Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Devotion is one potion to preventing difficulties in society. The obvious idea of just crime itself never happening is certainly the other. Summertime is a hot time of the year and lately there have been a rash of shopping mall shootings. But, you, Officer Cook, always acted and performed your professional roles serving and protecting Dade County as a hero. A man of blessed distinction, with a humbly loyal and cherished heart and soul that dug deeper in the trenches of violence to weed out and stop crime. When integrity, dignity and character are rudely interrupted while doing your job a perilous one then we must stop and wonder what to think, to say and search within ourselves for solutions not always so simple to locate. You were a revered and persevering gentleman whose grace, dedication and gallantry touched your family, colleagues and friends and will forever be saluted and fondly remembered as your legacy continues growing all these decades later. Your uniform and badge#1664 had fortitude, respect and virtue attached to them and nothing sadly will bring you back to them. We remember and my family pay your honor, reverence and homage daily. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 8, 2024

Though we are creatures of habit, those who commit violence must be stopped by the good public servants who risk their lives for us and society to remain safe and at peace. Officer Cook, Dade County is where your heroic legacy firmly remains blessed as it represents everything special and precious that your heart, soul and spirit all unwavering and totally unselfish accomplished during your relatively short life. A sacrifice most of us may never fully understand and you can never understate the obvious that you were a fighter, a battler and a gentleman of class, decency and desire who left it all on the streets where evil lurked that fateful day when God took you back home to heaven to patrol its sacred streets where nothing will ever harm you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A true and trusted angel whose wings perfectly fitted will let you soar higher each second.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2024

If your life, career and missions were sacred, Officer Cook, that statement in and of itself means you were heroically honorable and dedicated to integrity, dignity and character because those words of your blessed and solemn affirmation meant the world to your community, family and colleagues who served and protected the people of Dade County alongside of you their guardian angel now and for eternity. Our serenity, freedom and pursuits of our goals and aspirations in life were created by your hands and feet of ferocity, truth and trust and nothing was going to interfere with the process because this is progress and though many changes have happened since you sacrificed your young life over four and a half decades ago you'll always remain loyal, esteemed and be saluted for gallantry going above the normal routine to make an important impact within society's boundaries. Rest in peace my neighbor, angel, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2024

Meant to say, Officer Cook, so sacred not so scared because you my neighbor, friend, hero and angel were a fearless warrior who wrestled with wanton individuals. Your tenacity, trust and resiliency all were true and complete as sadly God called your sweet, precious and humbly blessed soul home to watch over His streets where other heroes and heroines forever rest in peace. Dignity, integrity, humility and character found their directions in your commitments and convictions to excel. Again, Officer Cook, rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2024

A leader is one who can handle and delegate authority. You were surely bred to become a leader of other fellow officers, Officer Cook. Because of your heroism, humble honor and dignity that was multiplied in character and integrity that patrolled far and wide throughout Dade County, your home where you grew up and became a cherished and loyal hero to your beloved family, brave comrades and to the many friends who become your source of inspiration. true trustworthiness that went down the trails and paths of both wisdom and virtue so scared that provided the basis of essential faith, esteem and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy as an angel will forever stand as pride and unselfishness meshed together in your fruitful journeys and missions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2024

Gratitude is something mankind yearns for. Your generosity, compassion and heroic honor, Officer Cook, all were by the book and for dignity, integrity and truthfully trustworthy character and commitment to rise higher one must be loyal, dedicated and completely unselfish and unwavering. You check all the boxes of virtue, bravery and wisdom beyond your twenty-five years. Too short a life sadly cut down by one heinous coward of a man. You were a truly first class public servant and a devoted son and brother, a husband and everything that has been missed all these forty-five years later. But never forgotten and forever saluted and solemnly remembered as a hero who uplifted and enhanced the landscape of your beloved Dade County community. Rest in peace my friend, neighbor, hero and angel whose heart, soul and spirit was totally unrelenting as we still carry on your battles over this monster called violence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 6, 2024

