Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Police officers young and old must never capitulate to peer pressure. An incident took place in St. Louis, Missouri two weeks ago, Officer Cook. A young woman officer, Katlyn Alix, was shot and killed by another officer we will leave his name out. He and another officer were on duty supposedly to serve and they were at a home after 1 am. They were fooling around with a loaded gun and Officer Alix was shot and killed. I believe they were playing "Russian Roulette." A heck of a time to be horsing around, possibly drunk and deserting their posts. Hopefully her family will get answers and he can be locked up for life and of course never be a police man again. Your heroism , honor and character, Officer Cook, were never in question and neither was your wisdom, dignity and humane humbleness which brought security and stability to a community you treasured living and working in. Respect is earned when resolve is met. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 1, 2019
Believe in yourself and never let hesitation creep into your mind. Action and sound thinking will ultimately help avert adversarial evil. Your body and mind, Officer Cook, were always sharp and astute. Your skills and savvy helped protect the integrity and honorable dignity of all Dade County. A wise man listens and reaps humility through their honest and heroic mannerisms. We will never understand why Mr. Pearsall did what he did. And your memory and legacy stands for conscience, consistency and the pride you had in donning a uniform of character, courage and commitment to be perpetually honored. Saluted for distinction, sanctity and the saturation of serious convictions imparted upon mankind daily. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 1, 2019
Police work is not like playing possum. You must be out in the community facing trouble and peril face to face never dodging danger. Your assignment is to serve and protect the public from adversity. You did that very well, Officer Cook and the people of Dade County honor your humble heroics. Your integrity and dignity adding a newer meaning and dimension to our lives forevermore. Safe trails, peaceful pursuits of joy and success all because you cared and took decisive that awful day of May 16, 1979, when an evil's man's violence took you from your adoring family and peers of justice,truth and trust. The best of Our Lord's flock of bravery and resolving humility sleeps comfortably in heaven's havens of humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Karen was your beloved wife and you were her beloved and gallant husband never to be forgotten and saluted solemnly for inspiration and thoughtful fruition.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 1, 2019
Shrewd but never rude. Courage but never conceit or deceit. Decisive never doubting. Durable and diligent. Honesty, decency and dignified. Always a confident integrity that stoic character builds from within. You resided in Dade County , Officer Cook and make no error, your ferocity and its tenacity allowed you the chance to be more successful at getting to the core of callousness and pure evil. Things don't always get solved, but with resolve at least there is that fighting chance. God never expects perfection from His earthly creatures, just some creativity and basic instincts that help Him guide you along the terrain. Humility and humanity speak to the heroic virtue of a vigilant public servant who gave his soul of loyalty for his community and to rescue his comrades from unfathomable violence all at the hands of a berserk man. Your life and career, Officer Cook, followed those wise habits of choice, values, scruples and the morals to maintain composure during duress and stressful times. A competent leader of others because of maturity and the versatility of clear and valid vision. A vision so unique it's a terrible shame, Officer Cook, you could not personally witness all these enhancing moments brought forth through your heroic actions everyday to steer society one way and that's forward full speed ahead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2019
With a convoy of courage,care and consideration this made your attempts to bring Dade County peace and tranquility, Officer Cook, a little more realistic. Never a moment of ease when you don a badge of integrity and wear a pristine uniform of honor and dignity the way you wore yours for six loyal and faithfully devoted years of service. Your heroic and humble name has been most blessed and continues to be so and rewarded for unwavering,undying and unrelenting excellent character. God forbid never hapless, hopeless or ever helpless. You came to the rescue that hot day and placed your life on the line for the people you protected and the comrades who shared the same awareness and feelings of acumen, vision and wisdom. All the maturity beyond your years of resolve and resiliency. The Cook, Tidwell and Wilkerson Families are indeed very healthy and blessed because "Uncle Bo," is in heaven with his soul of harmony and humility watching over their movement towards happiness, joy and a bond they share with one another. And you always will be greatly missed from all their happy occasions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. As the sun sets tonight and every night you'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook, so long as God has you patrolling His pearly gates of gallantry.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2019
