Kansas City Police Department, Missouri
End of Watch Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Reflections for Police Officer James Muhlbauer
Police Officer James Muhlbauer and K9 Champ were brave souls and left a legacy with the Kansas City Police Department. I am praying for peace for his family.
Taylee Holland
Student wanting to learn more about our fallen officers
April 15, 2024
Officer Muhlbauer,
I would just like t say thank you to you and Champ for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Kansas City. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.
BPA Mike Casey
United States Border Patrol(Retired)
March 15, 2024
Lord God of unfailing love, to those families in our beloved nation, the United States of America, who are suffering in the wake of the loss of a law enforcement family member, help us to provide support. Allow us to be their rock and fortress in a time of immense pain and uncertainty. Help us to keep them safe and nourished in their time of grief, suffering beside them as we move toward healing and reconciliation. Lord God, in Your compassionate mercy, hear my prayer. In Christ Jesus, Your beloved Son, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.
Holy Scripture References:
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [children] of God.” [Matthew 5:9 ESV]
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” [Matthew 5:4 ESV]
Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA, FCPO-USA
The Badge 183 Peacemakers Prayer Ministry
“Honoring America’s Fallen Peace Officers”
Merrimack, NH 03054
Captain Steven R. Closs (Ret.)
Nashua NH Police Department (1974-1998)
November 19, 2023
Such loss you must feel. Know that we mourn with you for the loss of both Officer Muhlbauer and K9 Champ. We thank them for their service, and extend our heartfelt sympathy to all who knew them.
Liane Johnson, #53-66
Monroe County Sheriff's Office
June 9, 2023
James although we didn’t personally know each-other, just the great things I heard about you and you as a police officer on my department I feel like I knew you. Rest easy brother and god bless you and thank you for your service to the nation and community of Kansas City!
Police officer Tyler Moss
Kansas City Missouri police department
May 25, 2023
„Proszę przyjmijcie wyrazy najszczerszego
współczucia i żalu.
Wiem że nikt i nic nie wypełni już tej luki
w Waszych sercach,
lecz pamiętajcie że nie umiera ten
kto trwa w pamięci bliskich.
Przeznaczenie odebrało Cię
zbyt szybko rodzinie i przyjaciołom,
ale nigdy nie odbierze Cię
naszej pamięci i naszym sercom.”
Sierżant Policji w Stanie Spoczynku Jace
Wydział Kryminalny Polska
May 7, 2023
Praying for peace and comfort that only the Lord can give, and healing for your hearts as you walk through hard times. My birthday was on the day both officers passed, so now every year I will remember what they did for us as they served your community and families.
Yeriel Vega Vélez
April 16, 2023
May God's hand of peace and comfort be on the surviving family and the rest of the Department.
Chaplain Jesse White
Missouri State Highway Patrol Troop D
March 1, 2023
Officer Muhlbauer, you are an inspiration when I graduated the Sheriff academy. I would also want a K9 as my partner. May you and K9 Champ play catch all day and everyday in heaven.
Recruit Adams #465
February 26, 2023
Officer Muhlbauer,
Thank you for your sacrifice for our nation. May you be with the Lord and may he be with your family.
Det. Russ Cain
Pittsburgh PD
February 26, 2023
Officer Muhlbauer, your profession is one of integrity and honor. As a student, I thank you and your loved ones for holding on to all you've protected and your legacy. You've impacted countless people in your 20+ years of service and countless hearts. For your family, I give sheer condolences and hope you recover with time from his untimely death.
With due respect, thank you for your services.
Cole Carman
Cole Carman
Student at Schoharie Capital Region BOCES, NY
February 25, 2023
Sending my heartfelt condolences and prayers to Officer Muhlbauer's family, fellow officers, and friends. I can't imagine the level of loss and pain you're feeling at this time. Officer Muhlbauer, your service to your community was admirable and I'm certain the impact you made throughout the community you served will not be forgotten.
