Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Dignified men and women cannot patch every hole. They must circulate and do the best job possible. Human beings make miscues and in police work attempting to correct and limit the errors plays a big part in containing violence. You spelled out your goals and dreams, Officer Cook and Dade County's care and esteem were always in your arms and heart. An angel with wings of protection honorably soaring higher each day. Never more perfection in God's houses of trust, truth and faith. Many a person travelled down those roads and many have gumption and humble acumen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2019
Justice can be blind. But sometimes so can truth and trust not have any clear vision. A function of law enforcement is to police not just the areas, but also their own. Sometimes one cannot worry about feelings being hurt. You helped, Officer Cook, tear down those barriers of brazen and barbaric behavior. You acted in a rightful frame of mind at all times and for showing dignity, honor and integrity the ropes may your soul be heroically blessed and we know as does your family, that your revered soul is earning its keep for good work and for producing excellence in the field. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character makes a heart grow stronger by leaps and bounds every moment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2019
Never stoke the coals of provocation, it's the one thing not to do. Let all women and men worth their boldness and honor pursue liberties and tranquility on our behalf. You patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook, with reverence and the eyes of justice looking down upon your sacred trust and truth. Reality is a stark contrast to what bothers us. When evil fires the first salvo we must react swiftly and persuasively. Always well mannered and respected, Officer Cook, for consistent thoughtfulness and the civility for which sanity and gallantry can work hand in hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2019
Never take issue with a person's integrity and humble acumen. Because you see dignity and honesty taking a resourceful public servant way down those lines of resolve. Even when chaos and confusion breakout one must remain affixed on their central obligations as you did so well, Officer Cook, on Dade County's behalf. You saved, served and steered relief and unity back into the flow of civilization. Only the best of many heroes and heroines who have led and inspired his companions to do the very exact thing. We honor and salute humility and humanity for standing tall during terse times when terror looked to unleash its premeditated affects upon society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2019
Your compassion and passion, Officer Cook, were like two life preservers being shown to the people to aid in rescuing all Dade County from unmistakeable trouble. One man causing a ruckus more than one could imagine and holding you and your peers at bay because of something not exactly working properly in his brain. But, you maintained integrity, dignity and honor throughout your ordeal and made us stand and salute real public servants heroically acting their part and providing character, conviction and commitment to pride and excellent service while wearing a uniform of bravery and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One day at a time, though the years have marched on for your family and humble colleagues. All humanity needs is a little encouragement to kick start their day. You never motivating. You had your compass set in a proper course.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2019
Police work is not about showing off nor being frustrated if something does not go right. Instead, try and remain calm and collected, a little thinking may solve your problems. Dade County along with your unwavering participation, Officer Cook, offered and allowed peaceful journeys for its folks. They take your lead and back then others men and women brave and humble took their cues from your honor and integrity, the character of dignity during tense situations. Always saluted for humility and the deep regard for your soul of fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The stars really do look brighter because of your treasured being lighting up a world sometimes cast in shadows of serious trouble.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2019
Unflappable. Unstoppable. Relentless. Never better commitment to honor and dignity, intense integrity, Officer Cook, that kept the streets and corners of Dade County safe. We enjoy our freedoms and they came at your sacrifice where heroes shine on with their heroism and humility forever in God's corners where courage and candor, charmand loyalty now walk that sacred post guarding those pearly gates of gallantry. Serenity and security maybe a bit less. You bridged those gaps with mettle and the goodwill Our Lord placed in your golden heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2019
Your family and the world were very fond of you, Officer Cook, they loved you, cared about you and understood why you wanted to join the police force. You dedicated your abilities to protecting and preserving the integrity of life so happiness, peace and serenity may carry on. Dade County and its citizens honor your dignity and memory every year, saluting and paying homage to a man of intuition and the inventions of classic excellent work. Demonstrating good morals, character and the commitment to make progress a resolve so that society can properly heal from those wounds that evil causes. A world and community lessened by your absence, Officer Cook, grief still overcomes those who suffer from your untimely loss. Humility and accountability were your staples during your career and life and now forever does Our King have those stored for safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Devout and able to lead others through peril and who knows what?
