Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Clad in courage and countless concern, caring and consideration, you exploits here in Dade County saved lives and delivered a basis of gallantry through serenity and unity, the harmony the citizens came to expect from one resourceful public servant. Always cherished, treasured, humanely humble and greatly revered and augmented in acumen and being very astute at handling all circumstances that evil and violence present. Never more saluted and fondly honored for extra special resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 26, 2019
Resolve is revealed. Serenity is sealed. Humility and honor are the hidden traits of all devoted and duly affirmed law enforcement personnel. You protected Dade County, Officer Cook, with all your might and mettle that was and is a part of your heroic legacy of dignity and rich integrity. The very finest of character that helped to create the bonds of bravery and boldness in badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, decent and diligent. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 26, 2019
Thievery and thuggery belong locked up chained forever to their evil rants. It's bravery and courage which should be prominent on the streets where you diligently patrolled in Dade County for a loyal and honored six years, Officer Cook. You reigned in terror and for your humble and pristine heroic character may the heavens above light up like a pinball machine. You cultured and nurtured goodwill and friendships among those whom you served and protected. The rewards and blessings have arrived and your spirit, Officer Cook, has continued its eternal trips around our solar system. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The roads and streets have greatly missed your abounding presence. Always near and never too far. Humility's cherished and respected public servant, yourself, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 25, 2019
Your heroic hunger pangs, Officer Cook, yearned for sanctity and civility while serenity was being provided for by your unselfish being. Dade County experienced a man of motion whose notions of honor, integrity and dignity sheltered the citizens from sheer brutal evil. Nothing finer than boldness and bravery battling and matching wits with sure wickedness. Sorry, you could not be given the chance to live more, Officer Cook,your bond of humility helped mankind over those humps where heinousness looked to rule the roost. We pause and reflect upon your life of commitment and convictions with steady commitment and excellent morals to be able to handle a most menacing foe. Never forgotten or overlooked. Just a happy man with a spirit that lit up the room. Your personality greets those new heroes and heroines to God's divine providence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 25, 2019
The complexities of life seem to be more confounding as violence confronts our most decent, civil and heroic of men and women. What a man and hero you were, Officer Cook, fearlessly dealing with evil and trying to secure humanity's unity and liberty at society's request. For having character and dignity coupled with honor and reverence may God, Officer Cook, forever guard your unwavering integrity which has liberated your community where you are so honored from any harm. Never any hurt and no more suffering in His valleys of glory.. Those angel's wings you are wearing, Officer Cook, allow you to fly as high as Our master will permit your mortal soul of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 25, 2019
A hero's life must so be honored and saluted for its humility and honesty. All the bravery and intelligence is important and so is the dignity and integrity. We here in Dade County remember your life and career, Officer Cook. It stands tall and proud because of what Badge#1664 represented. Resolve. faith and the hopeful goodwill society got when yo u were first hired for your position. Your treasured soul of safety is now forever nestled with those immortal souls of the past who have taken their pride and made mankind better prepared for tomorrow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clarity wakes up a sleeping mind. Conviction goes to character. Loyalty is a show of hope rather than despair.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 25, 2019
Police work is not a fluke. Sometimes a bit of luck is essential, more often than not just good old work habits and honesty steer you through mazes of mayhem and what not. Dade County was your territory, Officer Cook, and for having the humble and stable dignity, wisdom and vision may your spirit be extra blessed. We know that Our Lord has given your beloved family His incentives to continue following through on your beloved hero's legacy and all the honors you have gotten, Officer Cook, it is society rewarding you for a job well done. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 25, 2019
The bells are for boldness. The whistles are for unwavering resolve when trying to defeat evil. Thankfully, Officer Cook, defending the freedom and unity of Dade County did not take any prodding. Your motivation was welcomed with open arms as was your integrity, dignity and stoic honor. The humility to refresh humanity and your heroic inspirations to make your mortal soul of serenity move easier inGod's heavens above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A special man handling a special task with courtesy and courage.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 25, 2019
Division only serves to destroy determination. Addition of good character and the values of honor and integrity can only enhance one's career and yours, Officer Cook, serving all Dade County was worth pursuing your dreams. Nothing in dignity and scruples ever was lacking and so neither was your humility and heroic talents which delivered nothing but resolve and relevancy to serenity and the tranquility we have come to expect and respect from a loyal and deserving man who should still be here today. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 25, 2019
