Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Robert Edward Cochran

Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana

End of Watch Monday, January 30, 1978

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Robert Edward Cochran

I don’t know why, to save my soul, why I’m still here without you, and our children. I wanted you to know that I love you still and HAPPY HEAVENLY BIRTHDAY, my first LOVE


September 15, 2023

My love how I miss you. Why did I answer that phone. If I hadn’t answered it, you would be here with me and our children. Seems like yesterday, but 45 years has passed. Tears still run down my face, missing all of you. Just waiting my turn.

Love you forever, don’t leave me or forget me.


January 21, 2023

My love, my life, my heart and soul. We were supposed to walk hand and hand forever. Forever never came. Our children were supposed to live past our days. Never happen! I'm alone now with only me. My heart breaks continuously..Every birthday, every special day, I relive them. Every death hurts more then the last. I don't want to be alone without all of you. You were my life the way it was supposed to be.


January 24, 2022

For It Was Not Into My Ear You Whispered, But Into My Heart. It Was Not My Lips You Kissed, But My Soul.. Real tears aren't the ones that fall f
rom the eyes and cover the face-but the ones that fall from the heart-and cover the soul.... 'Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.' Why do we close our eyes when we pray? When we cry? When we dream? Or when we kiss? Because we know that the most beautiful things in life are not seen, but felt by the heart!!

Wife Linda Cochran

June 17, 2021

I haven't forgotten you, not one day! The day we were married, honeymoon, birth of our children. Life is really so hard for me now. I'm ole’, the memories continue. And then I just stat to cry. And can't stop until they stop and I think of that smile when you looked at me. You thought me so many wonderful things in life. I was so young, mama worried about us at times. We made it, until that horrible day. I wish with all my heart, we would not have answered that phone call that night. Miss you every day I breathe. Please live on our children for me. I'm so alone now. It took a lot to write this time as the tears fall.

Wifey Linda Cochran

May 27, 2021

Rest in peace Deputy Sheriff Cochran.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2020

Wanted to call you today to say I love you, but your old number is no longer in service. I tried the operator she said 'sorry i have no number for you'. I tried to go to your house, but you don't live there anymore. The post office has no forwarding address. I guess heaven is just too far away? I Love You, I Miss You. You are in my heart always and forever.

Missing my love and children 2020


September 21, 2020

My dear love, Not one man that lives in my heart as you did/does. I hate this day everyday. I still cry for my first love. You taught me everything except how to live without you. Heaven must be beautiful because our children are now with you. I coming one day and we will all be together again. Oh, how I miss our family. We were so young, in love, married, had our children and then life fell apart for me.

Wifey Linda Cochran

January 30, 2020

Happy. Heavenly Birthday, my love. I sit here crying all the time because of the love I miss every day of my life. You are lucky to have our babies with you. May the ANGELS hold all of you tight for me. I miss US

Wifey Linda Cochran

September 15, 2019

Another year has gone, and I still miss my buddy Robbie. How long has it been? We became friends in Metairie Jr. High School. 1960-1962?

Lee De Ramus
Long time friend

January 30, 2019

Merry Christmas in HEAVEN, my love! I wish you were here. And Our babies would also be here. Now, time has slowed down for me, memories flood my heart and mind of our time together. I want so much to see all of you. The tears are real, I have tried so hard to find peace with everyone gone. Nothing makes me happy. I put up a tree this year, and took it down Christmas Eve. Just couldn’t handle it being in my apartment.

Linda Cochran Causey

December 25, 2018

Rest in peace hero.

Lt. Jim Russo

February 1, 2018

I can’t believe 40 years, heartbreak after heartbreak.. The only thing that gives me hope is knowing that OUR BABIES are with you. I miss each and everyone of you. The month of January is so hard for me. My friend, teacher, lover, husband, how I wish that all of our dreams would have come true. The little house, the white picket fence, home full of babies and our pets. This black cloud still hangs over my head and in my heart. I was so young and you were perfect. You loves us so much. Working sometimes 3 jobs, me two. The memories come back flooding back at times. And I cannot control them.
Please watch over the new widows and children. May they find the peace that I have not. GOD BLESS OUR BLUE


January 28, 2018

Well, my dear love. What do I say that you don't already know. Our baby has joined you and our son. A great man of the JPSO, , stood for you, to carry Kristal to be with you. Please make sure that GOD BLESSES, him and his family. I've put away with Kristal all the things of yours that she held on to over the past 3 years. Kristal missed you so much the last few months. Praying for OUR BLUE, everyday. I tired!

Wifey Linda Cochran Causey

September 25, 2016

Robbie, I try to tell your story over and over. A lot of people remember the tragic event that happen after your murder. The call went out with the discription of your killer. Two detectives saw a man matching the discription and clothing. He was carrying something bright and shiney in his hand. They called out for him to drop the gun, and get on the ground. This was just North of the Metairie Bank you were killed at. The man went under the house, and was shot and killed by a JPSO detective. He was a plumber carrying a pipe wrench and was working on a lady's floor furnace. This story overshadowed your murder on TV and in the News Paper. It seems everybody I talk to now remember the Police killing the plumber, but not your murder that caused it. My cousin, with the NOPD had the sad duty of showing the bank film to all the NOPD officers. I made the mistake of watching it. I am crying right now as I type this. Every time I look at my wedding pictures, or hear about the horrible things that are happening to Police in this day and age, I can't help but cry.