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2019
With a gathering of grace, gallantry and morals, it's the all incomposing honor roll of heroism that sets God's kingdom apart. The men and women who gave their sweat, toil and effort to eradicate and vanquish violence shall be duly noted, saluted for dignity and integrity, remembered for their loved ones whom they left too soon. You guarded all Dade County, Officer Cook, with all your reserve and humanely loyal might. All straight from your caring heart of boldness and the authority to make solutions for harmony and unity a core part of your career and wonderful life. You'll be distinguished for having devotion and faith, common sense and wisdom that brings the very best of vision. Humanity stands and honors your humility, its charm and your passion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 18, 2019
Whether animal or weather related honor and bravery mean the same. To a hero's clan, their plans were placed in Our Master's palms for tender loving and eternal safekeeping. Now and forever does Dade County so proudly honor you,Officer Cook, for esteem and loyal decency, that was your dignity and integrity parting the waywardness of wickedness and wanton mischief. Correct me if I 'm wrong, we honor your scruples, humility free and clear. No better wise man capable of leading his peers through all this disgrace. Desire that coats our land with a promise of joy, even in sorrow, Officer Cook, visions of tomorrow came about through your unselfish inspirations of intellect and that chord of perfect balance to see your life until completion. Such a shame with more left to fulfill. That's in your loving family's giant hands of grit and no quit as this was your motto you took to you rholy grave. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
The bottom of the barrel seems so narrow. Never a moment to despair, because there you were, Officer Cook, the answer to Dade County citizens' prayers. You took a bite out of crime with only the good intentions of ingenuity, integrity and respect. Honor, dignity so poignant and humane. Heroic and having humility, decency never too far. Good morals the fabric of character, commitment and transparency only as true as your trust. The truth of the serenity and safety yours to told to the future of law enforcement, its valiant men and women so refined and resolute. The good vibes of virtue and values so tender and sweet, Officer Cook, your good name is heaven's angel of acumen, not just a word, a measure of humble and loving pursuits that united all young and old their liberty never on hold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
The hallowed halls of humanity house the impeccable heroism, humility and humbly loving esteem of our greatest women and men so dear to our hearts, their families sharing their God given talents and exploit sof effort and efficiency with all whoever lives. We reside in peace and safe havens for your missions of good will and honor, Officer Cook, that has benefited society all these decades. A courageous warrior, so serene and yet your authenticity in motivation and leadership skills, the making of sound and prudent character, it is paid homage today and forever. Sacrifice takes practice, lessons learned so near, Officer Cook, to family and friends you remain so dear. Wings of heroes, angels through and true, never more sadder, your loss so profound and tragic. Doldrums cause dismal times, just look up to the heavens at night, your bright and shiny soul of affection hearkens us back to your time. A watch made steady by sturdy performance and outstanding grit, it is gumption that is not a presumption. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Gallant and graceful, peaceful and crystal clear, God's divine rule makes those inclined to commit evil to rethink their courses. One trail paved , Our Lord took the best, a fine man such as yourself, Officer Cook, you'll only be held in high regard. Service and aiding, patching and dispatching, you were the answer on May 16,1979, your maturity was a testament to your due diligence fresh and unique, with God's blessings your soul is now eternally honored.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
The reflexes of resolve, logic and reason must be spot on. There can be no undermining nor detours in its lofty direction. Dade County persevered, Officer Cook, because of your honesty, integrity and blueprints of bravery, boldness and desires of dignity and wholesome character. Its peace and liberty all remain part of your humbled and most heroic legacy. Never a vacant moment of downtime as evil looked to sweep its way into our community. Your source of sacrifice and upholding what humanity asks of its heroes will be treasured for generations to come, Officer Cook. With bountiful blessings of pride and allegiance, we salute your memory and the vision of which stays imparted within our hearts and minds. Shrewd and sharp. Concentrated and admirable. You stay in your beloved family and soulful colleagues of pride and preservation forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Never by chance, Our Maker's power holds sway and truth to your honorable voyages of vigilance and virtue.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
