Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Ferocity is not a trip of fame. It is more humbly stated a means of which proper authority is utilized by a brave leader of others in an effort to bring about unity and a stabilizing security. To summarize, your service on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, delivered the resolve that honesty, dignity and integrity pursue the virtues of peace by. A commitment to excellence and forever enhancing our very landscape. Humanity cried out that day and your unassuming and undying humility and civility answered that dire call for help. An SOS that will be promptly and heroically so honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 25, 2019
Evil deflates our desires at times by virtue of its devious destinations. When doom knocks all duly affirmed men and women look to rescue us from that feeling of despair. Diabolical indeed was that crazy man who took your life, Officer Cook, your family's most beloved and darling hero of honor and esteem. Framed by the eyes of God Himself, your career was followed in and around Dade County where your unselfish dignity and integrity made it spaces around your actions of humility. The fruits of your labors now have eternally become rewards for a sacrifice on our behalf. Finally some respite, resolve and the admiration of a grateful mankind. Goodwill and the posterity of serenity and its securest of routes implanted within our modes of movement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 25, 2019
Give time to heal and resolve finally sets in. It will always be about your reputation as a public servant, Officer Cook, as fine a man protecting Dade County as there was during your watch. Devoted and dignified, honorable and humanely loyal and heroic. Transparency transcended your sheer tenacity to permit stability and the sources of safe passages to set in. A character and class of the department whose humility, gallantry and scruples reflected society's source of strength. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 25, 2019
You must configure something positive during your life. All the effort. All the toil. And all the honesty and you still, Officer Cook,performed your labors of love, esteem and loyalty very well. Dade County was most protected during your days. Your character and courage have always spoke about your humility a trait that humanity must see from its heroes and heroines. The women and men of commitment are the ones who get it and understand why it takes dignity and integrity to battle those confused persons so inclined to commit to violent acts. We salute you, Officer Cook, a gentleman of spirit and goodwill who created the bonds between all folks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resilient and proficient. You could not have asked for a better public servant.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 25, 2019
Never haphazard. Only full strength and full steam ahead. Your kindness and genuine care for Dade County residents, Officer Cook, will surely be forever treasured. A man of devoutness and faith diligently pursuing peace and serenity while shielding us from abominable evil. The actions of one cowardly man who took your life, Officer Cook, one of character, honor and the visions that spell out humility. Your family and comrades know that your endearing and unwavering heroic soul sleeps quietly in God's spacious of plains. It's where honor and grace combine to watch over those pearliest of gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your twenty-five years of accomplishment have spurned on your family in their endeavors as your soul and its humane legacy follow them wherever they travel. Resolve and resourcefulness never get lost in the translation.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 25, 2019
Class means doing some work. Get out and move around accomplishing some small task. But, remember police work is no easy matter. It's more complex than meets the eye. Keeping your sanity during times of stress and duress takes some practice. You must be caring and considerate, dignified and have a building block of not only bravery, but, the purposes of integrity and character. Nothing can begin with a dose of commitment and the values all public servants must navigate upon. Seeing prosperity and a wealth of security for all mankind and Dade County involved every ounce of your soul, Officer Cook, yo make things move forward. You are always going to be fondly and solemnly honored for vision, clarity and the determination that makes people stand and take note. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 25, 2019
Drowning in a sea of infamy, you brought decency and honor to the top, Officer Cook, by virtue of your integrity and due vigilance on behalf of the citizens of Dade County. One berserk young man who took your life and career from you can never subtract your esteemed character, humility and the grit for which you fought for until your last breath. A man of dignity and efficiency making secure routes for those desiring the elements of passion and happiness in their lives. You'll be remembered and so humanely honored for heroic actions that saved your comrades and those civilians that sad day your family, department and world lost a supremely golden man of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 25, 2019
Faith and dedication to all Dade County, Officer Cook, meant the world in terms of safety, peace and the hopeful harmony that would arise. Today, Officer Cook, your honor and dignity, character, integrity and precepts of perseverance have been and will always be humbly honored. Heroes and heroines who display bravery and proper conduct shall never be overlooked. Foundations and cornerstones are constructed through the sound authority, leadership and wisdom that humility instills in their visions for a brighter tomorrow. One made better if you with your family and friends today, Officer Cook, Heaven's angel of acumen and sincerity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 25, 2019
