Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Sadistic and ornery, violence and upheaval shakes the very core of humanity where the good people look to live freely and prosper wisely. Your role, Officer Cook,created the balances of boldness, bravery and the bands of goodwill for every Dade County citizen. take your reserved honor, humble integrity and desirable dignity, it all left us with hope and not despair. Today, as your family has moved on and lives by the doctrines of your humanely heroic legacy, let God bless your mortal soul and restore confidence in all their undertakings forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
There are no secrets to good police work. Imagination and integrity must show no indifference while dignity and honor rest humbly on the chest of that servant. Your steady prowess, Officer Cook, gave Dade County and its folks a new lease on life. Solid in commitment and humble in character, your heroic missions were supervised by none other than Our Lord who steered your ingenuity and intuitions where serenity and liberty would carry the most impact. Today, your memory, Officer Cook, evokes all the changes since your last watch and it's very difficult to understand why you cannot be here, although we know evil took you from your family. You should have been permitted to courageously continue your quests for efficiency and resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
Crime attacks our systems of fair play and truth and trust. Police can only do their jobs if the focus is squarely on those they serve. If your mind wanders, if your honesty and integrity are questionable and lacking forget applying. These streets, roads and venues need the assurances of good hard working dedicated and quality individuals. Your attitude, Officer Cook, was to persevere and to maintain justice and character in a practical and legal manner. Society salutes your humility, humbleness and humane virtues of heroism all now neatly tucked away in God's kingdom where our fellow officers who sacrificed are slumbering in tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
I believe the pinnacle to success in any chosen endeavor is honesty and humility. Without either, dignity and integrity would not be as relevant or succinct. Thank God you had all these characteristics and more, Officer Cook, knowing Dade County's residents were in excellent hands guiding down those paths of resolve and bravery. Your life and career continue to be celebrated and so poignantly honored for heroic effort and those wings of faithfulness and engagement. Our peace and hope came about through your will to thrive and for six excellently loyal years of conservation and preservation was humanity an dour neighborhoods kept safe from danger. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
Faith can sustain and carry one's hopes and dreams far down that baseline. It was an experience to be sure, Officer Cook, learning the ropes and living your desires to become an earnest and energetic officer. You carried lots of responsibility and the trust of your parents, your beloved Karen, your big sister, Nancy and all those involved in your personal growth. An onus of esteem and bravery honorably carried out by a master of grand virtue and valor. Dade County and its people sleep sounder today and now by your heroism and humble compartments of concern, kindness and consideration for humanity. Tragic and terrible that all ended in a few minutes of ghastly violence perpetrated against you and your colleagues. A shame Mr.Pearsall did obey your commands. A loss of one's life is never going to go away as it leaves a gaping hole that cannot be readily filled. Your soul resides in Our master's gloriest of destinations where those saluted for dignity and integrity live on eternally. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
If you are alive and well today, Mrs. Cook, wherever you reside may you live in devoutness and loyalty. As your beloved son, "Billy," was this example to so many people. Your darling and brave loved one served and saved Dade County as you know over forty some odd years ago . With his ever present smile and uniquely sharp mind and clear perspective, he and his colleagues tried on May 16, 1979, to stop an evil man from harming his girlfriend and other members of society. He went to that scene with his last partner on this Earth and because of his heroic actions lost his life. A life and career dictated on virtues of excellent character and sheer integrity and diligence. His desire and dignity has been and always will be humanely and stoically remembered. Never a finer human being. You and Mr. Charles W. Cook raised two wonderful children including your beloved Nancy, his big sister who never forgets her brother's gifted wings of encouragement and enhancement. Rest in peace Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. What a wonderful man and warrior who delivered our prosperity and prudent security to mankind. Mrs. Cook, you deserve kudos for his righteous life of noble and civil deeds.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
Policing society is not a sideshow. Rather, it is a detailed sidewalk of serious contemplation by all who carry a badge and wear an oriented uniform of integrity and dignity. Your sincere and honest efforts everyday, Officer Cook, allowed you a chance to curtail callousness before it spread its branches of chaotic mayhem. Dade County and its citizens hopes and spirits rested in your reliable arms and gallant legs. All the esteem and bravery that humanity has now uplifted to God's friendliest of havens for safekeeping. A hero whose civility and supreme sacrifices won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
