Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy U.S. Marshal Chase Sabethal White

United States Department of Justice - United States Marshals Service, U.S. Government

End of Watch Thursday, November 29, 2018

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Reflections for Deputy U.S. Marshal Chase Sabethal White

RIP sir, never to be forgotten.

Retired First Sergeant Thomas Webb
New York State Police - Troop "D"

April 30, 2024

DUSM White,
On today, the 5th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for our Country-not just as a Law Enforcement Officer but also when you served with the U.S. Air Force and USAFR. And to your Family and loved ones, I wish to extend my deepest sympathy.


United States Border Patrol

November 29, 2023

I thank you for your service to our Great Nation. Deputy U.S. Marchall Chase Sabethal White will never ever be forgotten. RIP sir

Retired First Sergeant Thomas Webb
New York State Police - Troop "D"

July 30, 2022

Rest in peace Deputy US Marshal White.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2020

Rest in peace always knowing that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

November 29, 2020

Rest in peace, brother. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Strength and blessings to your living family.

Lieutenant Raymond Flores
NYPD (retired)

November 29, 2020

So many prayers coming your way. Rest In Peace. Jesus is waiting for you.

Senior Judge
State of Delaware

December 3, 2019

Rest In Peace. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.

Chief Of Investiations
Onondaga County District Attorney’s Officer - Syracuse NY

December 2, 2019

RIP job well do o good and faithful servant. We pray for God's comfort for your family and friends.

John Watson, Retired
Pascagoula, Ms Police Department

December 1, 2019

May you Rest In Peace Brother.. you have done your time we will pick it up from here!

Major Victorious Felder
Department of Defense Police

December 1, 2019

Till Valhalla Brother....
Rest Easy, We have the watch from here.

SSgt Marcos Rubio USMC “Gunny”
K9 Director, Warriors Heart

November 29, 2019

1 mile of my run was in remembrance and memorial of you sir. Rest easy brother.

Lance Corporal Thomas Graham
South Carolina Highway Patrol

April 19, 2019

God Bless All who wear the badge I will gladly serve in your name one day.

Aspiring LEO Kyle Mankouski

March 28, 2019


My friend, my brother. We talked at length about how the Tucson office would be our show one day. You were such a good person and I will not let your legacy disappear. You were only here for three years but you left such a mark on our office and our agency. I think about that day every single day. I think about what we could have done differently, the talks we had that very day and the talks we had about getting together the following week for lunch after you started your military duty.

I miss you my friend and I will carry your memory with me every day until it’s time for me to see you again. Watch over us and rest easy.

Deputy Michael Adams
U.S. Marshals Service

February 8, 2019

Rest in peace Deputy U.S. Marshal Chase White and thank you for your dedicated service to our nation and your community.

CBP Officer (retired) Luis Otero
DHS/Bureau of Customs and Border Protection

December 23, 2018

Chase was one of my close friends. We worked together for three while we both were assigned to the office in Arizona. He was my big brother if I ever needed to talk about life and things happening in my family. And I was his big brother anytime we hit the street and we worked together. Chase heart and morale courage made him stand out. Chase caused people to come together rather than be divided. I am forever in you debt sir. Your friendship and laughs we have I will always cherish. I will my promise to you and stay in touch with you wife and children and that is my word. Love you brother and I pray I will see again in Heaven.

You have my love and admiration there are so many things you taught me but the most important thing I learned from knowing you was you caused me to be a better; A better Deputy, a better Man, a better Father, a better Husband, a better Leader and a better Friend.

Forever you Friend and Brother

Deputy US Marshal
Kevin A Williams
Eastern Pennsylvania

December 22, 2018

Rest in Peace U.S. Marshal White. Thank you for your Service.
My Prayers for your Family both Blood and Blue.

Deputy Terri Albright, #668
DuPage County Sheriff's Office

December 19, 2018

Every morning I go to my knees. During that time I pray Psalm 91 over all LEO’s and this prayer also:

“Lord, Be with all law enforcement officers. Keep them safe and free from harm. They are Your soldiers on the front line of the battle against evil. If one should fall this day - wrap their family in your loving arms. Surround them with Your angels, loving family, friends, neighbors and caring people to comfort them. Ease their pain. Help them to mourn well. In Jesus' name and for Your Glory, Amen.”

I know that God sends those angels to watch over our officers, sometimes to protect them and sometimes to whisk our officers into His presence.

Feel His presence as God answers the prayers of many who have fallen to their knees on your behalf. Since the day of my son's death, I have carried every law enforcement officer and their family in my heart.

I have lifted your family to God every morning for over seven years. I pray that Chase's life and death will bring glory to God.

Trust those prayers. God is with you; He knows and will ease your pain.

Our faith helps us to see beyond the grave.

Pamela Hotsinpiller
Mother of
Deputy United States Marshal
Derek W. Hotsinpiller
EOW 2-16-2011

December 16, 2018


Nebraska Police Officer

December 15, 2018

God Speed, Brother.

Sergeant Kevin Murphy
Union PD, NJ

December 14, 2018

Rest in peace brother! We have the watch from here. May God Bless your Family and Friends.

LT. A. Orozco

December 14, 2018

Prayers and thoughts for the immediate family and fellow officers. God bless all affected by this loss.
Thank you Deputy White for your service and sacrifice. God bless all our first responders.

Former Reserve Deputy Sheriff Eddie Alve
Osceola County Sheriff Office, Florida.

December 13, 2018

Thank you for your service Sir GOD BLESS.

Mrs. C. Singleton
Concern Citizen Of South Carolina

December 13, 2018

From Court Ops to Judicial security and fugitive arrests, the men and women of the USMS have a tough job. Prayers for his wife and children to receive peace and comfort from friends and the Lord as they face a first Christmas without husband and dad.

H. Eddy

December 13, 2018

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God”. Matthew 5:9

Thank you for your service. May you rest in peace, my brother.

Retired Chief of police Jim Spratlen
Durango Police Department

December 12, 2018

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