Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

So help me we all wish you were alive and well today, Officer Cook. Your family, friends and comrades could use your friendly smile and ingenuity. An intellect and integrity that assisted you and your dignity and honesty while vigilantly handled perilous affairs on behalf of all Dade County. harmony and unity coming with tranquility and the liberties we all desire. You made civilization more prepared by your undying and unselfish heroism and humility. The fabrics of fine and outstanding character which of course made your commitment more shiny than ever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2019

A world of pandemonium that you persevered over, Officer Cook, delivering the capsules of courage, care and consideration you had for mankind. Respect and loyalty work as hard as one's humility and honor for their purposes of pride and excellence all through the principles of dignity and integrity. The battles, fights and wars here in Dade County have not concluded. You only begun over forty-six years ago. It's along trek and tenacity never dies nor does your sweet and cherished soul of peace, Officer Cook. It was honorable and charming along with your integrity and dignity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2019

Working in unison produces a much greater affect on society. When you combine honor, integrity and dignity as one you have a better opportunity to thwart terror and its evil ways. You served Dade County, Officer Cook, with all your esteemed and humbly heroic character making serenity and safety a lifetime fixture. Never a more resounding role filled with success and fruition from all your devoted and faithfully humane navigations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. North Miami Beach and the entire police world can take comfort in knowing your soul still and for eternity hovers over us watching and uplifting our spirits.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2019

Don't hide or contain your grief. Better to let it out for all that our sisters and brothers, honorable and courageous do for our communities. You did so much on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, to sustain our vigor and vitality and it took every last ounce of reserve to make a humble hero's character and humane dignity and integrity stand by while fighting off adversity. Only the best intentions of your stellar ingenuity, intelligence and the humility of hopeful intuition. Wise men driven to succeed. You never let anybody down, Officer Cook. True and resolute to your bond of boldness and reason. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2019

The doors that were locked are now open and free of obstacles that have clouded our missions and goals in life. You lived life, Officer Cook, to the fullest getting every inch and space of energy from your heart and soul. Affection and its relevance helped you to better circulate good cheer and hope among Dade County's own folks. The ones your sacred oath meant something. Always about the less fortunate and its now in you, Officer Cook, our friendly hero and compassionate gentleman of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2019

Evil took you, Officer Cook, from your loved ones. Your soul transcended those pearly gates of Our Lord's kingdom where your honesty and dignity hold integrity's character close to your very cherished soul. The very mechanism of our liberty and virtue, Officer Cook. By humility's power did you go out and faithfully attempt to cease violence. Never easy to stop or tackle an aggressive foe who fuels their own ferocious brand of fire. Saluted and etched in our minds and hearts for deserving honor, the ultimate and unselfish sacrifice that bonds us as one nation under God with liberty,trust and representation for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2019

A volt of vigilance surging through your very humble soul of virtue, Officer Cook, created the atmosphere of acumen and the very foundations of honor and integrity coursing through dignity's own soul. Respected and greatly admired by all your colleagues and the entire police nation for service,preservation and the articles of protection by utilizing excellent work habits and the ethics of a desired and devoted man of character. Amazing what a little hope and goodwill do for society. Mankind and humanity certainly can stand tall and humble by your principles, Officer Cook, to right the wrongs of injustice by being trustworthy and truthful in your ever diligent pursuits of serenity. never more wisdom, maturity and the emancipation of vision to see through what muddies our nation. A heroic act of faith perpetuates and accentuates your soul's ascendance to the heaven's above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Day after day you planned, prepared and prodded along looking, hunting and searching for sanity and sanctity on our street corners and roads. The righteousness of resolve resounding its resiliency throughout civilization.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2019

Innovation is the grandfather of creation in that it sets the wheels of motion in order to gets honor, integrity and dignity in their proper locations where terror and evil are awaiting them. You patrolled and served the auspices of Dade County, Officer Cook, with all your heart and soul, your loyalty and bravery always to be so humbly saluted and augmented by your community and their gratitude towards you for performing a dangerous and most arduous task requiring select character and the morals essential to peace and freedom forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Society holds a hero's humility so forever upon their hearts and thoughts. Always prayers for you, Mrs. Cook, on your darling and brave son, Billy's nobility and civility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2019

