Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Sheriff Mark Alan Hecker

Butler County Sheriff's Office, Nebraska

End of Watch Tuesday, August 12, 2014

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Reflections for Sheriff Mark Alan Hecker

Thank you for you service.

Mrs Jeremy C Kosman

August 20, 2014

"Step forward now, policeman,
You've borne your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in hell."

Police department Curacao (Caribbean)

August 20, 2014

The law enforcement community is truly sadden by the untimely passing of Sheriff Mark A. Hecker. Our deepest sympathies and prayers go to the family, friends, and coworkers of Sheriff Hecker. We would also like to thank him for his service. May his soul rest in peace.

Zone Five Academy Session 57
New York State Zone Five Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy

August 20, 2014

RIP Sheriff Hecker. You were an inspirational man.

Private Nolan Helgoth

August 20, 2014

Thank you Sheriff Hecker for your dedication, service and commitment to public service and serving others. May God give strength to your family and fellow deputies and department staff. Rest in Peace

Deputy David Green
Torrance County Sheriff Department, New Mexico

August 19, 2014

Sincerest regards.
Rest in peace brother.

Corrections Officer Paul Schanno
Hennepin County (Minneapolis)-ACF

August 19, 2014

Live in peace and tranquility in the sanctity of the high places Brother.

Deputy William R. Thrasher, (retired)
Bartow County Sheriff's Office, Cartersville, GA

August 19, 2014

Sheriff Mark, you were an inspiration to us all. You were fair when needed and also firm and to the point when you were called to do so. You will be missed by all of us here in Butler county. Your predecessor should know how you ran your force and follow ion your fair footsteps.
Rest In Peace and We will meet again.

Robin Stevens
Private Citizen

August 19, 2014

Rest in peace, Hero. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. May God comfort your children, family, co-workers and friends. Another Hero without a cape. God Bless You, Sir.

Noranne Stubbs Lenox
Arizona Department of Public Safety

August 19, 2014

A tragic loss for so many people. God Bless you, Brother and may you forever Rest in Peace.

Ptl. Jim Leahy, Jr.
Harvard University Police Dept.

August 19, 2014

Rest Well Deputy

1LT A.D. Faried
10th Mountain Division

August 19, 2014

Rest in Peace Sheriff Hecker - 10-42. Prayers for his family and fellow Deputies.

Det. JP McGrath(retired)
Schenectady, NY Police Dept.

August 19, 2014

May God welcome you home brother.

We have the Watch from here........

Officer J. McClain
Warrensburg Police Dept, IL

August 18, 2014

May Sheriff Mark Hecker find peace in God's loving embrace, amd God's mercy be with his family and friends during this tragedy.

Sgt. J. Shaw
NYC Environmental Police

August 18, 2014

On behalf of the Westerville, Ohio Division of Police, our thoughts and prayers are with the immediate family of Sheriff Mark Hecker and the extended law enforcement family of the Butler County, Nebraska Sheriff's Office. Rest in Peace brother and watch over us.

I fight not for glory or fame, for they are momentary. I fight for those who can't. I fight for Justice. I fight for the oppressed and the down trodden. And if I should lose my life for these just causes, then I have no regrets, For I serve to protect the innocent. It matters not where or when, for evil knows no boundaries. Be it fire, flood, or the threat of tyranny, I will not flee. Justice is my weapon. Faith is my shield. Hope is my armor. Cry not at my passing, for it was my Honor to fight for you. Shed not tears of sorrow, But tears of joy, for now, I stand with God.

By Jon F. Hooper

"Greater love hath no man than this; that a man lay down his life for his friends."

Chief Joe Morbitzer
Westerville, Ohio Division of Police

August 18, 2014

My sincerest sympathy to the family and friends of Sheriff
Mark A. Hecker as well as to the Butler County Sheriff's Office. Rest in peace Sheriff Hecker, you are gone but will not be forgotten...

Dispatcher Sue Rusch
Punta Gorda PD, Punta Gorda FL

August 18, 2014

God Bless You, Your Family, & Friends. Thank you for your unselfish service.

James P. Waggle

August 18, 2014

Rest in peace Sheriff. Thank you for your dedicated service.

PO Olasokan
NYS University Police

August 18, 2014

Thank you Sir, for your service, dedication, and sacrifice. May God welcome you home and comfort your family. Rest in peace my brother.

Deputy Charles Hicks (retired)
Polk County Sheriff's Office, Florida

August 18, 2014

Godspeed my friend!

Patrolman Jordan Holland
Claremore Police Department (Oklahoma)

August 18, 2014

RIP Brother, your service and sacrifice will never be forgotten!

Sgt. Marc Cornish
Connecticut Judicial Marshals

August 18, 2014

Please accept my heartfelt condolences for the loss of Deputy Siebken. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this most difficult time.

Rest in peace brother.

P.O. (Ret) Donald Current
City of New York PD # 2461

August 18, 2014


Deputy J. Davis
Pittsylvania County Sheriff's Office

August 18, 2014

Another hero lost. RIP to you and Godspeed to your family. Keep Heaven safe.

Stephen Bruet, PPO II
North Carolina Department of Public Safety

August 18, 2014

God Bless you Sheriff Hecker for you service to Butler County. May God's mercy be on your family and co-workers during this time. Another brave man lost too soon!

RuthAnn Cross
private citizen

August 18, 2014

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