Sticky and tenuous, that's evil's hold over humanity. Your prompt response, Officer Cook, put an end to a nasty man's terror and torment putting Dade County in the chains of callousness, no freedom left to behold. When integrity and honor are questioned, dignity must came to their aid. A truly humble and heroically blessed man of character, you were not afraid. Unwavering and undaunted in your tasks at hand, to dispel misery and mayhem, unselfish and true to your word. A bond of true brotherhood, the goodwill humane and bold. Humility left for Our Keeper to disperse among His anointed heroes and heroes so brave and strong. No word of decent, their wings surely tight and soaring high and near, the perfect world for a reflective pause for giving them salutes, resolve is quite clear. They will never see a man as strong and valiant as badge#1664, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
God's throng of helpers big and strong, all missed by their families for so long. The brave and bold, their honesty is to be retold. They toiled and sweated, perspired for a just cause, to eradicate terror from our midst. Humble and admired, cherished and resourceful. Never a better man, a true and trusted hero living in our community. Officer Cook, with integrity, wisdom and vision never clearer, it's a shame humanity does not get to ever see your smiling face anymore. As you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, just let the number zero represent the number of violent crimes for your cornerstone was to properly secure and preserve the sanctity of life. A heroic angel forevermore. Truth and justice fairly displayed. Never a partition between yourself and mankind. The wicked will have their day of judgment, the pious their reward of eternity. Keep looking down on us, Officer Cook, one day there will be a final get together! Redemption will be complete.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
Here's a bit of advice for those stoic and humble who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Salute and pay homage to their valor, give honor and resolution to their heroic deeds. Their dignity and integrity live on in their families as their spirits rest on those wings of wonder. Dade County was led by you, Officer Cook and never a shadow of hesitation, a duly proper man of constraint and character who patrolled the streets where violence and evil still stay glued unfortunately to our hopes and dreams. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You satisfied mankind with humility and put up a gallant battle over a wicked adversary.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
An evil person's belligerence is never blessed. But, a righteous man's heart of honor and dignity is rewarded. God's saintly heavens are aglow with the masterful souls of angels, men and women alike who had the same dreams and goals, aspirations that only heroes and heroines of integrity and honor possess. Your inspirations, Officer Cook, lead Dade County through a tough time. Active surveillance and due diligence led to peace and happiness, prosperity and better perseverance. God fortifies the character of one who strives to serve Him faithfully and with loyalty of humble fashion. Today your humility and noble deeds, Officer Cook, rest in the heavenly palace where never a sound can be heard. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
Petty jealousy, baseless hatred and bloodshed of maniacal proportions can and usually does bring down society's primary honor, dignity and integrity. It's sometimes just one rogue and gutless coward who can disgrace humanity. In police work one rotten apple, a police officer going astray can tarnish the fine and outstanding work heroically of others. Sick. Your death, Officer Cook, left a hole in your loving family and brave cohorts who served Dade County with allegiance and acumen. awareness and resolve. This structure brought together the solid foundations of enhancement and so your character, humble and humane soul remains poignantly so honored forevermore. A collection of colossal courage,concern, caring and deep rooted consideration from your adored soul of vigilance and security. From a mature man's gallant heart we find the fight of a life time that spared your community worse problems than the circumstances at the time dictated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Everything to live for dashed in a few seconds of terrible turmoil and unbearable torment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
The zealous don't let up. If anything they keep applying their aptitude and fortitude in doing a grand job of serving and preserving our security and safety. Never letting up, you gave Dade County the very best years of your life and career,Officer Cook. A hero of the highest regard for values and vigilance all channeling themselves through your integrity, honesty and the attributes of dignity. Heroes and heroines give all their character and wisdom to upright a ship floundering on the border of capsizing. Never capitulating to violence your soul, Officer Cook, was filled with humility through esteem and the admiration of staying within the bounds of boldness and its everlasting conviction. Always saluted and so humbly honored for stoic actions that heroically aided and rescued the people and your peers from further mischief and distress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