The stench of evil is not serenity. What conjures up notions of noble and heroic deeds are those brave and humble souls who commit to honesty, humility and the integrity that was your unwavering and noteworthy dignity, Officer Cook, for those in Dade County aspiring for some sense and sanctity within their humble and humane lives of happiness. The very principles my neighbor, friend and hero that you sacrificed your reverence, onus and respect in order to make harsh reality a living and breathing fundamental. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2019

Acumen, awareness and being astute are never arbitrary. What lies in wait to seize upon character and honesty are the violent eyes of enormous nature. Surely your dignity and patience, Officer Cook,shall continue being rewarded and so honored by God, the Master of this universe Himself who allowed you the authority to lead others through peril and who knows what else. A warrior and hero concentrating his courage and ingenuity to settle up with the wickedness that threatens to break humanity's friendly hold of humbleness. You were, Officer Cook, a devout and dearly respected public servant whose safety and harmony mattered at the crucial and critical times of our lives of joy. You are missed terribly by your family,peers and close friends. A bond evil can never bend or break. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2019

Homebound service with a smile. Uniquely humble and esteemed. Friendly and full of ferocity that battled many adversaries. You were that shiny knight, Officer Cook, regally donned in a clean uniform and shiny shoes to go along with a polished badge of honor, integrity and mcy humble respect. Your dignity helped to solve many a problem and for having stellar character, staunch commitment and superior conviction may your soul rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven has humanity's humility instilled in every gate and sacred venue where you now patrol under Our Lord's most perfect and watchful eyes and ears.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2019

Step up to the plate where perseverance and pristine proficiency work within the boundaries of resolve and pride to boldly and most heroically try their best to seal off evil. You were a contented young man, Officer Cook, whose virtue and valuable honor and acumen were taken before their time. Dade County has your spirit and soul to salute for delivering serenity and the affirmations of unity and peaceful times. Never better character, commitment to humility, trust and truth than you exhibited each and everyday. Our Lord has you for eternal safekeeping and may there come a time when our world finally has nothing but taciturn moments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2019

With an enclave of enthusiasm, engagement, endearment and enhancement shall your honor and dignity be superbly saluted, Officer Cook. For making Dade County and its citizens safe and secure once more, may Our Creator reward and bless forever your integrity, character and the charm of humility of which your heroism will be appreciated for generations to come. Brave and bold when duty and responsibility made all stability a living and fruitful reality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2019

Cloudy with a chance of showers. Well the day you gave your life, Officer Cook, the roads and streets were hot and sunny. Just a shame this man shot you, Officer Cook, took your life and nearly killed your colleagues. Your honor and dignity all played a role in curbing this evil and violence which makes our society uneven at times. Integrity, intelligence and intuition are support the mechanisms of meaningful character and convictions which are much needed to battle adversaries that tend to uproot our peaceful and unified moments. Always well revered, respected and cherished for heroic actions of bravery and its courage when resolve and resolution mattered the most. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our King's palace just got brighter with the appearance of your smiling face.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2019

Following your ferocity can only enhance the peace and security of the world at large. Your hunts for peace and truth, Officer Cook, were done honestly and with a renewed sense of urgency and the integrity that makes one's humble commitment and everlasting part of your heroic legacy. Dade County and its citizens were in the most humane and noble of hands when you served and utilized your every of vision, ingenuity and wisdom the vehicles of your vigilance and due diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A smile to light any room that is sorely missed. Your family, Officer Cook, has the memories of your life and dedicated career where you paid the ultimate for our freedoms.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2019

Start those engines of excellence and see where efficient effort and energy travel to? Your life and career, Officer Cook, meant the world to your family and comrades. And no doubt Dade County was saved from the clutches of a callous man's unprovoked actions towards authority. Your honesty and character heroically made that difference in enhancing our lives of serenity and wisdom. Maturity and vision like never before. Your humble and humanely serene spirit floats higher and higher toward God's ionosphere where ideals, values and mettle are welcomed with a very blessed greeting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2019

If every cloud has a silver lining then every hero in heaven has that intrinsic honor and bravery humbly attached to their angel's wings. Your soul, Officer Cook, was what served and saved Dade County's residents from a nightmare of hectic mayhem that awful day. Having dignity, character and integrity means going out on the streets where danger lurks and utilizing your tools of tenacity and resolve within your humility to bring harmony and decency to all humanity. You will forever be remembered, respected, revered and solemnly saluted for valor that has ascended to heaven's peak. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2019