Tender loving care is what all heroines and heroes receive forever in God's clear blue skies. Their journeys and achievements are sealed within those sacred walls where wickedness took them from their families, friends and colleagues of honor, bravery and the doctrines of dignity and integrity. Always the intense warrior, Officer Cook, you served and preserved life in Dade County as only a devoted and loyal servant would. With all your heart, with all your might did you fight evil and this young man until your tragic last breath. It will always be about your humble and humanely dedicated manners and courtesies that were instrumental in our way of living serenity and harmony magnetized by mettle and wisdom to form those bonds of goodwill towards humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement and engagement will generally lead to success if applied smartly and most sincerely.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2019
God's loving bands of boldness gently wrapping around one's very soul are His way of touching our heart and spirit of affection and esteem. Honor, integrity bravery, dignity and character being transported where all transparency shall go. Your career and adoring life, Officer Cook, shall remain blessed and protected, rewarded for resolve and the convictions that led your trails around Dade County's boundaries. Founded in decency, love and respect, we admire men and women such as yourself who made society worthwhile forevermore. In having humility, humbleness and loyalty nurtured within your heat by your loving parents, hope you are well these days, Mrs. Cook, your beloved and most darling and heroic son,"Billy," shall never ever be forgotten. His admiration and respect was and is sincerely appreciated an das a devout Catholic, that golden rule you taught along with your husband, Charles, may he too rest in peace, "Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you," was learned so well by Nancy and her younger brother as it helped to steer his profound pathways in life for tragically an all too brief twenty-five years. It will be soon coming up on forty years since he sacrificed his life for Dade County and his community to carry on with his most humane legacy. Beloved and cherished. Your death, Officer Cook, only reinforced the values you were taught and learned so well. Keep looking down on your peers and most wonderfully treasured family members.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2019
Comfort takes compassion. Mercy takes real mettle. Integrity, dignity and honesty must ratchet up some sense of direction. Your compass, Officer Cook, was always set in four directions. North. South. East and west. Dade County had its share of tussles and turmoil. You patrolled their to protect lives and make stability and sanity a sacred pre-occupation of your fruitions. The day in and day process of maintaining sanctity and humility on those dangerously paved sidewalks was your passion, it was your gift, it was your honor and pride, most importantly it was giving your life of humility so that humanity, mankind, society whatever label you call it stays free of menacing mischief and chaos. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character. Our Lord has your soul for eternal safekeeping sheltered from any harm. As peaceful and gallant as you were in life, Officer Cook, dignity and reverence are to be respected when one gives the greatest thing keeping them alive. Man's breath's are their days and your soul and its cherished spirit have been rewarded for heroism above and beyond duty's cals.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2019
Like a kite that flies high, so too does a hero's honorable inspirations. All your dreams, aspirations and goals, Officer Cook, were fulfilled in twenty-five all too short years of life. Violence an done man's inner hatred of society and its public servants poured that gasoline and lit a spark of gigantic proportions. LIberty City in Miami, Florida that May 16, 1979, a hot and sunny day saw police officers embroiled in a bitter domestic dispute between a man and his girlfriend. God thinks a we may just ponder and wonder why? Why did Our Master take from his family and this world a stoic man of rationale, a real humble and intensely dignified gentleman of integrity and character? To sit here and think all these years later you made, Officer Cook, the supreme and unselfish sacrifice of your humility and honor to impart some safe trails for all mankind. Dignity should have allowed you to continue living. For some getting out of bed is challenging enough. So too when you left your beloved Karen that morning who knew it would be the last time you embraced her and said I love you. Makes you cry. I am doing it right now as I reflect back on your heroic life and career of principles. ideals and values. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2019
Carry your valor right next to your heart and display your shiny badge and crisp uniform for identification. Dade County had you, Officer Cook, their much revered hero of bravery,, loyalty and faithfulness navigating around the various venues looking to rid the streets of evil and replacing peace and hope where courage and integrity belong. Once and forever a man of commitment to excellent character and the knowledge that vision brings to resolve. your life journeys and missions of compassion and good cheer are being fondly saluted for extra special virtue and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We can take pride and solace that your spirit's humility gently hovers above your family and community every moment of our day.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2019