At times tying one's shoes can be a chore. Service and preservation of life cannot just be a routine or ordinary task. It must be a focused and team effort from any entire bureau. Your comrades, Officer Cook,have paid homage to your life, career and the many memories that are forever etched in your family's soul. A family that believed in faith and being loyally devout to God and above all to commit to do His will. A blueprint you surely followed and lived by its dignity and integrity every moment along with your beloved, Karen. One does not need an hourglass to peek into the future a sit looks positive even with your untimely loss, Officer Cook, taken by wanton evil perpetrated by a most heinous man. Character is supposed to breed humility not contempt. Your enhancements brought humanity round circle in this society in which it is rudely bothered by undue harm from those wanting to commit terror. A life of being a cherished soul who gave Dade County and its residents every conviction of courage and care. Resolve and righteousness now residing in this skies above. The gates of gallantry are glowing from being polished by your perseverance and proficiency, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You deserved better. Our Creator takes care and concern of each of our destinies in life.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
The ropes that one climbs to arrive at the top are sometimes the peaks and valleys which all civilized women and men must travel to arrive at violence's entrance. The exit is also tough at times to leave from. But, with the juices of justice and trust flowing as they did so well within you, Officer Cook, honesty, integrity and its dignity were well served in Dade County as you protected the quality of life. Filled with many missions, journeys all with some trepidation, you navigated bravely and most heroically, Officer Cook as any bold servant would do. God saw your goodwill and expeditions as sadly completed and took your humbleness and humility to a perfect spot where an honor roll of heroic angels awaited your soul of existence and one truly trustworthy in this ever growing battle over terror.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A little resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness do go a long way down those trails of fairness and tenacity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
The pulse of society is expecting every public servant worth their humility, honor and mettle to go out and produce some measure of peace and freedom for all mankind. Your character, Officer Cook, was indeed a blessing for Dade County's folks. Integrity and dignity working together like a well oiled machine. The mechanisms for evil to be stopped and permanently are through those vehicles of vigilance, courage and resolve that extends on the branches of humanity. Heaven has your sweet soul of serenity and trust, truth and tenacity, Officer Cook. You continue to be missed greatly as your family honors your wisdom,vision and maturity in commitment beyond the principles of excellence and pride. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
Evil permeates a world filled with dreams, desires and the promise of peace and goodwill. That spirit is violated whenever a duly affirmed and honorable public servant is taken suddenly from their family and comrades. To usurp authority is one thing, to mastermind violence, casts a dark shadow among those who want tranquility. You did your utmost, Officer Cook, to restore calm, quiet and confidence here in Dade County. Savvy and with honorable dignity and character, your integrity and humility will be remembered and saluted for its morals and heroism. Cherished and widely respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 17, 2019
Sadly today we have people in this world who still have their heads buried in the sand. The sands of time still running and for what it is worth individuals still acting like fools and even worse, committing uninterrupted evil that must be stopped at once. You tried, Officer Cook, to honestly and abruptly stop this man who shot and took your life and nearly those of your peers and the civilians involved in his wanton actions. A man of character, concern and caring humbly and bravely sacrificing for Dade County's visions to march on. Humility and civility acting as a dynamic duo to quash this monster of a foe. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All class and desire, decency and faithful loyalty to mankind. Violence demands a full look never being oblivious.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 16, 2019
The citizenry speak and our most beloved, honest and brave souls of tranquility answer those calls of justice where expediency and trust are essential to the preservation of peace on Earth. Dade County was under the divine and supremely humane heroism of yourself, Officer Cook. A truly dignified legend whose integrity and stellar character brought forth a resilience like no other. Humanity and your humility travelling parallel to persevere and protect us from more danger than we could ever imagine. The roosters crow in the morning and we sleep more soundly and safer at night because of you, Officer Cook, our savior and warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 16, 2019
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