Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Jonathan Diller

New York City Police Department, New York

End of Watch Monday, March 25, 2024

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Reflections for Detective Jonathan Diller

This is horribleā€¦.. God bless our brothers and sisters in blue .The peace makers. May you rest in eternal peace brother.

Detective (Retired) JUAN TORO

March 26, 2024

R.I.P. Officer Johnathan Diller. Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall be called the children of God. Prayers for peace and comfort for all family and friends.

Retired Gary Woods

March 26, 2024

Rest In Peace. Thank you for your service.

Michael Fiorese

March 26, 2024

Rest in peace, my brother.
May the angels carry you home.
Prayers for your family.

Martin Ryan (Retired)

March 26, 2024

You will always be miss , rest easy.

Sargent Lorenzo Caesar

March 26, 2024

Thank you for your service. Rest in peace.

Dale Cillian
Phoenix Fire Department (Retired)

March 26, 2024

Our prayers and thoughts go out to the family, wife, son and colleagues in this great time of need. I ask that we continue to think and pray for of all who are suffering from this horrific violent act and lean into God for comfort and peace.

Thank you for your service, thank you for your husband, your father, your son and his devotion to serve. Bless you.

2Cor. 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
2Cor. 1:4 who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
(2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NKJV)

Chaplain Steven Spry
Westminster Police Department

March 26, 2024

Hero never forgotten. Prayers to family blood and blue.

Retired Texas dispatcher

March 26, 2024

Crime is out of control in NY city and throughout the state of NY. When criminals will assault or murder Police Officers, a message must be sent. We WILL NOT tolerate lawlessness. This Police Officer put on his uniform, this date, and went on patrol as he did for 3 straight years. He was obviously very good at detecting crime and it cost him his life. America, never forget the sacrifice Police Officers make on a daily basis. Sacrifices made even during a successful tour of duty. God Bless Police Officer Jonathan Diller and his family. We, as a nation, are grateful to you Officer Diller and will never forget.

Police Officer Frank Carey (retired)
Buffalo NY P.D.

March 26, 2024

Why, Too many guns. My heart bleeds everytime an officer is murder. To his family I pray for faith, God. He wore his uniform with honor, he waa dedicated, loved, and his heart will always be with you.

SWK VS Parole for Officer Down

March 26, 2024

Psalm 15
God bless.
Rest in peace brother.

Sgt. Paul Schanno
Minnesota Dept. of Corrections MCF-Stillwater

March 26, 2024

Another "Hero" taken.
You helped make this world a safer place to live.
May God grant you eternal peace.
Prayers to your loved ones and to your department.

Det. Billy Russo (Ret)
Nassau County Police Department, New York.

March 26, 2024

Rest in peace and olav hashalom Officer Diller.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2024

Heavenly Father, so many of America's Peace Officers, who are on the front lines to protect us, never make it back home to their families. I pray for America's Fallen Peace Officers, Lord God, who gave their lives for us. I pray for the families of these fallen heroes, who have to now endure life without their loved ones. Lord God, society tries to move forward, but there is always bloodshed occurring. I now approach Your Throne of Glory and Grace to beg You for peace. Lord God, bring peace to this land - the United States of America. I plead for Your divine intervention to quiet our hearts and unify our communities. O Lord, stop the violence that occurs amid our cities. I thank You for all the American Peace Officers who have died protecting us, and ask that You send an everlasting peace so that America's Peace Officers on the streets may be safe and return to their loved ones at the end of their assigned shifts. In Christ Jesus' mighty and holy name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

In the Holy Scriptures, Jesus promised, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [children] of God." [Matthew 5:9 ESV]

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
The Badge 183 Peacemakers Prayer Ministry
Member: Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers - USA

Captain Steven R. Closs (Retired)
Nashua NH Police Department (1974-1998)

March 26, 2024

You did your duty without fail and made the ultimate sacrifice. Rest now brother, we will take it from here.

Trooper Akadeth Paenmuan
Massachusetts State Police

March 26, 2024

Rest in peace, Officer Diller. Praying for your loved ones.

Officer C Curione (Retired)
Rochester Police Department, NY

March 26, 2024

Condolences to his family and his loved ones

Carson loveless

March 26, 2024

Officer Diller, may you rest in peace. I will pray for your wife, son and your family. I am saddened and angry that this has happened yet again. Another NYPD funeral to attend, when will this madness end.

Ret NYPD Police Officer Susan Cottingham

March 26, 2024

Officer Diller, RIP! Thank you for your service to NYC and our country. Condolence to his family, friends and and NYPD. My former colleagues. God bless you.

Fmr. Aux. P.O./ Fmr. Tulsa P.O.
NYPD/ Tulsa PD.

March 26, 2024

Thank you for your service, rest in peace sir.

Ronald sweeney
Simmons University Police Dept.

March 26, 2024

So sorry for your loss!

Michael Wenzel

March 26, 2024

Rest In Peace! Thank You For Your Service!

Pedro Rodriguez; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvani
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

March 26, 2024

God rest his soul.

Sgt. Robert A. Henne
Jersey City PD/Ret.

March 26, 2024

Rest in peace brother

Reserve Officer Steve Durfee

March 26, 2024

Rest in peace brother. Prayers to your family and NYPD.

Judge /Magistrate/SC Trooper Sheridan Ly

March 26, 2024

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