Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

As tenants of Dade County the citizens expect prompt and reliable service punctuated by the persistent sounds of silence. No gunfire, nothing but safe and secure voyages wherever they travel to. You aided your comrades, Officer Cook, greatly in this matter, a most pressing public servant of honesty and principles of character, convictions and the virtues of dignity and integrity. It all most be applied if one's heroic acumen and humility are to stand the tests of time. Your family knows your treasured soul of labor and wisdom sleep soundly under those perfect of foundations. A most saluted legacy bounded by the resolving commitment and the transparency of trust for saving and preserving the vision of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were always a decent and brave human being, Officer Cook. Our Master knows what He is doing. Though, your profound loss has left your family, friends and colleagues stunned even after all these decades when you served with humble distinction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2019

Willful and rude behavior can at times lead to wanton and heinous violence which can blow the top off of a community desiring quiet and serenity. Dade County was heroically protected by yourself, Officer Cook, fearless and unassuming whose humility helped to shelter humanity. You kept your poise and wits about you while defending our liberties. Vigilance as good as it gets and so was your integrity, dignity and thoughtfulness, the rock of your character and due diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family carries your badge of pride with resounding faith and a renewal of good cheer and prosperity for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2019

You round those corners and you'll never know who lurks behind those shrubs. The bushes contain at times evil which must be truly eradicated from our nation. A community deserves happiness and the chance to upright their ships. Violence cannot allow a venue to sink or heaven forbid drawn in unrelenting torment. Great women and men with inspiring wisdom and vision coming from their honor,humility and dignity laid down their lives so we can function and continue with our destinies. God directs and helps to steer our rudders where relief and resourcefulness are waiting to board. Dade County stood firmly by your exploits of pride and excellence, Officer Cook, forever a hero of esteem and affection. Family, peers and friends alike have remembered your wonderful disposition full of compassion and the tenacity to do battle with an adversary of large measures. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero,

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2019

Learn from leaders. Teach by example. Exemplify excellence in all your efficient efforts when handling every situation placed before you. A young man and a gentleman whose warrior mentality and maturity carried great weight in Dade County. Your life and career, Officer Cook, had the four corners of honor, integrity, vision and dignity which fought long and hard for our stability and harmony. badge#1664 had the wisdom, clarity and the goodwill to make America great one more. Taken away by evil you'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook, only saluted for courage and humility just from your caring heart of principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2019

Destiny carries with it huge onuses of responsibility and the humility attached at its sides. On your humble chest, Officer Cook, was your badge of bravery and boldness tied together by your excellent and unassuming mettle and character. The values that honor and integrity ring in as dignity leads all decent and mature men and women through peril. You traveled on Dade County streets, Officer Cook, for an all important mission and that was to set up and seal the necessary cornerstones in place for the very next generation. One you should have been the opportunity to witness and to carry on with further fruition. Our Creator has resolve, humbleness and of course very humane souls of heroic proportions in heaven where they walk that proverbial beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2019

Dignity and integrity are not to be ambushed while any public servant is out patrolling for serenity and safety. The streets of Dade County were under your watchful eyes, Officer Cook, forever a legend whose heroism on our behalf brought a new dawning. Day after day your journeys had a more profound meaning and the reasons were because of your humility central to your honesty, dignity and faithful perseverance which led you and others, Officer Cook, through the thick and thin of terror and violence. You did your role with class and the character that only excellent conviction and humanely valiant commitment bring forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The honor roll of heroic angels rests soundly in their most practical resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2019

The fuselage of ferocity and fearless resolve can't be lost in the translation whenever a public servant goes out to pursue evil. Peace and happiness are the desired traits of a joyful existence. You made goodwill and brokered stability and nothing but good relations, Officer Cook, for everyone in Dade County. Our cheerful moments are because of your unwavering and very humble honor, integrity and dignity which was held by Our Master within your caring heart. Humility and civility must mature as one entity if our foundations are to stay cemented down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Deep down desire, determination and steadfast dedication have made you a truly admired hero who is so dearly missed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 16, 2019

