Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Lieutenant Ray R. "Joe" Clark

Washington County Sheriff's Office, Ohio

End of Watch Saturday, February 7, 1981

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Reflections for Lieutenant Ray R. "Joe" Clark

The Lord judges and you were found worthy of being by His Side in Heaven.Your killer will also be judged but his reward will not be the same.
Rest in peace knowing justice will be served.G-d bless.

November 9, 2007

Lt. Clark-

Your cowardly killer didn't give you a chance. Know that you are remembered for your bravery and valor, and years of superior service to your community. From what your family says, you were a great influence on others. You will always be remembered for what you stood for and left a legacy for fellow officers to follow.

Thank you for your leadership, service, and dedication. I'm sorry you never had the chance to see your grandchildren. The will at least have the benefit of hearing stories and loving memories of you. To your family - I am so sorry for your indescribable loss. Rest in peace Lt. Clark.

Reserve Officer
WA State

April 10, 2006

Rest in Peace,Sir.Our Lord will see justice is done.

February 7, 2006

Joe was two days past his 49th birthday, he was survived also by a wife, son, stepdaughter, a sister and a brother. He never got to live to see his 3 grandchildren of which he would have been so proud as he was really a family person. We mourn him as it comes upon the 25th anniversary of his murder and deeply regret that whomever is responsible may still be walking around enjoying life. They will be judged by The Lord. Bless you brother.

Patricia A. Huffer
Joe's Sister

January 4, 2006

Lt. Ray Clark or "Joe" as we all knew him by, was a kind and considerate individual who actually cared about those he came in contact with.
Joe was my uncle and was instrumental in my wanting to be a Deputy Sheriff. There is not a year of my 22 year career that I do not think of him and miss him. He is still well thought of in our agency. God Bless.

Lt. David E. Huffer
Washington County Sheriff's Office

December 16, 2005

Your killer, a coward. You will never be forgotten. Never. Rest easy, brother.

Dep. M. Moore
Warren County S.O. (OH)

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