A career dedicated to the life and times of Dade County, your life, Officer Cook, was paneled by the perspectives of perseverance and prudent work ethics. Always polite and courteous, honor, dignity and integrity battled those evils which afflicted our society. It did bring about the commissions of courage, safety and security for all citizens. Enhancement has stayed about because of your unselfish, undying and unwavering commitment and convictions to stay on top of all situations. Saluted and fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 25, 2019
Culture brings a shock to those not about to move forward. Times change circumstances and all these years later, Officer Cook, your family has moved on as you would have wanted them to despite them missing you and your smile. They'll meet again in heaven where your dignity and vision will gather your integrity and valor to bring a more speedier redemption. Always cherished and most admired and reverently respected for heroism and humility. Humanity had your God given skills preserving them all these years and now your soul steers from side to side in those deepest of blue skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 25, 2019
Love takes time and it's hard to locate at times. Your family and wife loved you very much, Officer Cook. So young and devoted to your loved ones and community of Dade County where you grew up in North Miami Beach, Florida and attended schools there. Honorable and full of common sense, it's a crying shame Mr. Pearsall did not possess the dignity and integrity that carried your excursions of effort around a community where your character and class are part of your heroic legacy that remains forever saluted for bravery and amazing accomplishment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 25, 2019
Surgery heals a wound. Sacrifice takes a humble effort. Your life and career, Officer Cook, marked a turning point for Dade County residents. Serenity and prosperity all by your unwavering character and humanely heroic commitment to excellence and pride. God has your honor, integrity and dignity which fought evil in His castles of perfection for perpetual care. Keep guarding those pearly gates, Officer Cook, with wisdom ,vision and everlasting humility and the good graces Our Creator provided you. This is a very valuable resource. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 25, 2019
Your soul of sanctity and safe passages, Officer Cook, was the inspiration for many others to follow in. Dade County had a reserved and most fiercely resourceful leader in its ranks when you pulled up to a situation to lend a hand. A fiercely resourceful man whose flames of dignity sparked your passions and desires to ably lead others through adversity and strife. Never more gallant a man who legacy of heroism reflects your department's expectations. You are to be remembered, Officer Cook, with humility and courage straight from your humble heart. Our Lord has you protected and secured in His deepest venue where perfection is only experienced by those who were brave and honest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 24, 2019
Violence attracts the worst of people. Sinister and crude, wicked and misguided. No one will ever know why Mr. Pearsall more than assaulted the integrity of the police and in doing so took your life, Officer Cook. A Dade County hero to be respected and forever reverently honored for dignity, character and the humbleness that humanity looks upon. Your friends, colleagues and of course your family sadly have missed your wonderful smile and unique persona all these decades later. time surely passes us by when we least expect it to. Always treasured and loyal to a tee. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 24, 2019
At times ropes and walls are tough to negotiate. With a little persistence the tasks become a little less tougher. All the skills, all the vision and all the courage and wisdom cannot keep a good servant with a golden heart down on the mat. You just dust yourself off and start over. Your life had balance,. boldness and bravery, Officer Cook, steering you through traffic and who knew what that day of May 16, 1979. Never forgot you and your heroic charisma which saved Dade County's people and brought a sense of relief. Just pathetic what happened to such a lovely man and a more deserved man of faith and intrigue. Nothing complex about humility seeing it was yours, Officer Cook, gentle, genuine and extremely gallant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dedication is that fortress of devotion and steadfast determination. It honorably carried your life and career of practical principles and the mettle needed to battle atrocities. The attacks on evil still keep moving on.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 24, 2019
Parole is the poison for which humanity frowns upon its taste. To savor the sweet disposition and your classic honor, Officer Cook, was the gin and tonic that allowed Dade County and mankind in general to sleep in peace and to rise in the morning refreshed and dignified. All the integrity, all the hopes and your undying heroism shall be humbly honored forever. The grace of God permitted you, Officer Cook, the opportunity to serve,protect and to take note. Heaven is peaceful and your serene soul of charm rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Self-sacrifice and efficiency navigated your trails where our dreams, yours, too, Officer Cook, rested upon your shoulders of courage and onus.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 24, 2019
Knee jerk reactions won't silence crime, Evil and terror are tremendous friends toward each other, but adversarial foes to modern society. To calm down and to comport yourself, Officer Cook, was a key in believing in your professional instincts of integrity, honesty and the dignity by which all brave and mortal souls fight for our liberties as you ably did on Dade County's behalf. The expectations are high. The demands quite extraordinary. Nevertheless, hope and character were derived from your drive and will to accomplish. A tall challenge, but your personality met the needs of humanity and humility steered your compass with God's capable assistance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 24, 2019
