Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

We cry at sadness. We laugh when joy overcomes our very hearts. Your smile and persona, Officer Cook, were the humility and commitment thata man of conviction and character created during his life and public service career with Dade County. Never forgotten especially when you accentuate ecellence and outstanding endeavor given daily. Honesty, dignity and integrity followed the trails and paths of a trusted and truthful young man tireless and unselfish in your perseverance and precise service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2022

Security preserves the integrity, dignity and honesty of heart and soul. You protected the character and morals of Dade County, Officer Cook, with a passion, desire and decency that all heroes have in common. You'll forever be remembered for being genuinely concerned and loyal to your peers. Such a wonderful gentleman and human being always the top notch public servant who gave his soul and being for our stability and tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue and wisdom meant dependability, accountability and responsibility all patrolling the pavements of your esteemed and beloved neighborhood.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2022

Progression and not regression. with all the evil, wickedness, violence and hatred in this world it's a wonder one can even function normally. Days flutter by. Nights fly by. Police are still out there protecting our sacred paths and trails that are supposed to be lined with truth, trust and some speck of honesty. Thank God your life and career, Officer Cook, though only six years was highly commendable, highly fruitful, and always diligent, dignified with virtue and the wings of integrity which carried your patrols over us here in Dade County. As a hero whose character was spotless, never questioned and always most admired and appreciated, you'll always be given solemn salutes for valor, vision and versatility joining forces to create that humble sembalance of peace, stability and decency never to be taken for granted and for being loyal to your esteemed colleagues who fought the toughest of battles over terror and adversity. Strife implants serious trouble no one needs more harm coming to a community and yoursmile and personality saw to those issues and dilemmas that plagued us at times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven has its golden angel of heart and soul, one whose character, conviction and commitments to excellence and pride were always above reproach. Just a tragically horrible loss to your family, comrades and friends around our country. Just heinous, callous and senseless!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2022

People who brag don't get it and have no clue how mankind functions. Chatter only produces hot air and since you were a consummate and a most relied upon public servant, Officer Cook, your department and family knew you served with class, desire and reverent character never deceit only total dedication to Dade County's folks who held your affirmation with the highest degree ofvalues and ideals. Badge#1664 was honesty, integrity and dignity forging that forever relationship with society which misses you very much. A heart and soul poured into the consummate labors oflove willingly undertaken by an unselfish and tireless man of faith, hope and devoutness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2022

The bridges and borders were bravely and boldly protected by you, Officer Cook. Dade County could not have been in better hands. The lips of truth and honor with dignity, integrity and esteemed character, heart and humility securing your every move. We will never forget the politeness and competency of a gracious and sincere public servant gallant until your last breath. Your family, comrades and the citizens will keep your spirit alive through their deeds andlives of accountability and civility because that was how the hero in you survived and kept law and order. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2022

Possessing intelligence can only make you more wise. Humbly speaking you were the best, Officer Cook and Dade County was blessed with virtue, versatility and the valuablity of a duly composed man devout and determined. When integrity, dignity and honesty crossed each other the success of your missions became greater. Your family honors you and your memory of a sacred life that gave its entire package of effort and heart. Your soul and spirit now revolve around us as your sweet disposition hovers humanely above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2022

In a bowl of cherries you will have pits. Police unfortunately sign on willingly to perform a myriad of tasks that can be stressful where working under adverse conditions is a part of the program. You chose, Officer Cook, to become a gifted public servant blessed by acumen, knowledge and all the insights of intelligence, ingenuity and intuition. But, than again integrity, dignity and honor created that bond that made you beloved by Dade County and its residents. So resourceful, thoughtfuland never rude always polite, neat ad courteous no matter the circumstance. That afternoon of May 16, 1979 destiny, fate and the challenges of policing your community lead to a host of situations that no one would have dreamed would take your life of piety and efficiency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2022

Brothers and sisters, the heroines and heroes of law enforcement who bring us peace of mind and serene hearts and souls. Their honor, dignity and integrity will not be overlooked nor forgotten for Gid welcomed them to His Thin Blue Line above in heaven where they occupy sacred places for having the virtue, acumen and wisdom navigating their trails and paths sohumbly esteemed, truthful and always faithful. You were one of the many warriors Dade County solemnly relied upon, Officer Cook, to perform beyond the calls of onus. To fortify mankind with everlasting vigilance which validated your life and career which was shared, mourned and still carried forward by your family members as your legacy of fruition. Having mattle and discipline can only uplift, enrich and enhance the streets and roads you diligently patrolled for six years of loyal and energetic service. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2022

