Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Austin Machitar

San Diego Police Department, California

End of Watch Monday, August 26, 2024

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Reflections for Police Officer Austin Machitar

Walking down the street of the incident, and noticing how close the vehicles were to the gas station just a few yards away; I can’t help but think that Austin has been granted the highest honor from our Lord, Jesus, who said:

12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command you. 15 No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. (John 15:12-15)

13 And now, dear brothers and sisters, we want you to know what will happen to the believers who have died so you will not grieve like people who have no hope. 14 For since we believe that Jesus died and was raised to life again, we also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with him the believers who have died. (1Thessalonians 4:13-14)

Austin Machitar, no longer a servant, forever an honored friend, may his memory forever be a blessing.

A Citizen Just Passing Through

August 29, 2024

Austin, although we never met, we have so many mutual friends. Another great Southbay kid. Thank you for your service and sacrifice to this County. SDPD were lucky to have a great officer like yourself. Rest easy my brother in blue. 10-42 Badge number 7989. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Marine Corp Police Dept. Ret. Mike Medra
DoD Police MCAS Miramar San Diego

August 29, 2024

So sorry sir. RIP. May the partner heal and the offenders be apprehended very soon.

Joyce A

August 29, 2024

RIP Hero. May you forever spend your eternal life with our dear Lord in heaven. My thoughts and prayers are with all your loved ones. Our country is now a little less safe without you. Thank you for your service.


Sergeant Mitchell G. Cheselka (Retired)
Orange County Sheriff, California
Polk County Sheriff, Oregon

August 29, 2024

Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Rest In Peace Officer Machitar. Our deepest heartfelt condolences to all of your family, friends, and brothers and sisters at San Diego Police Department.

Postal Inspector Scott Horne
US Postal Inspection Service

August 29, 2024

RIP Officer Machitar. Thank you for your service to the citizens of San Diego

Lieutenant Darren Weisse
Tufts University Police
Boston, Ma. 02120

August 29, 2024

Thank you for your service Officer Austin Machitar !!!!!!

Sgt David Dufault (Ret)
Hartford Police Dept

August 29, 2024

Rest in Peace Brother.

Capt. A. Hoopes
Spotsylvania Sheriff's Office Va.

August 29, 2024

Rest easy, brother thank you for your service. May your sacrifice or memory never fade.

Retired #8046 Jerry Matalone
Des Moines Iowa Police Department

August 29, 2024

Police Officer Austin Machitar, my deepest sympathy to your family, friends and to your Department on your tragic death. May the Good Lord grant you a seat beside Him. I will pray for your partner's full recovery. I thank you for your brave service to all of us. Rest In Peace, Brother.

Mary Milam
Sergeant (Ret)
Chicago Police Department

Leesburg. FL

August 29, 2024

May you rest in God’s Peace, Brother.

Ray F. (USAF)
Fil-Am Community Member NorCal.

August 29, 2024

R I P Brother

Herbie Buck Ret. Officer

August 28, 2024

The first time I saw you was at the regional academy. Your smile was infectious and instantly caught my attention. I don’t think there was ever a time I saw you in which you weren’t smiling. You had such a passion for the job and it was obvious to everyone that knew you. You were meant to make a difference and you did just that. It’s amazing seeing how much of a positive impact you left on everyone, you’re so missed. Thank you for always checking in, thank you for the encouragement, thank you for the laughs, thank you for the friendship, and thank you for the memories. We have the watch from here Austin, rest easy, you’re so loved.

Crystal Corona (Deputy)
San Diego Sheriff’s Department

August 28, 2024

Thank you for your service to the citizens of San Diego. My condolences to the family and the men and woman of the SDPD.

Sergeant M. Fontaine

August 28, 2024

Rest In Peace Brother.

Det. Andreoli

August 28, 2024

On behalf of the 68 dedicated volunteers associated with POINT 27 across the United States, we would like to offer condolences for Police Officer Austin Machitar. Please know we are eternally grateful for Austin’s service and his ultimate sacrifice.