Henry Lee De Ramus
friend from Jr HIgh and High School

August 9, 2016

Hey Honey, I just miss you more and more! 10 years together, 7 of those married, 38 years without you. With all the killing of OUR BLUE, so many gone to soon, leaving young wives and children behind. It's a sad world I live in. Can't watch tv anymore. Officers are being killed almost daily. Hurts so bad, memories of your death consumes me. Please send help for OUR BLUE!

Wifey Linda Cochran Causey

July 24, 2016

01/30/2016...38 years gone. How I'm supposed to live. When all I want is you and my son back. I see you in every uniform. I feel the pain of every new fallen officer family. The children growing up without their fathers or mothers. I pray for their safety everyday. I hate the news feeds. Please GOD, protect OUR BLUE, protect their spouse, their babies, so innocent! Don't let them fall though the cracks and be forgotten. I jus miss you so much today, tears will not stop..please wait for me.. My job is not finished here on earth, Kristal is very sick, I'm doing my best, but my best may not be enough. I need you to help guide me.

Wifey Linda Cochran Causey

January 30, 2016

My Partner, "Lil Slick", good old country boy from Brookhaven, Ms. I went up one time and met the family great people. We were known as the Mut and Jeff East Bank Patrol Division. I could go on and on about Robert, he was great young man, I'm so sorry that he's not here boy would I burn his ears up. I had more bruises on my knees from him hitting me with that damn night stick. When I would say something wrong on the radio, you got it are should I say I got it, right across my knees, shines whatever that stick hit. I couuld tell all of you some stories about Robert and the good old days, but I'll wait and maybe someday when I'm totally retired and ready to like the cowboys say "Hang Up My Guns", then I'll sit down and tell you guy. Some of you older men have had many partners over our Career but guys 5'5" guy with a country accent "Was My True Partner", great guy

Retired Major, Larry Juster
J.P.S.O, my partner

January 30, 2015

Robbie, as we all called him, was a groomsman in my wedding in 1968. We had been friends for many years. We worked at Hagg and Trammel, repairing surveying equipment. We both went job hunting together. The JPSO called him first, the telephone co. called me first. He told me that he was about a quarter of an inch too short to qualify on his physical for the JPSO. He kept trying to stretch up higher. The doctor finally said " if you want it that bad, i'll ok you. He explained that is why he often had to be cool with the tough guys. After he and his first wife, Agnes split, he was living at the Holiday Inn, on Airline Hwy across from where Zephyrs Field is now. He would walk around with his uniform on whenever he was leaving or coming home. Just to show that law enforcement was there. One very hot afternoon he came home, turned on the air conditioning and stripped down to his underware. Lying in bed he heard an armed robbery call on his radio. It was at THIS Holiday Inn. He grabbed his hat and gun belt and ran, barefoot to the lobby. By the time the squad car arrived, they found the robbers, cuffed and on the floor. Robbie was standing there with his hat, gun belt and BVD's. He would often pick me up and have me ride along with him. He had me convinced to join the JPSO Reserves, when he was killed. I think of him every year about this time. I always say a prayer for him. Robbie, RIP

Lee De Ramus
Friend from Jr High, and High School

January 20, 2015

Today 44 yrs ago, 06/05/70 we were saying "till death do we part"! You are gone to be with OUR FATHER, not from my heart! I remember after all this time, you looking at me with that grin! Those big blues saying everything that needed to be said.
Guard those heavenly gates, continue to watch over our babies and grands. You are my HERO!
06/05/70-01/30/78 was not long enough.


June 6, 2014



February 10, 2014

My Little Partner, "Mutt and Jeff", never will forget you, each time I look at your God Child "Tammy" I'll think of you. God Bless you my friend, some day we'll be together again, your old partner Larry, Magillagorilla as you use to call me and your mother Ms.Applegate. Those were the good times.
I'm so sorry for taking so long to write, but there's not room to say all the things you and I enjoyed........

Major Larry Juster (Retired)
Retired JP-Partner

January 29, 2014

You live forever inside my heart! No one dies of a BROKEN HEART! I jus miss you everyday that I breathe!


August 17, 2013

It has taken me 6 days longer to post this year, because I could not pull my self together. With Bill being gone too, now! My love, we need help here on EARTH, so many officers are being taken! Too many too count! I cry for you each time, I cry for them, their wives, the babies and families! We were saying goodbye to an officer on the date that you were taken. I love you and miss you so much, there is so much more pain for the new widows and children now! This has got to stop! Please send help in GOD's name! With all of my love, the air I breathe, I give to you!


February 4, 2013

BLEEDING BLUE! missing you on this sad day. Wishing I could help the new widows and babies, when I can't even watch the news.......jus bleeding blue!


August 19, 2012

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