Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Your just rewards, Officer Cook, have been handed out and for displaying bravery and the brilliance of boldness may your supreme sacrifice on behalf of all Dade County never be forgotten. Never just glance at gallantry when honor's humility is on the line. Neither just meander around the finer points of integrity and dignity. Intuition and ingenuity are watching serenity and harmony very closely. God has your soul of character and sanctity right where you may continue to eternally patrol those pearly and golden gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2019

Unselfish dedication and unwavering determination takes some mighty strong effort to affect changes. Lives and careers at stake all by virtue of a berserk man creating unthinkable chaos and mayhem in Dade County when the assets of peace and prosperity look to reign in. A supremely heroic and honored young man, Officer Cook, you have been paid homage and duly saluted so humbly for having the foresight to provide serenity and safe navigations for those aspiring to some joy and fruitful missions on behalf of Our Creator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2019

Dreams don't fade away. Goodwork does not get tarnished nor obliterated because of a senseless and cowardly action perpetrated against you, your family and department, Officer Cook. A mighty warrior and savior who was entrusted with securing Dade County and their residents. Policing a community is not about the high and mighty. Rather it is about maintaining a low key and keeping integrity and dignity by honor's side. You'll be fondly saluted, Officer Cook, for trust and character which has left humanity and humility as one steady force fighting off this unrelenting violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2019

Flawless and impeccable , honest and humbly heroic. Your adventures and dreams, Officer Cook, were totally fulfilled and because of your loyalty to your comrades and attention to detail, God is not only blessing your soul of humility, He is rewarding your excellence in the field. Dade County and its citizens have remembered and reverently respected your resolving character and staunch commitment to morals and pride. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2019

Your signature of sanctity, Officer Cook, allowed the resolutions of vitality and energy to flow freely within Dade County. Peace and stability should be the climates by which we the people may choose to live. Without constraints and restraints are what should be the normal routine of our everyday lives. Your hopes and honor, dreams of dignity and integrity cresting in our community where your heroic character and overwhelming brought newer optimism to humanity as a whole. Remembered and humbly offered salutes of valor for trying your utmost to kayo a crazed man's troubles with the law enforcement establishment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

With gratitude and gracious gallantry do heaven's pearly gates stay open. Unlocked to allow the passages of heroes to enter through honesty and the intellect of dignity and integrity. You chose police work, Officer Cook, a rewarding and yet a perilous job that demands quality and excellence in pursuits of violence and the hunt for humble and humane heroic actions that suggest faithfulness. You delivered, Officer Cook and much more than a fair balance of truth and tributes. Trusted and real, your career of diversity was the telling difference. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

Etiquette pays dividends. To a hero humble and loving, caring and charming wit ha warm smile and friendly greeting, who could ask for more? Officer Cook, the soul of wit with a soft spirit now gently gliding around our society, you were a man on a pilgrimage to restore vitality to Dade County in order for a reason for peace and liberty to share our houses where happiness and joy shall rule our nests. Character, dignity and honor all come from integrity's mold and are shaped day by day just as the will to fight never wanes. Keep the lights of heaven aglow, Officer Cook. Look after your loved ones whose missions and journeys keep on churning. They have you in mind, "Uncle Bo." Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

A cup of tea and a clove of garlic are good for one's health. Serenity, safety and stability are great for the morale of any given venue. They give security and promise to its population who call out for some relief. Badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, reached out in Dade County to snare evil that threatens our daily lives. Make no mistake you were part of a very cherished team of honesty, integrity and the confines of dignity and courage crusading beyond those dangerous calls where life and death can occur in the blink of an eye. A life and heroism now reaching out to us from eternity. A conclusion to a well lived life unfathomable and beyond reason why this disturbed man took you, Officer Cook, away from your adoring family and esteemed colleagues of trust and justice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

Bravery and decency vindicate a man or woman's of service and protection. Nothing but goodness and goodwill following your matches towards freedom and justice for all Dade County residents. The icing on top of a cake tastes delicious, the dignity and integrity of a humble soul them even more brighter. Your coolness and composure, Officer Cook, were instrumental in your hunts for peace and in your searches for serious trouble. A hero of the highest caliber motivating others with his own brand of humility. Sanity and sanctity must hit the pavement running as there can be no shortage of attempts made to harness harm to the public. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honor rests where perfection is never lost.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

