Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Matthew Hare

Easley Police Department, South Carolina

End of Watch Wednesday, August 2, 2023

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Reflections for Police Officer Matthew Hare

Officer Hare,
On today, the 1st anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Easley. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.

BPA Mike Casey
United States Border Patrol(Retired)

August 2, 2024

When I hear this level of selflessness you exhibited, I struggle to understand why you were taken from us. You are an extraordinary example for all peace officers, and your act demonstrates what bravery truly means. Bravery is not the absence of fear, but rather conscious actions taken in spite of that fear.

Sgt. J. Gabriel Bier
2024 NLEOM attendee

May 19, 2024

Lord God of unfailing love, to those families in our beloved nation, the United States of America, who are suffering in the wake of the loss of a law enforcement family member, help us to provide support. Allow us to be their rock and fortress in a time of immense pain and uncertainty. Help us to keep them safe and nourished in their time of grief, suffering beside them as we move toward healing and reconciliation. Lord God, in Your compassionate mercy, hear my prayer. In Christ Jesus, Your beloved Son, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

Holy Scripture References:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [children] of God.” [Matthew 5:9 ESV]

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” [Matthew 5:4 ESV]

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA, FCPO-USA
The Badge 183 Peacemakers Prayer Ministry
“Honoring America’s Fallen Peace Officers”
Merrimack, NH 03054

Captain Steven R. Closs (Ret.)
Nashua NH Police Department (1974-1998)

November 20, 2023

On behalf of the Zone Five Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy we express our sincere condolences.

Session 21

November 2, 2023

Thank you for your service and sacrifice. "In valor there is hope."

Recruit N. George
Albany County Sheriff's Office Public Safety Institute Session 6.

October 23, 2023

The true measure of a person
is not found in the
might of their arm,
their wealth
or their power –
it is found in the strength
of their character.

There is no greater testimony to
ones character, than ones
willingness to sacrifice all,
in the noble quest of
providing protection to all
whom they serve.

Author Unknown

Javier Cornejo
Police Officer, Retired
City of Milwaukee Police Department
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

October 12, 2023

Father in Heaven Bless the eternal soul of this thy servant departed Officer Matthew Hare and keep his spirit with you always. Bless his family and all those who mourn his passing and give them Peace. This we ask in thy Holy name, Amen.

Chaplain George E. Martin, Sr.

International Police Association
Region 14 (NC, SC, TN, GA)

September 6, 2023

Rest in Peace my brother.

Captain Bernard Flint
Department of Defense Police Division

August 30, 2023

May God Bless You, Your Family, and Friends. Thank you for your courage, dedication and selfless service in protecting your community. Our Condolences to All.

James P. Waggle, Jr.
US Army Veteran (SFC)

August 21, 2023

R.I.P Officer Hare. You are truly a hero

Destiny Clark

August 15, 2023

May I see you in Heaven my brother and honor you for your service. May the Lord comfort your family during this time and recognize that you lost your life while saving another's life.

Motor Officer Jim Bragg
Greenville City Police Dept.

August 15, 2023

Rest in Peace American Hero

Sgt Thomas Hanna
Minnesota State Patrol

August 13, 2023

Rest in peace, Officer Hare. Praying for your loved ones.

Officer C Curione (Retired)
Rochester Police Department, NY

August 12, 2023

May his soul forever Rest in Peace.

Retired First Sergeant Thomas Webb
New York State Police - Troop "D"

August 10, 2023

Rest Easy Brother

Deputy Sheriff. Ron Buchholz
Retired Santa Fe County Sheriff NM.

August 9, 2023

Officer Hare, only God knows why you lost your life at such a young age. You are truly a hero, you died while trying to save someone. Our Lord, who sees all and knows all, will reward you abundantly. My heart breaks for the sorrow that your loved ones are experiencing. May God immerse you and them in His Divine Mercy. Rest in peace, good and faithful servant.

Jess Espinosa

August 9, 2023

Rest in peace…

Retired Detective Ed Falkowski
Syracuse Police Dept, NY

August 9, 2023

RIP Hero. May you forever spend your eternal life with our dear Lord in heaven. My thoughts and prayers are with all your loved ones. Our country is now a little less safe without you. Thank you for your service.


Sergeant Mitchell G. Cheselka (Retired)
Orange County Sheriff, California
Polk County Sheriff, Oregon

August 8, 2023

Rest in Peace my Brother in Arms

Anrae G Godley-Cooper
U.S. Army Military Police

August 8, 2023

Rest in peace Brother....My thoughts are with your family, friends, and the members of your agency during this most difficult and tragic time..

LT. Joseph Ward, Ret
Jackson, NJ PD

August 8, 2023

Rest in peace brother. We have the watch from here. Thoughts and prayers for you, your family and your department.

Officer Tommy Thomason
Oklahoma National Memorial Museum Security

August 8, 2023

Rest easy brother thank you for your service. May your sacrifice or memory never fade.

Retired #8046 Jerry Matalone
Des Moines Iowa Police Department

August 8, 2023

God bless you Matthew Hare. You are a true angel for attempting to save a man’s life. I hope to shake your hand and salute your bravery in Heaven one day. Much peace, honor and empathy for your mother, brother, aunt, cousin and step sister.

Grateful citizen Ryan P.

August 8, 2023

Rest in Peace Officer Hare. Thank you for your service. My thoughts and Prayers go out to your family, coworkers and friends.

Lieutenant Robert T. Mote (ret)
Buena Park, CA Police Department

August 8, 2023

Thanks, Police Officer Matthew Hare for your valor service! God bless your family, friends and fellow Police officers!

William Twitty

August 8, 2023

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