To honor Police Officer Machitar, POINT 27 sent 27 Thin Blue Line Dog Tag Necklaces, engraved with “Blessed are the Peacemakers for they will be called children of God” Matthew 5:9, to the San Diego Police Department in San Diego, California for Austin’s partner and his fellow officers. POINT 27 also sent two Folded Flag Necklaces engraved with “Greater Love has no one than this; than to lay down one’s life for one’s friend” John 15:13 for Police Officer Austin Machitar’s mother and father.

POINT 27 is a Non-Profit organization with a mission to strengthen and encourage members of the Armed Forces, First Responders, and their families, by sharing scripture on Dog Tags and Jewelry called Shields of Strength.

We will never forget and we are forever grateful.


Colonel David Dodd,
United States Army Retired
Executive Director-POINT 27

Detective Jerry M. Rhodes #R309
Dallas Police Department-Reserve Division (Retired)
POINT 27 National Outreach Coordinator
Law Enforcement Liaison
[email protected]

Detective Jerry M. Rhodes (Retired)
Dallas Police Department Reserve Division
POINT 27- National Out Reach Coordinator
Law Enforcement Liaison

August 28, 2024

Just Gorgeous and such a Horrific Crash...It's a Memory you wish you could erase. My heart goes out to Your Family, Police Officer Austin Machitar, Thank You for Your Service in Law Enforcement! I was a Police Officer's wife and knew the dangers ~ You didn't deserve this ending. I hope You are Honored with many Tributes ..a New Shining Star is above us now.

Sue Davis

August 28, 2024

Rest in peace brother

Reserve Officer Steve Durfee

August 28, 2024

On behalf of my family I would like to express our deepest sympathy to the family members and fellow SDPD officers during this tragic time. I know that there are no words that can bring comfort to you but please know that you are not alone. May God wrap his loving arms around you all and know that you’re son will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!!

Peggy Maher-Dreher
Sister of Pat Maher EOW 8/2/03

August 28, 2024

God bless you Austin Machitar. Thank you for protecting your community and defending us from evil. I hope to shake your hand and salute your bravery in Heaven one day. Much peace, honor and empathy for your mother, father and sister.

Grateful citizen Ryan P.

August 28, 2024

So sad to hear the news.

May you rest in peace after having served those around you. My thoughts are with you, your family, fellow officers, and friends.

Reserve Police Officer Retired G. Krysto
Los Angeles Police Department

August 28, 2024

Officer Machitar a police officer should be remembered not by how he died but by how he lived! A brave man has left to secure a safe path for the rest of us to follow. Thank you for your over 5 years of commitment to law enforcement service, your family, and the San Diego Police Department. Our country is a little less safe without you. Rest in Peace, Brother!

Chief (Ret) Steven Marshall Georges Mills, NH

August 28, 2024

I’m really gonna miss you brother. This one is so hard. The pain is so deep. I can’t stop thinking about all the times we had together. Your smile was so infectious. You were one of the funniest people I knew. You were one of my favorite people. An amazing person, and amazing cop.

You had such a positive impact on so many people. I love you bro. I’m gonna miss seeing you. I wish I knew our last conversation we had was our last. You were such a good friend. You loved and cared for everyone.

I know you’re in heaven now watching over all of us as we go 10-8 now.

Police Officer M. Ragsac #7294
San Diego Police Department Northern Division Night Beach Team

August 28, 2024

I did not know you Off Machitar, but as a fellow officer my heart is saddened by your loss. You undoubtedly performed your service exceptionally well and the Angels will greet you with open arms. My prayers to your family for their Peace upon this tragic loss. Godspeed Officer Machitar.

Officer Christina Priest
Ret. Court Officer Middlesex County, Boston, Massachusetts

August 28, 2024

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."
Matthew 5:9

Chris Di Gerolamo
Federal Air Marshal Service (Retired)

August 28, 2024

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