. A man so relied upon because of your stoic nature, virtue, wisdom and dignity answered that last call where integrity and character accentuated fairness, firmness and dogged determination. As I was driving near Liberty City on my way to Naples I drove by NW 17th Ave did not turn left as I have been by the street sign marked with your name Officer William C. Cook Street a few times in the past. You were surely consummate in every detail, nuance and every way of admiration and sincere gratitude. Life is surely not a game and when off duty one can laugh and enjoy the times off. You, Officer Cook, administered truth and trustworthiness to be saluted forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2022

Rest and relaxation for those who acquitted themselves as role models. You were just that and will forevermore be that source of light, hope and goodwill so faithful and so honest. A man who was the beacon of pleasure and joy you brought to your family and beloved Karen. Integrity and dignity for eternity perpetuate you sacred name, Officer Cook. A true warrior and a first class gentleman founded in the principles of perseverance and reverence toward your fellow officer and citizen. Dade county will live by your heroism and exemplary life and career authentically cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A tunnel of tenacity, a treasure chest of warm and emotional memories of a thoughtful and resourceful human being.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2022

Every action your family solemnly demonstrates is for you, Officer Cook, "Uncle Bo" remains entrenched within their hearts and minds. Their hero who was blessed with acumen and awareness seeing the big picture of what needed to be completed in order for Dade County's own to prosper, thrive and to be able to leave safely. Badge#1664 was genuine honor, solid character and commitment to being dignified and a man devoutly dedicated to his chosen profession. The branches and roots of integrity, diligence and vigilance were planted tirelessly long before you were conceived. The loyalty and esteem all coming from a wonderful upbringing and an environment where accountability and versatility all met together with your virtue and maturity beyond your years of accepting such a perilous position you took to heart to restore, reclaim and to revive us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2022

Your spirit remains perpetual in God's greenest of gardens, Officer Cook, Forever a real horrible day and a loss not only to your esteemed and most adored family, your department and the entire police world and humanity lost a truly humble, blessed and trusted soul with a big heart to match. Serenity, sanctity and sincerity all marked your paths of righteousness where dignity, character and integrity followed throughout your life of virtue, wisdom and responsibility. The angels above can surely soar, fly and keep walking their beats of distinction for defining the words of ingenuity and intuition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 18, 2022

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