Corral your humility and honesty will follow suit. Capture the crime which maintains a stranglehold over society, you'll be revered more than you could know. One talented and dignified public servant giving his all to serve and fix some of the problems that Dade County had experienced back in the day. Your character and morals, Officer Cook, enabled you to take charge of others while keeping us safe, serene and secure. Never an easy task with so many expectations to carry on your broad shoulders. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 31, 2019
Dire straits leave a community reeling for anything. The bravery and kinship you struck up with your comrades, Officer Cook, won't be forgotten. You cannot serve if your devotion and desire is misplaced. Fortunately, yours, Officer Cook, was right where your honesty, integrity and dignity were at all times. Dade County was smarting and feeling the pain of your loss, a severe loss for your family who pursues their dreams and aspirations as you would have wanted them to. Safety, serenity and peace are all the citizens want and they strive for humility in all their works. And thank God for your undying character, unselfish commitment to excellence and unwavering conviction, the results of maturity, being sagely and having top notch listening skills. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 30, 2019
Never be curt. Be humble and keep simplicity open and honest. It will be better received by all folks. You were fair and determined, loyal and firm, Officer Cook, when times called for such measures. Stability only broadens those horizons where decency and honor rest along the trails of dignity, integrity and the focus on character, conviction and humility from being a crusader for justice. People speak. They want answers and ideas that help enhance society's framework. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. LIp service only gives violence its license to continue its evil inclinations of ruining what is already on edge.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 30, 2019
One glad handshake, one giant step for mankind. One electrifying smile, one hero of sound mind and solid character. Your compassion and courage, Officer Cook, opened the doors by which peace resolve and goodwill could enter into Dade County's homes. The environment of calm and not hostile. You take integrity, honesty and dignity and work it around it will work wonders we all pray in winning this war over terror. You were a class man and a hero forever to be humbly so honored. Humanity and humility carrying on with the burdens that need to be solved if ever stability canmake its glorious way through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 30, 2019
The enemy plots and plans. The police practice, prepare and persevere. All evil needs is a running start and then no telling where the wicked winds will blow. You drove around Dade County trying to make peace and reason a staple of life and joy, Officer Cook. A welcomed and mild mannered man whose legacy reflects such. Heroic and heralded by honesty and humility all from your concerned heart of integrity and dignity. It's character such as yours, Officer Cook, that has kept the ledger of well being and resolve fairly balanced. All these decades later your career and life has been solemnly honored and duly saluted bor undying and unselfish bravery. No one forgets. Your family has you and your treasured spirit of affection in their memories. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 30, 2019
Authority is not to be taken lightly. Justice, truth and trust are too valuable to be toyed with. When violence threatens the authenticity of any community then it's high time police and citizens collaborate on a plan of action to galvanize not polarize an area. Your deeds and missions, Officer Cook, were filled with blessings of sacrifice and honor for your due diligence. Conveying the courage and responsibility of a public servant takes all the acumen one can muster and surely a hero as yourself, Officer Cook, did just that. You performed your roles reliably and most humanely. Your family can pursue their dreams and goals with the tenacity and humility you had on your uniform and badge. Boldness breaks barriers. Deceit shatters the tranquility we have all come to expect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 30, 2019
The mercy of God's countenance shines brightly upon His heroes and heroines who have gone to great lengths to serve, save and protect the dignity of human life. No more a nicer man leading and honoring His Creator with a captivating smile, sound wisdom and vision and make no mistake integrity and dignity that fought with ferocity and unwavering humility to restore peace and serenity to all Dade County and mankind in general. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 30, 2019
The next man or woman up theory does not quite fly in the police profession. It's everyone ready, honorable and able. Badge#1664 was available and dignified to humbly try and conquer this perturbing evil that affected all Dade County. Your heroic life and career, Officer Cook, wa sdone under the auspices of acumen and the integrity that makes a man's character and commitment stand tall and proud. Your leadership skills were just what the people needed as well as your esteemed and highly brave colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 30, 2019