Your dossier, Officer Cook, had the signals of great command of a position so humble and esteemed, you were that shining hero of clarity and convictions of honor, so dedicated to prevailing in this never ending war over wickedness. No breaches. No delays. A man of heroism taking his place among the pure souls riding now and forever on angel's wings. Such fierce ferocity and desire that lead all your navigations throughout Dade County where you had spread a red carpet of peace and stability for its citizens. You salute character, loyalty and professionalism and their total package of humane and humble structure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. So vital and vigorous. Filled with appreciation and virtue.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

If you put forth the effort and the intentions are first rate, resolve and dignity can marinate together. Blend in some honor and goodwill, integrity will find its crawl space. Your sincerest of journeys, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County started a domino affect. Though , why did your life have to violently come to an end? God should have given you more and for heaven's name character and the commitment were always up front and so was your humility. Never hold as grudge and always salute our fallen. Austere and serene with the finest ferocity God could champion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

Humble in stature. Heroic heart and cherished soul. A human being conceived to spread the tents of liberty where good folks roam. You were a superior servant, Officer Cook and a Dade County mainstay whose legend spans our globe. Decency. Dignity. Efficiency. Nothing but honest and stellar intentions that produced accomplished actions of undeniable modesty. We salute your reverence and classic motivations, Officer Cook, all the making of a structured home life. Society has some semblance of safe travels because of your uncompromising heroic actions. Its basis was boldness and the bravery to dig down for a starting point. Only God's cream of the crop rest soundly in His enchanted eternal palaces. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

The soul of an eagle soaring higher and higher each day. Drive and desire leading diligence and dignity through those trails where hopeful productivity yields its best results. That right, Officer Cook. It is not style points that defeats evil. It is those who stay honest and centered on integrity that brings truer meaning to harmony and its sanctity. Nothing better than Dade County living humbly well because of your truth and heroism doing its best to shelter us and for humanity witnessing the greatest of humility may God bless your treasured soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

Lucid and likable. Able to take instruction and process its wealth of information needed to combat crime and unseemly violence. All you had, Officer Cook, was a plethora of endorsing energy, endeavor and the earnest honor to delve into planning your next movements throughout Dade County, a community you loved living in and participating in advancing serenity and trust among its folks. Never take things too lightly and try to carry yourself with eloquence at all times. Be hopeful. Be brave and above all be who you are. God puts us here for a certain special mission. Humanity was saved by your heroism, Officer Cook, a very blessed soul of a man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

The ten commandments are for everyone to abide by life and its purposes are to be achieved in a peaceful and prosperous manner. The world swims and sinks because of fine young men and women, some older, but as far as maturity goes, you were years ahead of the crowd, Officer Cook, in documented dedication, distinction, devotion and leadership determination. Able to access and take other comrades through peril and obstacles speaks very finely of your integrity, dignity and humbly humane and heroic honesty. The days, weeks, months and years roll by and evil still exacts its toll no one wants to witness. The character and stoic nature handling task after task shall be remembered for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

A wonder child who grew up to become a fine man and even more resourceful gentleman. Humanity, society and mankind all have their distinct intrigue. You served with grace and candor, trust and tenacity, honor and the indulgence of collaborated courage, dignity and the smartness of integrity, Officer Cook. A perfectly well rounded and capable man who protected with a legion of peers who cherished, respected and admired your wisdom and virtues of vigilance very much. Today not only do we celebrate and salute humility and class, we honor your inspirations, they have warmed the cockles of our hearts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

Whether you are orthodox, conservative or reform, there is still only one God. In the heavens and on Earth who reigns supreme. His edicts are fair, just and balanced with faith, mercy, compassion and goodwill. Just as one of the thousands of superior and decent servants, Officer Cook, who strove to make Dade County efficiently safe and secure. You gave an appearance of professionalism at all times and accounted for responsibility and the honesty that stands for stability and civility. Never running from evil, with outstanding character and the framework of class and charisma, let it be known forever, Officer Cook, you are a hero whose legacy reflects what society expects from each man and women who bravely attempt to quiet down violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

