Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sergeant Rasheen Phillipe McClain

Detroit Police Department, Michigan

End of Watch Wednesday, November 20, 2019

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Reflections for Sergeant Rasheen Phillipe McClain

Thank you for your Sacrifice and your commitment to the City of Detroit, My condolences go towards his Family and Friends, My silent Partner…

Student Police Officer Kameren Harris
Detroit Police

May 13, 2024

Rest in peace my love . I think of your wit and humor every day. Always in a good mood and sometimes dance around the precinct to your own music
( Great dancer)
You brought so much joy and comfort when we worked together. 8 hour shifts were well spent with you
Rest now my love

Cpl. Linda Gilbert
Detroit Police Dept (12th) Pct./ partner/ friend

December 18, 2023

To: The McClain Family

I’m writing this letter to you today to give you my prayers and condolences. I was given your husband as my Silent Partner and he’ll be with me my whole career. Your husband was a very good man and I hope you guys are in good health.
From: SPO Brown,Albert

SPO Brown,Albert

April 15, 2023

You were a pleasure meeting and knowing. The whole 2781 family enjoyed having you at the store with us.
Never going to forget you!

Samantha, Home Depot

February 28, 2023

You were a true hero Rasheen. Rest in peace warrior.

Officer Kazal
Detroit Police Department

November 23, 2020

I had the honor of meeting you while I was still in the academy. I was dealing with a horrible knee injury that limited me and was going to police medical every week for follow ups. I was discouraged because I didn’t think I would graduate the academy on time because of my injury and you could tell by the look on my face. You started a conversation with me and I told you what I was going through. I’ll never forget you telling me “the crime will always be out there, don’t be in a rush to get on the street. Make sure you heal all the way because you have a long career ahead of you”. I listened to you, and I became at peace with my situation. Ironically We kept crossing paths throughout my time in the academy. Each time, we talked about something different. Whether it was financial literacy, your future retirement plans, etc. I always listened to every word you said. When I finally graduated the academy, I went to my moms house in my Class-A uniform to see my family. And would do you know, you had an Ice Cream, an (ICE CREAM TRUCK) truck pulled over in front of her house lol. You saw me and said “you finally made it huh” We talked for At least 30 minutes in front of my moms house and you told me “I’m going to be retiring soon and I’m ready to pass the torch to good young officers like you”... exactly 2 months later and less than a block away from where we last talked, the Lord called you home. I’ll never forget you Sarge...Thank you for all the advice, I’ll carry it with me for the rest of my life.

P.O Matthews
Detroit Police Department

November 21, 2020

Sgt. McClain was the bravest man I have met. He was knowledgeable in policing and in life. It was an honor to have met and learned from him. He taught me more in 7 hours about life and law enforcement than I have ever known before. RIP

Grace N

November 20, 2020

God bless you

Nick mottola

November 20, 2020

Rest in peace.


May 7, 2020


I remember meeting you at the academy at an in service training course we took together a few years ago. I was impressed by how professional and squared away you were. I was a young officer at the time and could tell that you truly were a leader in our department. I remember seeing you around after that training course at the DDC and at court, and I wish I would've stopped to talk to you more. Thanks for everything you did. Please continue to watch over us. We love you.

Until we meet again in Valhalla my brother.

Police Officer
Detroit Police Department

February 5, 2020

Rest In Peace officer McClain . You where a great cop and will continue to be one on angel patrol . God bless you

Mark Mottola

December 24, 2019


Police officer Andre Jones
Wayne County Airport Police

December 12, 2019

McClain was a Great guy and a mentor. He gave me advice early on in my career, something I’d never forget.

He paid the ultimate sacrifice for the safety and well being of others. It’s important to remember those individuals protecting our community. Rest Easy sir, fly high you will always be remembered.

Police officer Andre Jones
Wayne County Airport Police

December 12, 2019

My deepest condolences to the family of Officer McClain. This warrior put his life on the line everyday. I wish you well brother.

U.S. Air Force Veteran Tony Berry

December 9, 2019

For Police Officer Rasheen McClain:

The law-officer responding to a domestic incident is often alone and circumstances may demand immediate intervention.

But even if assisted, the investigating officer attempting to make actual contact with the involved persons may either be gladly welcomed or encounter deadly resistance.

We regret that Rasheen would be the next officer to die at the hands of coward who would not hesitate to divert his anger toward one sent merely to mediate what could have been nothing more than an impromptu counseling or, at worst, a simple arrest

We pray for Rasheen's family, fellow officers and friends now left to face a their a void in their collective lives.

We solemnly render a final salute to respect and honor Officer Rasheen McClain, an American hero, who served the public valiantly.

Ralph Fiorenza
Pennsylvania State Police

December 7, 2019

Rest easy Brother, Thank you for your service. May your sacrifice and memory never fade.

Jerry Matalone #8046 (Retired)
Des Moines Iowa Police Department

December 7, 2019

Prayers to your Family and Department RIP Hero.

Lieutenant L.J. Chirichello
Lancaster Prison , Lancaster PA.

December 6, 2019

We celebrated your life today and gave you a heroes farewell. Never had the honor or the privilege of meeting you, but your brothers and sisters at 12 speak so highly of you. May God rest your soul. Please watch over us with the other heroes you're with. Thank you for being the veteran who looks after us younger officers. RIP.

P.O A. B.
Detroit PD #9

December 6, 2019

A real "Hero" taken.
You helped make this world a safer place to live.
May God grant you eternal peace.
Prayers to your loved ones and to your department.

Det. Billy Russo (Ret.)
Nassau County PD, NY

December 5, 2019

Rest in Peace Officer Rasheen McClain.
Thank you for your service.
My thoughts and prayers are with the McClain Family and the Detroit Police Department.

Officer Janet Sanchez
Yuma Police Department

December 5, 2019

May you rest easy brother, your courage and bold desire to stop the one of worst of the worst in our community, was with true dedication to duty. Your ultimately but untimely sacrifice serves to others a message that going first in showed a love for others , especially your fellow officers, know that there is no greater love than to lay down one's life for others.. You are our hero , may you & all Souls of Faithfully departed , rest in Peace... That Perpetual Light Shine on you and them now and forever!

Transit Police Officer Julian Sage
Detroit Transit Police

December 3, 2019

Thank you for your service and dedication to your community. RIP Brother McClain, you will not be forgotten. You will forever be remembered as a Hero in Detroit. Prayers being sent up for your families at home and at work.

Officer Sandra Rapey
Lindenhurst Police Department-Illinois

December 3, 2019

Officer McClain, for 16 long years, you served willingly and devotedly so that others would be safe. Our loving God will have an abundant reward waiting for you. May He immerse you and those you've left behind in His Divine Mercy. Rest in peace, good and faithful servant.

Jess Espinosa

December 2, 2019

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God”. Matthew 5:9

Thank you for your service. May you rest in peace, my brother.

Retired Chief of police Jim Spratlen
Durango Police Department

November 30, 2019

God Bless You, Your Family, & Friends.
Thank you for your unselfish service.

James P Waggle

November 29, 2019

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