Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer Ella Grace French

Chicago Police Department, Illinois

End of Watch Saturday, August 7, 2021

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Reflections for Police Officer Ella Grace French

Rest easy Ella! Thank you for your services and being a positive role model in many communities. You will never be forgotten. Please watch over your brothers and sisters in blue. You’re life mattered.

Brookfield IL Police Officer Kathleen Go
Brookfield, IL.

August 16, 2021

Our thoughts and prayers are with your family, friends and co-workers during this difficult time. Your service and ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten.

Thomas H. Kelly Jr.
Assistant Supervisory Air Marshal in Charge (ASAC)
New York Field Office
Federal Air Marshal Service

August 16, 2021

God bless Officer French and her family for her sacrifice, and God bless all officers who carry on with patrolling the streets of our country.

Retired PO3
Montgomery County PD (MD)

August 15, 2021

Rest easy sister. You will never be forgotten. Please watch over your brothers and sisters in blue. Thank you for your service. RIP Ella French.

Brookfield IL Police Officer Kathleen Go
Brookfield, IL.

August 15, 2021

Rest, sister.

Sgt. Steve Headley
Mishawaka, IN police

August 15, 2021

Another angel fallen too soon. May God give her family solace. Rest In Peace!

Police Officer Richard Joseph

August 15, 2021

Thank you for all you did. Thank you for holding up the blue line. Rest it peace ma'am

MA3 Tottingham
U.S. Navy Security Forces

August 15, 2021

Officer French, our Lord took you back to Himself as your life had only begun for reasons known to Him alone. He will reward you abundantly. My heart breaks for the grief your mother is experiencing over the loss of her daughter. May God immerse you and your loved ones in His Divine Mercy. Rest in peace, good and faithful servant.

Jess Espinosa

August 15, 2021

RIP, Sister in Blue.

Det S Wing

August 14, 2021

RIP, Sister in Blue.

Det S Wing

August 14, 2021

God Bless you Ella and your family!

Thank you for your bravery!

Retired PPD and State Inv

Retired PPD and State Inv

August 14, 2021

Outmost sympathy and prayers for the ones she leaves behind.

Patrolman Jaime de la Garza
Mission Police Department

August 14, 2021

and God said...
"Come live with me, dear sister;
you've borne your burdens well;
come walk a beat on Heaven's streets;
you've spent your time in Hell."

RIP Sister.

Jerry Belcher, Retired
Lexington, Kentucky Division of Police

August 14, 2021

Rest easy sister thank you for your service. May your sacrifice or memory never fade.

Jerry Matalone #8046 (Retired)
Des Moines Iowa Police Department

August 14, 2021

Rest in Peace sister, we have it from here. You will not be forgotten. I pray for your family in this tragic time, I know how hard it can be on them.

Patrol Officer Michael Green
Gatlinburg Police Department

August 14, 2021

Rest in peace my sister in blue. Thanks for your service.

F-45 Jeremy cannon

August 13, 2021

I did not know officer French but through the media. My eldest brother was a CPD officer. Recently retired along with my sister in-law recently retired. Through the endless prayers that went out for them when they went to serve this city is a toll on family. But I just wanted to say. She exemplified a good and courageous human being. My families prayers go out to her family in this time of mourning and through the strength and mercy of God. They will conquer this pain. May God bless Ella and her family for her service and kindness in a community that truly will miss her spirit.

Anthony Jones

August 13, 2021

You deserved so much better❤️ God Bless you Ella

Firefighter Mike McAllister
Washington State

August 13, 2021

Sad to hear of the loss of this officer and the injuries suffered by the other officers that evening. Judges are part of the reason we are losing so many Police Officers and civilians to violence. They need to lock up violent criminals and stop releasing them on parole or probation. Judges and parole boards are out of touch with reality. By putting politics before public safety, they endanger us all. I served 2 decades with the Buffalo NY Police dept.during the 1990's into the 2000's and violent felons were released early, then, leaving us to deal with them. 2 of our officers were shot and killed because of those actions. That practice needs to stop NOW. God Bless you officer French.

Buffalo NY P.D.

August 12, 2021

Thirty years as a police officer on the line, now retired, and still every time I hear that an officer has gone down in the line, regardless of their department or uniform, it’s personal to me. I’ve lost another close family member, a brother or sister. During my time on the job I came to understand a simple fact about being a police officer. To the family, friends, and coworkers of Police Officer Ella French, I wish to offer my deepest condolences along with this fact.
“There are men & women in our society that choose to wear a badge, to put their lives in harms way every day too protect their communities. They stand silently in a line of defense, but will, in a split second, step into the line of fire for another. It’s not something they DO, It’s something they ARE”.
Having stood in that line myself, with this fact understood, I lost my sister, Ella French, as she did her job, going into harms way to protect her community.
And I know…..ITS WHO SHE WAS!

GOD Bless, GOD Speed & Semper Fi Ofc. French

Cpl. Keith VanValkenburgh (ret.)
Dearborn Heights Police (MI)

August 12, 2021

Rest in peace sister, we'll take it from here. Thank you for your service, you will not be forgotten. God bless the family, friends, and co-workers of Officer French during this time of tragic and senseless loss.

Donnie Meaders
Retired Oklahoma LEO

August 12, 2021

My Sister in Service, you were taken from this Earth, now joining others in our Calling to Serve. All who "Fought the Good Fight" . Now you look out for each other in Realm of the next challenge. The rest of us will carry on with your memory in our Hearts and Minds.

"In Honore Casorum,"

Det/Sgt. Richard J. Flaherty
Cleveland State University Police, Cleveland, Ohio

August 12, 2021

You gave the ultimate sacrifice and now you are in peace. You are not alone nor will you ever be forgotten. As your brother and sisters in law enforcement continue to “fight the good fight,” we remember the sacrifices that have been made. God bless your family.

Lieutenant Christopher Perry
Harris County Sheriff’s Office

August 12, 2021

Requiescat in Paces

Sergeants Mike O'Connor
Branford CT PD

August 12, 2021

You served your country rest in heaven ❤️


August 12, 2021

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