Initiate hope and you just pumped a wholesome supply of faith and good cheer into a community. For all your life and days, months and years laboring feverishly on behalf of the good folks of Dade County, Officer Cook, you never ever displayed a lack of honor and morals. You saw. We better yet witnessed a confident and charming young man engaging in heroism humility and the esteem of cherished humbleness. It gave humanity that extra special touch of tenacity which in turn helped to dispel doom and disaster. Only the best of bravery and endeavor who gave their lives of fruitful missions have been sadly summoned to heaven to perform that sacred chore of guarding Our Creator's most pearliest of gates. It's where you, Officer Cook, walk a serene and peaceful beat. Nothing will harm your soul again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wish I could have driven with you that fateful day and done something to revive you. It should not have ended that way!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 24, 2019
Crime is like a puzzle. The more you take it apart the more effort must be inserted into finding security and some sense of purpose. Unity does rise from the earth overnight and your steady service, Officer Cook, broadened Dade County's horizons. You start a project you want to see it through. Six years, rather, twenty-five years of honesty, dignity and integrity to confound, confront and confuse an adversary of mass proportions. We are now better served although you should be here, Officer Cook, to see what you began forty-three years ago. Hope. Trust. Truth and an inner spirit of goodwill for all society. Humbleness and heroism, all the backbones of your boldness and candor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Intuition, ingenuity and intervention are just a piece of proficiency. A must for all public servants to be utilized to keep the public and themselves.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 24, 2019
Captured. Netted. Trapped. Whatever the assignment requires to tackle an enemy as large and as dangerous as evil, the hopes and prayers, Officer Cook , rode with you in your car. Dade County still feels the affects of your care and concern all these decades after you lost your young life to wickedness at one man's heinous hands. You certainly will be honored as you continue drawing praise and blessing for your humble and heroic soul of civility and vision. The cream rises to top and so does your unrelenting character and achievements. A crying shame you could not be here to witness the very foundations you laid down for other men and women, brave and honest too. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's shelters are serenaded by sensational bravery, all angels of heroic status. Wear your wings as you soar higher and higher with humility propelling your every movement.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 24, 2019
The launching pad for learning, yearning and leadership always begins in one's own home environment where parents teach and give their kids instructions that will better serve all humanity. It was practiced, preached and prepared in your house, Officer Cook. It made your gumption , grit and gallantry on par with your dignity, honor and integrity in order that Dade County citizens understood their peace, harmony and stability was not just a one time one day happening. Treasured and tenacious, vital and vigorous. Your homages, Officer cook, are forever for your ingenuity and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 24, 2019
Effort does not always result in execution of one's primary duties. The function of any public servant is to stay within the bounds of honesty, integrity and dignity while maintaining the sanctity of the venues, roads and streets they canvass for peace and trying to rid them of violence. You performed your roles exceptionally well, Officer Cook, making Dade County safer and more securer. The gentleman of character, commitment and humility which honored mankind and the reserves of resolve and goodwill you had during your life and career, Officer Cook. Saluted for bravery and unshakeable mettle. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 24, 2019
Fear can be overcome with a little ferocity. Terror can be met and broken apart by some tenacity. Turmoil, torment and grief cause wounds that sometimes time cannot completely heal. Your untimely death in the line of duty, Officer Cook, brought sadness to your family, department and Dade County as a whole. That hole can get deep and even with unwavering and unselfish integrity, dignity and honor it can be tough to climb out of. You met an obstacle on May 16, 1979, your last day in this world, a day of infamy your grieving family could never have imagined the toll inflicted upon them. A savior and hero. Humbleness dispersed where humility looks to stand firm. You were an honorable and most trustworthy public servant never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If only that man listened to you and your colleagues instructing him to surrender. he should have given up and made things go down a bit easier,. he did not and very unfortunate for everyone concerned.. Keep shining your soul, Officer Cook, on your beloved and cherished family, may they be blessed with peace, health and goodwill.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
Thorns prick our skin causing us to bleed. Bullets pierce bodies and more than that take lives. Innocent bystanders, virtuous men and women serving when duty calls for the right reasons of humility, integrity and the truth of honesty. Safe to say, Dade County was well provided for during your entire watch, Officer Cook. You respected authority and were a constant learner who had a passion to preserve the authenticity of life. Never forgotten and heroically honored by humble homage and salutes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence brings suffering to families who have lost loved ones fighting for our decencies. You maintained this balance, Officer Cook, you were a real gentleman and a very brave soul.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 23, 2019
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