Foundations laid down by ferocity not floundering around like a fish out of water. The streams of harmony and freedom flowed like a river for those inhabiting here in Dade County. Your breath of relief, Officer Cook, made that change as did your outstanding courage, dignity and integrity. Honor and its humility stayed tied together. Never forgotten and always fondly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2019

Violence builds up a grime that is sometimes hard to remove. That being aside, your fruitful journeys, Officer Cook, provided a glimpse into the future of Dade County and its citizens. One made brighter if you were here complete with your smile and honesty which made for better days ahead. Integrity, dignity and humility concentrated on fulfilling your childhood dreams of success and a little sanctity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2019

Dark and dreary, there must be before light and joy takeover as our mainstay of life. Dade County was filled with your heroic acts, Officer Cook and the resolving commitment to honesty and the importance of focusing on integrity and dignity. Loyal and poignant and ever so engaging which is greatly missed today and everyday while your missions have left an indelible mark on society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2019

Your instincts were excellent, Officer Cook, during your life and career as was your service to all Dade County. It was about character, dignity and honorable integrity that saved the day for those whom you distributed humility and the prowess of peace and unity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2019

The citizens have experienced a revelation of sorts thanks in large part to your heroic effects, Officer Cook. Dade County believed and saw your humility directly everyday you patrolled the large corridors and corners where evil was looking to strike. Courage and conviction along with some boldness and honesty allowed your dignity and integrity the freedom by which to move. Only the best of morals, values and the scruples for which all designated public servants must act if violence is to be deterred from humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2019

Dearly beloved and dearly reverent, your gained the confidence and respect of the entire police nation and in Dade County, Officer Cook, for being a man of his word and the wisdom to help lead other peers through peril and harm. Nothing better than being composed in honesty, character, decency and dignity, it's integrity's way of leading a resourceful and devoted young man down Our Master's pathways in life. Your heroism and actions that day and everyday, Officer Cook, are the links to a happier future, though it will always be a crying shame you could not experience more substance in your family's joy and aspirations. A warrior forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2019

Whether baking or broiling in a hot sun, police always seem to face the most adverse conditions, but this is the job they always wanted to become and now it's time to put feelings aside and diligently pursue terror and evil. Your life and career, Officer Cook, had everything to look forward to. That terrible day you and your comrades faced was just a tragic few minutes especially for your beloved family and esteemed colleagues who gave their entire beings for the residents of Dade County to be safe and serene. Enhancement for a lifetime with your prints of perseverance and resolve, Officer Cook, inscribed and etched upon them. Humanity is indebted for your heroism and civility, Officer Cook. Untangling the unthinkable and doing so with undying and unselfish maturity and bravery says enough. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2019

Those bonds of boldness and bravery were surely wrapped tightly around your waist, Officer Cook, a true legend and hero of all Dade County and humanity. The sum of your outstanding work, Officer Cook, has been rewarded by Our Creator as it had the affections of acumen, awareness and loyalty pinned to your badge of humility and courage. To battle a foe with all your might and mettle says a lot regarding your honor, dignity and integrity. Never a finer man. Never a more gallant and dedicated man of goodwill whose spirit continues this day taking flights over our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2019

It's easy to lose your train of thought, but a duly affirmed woman or man of integrity, commitment and dignity cannot ever lose track of those essential assignments that have a direct affect on the landscapes of serenity and security. Your missions here in Dade County, Officer Cook, were broad and far reaching and their consequences had the greatest effort poured into our solace and tranquility. Your tenacity, Officer Cook, was just what the people needed to thrive and to be able to live freely and with nothing but happiness on their horizons. The gates of Our Lord's palaces are lined by golden and sacred paths of which your heroic humility is now and forever stored for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2019

The menace that is mayhem and violence causes a medley of adverse problems for our society which is looking for a little peace and harmony. Your trips and journeys on behalf of Dade County were to place dignity and integrity back into humanity, Officer Cook. a true hero, humble and humane who has been fondly remembered for saving and serving those folks living in a community where you grew up and willingly accepted the roles of a public servant. A man of vision, wisdom and character will be so honored for having the courage and patience to attempt to secure our freedoms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2019

