Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Yield to pedestrians. Never give in or capitulate to callousness. Learn from your miscues and become a much better human being. You lived,learned and went through all the ropes, Officer Cook, making you a more conditioned and more seasoned veteran officer who protected Dade County and its interests. Safety, peace and liberty all by your adoring character and staunch commitment to truth and the excellence of humanity. Humility carries its humble weight around those circles were not many have travelled. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2019

One is livid when their authority is usurped. To undermine women and men of dignity and bravery in their spirited pursuits of hope, goodwill and faith becomes just wrong and unimaginable. Your happiness and good health, Officer Cook, came to be because of your undying will to fight those seemingly impossible to win battles over evil. An illustration of your articulation was your compassion to deliver on your word of boldness shadowing your bravery on behalf of Dade County. A product of a happy home where dignity, honesty and character reigned down on both you and Nancy because of your upbringing. Your peers, family and friends have not forgotten for your heroic missions to protect and save the quality of life. It was your heart of humility and courage from your civility that unlocked these chains where freedom ma ynow roam. Go with the flow and don't forget badge#1664 and its fierce warrior, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2019

One polishes a car and adds a little wax for shining. You never needed buffing or motivating as your badge of humility, honor and morals, Officer Cook, shined through. And so did your uniform worn smartly, expertly and with all the know how that makes any officer worth their salt. You were designed and driven, Officer Cook, to navigate the venues, locales and corners of Dade County as a peacekeeper of our serenity and stability. A tall order for a born leader of others. Confronting evil and its confounding mysteries takes all the mind and skill to perform a job not so routine. You were measured in your voice. Deliberate in heroic actions and calming when it came time to seek justice, trust and truth. Always dearly remembered and diligently honored for valor and the vision that has steered humanity proudly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2019

Dade County with all its scenery and sights and sounds, still has some scary times with evil and mayhem lurking in the weeds. It was up to you, Officer Cook, to trim and prune their trees and bushes of their terror. To hunt and fight with your unwavering might every potential roadblock that would impede the flow of ferocity and good cheer for mankind. You take a man;s cunning resolve and unlimited supply of resourcefulness and mesh it together with his decent devotion to duty, his dignity and integrity to compose himself at all times with scruples and humility. Makes you feel humble as to why you were so heroic and dynamic in your dedication to your colleagues, department and to us, Officer Cook. Serving with distinction, class and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2019

The passage of time never lessens one's humble accomplishments. It rather makes note that the loss of a loved one should be duly honored. After all you gave up your life, Officer Cook. You had the same freedoms when you were off duty, the same honor and intellect poured into your labors of love and esteem. Dade County had its share of tussles, your tenacity helped to bridge those gaps and lead in turn to security, safe passages and the goodwill of humanity. It's in your genes of grace and good name that a hero of your professional status is celebrated and saluted mightily for your endearing and enhancing attempts to tame and calm down folks with tempers and certain troubles that precede them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2019

One God. Four corners of the universe. Honor. Integrity. Dignity. Character. Four sides to any public servant and surely brave as warrior and hero would be. Gallantry, humility and blessings served Dade County as you drove on your patrols from evil and pursuits of pleasure for all mankind, Officer Cook. Summoned by Our Maker, your cherished soul resolved, refined and relieved us of some of our burdens that violence causes. The bold and committed. they reap what they sow. Heaven shines brighter with your soul, Officer Cook and those who wear their angels proudly and ever so smartly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2019

With winter still in the air, the snow that falls from the skies above maybe that reminder of that hot and sunny day of May 16,1979, when Liberty City was the scene of an ugly domestic incident in which you gave your young life, Officer Cook, enriched in honor and humbleness to save lives. The residents and your comrades of your department in Dade County who were under the siege of a troubled man.God holds the keys to our journeys, missions and destinies of fate and goodwill so one must live their life as joyfully and with every ounce of integrity and dignity being spread far and wide inthe good name and graces of Our Master. Your treasured character, Officer Cook, is now in that perfect line of defense as you are resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2019

The gallant always have their humility stored in God's home s of resourcefulness. No better a venue for the gentle souls of serenity and honor to rest while giving their lives for our peace and tranquility. You bared your soul for Dade County to prosper and function freely, Officer Cook and shall be commended. Service and wisdom are the by-products of integrity and dignity and nothing stopped you, Officer Cook, from your appointed rounds of resolve each day. Life was lived to its fullest never knowing when God would call for your beloved soul of mettle and morals. At least you are one of many heroes and heroines in Dade County who are to be etched and humbly saluted for humanity's peace of mind and for the sake of the heavens above. Your soul glides freely among the pure and diligent brothers and sisters who too sacrificed for the goodwill of society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2019