Peril leaves a trail of ugly and nasty evil that needs the resources of sure handed men and women of humility, reverence and honest character both dignified and full of heroic integrity. You strived to be a good servant, Officer Cook and you were. Your dreams and aspirations filled the airwaves of Dade County with accentuation, perseverance and the proficiency of a dedicated and loyal officer. Badge#1664 was respect, was solid, was about scruples and being meticulous in every endeavor possible to promote goodwill and peace for our dreams and desires are a part of your legacy and inspirations. You sadly left behind much to carry onward. Truth and trust must yearn to stay ahead of the curve of courage,consideration and concern, a foundation you humbly built by being loyal and careful inallyour paths and trails of ferocity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2022

You rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, in eternity because of everything that class, decency and desire, pure, heroic and honorably humble bring out in a man of vision,virtue and wisdom. Dade County would not be the community today if not for what you achieved almost fifity years ago actually forty-nine years ago when you began your trek as a tenacious young man with a heart and a compassionate soul that preserved life. So your career was six years, short, yet it left an impressionable mark on society that won't ever be disrespected nor tarnished even though a violent man robbed you of your future. A life with Karen, a fun day at family outings, anything where your sincere and sweet smile and handsome face just enjoyed everything. Your earthly purposes, missions and journeys of hope, resolve and goodwill were keys to our very stability and harmony. Life was never taken for granted by you, Officer Cook and I breakdown whenever I speak with your former partner and good friend, Officer Keith DiGenova. He and Officer Edgerton deserve as much credit as you always will be due in salutes, homage and in paying tribute to a class gentleman of character, integrity and dignity always esteemed, loyal and centered upon us and Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2022

Confidence can be a most valued resource. Yet, three characteristics must be employed at all times: honesty, integrity and dignity for if any are absent your chances of saving lives and you surviving could be in serious jeopardy. You did protect and save Dade County, Officer Cook and for this you'll forever be regarded as your family and department's hero. Humanity needs men and women such as yourself who were caring, consummate and unafraid to tackle the most dangerous of assignments. We salute your valor, wisdom and virtue, character and maturity above and beyond the calls of duty where reliability, responsibility and accountability will be duly remembered and solemnly etched within the hearts of all who knew you and respected your will power and professional prowess and fortitude. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2022

Evil engulfs communities where serenity and security invokes the very essence of their tones. Your calming voice and passion, Officer Cook, were both consistent and persevering. Persistence pays dividends as your life, career and patrols were all directed by Our Master. Integrity, dignity and humble honesty all blessed and bestowed within the heart and soul of a hero. Yourfamily and colleagues have all missed seeing you my neighbor, friend and hero. That sweet, pleasant and big old smile on your handsome face won't ever be overlooked nor forgotten. Such a terrible loss to mankind, your community and of course your family who witnessed true diligence, trusted virtue and determination that was congenial and brave. A wise man who was consummate and considerate despite the perils that were out there. Rest in peace. Character and ethical conduct are the evaluators of one's fruitful life and its earthiest of journeys.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2022

We breathe because of your fiercely beating heart, Officer Cook, so honorable and heroic, it provided Dade County and its citizens with harmony, stability and all the accountability from a humbled and loyally trusted warrior. The truth and resourcefulness that blossomed because of your unasuming and tireless soul that was forevermore compassionate. Integrity that was distinct. Dignity that was gritty and determined to alleviate us of evil. The streets are a little less safe because of your absense. Heaven has a sacred angel among its flock of heroes whose tenacity was humane and esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2022

There always was a most heroic, honored and cherished young man patrolling Dade County streets with all his might. mettle and morals steering dignity, integrity and character through the walls of wickedness where serenity was very much endangered. You saved your community, Officer Cook, six years of loyal, esteemed, dedicated and humbly faithful service designed to furnish humanity with its purposes for which we live and thrive. Never forgotten and saluted for virtue, bravery and the wisest of convictions to true and trustworthy commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2022

Violence violates our trust, truth and life. The truth be told that you were one of the very best men doing a job so dangerous that we here in Dade County could live and thrive in serenity and in liberty, Officer Cook. A hero of humility, heart and honesty bestowed all the humane blessings of integrity, dignity and reverent character and outstanding commitment to pride and excellence. May 16,1979 was long ago, still forty three plus years does not diminish your life and career of sacred excellence and upstanding achievement. Always respected, admired and a man of faithfulness, goodwill and hope. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue validated your ideals, scruples and morals.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2022

Youth has its purposes and your young life and career was balanced with energy, heart and endeavor. Virtue and valor are on honor's scales of justice, truth and trust for Dade County had your cherished and special soul, Officer Cook, heroically among its ranks of resourcefulness, resolve and resiliency. Dignity, integrity branched out to form the solid chains of unwavering, undying and enriching character, wisdom and vision. You were a consummate warrior who now rides as an angel on Our Lord's wings forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. There will always be that humble bond between me and your beloved family.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2022