Your honest desire to make peace and provide the dignity of life to all Dade County will never be forgotten, Officer Cook. All made possible by your integrity and simple humility. For having decent character and the fabrics of stellar commitment may we live in unity and have the blessings of health, serenity and fruitful journeys bestowed upon us by Our Creator. Enhancement lives on forever and so does your wonderfully treasured soul of affirmation in God's divine houses of eternity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 25, 2019
The vast venues of Dade County were well protected by your unwavering honesty and noble dignity, Officer Cook. When a man of integrity goes out of his way to serve and enhance humanity we must remember his feats of faith and ferocity. Yours, Officer Cook, all by desire and the codes of dignity kept violence at bay. Always sad how evil from one man took away further opportunities to live on and fulfill God's edicts. You'll always be gallantly saluted for shaping through tranquility and humility mankind and its diverse landscape. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 24, 2019
Man's awakening is the new dawn when hope and prosperity may come knocking at our doors. Only your due diligence and desire, Officer Cook, allowed Dade County and its residents the opportunities to experience real security and the optimism that we all yearn for. A cherished young man full of life and vigor chasing after perpetual trouble. We thank the man and classy hero of truth and trust. Never forgotten, Officer Cook as you took your humble humility right to those sacred and golden gates of perfection and of angelic honor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 24, 2019
Heaven is for the honored and humble. Yesterday's heroines and heroes whp today and tomorrow are being eternally honored for their humility and restorative powers of relentless resourcefulness and dignity that is in the hearts and souls of humanity's quest for harmony. You secured, Dade County, Officer Cook and because of your excellence in character and in commitment may the good Lord reward your compassionate soul. Energetic and considerate as only you could act, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 24, 2019
Travel by day, protect by night. A police officer's tasks are never really over until that day of what should have been your retirement, Officer Cook. God had other plans for your mortal soul of serenity. The human being that tried to stop a profound disaster. All that man had to do was to surrender, no tshoot you and your colleagues who were there in Dade County to provide some relief and calm for its citizens. Safety and security at times take time to form and create a certain universal environment. You'll be fondly remembered for austerity and the acumen essential for one's own character to remain that humble. Always brave and esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 24, 2019
Devotion take determination down that long and winding road of honor and resolve. Dade County had your fortitude and the mettle of having good morals. All the instincts of integrity and ferocity carrying your missions of faith and persistence. Officer Cook, you were truly a trusted and terrific young man whose life of virtue and vigilance ended way too soon. Forevermore are you saluted for courage and gallantry as noble as your humility which complimented humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 24, 2019
Donned with devotion. Bold with bravery. Honesty honed and humanely heroic. Ferocity and faith that mix well when trying to eliminate violence and hatred from our world. Dade County gave you the perfect opportunity, Officer Cook, to fulfill your dreams, your goals and your sincerest of aspirations. Everyday in our lives we strive for some intrinsic goodness. To handle a task small or large that will enhance our society. Your roles and jobs were to police and protect our safeties and serenities through your dignity and integral character. Nothing was going to stand in your way when danger came calling. The citizens you watched over witnessed true trust and faith in your unquestionable humility. The civility that sanctity must have if the venues are to be free of worry. And your unselfish sacrifice, Officer Cook,, while it left your family bereft of your smiling face and presence, one day the unification with all your members of your family will permit them to see you again. You keep watching over them, you were a heroic Godsend! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sometimes preparation is not always achieved, but the endeavor and thoughtfulness are what really counts the most. Our Lord has a wonderful young man sheltered for eternal safekeeping until that solemn day of resurrection.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 21, 2019
Every officer should be prepared and ready for the fight of their lives. You were, Officer Cook and because of your undaunted and undying heroism Dade County and its citizens were much better protected. All of your honor, integrity and the dignity of your humble and unassuming character are now back in heaven and I'm sure you and your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace are having wonderful father and son conversations. Really terrible that your young life and career came to a sudden end. Deemed finished your assignments were performed to the letter of the law and humility within your badge always gave full endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 20, 2019
Decorated and diligent, your life of fighting crime and securing serenity, Officer Cook, made you a more rounded public servant. Honesty and integrity are still lived by a values system and for having dignity involved in your missions of goodwill may you be remembered fondly. Only the best of character and concern that only fortified your gallant pursuits. Ferocity that reached out to all Dade County folks and justified your trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The class of bravery and humility sits in Our Maker's loftiest of thrones. Resolve revolves forevermore around our sun and moon.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 20, 2019
You gave us conviction and proof of your resolve and sheer will power, Officer Cook and Dade County's citizens never felt better for it. Still a real crying tragedy your soul was suddenly taken back to God's divine fields where the honor, humbleness and generosity will always be perfect. That was your integrity, character and uniquely bold dignity. Our world is poorer without your soul of esteem and civility, but with our salutes of gallantry maybe God will hear our cries and our sincerest prayers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 20, 2019