Give pieces of bread to fish and they sustain themselves. Give wisdom and clarity to police officers and they obtain a humble ability to rely upon their honor and bravery to succeed where others might not. Admired. Respected. Capable. It's what is in the foundations of ferocity and tenacity that leads them through danger. Dade County was protected by many superior public servants past and present. all heroes and heroines such as yourself, Officer Cook, who stood for a cause and rightly pursued a place of trust and truth that helped to centralize stability and unity for an area calling for your humility. Badge#1664 was worn with a cherished spirit and goodwill that won't be forgotten. You cannot forget a gallant man first and foremost. Gallantry and grace navigate down those pathways where perseverance and fervor go. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
Evil is not eloquent. It perturbs and bothers our joys of happiness while undermining society's grips on peace and harmony. You tried and performed outstandingly, Officer Cook, on May 16, 1979, to quell a disturbance beyond a wise man or woman's mind. It's about honor, integrity and the values that integrity ushers in when time is of the essence. Hope springs eternal and for coming to aid your comrades and those whom you served my humility rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero with you always as you observe from Our Lord's highest vantage points.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
Deflating and disappointing. It's what evil leaves in its wake. A terrible tide of terror knocking over the posts of perseverance and the personification of a good name here in Dade County. Yours, Officer Cook, our hero and legend of strength and character, courage and honor. You fought a long fight to garner our freedoms and serenity while exposing your soul to the perils that existed. Never without a humble salute of honor and the reverence that loyalty sparks in brave souls of motivation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
Golfers and public servants have this in common, they must be way above par to succeed even with entirely different and most distinct professions. you took the road, Officer Cook, long and winding not in any negative way to reach your aspirational goals and lifelong dreams as a young man. Police work is not simple nor for every living soul struggling for something. You cannot be complacent. You must be a man of means and by that we mean, honesty, scruples, vigor and dignity that integrity brings to the chains of command. Dade County was enriched by your resourcefulness, resolve and gallantry, Officer Cook, their hero, your loved ones, warrior and hero and humanity's shining example of bravery marked by humble instincts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A savvy leader who is missed very much.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
These sinister sounds of violence have got to be silenced forevermore. Never can come a day when the peace of a community is disrupted and rudely interrupted by wanton terror. Evil and torment doom the areas that rely upon a given hero's patience and resolution. You put thing sin check, Officer Cook, tending to Dade County's needs as well as anyone. Always devoted and always dignified in your honorable travels where integrity and character lend their greatest credence. Saluted for having a soul of gratitude and being durable when times got rough and tough. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
With the jetstream of ferocity and the wings of tenacity, your life and career, Officer Cook, had so much more to offer. To lose you at such a young age with more left behind, to say you did not fulfill is wrong and not honest. You accomplished more in twenty-five years than most who live much longer. Your career of devotion was humbly bound for humility and blessing, most notably unwavering character, commitment to excellence and the demands of your integrity and astute dignity which battled until the end this violence that placed Dade County under enormous siege. You heroically acquitted yourself, Officer Cook, as all worthy public servants must, with strength and diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
Canines and robots still have their integral value in policing. You still need the vigilant eyes and ears of dependable and responsible men and women of honesty and of fortitude. Your versatility and accountability, Officer Cook, extended far and wide within Dade County locking in safety, protection and the taciturn moments we've come to share. Your wisdom and vision all legitimate and part of your legacy will not be overlooked. It's found in your DNA, desire, resolve and acumen all now and forever with Our Creator who watches over your valiant soul of endearment. Humility was served, integrity and dignity were blessed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
Evil must be removed from the streets and including rogue and just plain officers men and women. Humanity tolerates certain things, but when protection and service are of vital importance, honor, character, dignity and integrity are essential requirements of a very demanding and taxing professional position. Meandering and just waiting for a clue when terror strikes is not good enough. Your reverence and legacy, Officer Cook, on Dade County's behalf shall not be thrown aside. and surely never absent from our thoughts, hearts and souls. Your soul continues to be respectfully honored by the Lord Himself. A great man who saved lives of his peers and civilians involved in that tragic domestic dispute. It was more than a dispute. It totally challenged the authority of a loyal and determined gentleman with a spirit to match. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
On e mistake, one misfire or miscalculation can lead any public servant into a web of wickedness. That one event, one last call sadly you answered and gave your life for Dade County, Officer Cook, has been indelibly etched into your family's hearts, the citizens' hearts and into the marble and granite walls of heroic honor here in Miami at Tropical Park and in Our Nation's Capitol. The humblest of human beings all dignified, all honorable and all was class, bravery and integrity's character. Never a better servant, Officer Cook, who labored tirelessly on behalf of his community than yourself. God has your respected and admired soul of civility, wisdom and vision in His skies above to keep watch over those who pursue evil and to permit us to experience joy in our lives. This was your pleasure and happiness that was usurped and violently taken from you. Always honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