If Divine intervention could have saved you that tragically horrible day, Officer Cook, your family, department comrades and friends all around our country would be rejoicing. Your life and career were heroically sacrficed for our security and safest of trails where truth, trust and reverence shall pass. You were a good man in everything honor, respect and character summon fromthe unselfish hearts and souls of those who wear a uniform and don a badge of bravery, boldness and virtue always to be saluted and etched within your family's hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2022

God's perfect wings of compassion and humility are spread far and wide as he protects His most valiant flock of heroic angels. Your integrity, dignity and honor, Officer Cook, were the basis for your life and career serving as an inspiration for those who have followed your trails of justice, truth and trustworthiness. Dade County was where our serenity and peace are guarded as a vital part of your legacy to remain cherished. A gentleman of wisdom, character and virtue climbing those hills to ascertain if our paths ae free of peril. Never forgotten and always saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 26, 2022

Wickedness is never welcome. For honesty, integrity and dignity walk down those trails and paths where perseverance and precision belong. You'll always be a hero forevermore, Officer Cook and because of your professional prowess our harmony can shine through the clouds. A man blessed with awareness, astuteness and acumen traveling together with wisdom and vision at your side they created patrols of humility, heart and your soul of responsibility ably at your side. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel filled with true character and solemn commitment, your discipline and mettle really counted when times got tough.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 26, 2022

You were the ever present consummate man of gallantry, Officer Cook, who brought the masses together here in Dade County with your passion and steadfast willpower, dedication and thoughtful determination. Heroism that lives on in others who have taken over your watch over them here in Dade County. Dignity that was on track. Integrity that weaved its paths around your beloved community securing our way of life and its stability. People of humbleness, character and success usually are blessed and rewarded by Our Maker. Your values, ideals and aspirations serve as inspirations bringing acceptance into all your purposes here and their lofty missions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A master planner, a gentleman prepared to deal with peril and worse to protect us forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 25, 2022

Always a tenacious young man never tainted and always heroic, honorable, humble and completely sincere. Our world today certainly misses you, Officer Cook, just as your beloved family. They march onward with your legacy tucked in their hands of the very same heart, soul and humility that supported the posts of your precise patrol over them here in Dade County. You'll be saluted for character becoming a human being who strove to become the best public servant that humanity ever knew. Gifted, talented and surely diligent. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 25, 2022

Officer Cook, heroism such as yours can never be forgotten and it won't for your life and career preserving Dade County's folks was what you chose to accomplish and you certainly succeeded mightily in your efforts all truthful and sincere. Integrity, dignity and honor that reached out to every citizen whom you served. Angels who are heroes and heroines giving their character, commitment and convictions all trustworthy and proud. Badge#1664 was reverent, observant and decent in every way shape and form. Virtue and valor, humbleness and onus will be rewarded by Our Creator for you started a profession headed for greater heights if not for an ugly man ruthless, cunning and with no heart or class who took the life of a great warrior from his family who carries the torch of your legacy forward every moment of their humble lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2022

Wickedness is never welcome. For honesty, integrity and dignity walk down those trails and paths where perseverance and precision belong. You'll always be a hero forevermore, Officer Cook and because of your professional prowess our harmony can shine through the clouds. A man blessed with awareness, astuteness and acumen traveling together with wisdom and vision at your side they created patrols of humility, heart and your soul of responsibility ably at your side. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel filled with true character and solemn commitment, your discipline and mettle really counted when times got tough.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2022

Until you are in another person's shoes you can't comment. Police work is demanding and exacting. Bears hibernate. Men and women public servants are full of dignity, integrity and honor within their souls and hearts of humility. Dade County was blessed, fortunate and privileged to have you, Officer Cook, among its humble ranks. Treasured and admired, you helped to keep us safe and secure. Violence still roams the streets today but, with observant and duly dedicated people hopefully our peace will last. From the thrones of ferocity above may you and those who gave their lives keep watch on their families and look after those protecting us today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Outstanding character, uplifting conviction and excellence in commitment, just a really trusted and truly oriented gentleman of faith, humanity and virtue which is sadly missed today.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2022

With fairness comes firmness and with these traits comes loyalty, trustworthiness and truth. You were devoted to your family, colleagues and community, Officer Cook and there will never be any shadow of doubt how humble, superior and heroic you were. Our serenity and peace came about because of one dignified public servant who cared. His integrity and meaningful character constructed the pathways and trails to our futures of which you'll always be an essential part of. Virtue, valor and vision, wisdom, esteem and unselfish passion dedicated to the purposes of mankind and its goodwill, hope and spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2022

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