Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Fernando Esqueda

Harris County Sheriff's Office, Texas

End of Watch Thursday, July 11, 2024

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Fernando Esqueda

May your family, friends, colleagues, and community find the strength and resolve to carry on in your physical absence and continue to spread the goodness to which you were so selflessly committed. You were among the best humanity has to offer. Your dedication to service and your ultimate sacrifice shall not be forgotten. God Bless You. Your Family, & Friends.

James P. Waggle, Jr.
US Army Veteran (SFC)

July 13, 2024

deepest condolences to the officer's family and friends

Randal Glenn
Canada Border Services Officer retired

July 13, 2024

Rest in Peace…

Retired Detective Ed Falkowski
Syracuse Police Dept, NY

July 13, 2024

You’re going to be missed by this whole department my friend. It was a honor working with you for all these years, thank you for having our backs.

Deputy Joseph Rhodes
Harris County Sheriff Office -District 3

July 13, 2024

Rest in peace brother.

Tom Lahart

July 13, 2024

I do not know you personally or your department &family;, but God our Father knows all of you intimately. Until we meet in heaven,I pray your loved one’s grace and compassion will comfort each other as God our Father has comforted us. Blessings of peace be to you all,

Chaplain Teri Beeler
Orlando Police Department

July 13, 2024

Extending our thoughts and prayers to the immediate family of Detective Fernando Esqueda and the extended law enforcement family of the Harris County Sheriff's Office, Texas.

End of Watch Wednesday, July 10, 2024.

Rest in Peace brother and watch over us. We will protect and serve from here on in your honor.

I fight not for glory or fame, for they are momentary. I fight for those who can't. I fight for Justice. I fight for the oppressed and the down trodden. And if I should lose my life for these just causes, then I have no regrets, For I serve to protect the innocent. It matters not where or when, for evil knows no boundaries. Be it fire, flood, or the threat of tyranny, I will not flee. Justice is my weapon. Faith is my shield. Hope is my armor. Cry not at my passing, for it was my Honor to fight for you. Shed not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy, for now, I stand with God.

By Jon F. Hooper

"Greater love hath no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends."

Superintendent Joe Morbitzer (Retired)
Ohio Attorney General, Bureau of Criminal Investigation

July 13, 2024

Detective Esqueda, our world is full of evil people, and yet, you dedicated your life to protecting others that they may be safe. Our Lord, who sees all and knows all, will reward you abundantly for your courage, dedication and selfless service. My heart breaks for the sorrow that your loved ones are experiencing. May God immerse you and them in His Divine Mercy. Rest in peace, good and faithful servant.

Jesus Espinosa

July 13, 2024

RIP Officer Esqueda. Condolences to your family.

USBP/HSI retired

July 13, 2024

As my heart hurt and the tears roll down my face for another fallen brother. We got it from here and thank you. For you gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Sergeant Richard Goffner
Harris county sheriff's office

July 12, 2024

Here we are again..another senseless murder. I'm praying for your family and friends. I have never met you but I'm in tears. This truly breaks my heart.

Sister of LEO
Sibling of Officer Travis Wallace EOW 11/12/2020

July 12, 2024

Rest in peace my brother well done here on earth now you have been called to protect and serve the streets in heaven. You are already missed but will never be forgotten.

Sergeant Richard Goffner
Harris county sheriff's office

July 12, 2024

On behalf of the 68 dedicated volunteers associated with POINT 27 across the United States, we would like to offer condolences for Detective Fernando Esqueda. Please know we are eternally grateful for Fernando’s service and his ultimate sacrifice.

To honor Detective Esqueda, POINT 27 sent 27 Thin Blue Line Dog Tag Necklaces, engraved with “Blessed are the Peacemakers for they will be called children of God” Matthew 5:9, to the Harris County Sheriff's Office, Attention: Family Assistance Unit, Houston, Texas for Fernando’s partner and his fellow officers. POINT 27 also sent a Folded Flag Necklace engraved with “Greater Love has no one than this; than to lay down one’s life for one’s friend” John 15:13 for Detective Fernando Esqueda’s family.

POINT 27 is a Non-Profit organization with a mission to strengthen and encourage members of the Armed Forces, First Responders, and their families, by sharing scripture on Dog Tags and Jewelry called Shields of Strength.

We will never forget and we are forever grateful.


Colonel David Dodd,
United States Army Retired
Executive Director-POINT 27

Detective Jerry M. Rhodes #R309
Dallas Police Department-Reserve Division (Retired)
POINT 27 National Outreach Coordinator
Law Enforcement Liaison
[email protected]

Detective Jerry M. Rhodes (Retired)
Dallas Police Department Reserve Division
POINT 27- National Out Reach Coordinator
Law Enforcement Liaison

July 12, 2024

Condolences to his family

Carson loveless

July 12, 2024

Thank you for the ultimate sacrifice.

Cpt Larry Meyers

July 12, 2024

So sad to hear the news.

May you rest in peace after having served those around you. My thoughts are with you, your family, fellow officers, and friends.

Reserve Police Officer Retired G. Krysto
Los Angeles Police Department

July 12, 2024

Rest In Peace Deputy Esqueada, my sincere condolences to your family and to your department. God speed as you now patrol the streets of gold. Your ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten. Fair winds and following seas brother, we have the watch.

Terry F. Zech Ofd/Retired
Veterans Affairs Police Dept Detroit Michigan

July 12, 2024

Thoughts and prayers thank you for your sacrifice.

Recruit M. Scott
Albany County Sheriff's Office Public Safety Institute Session 8

July 12, 2024

On behalf of the entire Webb County Sheriff's Office and Sheriff Martin Cuellar, we send our most heart-felt condolences to the family of fallen Deputy Esqueda. We mourn alongside our brothers and sisters at the Harris County Sheriffs' Office. Rest in Peace Deputy Fernando Esqueda.

Captain Antonio Tamez
Webb County Sheriffs Office

July 12, 2024

Rest In Peace Brother

james oneill

July 12, 2024

May God and St. Michael watch over you in Heaven, Detective Esqueda.

Patrolman Kenneth Collins
South Amherst Police Department

July 12, 2024

Deputy Fernando Esqueda, you will greatly missed! Rest in Peace brother, we'll take it from here. It was definitely a pleasure working alongside you! All of our hearts are aching along with all of your family and friends. May GOD watch over all of our co-workers and your family! Love you Brother!
Gone but will NEVER be forgotten.

Lieutenant Alfredo Soto
H.C.C.O. Precinct Six
Violent Person Task Force

July 12, 2024

Rest Easy Brother. May your sacrifice and memory never fade

Deputy Sheriff. Ron Buchholz
Retired Santa Fe County Sheriff NM. (Prior LASD LKD)

July 12, 2024

God Bless you and your family.

Deb Holmes
Chicago PD (retired)

July 12, 2024

God bless you Fernando Esqueda. Thank you for protecting your community and defending us from evil. I hope to shake your hand and salute your bravery in Heaven one day. Much peace, honor and empathy to the Harris County Sheriff's Office and Violent Person Task Force.

Grateful citizen Ryan P.

July 12, 2024

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