Police agencies prepare and groom the next batch of honorable and brave souls who stand ready to battle evil and its confounding terror. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, is forever proudly with your family members as they and your comrades truly remember while mourning your heroic loss to humanity. By the guises of grace and humane service do the people of Dade County humbly honor your very blessed soul of affection and esteem. You were the consummate servant ready to go out and defend our liberties and freedoms. Unity is not just liberally handed out as it must be shared and cared for just as life and property must be solemnly respected. A man of commitment and character who championed peace and prosperity for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our foundations today were as a result of your dedication decades ago. Tireless and unwavering endeavor no questions need to be asked!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2019

There are no free passes noerexemptions to gaining entrance into the sacred world of police work. Public service entails many facets of life and service. For those who willingly sign their names on the dotted lines of devotion and desire, they recognize and understand all the risks and dangers involved. You wanted to become an officer, Officer Cook. No one tried to drive you away from your God given talents and honesty. Your bravery and integrity are to be cherished and solemnly remembered, saluted gallantly for having the character and class to help rid us in Dade County of unrelenting ruination. The evil perpetrated by one man that set off a terrible chain of events that tragic day of May 16,1979. A hero and a humble warrior of humility and civility forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You sleep soundly in God's perfect domain of truth and trust.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2019

The very same basic training is required of all officers and recruits. It's very sad so many dying from illnesses in the line of duty. Though, we try to understand that Our Creator only takes the very soundest, the humblest and the most honored heroes to their next destination for a more difficult and challenging task. Heaven awaits those pure souls of perseverance and bravery who laid their dignity, humility and integrity on the battlefront in an effort to defeat wickedness. You fought for us here in Dade County, Officer Cook, a wise gentleman beyond your maturity staying the trails of tenacity and resolve which your vision of yesterday paved for those who have succeeded you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2019

Securing those posts of serenity with only the humble honor and dignity, you gave your colleagues and department nothing but the best, Officer Cook, in heroic and humane integrity which allowed the citizens of Dade County to be free of worry. Never overlooked for stellar character and the vision that lead your pursuits of happiness and joy while trying to stop evil, God has your soul of humility ably tucked away along with other noble souls who gave their lives for the very same foundational reason and that was to make humanity more safer and sound. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2019

You shoot and kill any police officer that penalty has got to be the harshest, the severest and the stiffest for what you did. To undo the honesty and to demean the integrity and character of any public servant would be sinister and like an execution of the public trust, truth and justice for all. Tenacity is never to be scorned at. Resolve is not to be devalued. Morals and refined character are not to be forgotten. Your life and public service career, Officer Cook, was entrusted to you as a symbol of serenity and hopeful courage on behalf of Dade County, society, mankind and humanity preserved by a face of humility , candor and its verbalization of messages and lessons now being passed down from Our King's court. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

Kites fly. Tenacity soars. Honesty hovers as it supports the pillars of dignity and integrity. With a measured and humble tone of passion and persistence did you lead men and women, Officer Cook, through the combat zones of repulsive actions while preserving the ingenuity and character of Dade County and society in general. Gifted with tools of resourcefulness, your values and hopes were our dreams riding on your sleeves of salvation and heroism. You'll be glad your family humbly carries on with their fortitudes and for having great acumen and the humility to carve a place in heaven for sacrifice and service may your gallant and blessed spirit rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

The echo of one's voice is that charming moment when memories come back again. The sweet smile and your friendly disposition, Officer Cook, your family and friends have those to share forever. Evil, hatred, and violence that took you from your loved ones and this humanity, your soul went straight up to heaven where your Creator awaited your coming with open arms. You did justice and truth in the good name of all Dade County and we the ordinary citizens can say thanks. Thanks to your honor,integrity and humble esteem, dignity and character you saved the day that tragic day. Never forgotten and humbly and most proudly saluted and given homage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

You get a badge of humility, a uniform of pride utilized to serve the public, a patrol unit to driver around making split second decisions that can cost a life. And of course if you partner with someone, someone to watch over, the two of you. That fateful day, Officer Cook,did not know until I read your story completely that Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln was your designated partner who drove with the department once or twice a month. We the people here in Dade County were given very experienced care and protection. Our peace of mind and harmony were instrumental in our fruitions going forward. Absolutely, appalling that your life, Officer Cook, ended, all that honesty and justifiable dignity and integrity to support your every move. God keeps perfect track and records inthe desires and heroic mentions of his beloved troops of tenacity. The best of the best in conviction, humility and the wiseness of your clarity and vision. A trusting word of truth for tomorrow and generations beyond. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I know, Officer Cook, what a wonderful young man you were and you missed and I'm not sorry for balling like a baby in your parents' home. Gina, your niece knew how much it affected me and her comforting me with a hand around my shoulder. I brought her and Trevor and the kids doughnuts from Krispy Creme up the block and kicked a soccer ball in their yard with your great-nephew, Legend. Exactly who you were and what Dade County etches permanently in their hearts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