The fireworks have been launched now is the time to go to battle against the forces of evil which you did, Officer Cook, most heroically on behalf of Dade County and its people. Your fine and outstanding sense of direction, dignity and fortitude saved us from more violence that day of May 16, 1979. Integrity, character and honorable commitment was sacrificed for serenity, safety and dedication. A man blessed in life and during your watch and as one of God's trusted angels of bravery may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. True and an unselfish heart and soul looks down upon your family. A great young man most of all a gentleman of wisdom, virtue and sacred versatility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2024

Tenacity can overcome treacherous ways at times. For heroism above and beyond, Officer Cook, may we here in Dade County remain blessed and safe. Because of one man supported by dignity, honesty and integrity God has kept you sheltered all these decades later service, sacrifice and virtue above the lines of character, commitment and conviction may your family stay blessed as they pursue their lives with your legacy and spirit implanted in their hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels hover as they encircle us at every moment. Your family remains very proud of you, Officer Cook. Today I spoke with your comrade and friend, Officer Keith DiGenova.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2024

Driven by dignity and determination, your heroic trails and paths, Officer Cook, were all dignified and all integrity with such outstanding character, commitment and conviction to true and trustworthy justice for Dade County and all mankind where your pilgrimages of perseverance and proficiency were done with the utmost care, compassion and concern for all who looked for some peace in their lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, an angel of unselfish and unwavering sacrifice who was loyal, esteemed and treasured by his family, friends and colleagues of the past.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2024

You dedicated your career and life, Officer Cook, to heroically protect a community such as Dade County where our security and safety came about. Desire, dignity, integrity, decency and faithfulness all because of unselfish work ethics and pride. A truly first class gentleman with a soft and compassionate heart and soul always so loyal and humble. Badge#1664 will never be forgotten and today on July 4th you will surely and forever be saluted for wisdom beyond duty and solemnly remembered for aiding your comrades and the citizens who may still be alive who cared that fateful day. Rest in peace my neighbor, angel, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2024

Heroism is heart and soul that grab the wings of humanity. And yours, Officer Cook, touched the entire community of your beloved home here in Dade County. It was where back in 1973 your career began with Metro-Dade Police Department. For six brief and yet concise years of unselfish, unwavering and unyielding productivity you captured the minds and hearts of those who you loyally served and protected from harm. Dignity, integrity and character all combined to smash the very face of violence, your true and trustworthy commitments and convictions were accomplished and Our Maker brought your sacred and precious spirit back home to rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2024

To enhance, to enrich, to educate and to uplift all fall within the roles and obligations of all professional law enforcement personnel. That's exactly what you did and lived your life and career by, Officer Cook, the heroics of heart and soul all humility from a man devout in faith, composed in character, honor, dignity and integrity. Put together they created peace and safety for all Dade County folks to cherish and to pursue their life aspirations and dreams as they were yours also if not for your life and career ending so tragically, yet you'll by saluted for gallantry, virtue and sacred missions put forth to emancipate us from unrelenting evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel of truth and trust all relevant and all diligent.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2024

A man of faith, devotion and dedication who helped to sheer the top off of violence here in Dade County. The residents greatly appreciated your sincerest of endeavors, Officer Cook, a humbly blessed hero of integrity, dignity, character and the nuances of everything in honorable and loyal. Our liberties and pursuits in life including those of your beloved family members are because of you their "Uncle Bo." A gentleman of spirit and adventure whose heart and soul captivated mankind and society with only decency, desire and resiliency. Rest in peace my friend, neighbor, hero and and angel who patrols his perfect beat above without anything standing in your heavenly paths and trails. Here it was solid virtue, truth and trust leading your unselfish and persistent life and career of vigilance and due diligence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2024

A man of pride yet very reserved low keyed and exceedingly heroic and humble. We the residents of Dade County recognized you, Officer Cook, back in your time when you served with esteem, honesty and the loyalty that character, dignity and integrity demands nothing less was given when you executed your basic duties patrolling its corridors. A gentleman blessed with a humane heart and soul, humility and true trust were enriching your life pursuits and chosen career where you instincts were always intuitive. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always an angel. Awareness, acumen and accentuation. Never ending, gallant, enhancing and likable.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2024