Extracting the teeth of terror away from society is not an easy chore. Rather, it's a task assigned to the very best of women and men fearless and unrelenting in their pursuits of peace and quiet for their chosen communities. Dade County was where your heart lied, Officer Cook, trusted and battle tested, you stood toe to toe with an evil man who took your soul and honesty away from your adoring family and most humanely esteemed colleagues. Humanity places a huge onus upon those gallant and dignified who expose their bodies to torment and turmoil allowing stability and tranquility to enter through all venues. Your wisdom, vision and character, Officer Cook, said it all, truthful, loyal and tenaciously honest. Never to be forgotten and solemnly saluted for heroism of the highest accord. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2019

Honor and humbleness make people better individuals who can adapt better than most. You were a superior man, Officer Cook, a brave human being and an even more dignified public servant who justified your comrades' faith in our resourcefulness and inner spirit. Dade County was well protected by your supremely heroic character that shielded us from violence and its perturbing evil . Exactly as you were trained did your carry out your roles which brought serenity and unity to the top. A gentleman taken way too soon residing in God's perfect den of desire and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2019

Mystique and aura are nice. Mettle and morals cannot become muddied nor muddled. Your integrity, honesty and dignity served Dade County citizens quite well, Officer Cook. Your heroism won't be overlooked nor will your character and humility. It brought a semblance of stability and security to a community calling out for peaceful times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dearly beloved and uniquely special, your soul stays hovering above us keeping us in line.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2019

Rest easy, Officer Cook, your service and prudent protection on behalf of Dade County has been and always will be greatly and heroically appreciated. Honor, decency and humility all bundled together to enshrine humanity with peace and everlasting resolve. You were a man of your bond, bravery and character that wisdom and vision deliver. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2019

The odds and ends of excellent police work. First, at times men and women alike face danger and sometimes insurmountable odds. But, we the ordinary citizens should keep in mind, they are fully competent and loyal to a tee. Honorable and skillful to those comrades they serve with and the people they protect. Your integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, at least offered you the chance to make Dade County proficient once more. Peace and tranquility were there for those awaiting some pride and humility from a very brave and gallant man. Sadly, that day, Officer Cook, a day your family surely won't forget nor will your beloved Karen, you gave your soul, character and the fortitude that ferocity and resolve put in place for the streets to reach a crescendo of calm. Always saluted for high quality morals and work ethics. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The end of life brings eternal peace until that fitting and final resurrection. One day your family will reunite with you, Officer Cook and your most trusted, truthful and brave soul of distinction and experience.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2019

When violence breaks out all must be ready to fight for what is right. Might and strength must have some meat from honesty, integrity and the incorporation of dignity backing them up. You lent a hand to your comrades that day, Officer Cook and heroically saved them and the residents from worser consequences. A hero and a humbly proud man dispersing enhancement throughout a region that continues your quests for freedom and upholds your legacy that lifted up the spirits of the downtrodden. Society honors and salutes your humility, Officer Cook ,that stabilized your community where you grew up and were raised in a dignified environment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2019

The well drying up does not deter a good man from his appointed rounds of resolve, resourcefulness and the much essential resiliency. You gave Dade County every bit of your heart and soul , Officer Cook , to expose corruption and callousness. A basic tenet of faith is to be devout and loyal to your partners who participate in your hunts for humanity's liberty and unities. It takes all the character and charisma to make dignity, honor and integrity that much more effective. The hero in you, Officer Cook, pursued and traveled down those slides of serenity searching for sanctity and the calmness for which we remember your blessed name by. Only God's finest and humane can accept such a daunting task and that is to keep guarding those austere and pearly gates where honor and mettle are the go to morals. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2019

The only addition by subtraction that calibrates is getting rid of rogue and dishonest public servants who betray a sacred trust. Truth of the matter is that all loyal and dignified professionals must act accordingly when the safety of mankind is on the line. When peril and danger lurk you know it's time to get to work. Dig deeper and look for some common ground by which serenity and harmony can share with one another. You practiced and prepared well, Officer Cook, for all your duties and for this Dade County is grateful and deeply indebted for your heroic service. All determination and all character. As clear as a bell, crystal wisdom and vision for a more peaceful future. One made brighter if you were here today with your family, Officer Cook. A profound loss of a precious soul to humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2019

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