Riding in on a blaze of glory sure sounds nice, better yet, patrol humbly and honorably during the course of your shift and believe me, Dade County and its people were served by a strong and heroically calm man of sense of purpose. Officer Cook, a t 2:11 pm on May 16,1979, you saved the day for all mankind. Your character, commitment and values made your dignity and integrity more humane and gallant than ever. The sounds of gunfire are not pleasant and to watch a man give his life or her life for your community says plenty regarding resolve, resolution and the endeavor humanity calls upon from its bold and resilient public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The end of the trail and the beginnings of the afterlife where you now, Officer Cook, don those angel wings for eternal safekeeping to navigate around Our Lord's pearly gates where the most esteemed and honored roam forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

The spirit of Our Master guides us gently on our way. Our paths preserved by His tender loving care and your gentle breezes, Officer Cook, through a Dade Count y community where you grew up and were raised properly. Manners and honor are the precursors of dignity and integrity, without them terror will just take off and abandon our most beloved and admired of public servants. Without outstanding character, Officer Cook, humility would stay side tracked by impervious doom. We honor and pay homage to a well lived life one with more left to fulfill. Your family has picked up that baton of your legacy carefully, though they all miss you very much. A special gentleman with a decent heart and a soul worth its salt. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

A hero or heroine looks for humility's arms to lean on. They are not yet finished as they look for more work to keep peace and the juices of justice flowing in our society. Dade County treasured you, Officer Cook. Never free lancing and always viewing ways to improve upon your desire to mold and shape the structure of our world with your humble honesty, integrity and the confines of reformed dignity. it's challenging but with a little authority packing wisdom and vision's hands the jobs can get finished and done smartly. Humility sits next to ideals and humanity during those struggles over evil. A very reliable and dependable man with a mission from God and who now strolls ever modestly in His gardens of fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

The ferris wheel spins and where it stops is anybody'd best guess. dangerous as it may be you took your onuses seriously, Officer Cook, as the health and welfare of Dade County's citizens were always on the line. A hero of the highest degree of decency and motivation who by your unwavering and unselfish honor, integrity and dignity tried his best to cancel the callousness created by one individual. Bent on harm or worse, your actions that day, Officer Cook, saved the people and your comrades who were your partners in this world where humanity awaited your unending presence. A courage and charisma that was best suited to the law enforcement field. You can be sure you'll be solemnly honored and cherished as a soul who dared and cared, went out and did your best even though violence took your life and career before you knew it. You were devout and went about your business just as all women and men do, confidently and in a composed manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

The control should be in the officer's soul. This outrageous sense of hopelessness. Society shall never have to experience the doldrums of dishonest persons stooping so low to commit actions of evil. And yet for all the prayers, faithfulness and devotion we must worry if our loved ones will return home safe and sound. Never a more mild mannered young man full of resolve and reverence respected by his peers and supervisors who witnessed a genuine hero among them. Your blessed name, Officer Cook, will be held in high esteem and in honor. Dade County was indeed privileged to see your smiling face and inspiration of integrity crossing ways with the wicked looking to halt their advances. The ingenuity, dignity and character always out in full force. Only charging forward and bringing safety to all. Your voyages, Officer Cook, were of virtue and valor, the founding stones for our biggest steps forward yet. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

Police are intuitively reinventing something everyday that helps them make neighborhoods safer and more sound. You did marvelous things, Officer Cook, on Dade County's behalf, never more savvy, moxie and mettle. the beauty of dignity and honor are that they are not rivals competing one against the other. They are tools of resourcefulness to be used humbly and wisely when the public's trust and security are at risk. And just like integrity must be handled carefully. We salute your skills and excellent foundations, Officer Cook, that uplifted the spirits of all humanity. Cherish your loved ones. Practice the arts of virtue and diligence which has separated them from the rest of society. Evil and violence will soon be weeded out altogether. A worthy man of sacrifice and bravery combining forces to level our playing fields where the young and old can prosper together in unity freed the bonds of deceit and dishonor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

Our Creator's caves of courage,consideration and class are always full of honor, desire, dignity and integrity. Nothing left to chance in this never ending war over deceit and wickedness. You left your heart and soul on Dade County's streets, Officer Cook,nearly forty years ago to save and serve. A man sized onus taken with humanity and humility on your broad shoulders. Danger and evil leave notable marks upon us and your determination saved face. Honored and representing vision and wisdom the morally prudent way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

Never on automatic pilot. Always locked, loaded and full of acumen. It's those keys to why Dade County and its folks, Officer Cook, could lead more productive lives.Honesty is still the best policy. Dignity is always counted on. Integrity is responsibility and vision teaming as one. We hold you in high regard, Officer Cook, for civility, noble deeds and humility. Always thankful and showing respect and gratitude. A job well done. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

If we could reach out and tag along for that ride now what an experience! No harm or hurt can stop your most essential of eternal destinies. Dade County rode with you, Officer Cook, on your most heroic journeys where dignity and integrity combined their forces of ferocity to make our world great once more. Always treasured and full of scruples that explain twenty-five years of hard work and accomplishment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2019

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