Confidence is not cockiness. By being humble and honest you'll more than likely reach a small level of success. You reached a level of accomplishment, Officer Cook, by never straying and by being dignified and in command of any situation when you served the good citizens of Dade County with outstanding character, integrity and loyal commitment to everything in the words of virtue, true conviction and a trusted heart and soul all unselfish and unwavering. The angel wings you have adorned for forty-five years allow you to fly higher. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2024

Police put everything in the way of violence while doing their utmost diligence to protect, preserve and to prudently to save lives. Surely, certainly and clearly you left your heroic soul, heart and spirit, Officer Cook, on that street where you gave your special and precious life on behalf of Dade County residents. The hopes, dreams, aspirations were there to share as was dignity, integrity and a loyal honesty that is still being saluted and celebrated today. such uplifting and stellar character, commitment and conviction must never be overlooked nor placed on a shelf to gather dust. You my neighbor, friend and hero were a staunch man of passion and faith when combined with endeavor and efficiency produced a quality of serenity, security and safety to be solemnly remembered. Rest in peace. Badge#1664 was respect, reverence and diligence pure and simple. True trust was always located within your heart of gold.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2024

Dade County is not some laid back community although there are too many homeless individuals who seek daily shelter. Your role as a public service professional was if needed to place your life and career sometimes in harm's way to protect us. Officer Cook you were and will forever be your family and department's hero of heart, soul and unselfish dedication to duties above and beyond your essential responsibilities. You took nothing for granted and carried out your journeys of faith, effort and proficiency to the exact letter of the law in holding yourself accountable in every way that integrity, dignity, character and honesty demands never shying away nor giving in to those inclined to commit wanton and heinous evil. For sacrificing your life and spirit may they be blessed and humbly rewarded by Our Creator in heaven as you forever walk your perfect beat above. Only truth and trust can assist one in never straying from the righteous paths and trails in which you were focused, accentuated and unwavering. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Being blessed and sheltered in peace and safety because of you, Officer Cook, you surely won't be forgotten as we salute virtue, sacred resourcefulness and clear vision.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2024

The wisdom of the humble needs to be stored within humanity's walls of wealth. For all the happiness and passions we as free people have, police don't have the luxury of sitting back while violence uncorks its nastiest swings. Your compassion, coolness under pressure, Officer Cook, your heroic character, integrity, commitment and trustworthy convictions all centered around securing and protecting the honor and humility of Dade County. Such an unselfish, yet blessed young man, gallant and one who brought together the masses without looking for accolades. An outstanding job well done and now as one of the many heavenly angels of vigilance, virtue and sacred missions of faith and devotion may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Paths and trails of perseverance and precision. You paved the way for those who now wear a uniform and badge of loyal distinction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2024

We in society have stomached violence and wanton evil for far too long. It's a crying shame, Officer Cook, your life and career could not have lived on to protect Dade County. God decides our destinies and your trails and paths of truth and heroic trustworthiness has stood as a reminder of when a man's honesty, dignity and integrity is encroached upon we must salute and pay homage to character, commitment and conviction that is your legacy of virtue, sanctity and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A loyal and devoted gentleman of dedication, determination and sure faithfulness, resiliency beyond your responsibilities. Our quietness and safety were because of what you represented in the words of vigilance, diligence and humbly blessed reverence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2024

Grace that blessed your family and this earth for twenty-five short years, Officer Cook, six spent patrolling and protecting Dade County's folks from evil. With sincerely humble heroic effort your character and truly trusted commitment, integrity and dignity meant our freedoms well could not be anymore thankful to you. A man whose heart and soul lived up to expectation and will always saluted and honored for outstanding performance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Now as your family's beloved angel may you soar higher and higher.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2024

Your smile, wit and heroism, Officer Cook, sure made the folks of Dade County safer and secure. Integrity and dignity make character and honesty stand for pride, heart and humility. Yours shall be remembered, saluted and revered forevermore as angel who patrols his beat in God's plains of true and trustworthy perfection. So sad your life and career ended as it did but you'll always be adored, beloved and cherished by your family for instilling happiness and goodwill within their hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2024