The humility to stay calm and collected during that stressful day, Officer Cook, surely your blessed name and treasured soul will be humbly saluted for integrity and the reverence of dignity. A uniform and badge worn distinctly and with much discretion. Never more enhancing than your accomplishment in harmony and tranquility entering the friendly confines of all Dade County. A humane and dedicated man on a special mission of mettle and principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
Hostility bring with it the baggage of mistrust, dishonor and humiliation to our society. Your truth and trust, Officer Cook, your tenacious ways of dealing with conflict brought the people of Dade County closer than ever before. Security and peace, transparency and effort all made by your heroic and unselfish character, care and concern for mankind and your humility which was front and center during episodes of evil. Always fondly remembered and solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
Sadly, the blind can't see. The deaf can't hear. One who can't communicate is sad. To tarnish the pristine image of society by wanton and terrible evil is simply tragic. Police make their way out onto the streets and roads to permeate a felling of goodwill and friendship. Just what you did, Officer Cook, honoring Our Maker in liberating Dade County from the clutches of callousness and one cowardly man. Your dignity and humble integrity and humane heroism, Officer Cook, evoke memories of a young man taken too soon who brought civility and sanctity to all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
A pit of perseverance and proficiency is better than a hole of mistrust and distortion of the truth. Your fine manners and courtesies, Officer Cook, brought a reliance of peace and goodwill to all Dade County residents. Never more character and always a treasured heroic legacy bounded by humility and excellence in all you did for society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 22, 2019
Plant a seed and it eventually grows. Boldness and bravery blossom from the beginnings of honesty, truth and trust. Trust your instincts and dignity will shadow your flights every moment. They did as you so solemnly pursue devil on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook. A man whose friendship was his faith , devoutness his goodwill and a spirit of humility what has blessed mankind. A very noble and treasured soul whose life and police career made us better citizens able to carry on your heroic legacy as your family and police comrades have done all these decades later. A long time has passed and you'll be revered and admired forevermore, Officer Cook. A gentleman of principles, conviction and motivational leadership skills. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 22, 2019
The sweet smell of success is blessed by Our Heavenly Creator, Officer Cook and for nearly forty years, Badge#1664 and its wearer has been cherished and revered for greatness. Honesty, Liberty. Dignity and integrity all positioned according to the stars at night when your mortal soul, Officer Cook, uplifts those downtrodden and less fortunate. You took Dade County and planted relief and resiliency which in turn has been transmitted to all future men and women. Heroes and heroines all brave and humbly faithful to those perilous calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Class, desire, decency and character. You cannot begin the battles over such a foe without any of these traits.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 22, 2019
That was one hellish afternoon of horror in Liberty City, Officer Cook, when you stood face to face and toe to toe protecting and heroically saving lives of the people of Dade County and your fellow officers. What a man! What a humble representative of humanity whose own morals and mettle were as good as your honor, wisdom, integrity and dignity. You stood up with humility and stabilized a community having a difficult time comprehending why such a day of misery and terrible circumstances left you laying in the streets giving your resolve and humane sacrifice for the sounds of peace and quiet to echo in an area that honors your service upon mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 22, 2019
Drinking and driving don't mix. And neither does dishonor and mistrust. Society has a problem releasing those committing crimes against the establishment and for what transpired with you, Officer Cook, your family and department should never have had to experience another tragedy again. Dade County and its repertoire of citizens respected your sincerest of efforts my neighbor, friend and hero which stabilized a region where doom and gloom were falling like no tomorrow. You are a hero, Officer Cook,, whose brilliant soul was immediately transported to the heavens above where your honesty, integrity and dignity can never be struck down by anything. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 22, 2019
Violence must be uprooted if the sensations of security and serenity are to take root. You were a marvelous and wonderful young man, Officer Cook, with so much more left to accomplish. For twenty-five years of loyal and effective service on behalf of all Dade County, it's heroic honor, dignity and integrity such as yours will never go undone. Your life and career concluded way too soon at the hands of a madman bent on revenge whatever. Your excellent character and humility allowed humanity to overcome adversity. A man of wisdom and resolve centered on protecting lives. Your loved ones dearly miss you, Officer Cook and so too your friends and brave colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hearty salute of gallantry makes all the sense in the world especially when our dearest risk life and soul for fruitful passages.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 22, 2019
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