Police look to red flag ruination and eliminate a force that can be destructive upon society's peace and unity. Thank God for you, Officer Cook, the right man for a job of honor and dignity. Humanity will glorified by your gallantry and unselfish character and humility. Serenity and safety were a mainstay of your life and career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2019

take hold of dignity and integrity, grasp it as firmly as honesty, you'll be surprised at the results you'll receive . Your days and career, Officer Cook, were dealt digging and plugging away at evil. Dade County was suffering from a young man's outrage at police and that will never excuse his wicked and callous actions. Your family and comrades have duly honored your soul of serenity as it brought joy and humility to all who befriended you, Officer Cook. We are less safer and heaven is got a one heck of a humble and loyal man of devotion and faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2019

Just think if charisma and charm alone could wipe out and destroy evil then what a relief! Your heroic humility and honor, Officer Cook, was just the elixir for the violence that disturbed the Dade County community that tragic day and others as well. You can be sure humanity will take note and salute your mettle, character and steadfast commitment to excellence and the right to be liberated from an archenemy such as terror. Never a finer gentleman of gallantry and the talents that made you a supremely capable public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2019

Mankind does not like meandering. Travel for a purpose and be tenacious in your enthusiasm. Police work made you a very humble and proud soul of gallantry, Officer Cook. Dade County reveres its women and men who display that certain intrinsic integrity and commitment to values and scruples. They were learned and shared in the Cook Home and never left able side, Officer Cook. Our prosperity and tranquility is because of your dedicated and highly sought after leadership of other comrades. Through ice, hot, cold whatever you led by example and for having honor on your chest of resolve. A very blessed hero to be shared and spoken about. Those memories your family and peers have, Officer Cook, terror can take away your truth, trust and ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Have a desire and go leaps and bounds after your aspirations.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2019

Bridging that generational gap takes all the skill and effort that any self-serving man of adventure can pour into his labors of love and admiration. You were a hard working and motivated officer, Officer Cook. Highly devoted, esteemed by the quality of character and serving his commitments with all the dignity and integrity one can bring to his post. Pristine and crisp was the badge and uniform you donned on a daily basis, 0fficer Cook, to lessen the blows of baboon who looks to wreck havoc upon us. We take some solace that God is blessing your most heroic soul of efficiency, one that resolved and tried his utmost to calm down those who tempers were frayed. Always fondly remembered and for having humility may God's grace shine on thee. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2019

Bananas come in bunches. What all duly honest men and women need the most of is: honor, dignity, integrity and the boldness that all brave and capable servants possess in this seemingly never completed war over adversity and its undeniable evil. Your family, Officer Cook, shared you with society for twenty-five years and a quarter of your life was spent protecting our harmony and togetherness right here in Dade County. Never one to usurp authority nor one looking for more power your humane and heroic life, Officer Cook, made humanity more empowered and brought hope for a safer future where our journeys have kept moving forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You deserved more life, Officer Cook, I'm not and we are not God, the Master Judge who decides our destinies of fairness and fate. Though you were a very devout and faithfully loyal colleague.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2019

Hunches won't get you heroism. It is worked for and earned by virtue of one's honest and humanely humble endeavors. Your job, roles and tasks , Officer Cook, were to make Dade County and its confines comfortable and courageously safer for all mankind. For having the outstanding character and clarity may God bless your soul of humility, the very being that has driven hope and a renewed sense of purpose and reason back into our community. Men and women who understand why security and serenity must be won over in this never ending war over wickedness are the truly trusted heroes who will be rewarded for their resolving work effort. You displayed vision and wisdom, maturity beyond your years, Officer Cook, to be so honored forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2019

Brothers and sisters devoting themselves to the causes of peace and decency, you were among the many heroes of Dade County law enforcement, Officer Cook, with a badge and pristine image, your honor, integrity and dignity to support your travels in tenacity and resolve. Always the finest character. care and concern for a community that so humbly honors your humility and noble deeds on our behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearing and engaging that happy smile is surely missed though Our Master has all that sheltered for safekeeping in His eternal headquarters of perfection and perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2019

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