We set our compasses in certain directions and you, Officer Cook, set your compass and pathfinder in the general vicinity of where violence, evil and wanton crime here in Dade County needed to be cutoff and stopped. For having and in maintaining honesty, dignity and integrity the good Lord whom you were faithful and honorable has kept on blessing your soul, heart and spirit as well as your family's as they take the baton of your heroic bravery forward with unwavering character, clutch commitment to excel and true and trustworthy conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who serve today had better stay safe and make real certain their compasses are adjusted and tuned properly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2024

A gentleman whose constitution and intuition touched the hearts and souls of his beloved family, community and department where you worked, Officer Cook, heroically and tirelessly for the benefit of all Dade County residents. Always a smile, always so loyal, devoted and faithful to your colleagues until your last breath giving your life to perpetuate peace and to accentuate what we all knew already regarding your unselfish dignity, character and the ever present integrity of both truth and trust. It made its incisions wherever it was needed as you'll forever be honored and solemnly saluted for wisdom, virtue and vision that will stand as your legacy that your family can pass down from one generation to the other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility and blessings pour down from the skies above as you, Officer Cook, continue to look down on them. A real young man with passions, aspirations now they serve as our inspirations. So dearly missed and forever adored. An affirmation undertaken for the sake of heaven. Peace, safety and security need the hands, feet and lips of the devout of which you were and you can ask the members of Visitation Catholic Church in North Miami, Florida where you and your beloved Karen worshipped regularly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2024

Virtue, valor and vision that reverberated throughout Dade County, your blessed and loving community, Officer Cook, where you grew up and called home. Yes, so vibrant a man, so heroically humble and blessed with a heart and soul balanced and nurtured by the fuels of fruition, honor and dignity, such integrity and character only fortified the boundaries, streets and roads you so solemnly patrolled with passion, care and compassion. All of this won't ever be forgotten because of who you were and for what you represented in Badge#1664 reverence, efficiency, reliability and sure versatile commitment to truth and trustworthiness banded together by goodwill, faithfulness and our serenity and safety provided by a gallant warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It hurts all these decades later but desire, decency and sincerity will surely receive their angelic and heavenly rewards by Our Creator who shelters your spirit, Officer Cook, high atop to look down upon your treasured family, humble comrades and friends from all over this land who gathered on May 19,1979 to pay their final respects to you and your family. Mr. and Mrs. Cook and to Nancy your big sister your darling son and brother and to you Karen, your heroic husband will never ever be forgotten. His life and career are not just history for the shelves rather to be humanely and loyally remembered and paid proper homage for everything he did on that hot afternoon of May 16,1979 saving the people of Dade County and his trusted colleagues from certain death sacrificing his soul for them. His life was destined for more decades of happiness and sadly that was ripped from you and your loved one, Officer Cook. No finer a human being and a classy gentleman who risked it all for mankind to continue onward and he lives within the hearts and minds of all of you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2024

Your fearlessness, fortitude and honesty, Officer Cook, were the heroic breaths of fresh air taken in daily. Our freedoms, liberties and safe travels were created by virtue of your unselfish and unwavering wisdom, vision and mature beyond your years. Just so young after all twenty five is a relatively youthful time in one's life. Dignity, integrity and character made your commitment of truth and trust on behalf of Dade County's people stand tall and proud never to be forgotten. I saw all the reflections on your facebook page honoring you and can surely realize the type of gentleman with a humbly blessed heart and soul that you had. You'll be saluted for sacred missions of devotion, dedication and faithfulness put forth and the tragedy of all it all as your esteemed and cherished family carries forth your heroic legacy. The plans, goals and purposes all clarity and your chosen career bears out these facts. An angel beloved and dearly missed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The trails and paths of the decent shall stay that way and now by trampled upon. You certainly blazed one for those who succeeded you and let us pray they stay safe.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 27, 2024

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