DST Class 465, Philip Tramposh
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
February 25, 2023
Sending my heartfelt condolences and prayers to Officer Muhlbauer's family, fellow officers, and friends. I can't imagine the level of loss and pain you're feeling at this time. Officer Muhlbauer, your service to your community was admirable and I'm certain the impact you made throughout the community you served will not be forgotten.
Deputy Sheriff Recruit, Class 465 Philip
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
February 24, 2023
Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Rest In Peace Officer Muhlbauer. Our deepest heartfelt condolences to all of your family, friends, and brothers and sisters at Kansas City Police Department.
Postal Inspector Scott Horne
US Postal Inspection Service
February 24, 2023
Rest, brother.
Sgt. Steve Headley
Mishawaka, IN police
February 23, 2023
My thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Muhlbauer and K9 Champ, his friends, colleagues, and family! Rest in Peace Brother as we have the line from here. You will never be forgotten
Officer Jeff Krebs
Kansas City, MO Police Department
February 21, 2023
Thank you for your service, brother. RIP.
Lieutenant Brian J. Wills II
Oswego County Sheriff's Office
New York
February 21, 2023
Rest in peace Brother.
Captain A. Hoopes
Spotsylvania Sheriff's Office Va.
February 21, 2023
Thank you for your service. Prayers for your Family and Department.
Sergeant Monica Veney
Baltimore Police Department
February 20, 2023
Officer Muhlbauer, for many years, you dedicated your life to protecting others that they may be safe. Our Lord, who sees all and knows all, will reward you abundantly for your courage, dedication and selfless service. My heart breaks for the sorrow that your loved ones are experiencing. May God immerse you and them in His Divine Mercy. Rest in peace, good and faithful servant.
Jess Espinosa
February 20, 2023
So sad to hear the news.
May you rest in peace after having served those around you. My thoughts are with you, your family, fellow officers, and friends.
Reserve Police Officer G. Krystof
Los Angeles Police Department
February 20, 2023
God bless you Officer James Muhlbauer, for your service and sacrifice. Thoughts and prayers go out to your family and friends, and to your brothers and sisters from the Kansas City Police Department. Rest in Peace Brother.
Officer Jim Drabos (Retired)
San Gabriel (CA) Police Department
February 20, 2023
On behalf of POINT 27, we would like to offer condolences for Police Officer James Muhlbauer. Please know we are eternally grateful for James’ service and his ultimate sacrifice.
To honor Police Officer Muhlbauer, POINT 27 sent 27 Thin Blue Line Dog Tag Necklaces, engraved with “Blessed are the Peacemakers for they will be called children of God” Matthew 5:9, to the Kansas City Police Department in Kansas City, Missouri for James’ partner and fellow officers. POINT 27 also sent a Folded Flag Necklace engraved with “Greater Love has no one than this; than to lay down one’s life for one’s friend” John 15:13 for Police Officer James Muhlbauer’ wife.
POINT 27 is a Non-Profit organization with a mission to strengthen and encourage members of the Armed Forces, First Responders, and their families, by sharing scripture on Dog Tags and Jewelry called Shields of Strength.
We will never forget and we are forever grateful.
Colonel David Dodd,
United States Army Retired
Executive Director-POINT 27
Detective Jerry M. Rhodes #R309
Dallas Police Department-Reserve Division
POINT 27 National Outreach Coordinator
Law Enforcement Liaison
Detective Jerry M. Rhodes (Retired)
Dallas Police Department Reserve Division
POINT 27- National Out Reach Coordinator
Law Enforcement Liaison
February 20, 2023
D J Herbert
Toronto Police Service
February 20, 2023
I am sad to learn of the passing of a Brother and Hero in I am sad to learn of the passing of a Brother and Hero in Police Officer James Muhlbauer. I believe our Heavenly Father has welcomed him home into his loving arms where he will now patrol the Golden Streets of Heaven. May the Lord deliver Blessings, Comfort and Peace to his Family, Friends and all Members of the Kansas City Police Department, Missouri.
Retired, T W Martinez
FOP member
State of New Mexico/JJS
February 20, 2023
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