A spirit of affection whose life reflected the morals of maturity and the doctrines of dignity, intellect's integrity protecting you along your humble way, Officer Cook. It conveys a unique and special message of your humanely heroic life and Dade County public service where security and peace meant the world to mankind. That call went out and all the energy and elements of effort and efficiency went into your desires to secure calm and taciturn times for our community who continue to respect and pay homage to your memory, Officer Cook A good person. A loyal peer of perseverance.A truly trusted and heroic gentleman of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

Take heart. Service was coming when you raced to that tragic scene that day, Officer Cook. You and Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln making a difference. All your character and wisdom on the line to save lives. All the honesty and dignity nestled around the community of Dade County to deliver goodwill and secure missions for us all. Always cherished and respected for humility that befit humanity. A hearty and healthy salute. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and clutch courage and truth when seconds mattered the most.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

Nobility is just not a novel way of life. Far better off to be brave and decent, humble and honest, keep integrity funneling in at all moments. Never a worry about you, Officer Cook. As you handed your responsibilities with awesome acumen and very good awareness. Your eyes and ears were turned to the pulses of Dade County and most well received by their people. Our senses of direction and desire were part of your most skillful repertoire. Always loyal and esteemed, faithful and full of tenacity when seeking quiet and safe journeys for us all. A legacy with strong foundations of fruition and cornerstones of concern, caring, consideration and courage like a lion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

History should not repeat itself. Violence and turbulent times shall never unseat humanity's decency. But it happens sadly, tragically and for no logical reasons whatsoever. Your untimely passing in the line of duty, Officer Cook, represented a sacrifice of more than courage and character. It did not tarnish your uniform and badge of dignity and authenticity. It only made our resolve a part of your heroic life and gave all the definition to the words dignity and stellar integrity. Having the gumption to join forces with other fine and most accomplished men and women to complete a task of tremendous onus. And to unseat evil on Dade County's behalf saving life and giving back harmony and togetherness where they belong. You were and always will be your family's glue whose warrior like mentality challenged other to find their niche in life where humility, sanctity and nobleness exists. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

Turn the page and you will locate all the reasons, Officer Cook, as to why you were yearning and persevering, never dishonest nor heaven forbid untrustworthy. Dade County seldom has seen the likes of a refreshing man of commitment and conviction who wrapped his unique intellect around the problems that confront, confound and at times confuse mankind. At age twenty-five the ceiling was high and your integrity and dignity shining like a polish diamond. A hero of humility who kept the wheels of justice well oiled and moving smartly through the streets where you risked your life to preserve and protect the public interest. The honor roll of Our Master unfortunately seem to keep increasing. Men and women with more hunches. All brave and intelligent heroines and heroines who have magnified God's perfect fortress as they their next eternal roles of resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

The clock should never have ceased running, Officer Cook. As your life and humble career as a public servant toward Dade County had much more left to achieve. Though, during your twenty-five years of living and nurturing relationships you accomplished more than some who live to that ripe age of being a centenarian. It was 2:11pm, when you were violently taken from your adoring family and colleagues, time does not stand still. It's your honor and gallant actions that dignified your integrity on behalf of those wanting peace and resolve. A candid and upfront individual who cared for his community and demonstrated the highest degree of character and humbleness for mankind. Saluted and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I think in some police jargon, a 2-11 is an armed robbery. Well your family and country were heinously robbed of your handsomeness and beautiful smile. It's heaven's gift for having you as a Godsend and as a warrior of a heroic legacy. They are not to be passed over nor just skimmed at!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

Revolutions can cause or spark resounding results. Seeing that violence and evil already have whipped our society into a frenzy, only then did your heroic efforts, Officer Cook, help to cordon off bedlam that tragic day in Dade County. A young man who advanced his aspirations, dreams and goals to another level of mature and meaningfully dedicated service where serenity and tranquility mattered most. The ones who devote themselves to staying the courses of bravery, boldness and honesty, keep the flames of integrity and dignity burning brightly forever in their souls of humility and humane character. And you, Officer Cook, are always going to recognized as a genuine man of wisdom,truth and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2019

Ferocity is not a trip of fame. It is more humbly stated a means of which proper authority is utilized by a brave leader of others in an effort to bring about unity and a stabilizing security. To summarize, your service on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, delivered the resolve that honesty, dignity and integrity pursue the virtues of peace by. A commitment to excellence and forever enhancing our very landscape. Humanity cried out that day and your unassuming and undying humility and civility answered that dire call for help. An SOS that will be promptly and heroically so honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2019

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