The bright souls of our universe, their courage and charm just continue to light up our world. It's preposterous to think anything else. Because of your uncanny talents, Officer Cook, stability and safety touched down together in Dade County courtesy of your professionalism and humane heroic actions that awful day. Always the soundest of sincerity and character that has continued enriching lives of your loved ones and those colleagues who teamed up with you, Officer Cook, to wage war against wickedness. One day with your soul and Our Lord assisting the battle will end and infamy will cease forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 29, 2019
Faith and devoutness wrap gently into one another providing the shelters of security and peace for all concerned. Dade County had its hero, yourself, Officer Cook, demonstrating very loyal and admirable service on behalf of its many citizens. One day and ten minutes of gunfire destroying the apparent calm until you came, Officer Cook and utilized your ingenuity and integrity to attempt to stifle this man's unnerving efforts to take hard working police officers down. The only thing you got Mr. Pearsall and that is putting it succinctly, you took my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664. An exemplary public servant whose dedication and character shine forever in Our Creator's tents where bravery and tenacity pitch their poles for an eternal excursion protecting God's sacred, golden and pearly gates where humility matters. Rest in peace. Officer Cook's family and department miss him greatly. A loss too much to comprehend. He was smart, handsome and a very caring and attentively heroic human being! His honor and humbleness were shuttled to be with his father, Charles, may he too rest in peace. For what you did to Officer Cook's comrades, Officer DiGenova and Edgerton, Detective Blocker took you down so the crisis that day that Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln and his esteemed partner and leader, Officer Cook raced to would not escalate any further. Make no mistake, Officer Cook, was a supremely intelligent and most humane and civil gentleman.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 29, 2019
Your honored and wonderful soul, Officer Cook, went to heaven robed in the riches of resolve, dignity and integrity. Dade County was privileged to witness a true form of humility all from the wisdom of sanctity and civility which intensified your searches for happiness, peace and unity for all. The cleverness and thoughtfulness of your giving heart, Officer Cook, will not be forgotten. You achieved and everything you worked it's just terrible that a coward that Mr. Pearsall was took it all away. Heinous. Repulsive . Just devastating for your family and mankind.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 29, 2019
To identify and to intercept evil takes some luck but more skill and proficiency than you could ever imagine. Your charm, charisma and candor just touched the surface, Officer Cook. And your morals, dignity and wisdom provided your honesty and integrity with the motivations to wisely and willingly battle this unenviable foe. No finerman. A hero of sharp aptitude whose fortitude was humble and humane. Society knows you had constant humility from your heart of esteem and your sweet soul, loyal and faithful forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 29, 2019
Police work can be wrenching and yet riveting at times. But, honesty, integrity and dignity can never be flipped nor can its pathways be interfered with. For heaven's name your good name, Officer Cook, blessed and rewarded for preserving and protecting the principles of life has never gone unnoticed. Dade County has your heroism and humility etched on panels and walls here and in Washington, D.C. Forever can violence which took your young life never sully nor tarnish a badge and uniform worn demonstratively humble and sacred at all times. Safe passages and the prospects for harmony were in attendance when you valiantly patrolled our community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 29, 2019
With a heavy heart do we mourn the loss of a Dade County police hero so humble and humane as your heroic legacy, Officer Cook. You left your family and this world filled with integrity, character and dignity which allowed you the ultimate opportunity to make serenity and security no just any old words. But, resolve, perseverance and everything you will so honored and saluted for. A brave and concerned man with a congenial and golden heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity was emancipated by your unwavering and unselfish humility.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 29, 2019
The air we breathe is so important and so is that of peace and prosperity for all Dade County. Your detail and desires, Officer Cook, led you and your comrades through those zones where danger and evil lurked. You can be sure a man of quality character and amazing humbleness and honor will forever be stoically and heroically saluted. Forever, Officer Cook, is your dignity and integrity residing within those sanctified and pearliest of venues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A heroic Godsend who remains treasured and well admired for his will to see your missions through until God sadly on May 16,1979 called you back home. The highest regard, bravery and esteem that fortified humanity for generations to come. Keep looking down, Officer Cook. A smile to surely light up those deep blue skies
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
January 29, 2019