Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Investigator Farrah Burdette Godwin Turner

Florence County Sheriff's Office, South Carolina

End of Watch Monday, October 22, 2018

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Reflections for Investigator Farrah Burdette Godwin Turner

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends, and coworkers. Rest In Peace my Sister in BLUE.

Investigator Esrael Silva
Deaf Smith County District Attorney Office, Hereford, Texas

October 24, 2018

Rest in peace, your sacrifice will never be forgotten.........

Detective Sergeant Edward Carlile
Northfield Village Police Dept (OH)

October 24, 2018

Rest in peace Investigator Turner!
You will not be forgotten!

Willie Bell Hopewell VA!
Friend Of All Law Enforcement Officers!

October 24, 2018

This is so tragic and heartbreaking. Prayers being sent up for your families, at home and at work. Thank you for your service and ultimate sacrifice. You will not be forgotten.

Officer Sandra Rapey
Lindenhurst Police Department

October 24, 2018

I feel how weak and fruitless must be any word of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. But I cannot refrain from tendering you the consolation that may be found in the thanks of the Republic they died to save.

I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom.

Yours, very sincerely and respectfully,

A. Lincoln

mark peters

October 24, 2018

Rest easy now

Officer Michael Waters
Seattle PD

October 24, 2018

I cannot imagine the crushing grief this loss places on the family and loved ones of Investigator Farrah Turner. My heart sends loving gratitude for her and her fellow officers’ ultimate sacrifice. I honor their bravery. I will never forget the debt we owe them for our liberty. Please God bless and comfort those who mourn in this tragedy.

RN Lora Barton
Torrance Memorial Medical Center

October 24, 2018

Rest In Peace.

Officer Kyle Groose
Laramie PD, WY

October 23, 2018

Rest in Peace, my sister.

Captain Bernard Flint
DoD Police Division

October 23, 2018

Scripture Readings of Comfort for Investigator Farrah Turner of the Florence County, South Carolina Sheriff’s Office and her Family and her Colleagues:

For the Lord Jesus proclaimed, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons [children] of God." [Matthew 5:9 ESV] and "Greater love has no one than this that someone lay down his life for his friends." [John 15:13 ESV]. Rest in Peace our Hero-in-Blue. We will take it from here. For the Lord Jesus promised, “… Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise!” [Luke 23:43 EVS] God speed my Sister-in-Blue!

And for the family, friends, and the law enforcement agency in which she served, please find comfort in Jesus’ words, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” [Matthew 5:4 NKJV]

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” [Psalm 23:1-6 NKJV]

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, D. Div.
Nashua / Merrimack NH Police Departments

October 23, 2018

The Survivors of the Shield NYPD honors the life and service of Investigator Farrah
Turner .

Survivors of the Shield
Families of the fallen officers of NYPD

October 23, 2018

God Bless You, Your Family, & Friends.
Thank you for your unselfish service.

James Waggle

October 23, 2018

Rest In Peace. Rise in Glory! May the peace and strength of God comfort your family during this tough and trying time. Blue For Life! Our Service is Our Sacrifice!

Sergeant Sabrina Smith
Valdosta Police Department

October 23, 2018

Thank you for your service dear, you will be miss. GOD BLESS

Mrs.Connie Singleton
Concern Citizen of South Carolina

October 23, 2018

So many attempts to save your life turned out to not work, it's tragic. However, thank God those attempts were made. You were worth every attempt to save you. It's so sad those attempts were not successful, but your efforts to stay the course are admirable, as is your career. You, Sister, are a true hero.

God Bless you, thank you for your service and may you forever Rest in Peace.

Ptl. Jim Leahy, Jr.
Harvard University Police Department

October 23, 2018

Rest in peace Investigator Turner!
You will not be forgotten!

Willie Bell Hopewell VA!
Friend Of All Law Enforcement Officers!

October 23, 2018

May God bless this sister in arms! Peace, Love and support to her family. May her department stand vigilant in this time of loss and sorrow! Stand strong!

F.T.O. Michael St.Clair II
Chicago Police Department

October 23, 2018

Rest in peace sister. Thank you for your service and dedication.

Cpl. M. Davis #2614
Prince George's County Police Department

October 23, 2018


Standing at attention in their class “A“ uniforms,
badges gleaming and shoes like glass, are your brothers and sisters of Law Enforcement.
All of whom have previously paid the ultimate price.
Today, like many others, they welcome you to this wonderful place.
As you march down the Avenue of the Fallen, all eyes focus on you as if to say “it’s OK, you’re with your eternal partners.”
A salute is followed and a tear can be seen on so many faces.
Welcome, you served well.
Now come join us in the ranks, another is coming home…

This inspiring poem was written by Jim Weaver, a retired LAPD Officer and former Idaho Sheriff. It is submitted with his full support and approval. We feel ceremonies such as this actually occur in the Heavenly Realm. We can all gain a glimpse at… …with the faith building book by Pastor John Burke, and his NDE interviews with credible individuals granted such Near Death Experiences. Both my Pastor and Family Doctors feel many such instances are fully valid. Indeed, “Do nor fear…for it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” (Luke 12:32). May the Family, Friends and Department be comforted as Magnificent Reunions truly await all Christians!

Joe Lanier
A former Asst. Chief with the Jasper Texas PD

October 23, 2018

My condolence To Investigator Turner's family and Department.Earth Has No Sorrow That Heaven Cannot Heal.Thank You My Sister in Blue for Your Service.You Did Not Die in Vain.Fly High My Sister.

Deputy Regena Pellerin
Lafayette Sheriff Ofc

October 23, 2018

On behalf of Moms Back the Blue of the St. Louis County Police Family Association, we offer
our heartfelt condolences to the family (blood and blue) and friends of Investigator Turner.
We will be forever indebted to you for your selfless service and sacrifice.
Always Honored; Never Forgotten

Proud Moms from
Moms Back the Blue of the
St. Louis County Police Family Association

October 23, 2018

Rest in Peace Investigator Turner. Thank you for your service. My thoughts and Prayers go out to your family, coworkers and friends.

Lieutenant Robert T. Mote (ret)
Buena Park, CA Police Department

October 23, 2018

All give some, some give all, Rest in Peace!

Ptl. Bryan Waltz (Ret)
Avon Lake OH PD

October 23, 2018

RIP Investigator Farrah Turner


October 23, 2018

The National Police Wives Association would like to extend their heartfelt prayers to the family of Investigator Turner and the Florence County Sheriff's Office during this time. Thank you, Investigator Turner, for your service.

National Police Wives Association

October 23, 2018

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