Everything is doable with some faith and devotion. Your resourcefulness provided the backdrop to some peace and security in the Dade County community where you lived and grew up, Officer Cook. An able bodied and dignified young man patrolling the corridors with all your might and caring heart of integrity. Never more humility and the well springs of honesty than what you demonstrated on humanity's behalf. A loyal and determined hero following his dreams and aspirations to further justice and its beacons of trust and truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 20, 2019
Today in NMB, Officer Cook, it's raining and tonight will begin our coldest day yet this year. Everyday of your life was dedicated to making Dade County and its residents safe one more. Your honor and boldness, your sincerity and courage, your dignity and integrity helped to deflate those balloons of bad circumstances. A terrible day when your character tried to help a man give up. He didn't Mr. Pearsall and forevermore does your family, colleagues and friends solemnly pay tribute to your heroic legacy. A memory from a career and healthy life of morals, mettle and values all important in this resolve to live freely and safely. You acted in a very professional and humble manner blessing humanity with your sacred humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With your soul looking down only brighter days lie ahead. The goals are affixed and the tasks challenging, with God's help serenity will come knocking on our doors where desire and devotion rest.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 20, 2019
A man with a sweet soul and reliable honesty, better yet all the heroic dignity and integrity concentrated into your efforts, Officer Cook, to make Dade County a serene and much safer environment to live. That alone is cherished. One gains respect from their comrades by acting as such and by taking the mantle with mettle and morals, so may God Almighty bless your humble soul. Its character and acumen provided all the missions necessary to fortify our world and humanity salutes your vibrance and volution. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2019
Cowards are the type of individuals whose actions are baseless and cheap. Yet, these specific actions can lead to a society where chaos, bedlam and mayhem certainly can take a bite out of one's boldness, bravery and refined honesty. Nothing worse than a wayward humanity in which public servants must labor harder and even at times come under the microscopes of scrutiny. You never had a problem,Officer Cook, living and conducting your affairs with integrity and ethics. Based on all accounts you were a very courageous, durable and versatile officer who served Dade County's residents with total body and soul. All the loyalty and esteem, the commitments to follow proper guidelines at all times. A crying shame you could not join the crime scent squad where your photogenic skills were in high demand and best of all you would always be a top class officer full of humility and long lasting resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2019
To have shared a piece of pie and a cup of tea with you would have been nice. So too to play some tennis and to meet your family, your mother, your wife, Karen, though I spoke with her about a year ago. I have not seem the Wilkerson's in a while and I hope they are doing well. We all move on with our dreams and navigations in life trying to decode those mysteries. Some secrets are best kept, though it was not a secret on how you went about your professional affairs here in Dade County stopping crime and ramping up your level of honor and the will that comes from having loyalty, trust and the integrity that humanely and heroically dignified your quest for truth. Take care and keep looking down and shining your gems of gallantry upon those who adored, loved and admired you greatly. Violence can be quick and it just skirts away. The bold and valiant know how to react. You did everything possible that day to save life and remain unharmed. If only those side panels were around then!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2019
Hanging people out to dry is not a method that all departments use to find those associated with violence. But, when the letter and confines of the law to get someone off the street then I guess you do what you have to do. You spoke that day and gave Mr. Pearsall a chance to surrender. He failed to comply and then all heck broke loose. Your actions, Officer Cook, were simple ane to the point as was your honesty, dignity and integrity always battling for our safety and rights to live at peace. Acumen and awareness were many to your virtues along with solid character and the will to perform a job filled with obstacles that can uproot the will and resolve of any given community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Society was served by your practical approaches to
Never overlooked nor forgotten. The epitome of class, desire and decency.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2019
A rake for leaves. A shovel to dig and close a hole. An ax used to chop. A man, young at heart with humility and caring dripping from his heart. Your heart, Officer Cook, wa scaring in nature and concerned with trust, truth and justice. It was doled out fairly and equally for all Dade County. Never a bad remark, never a doubt regarding diligence and resourcefulness. Evil was undressed and put in its place by your unrelenting courage and mettle. All along, Officer Cook, you had dreams and aspired to become a policeman. Nothing wrong with that as you chose your line of work willingly, freely and without remorse. Your loved ones miss terribly as they are devout and have the faith that Our Lord is watching over you and your father as I'm typing this moment. Communicating and acting calmly in the very face of peril was how you worked that is why your comrades enjoyed teaming up with you. Their hero and of course your family's warrior! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 19, 2019
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