Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Executive Director Thomas Lynn Clements

Colorado Department of Corrections, Colorado

End of Watch Tuesday, March 19, 2013

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Reflections for Executive Director Thomas Lynn Clements

Deepest sympathy and prayers to the family, friends, and co workers of Director Clements. RIP.

Sgt J Walter
Richmond PD VA

March 30, 2013

Our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Tom Clements. May God rest his soul.

Officer Edwin Lara / External Ops
Cook County Sheriffs Office, IL- Honor Guard

March 30, 2013

May you rest in peace

Gavin F. Price II ( retired )
Escambia county sheriffs dept

March 29, 2013

"The Final Inspection"
The policeman stood and faced his God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining.
Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, policeman.
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My church have you been true?"
The policeman squared his shoulders and said, "No, Lord, I guess I ain't,
Because those of us who carry badges can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays,
and at times my talk was rough,
and sometimes I've been violent,
Because the streets are awfully tough.
But I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep....
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here,
Lord, It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't.....I'll understand.
There was silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod.
As the policeman waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, policeman,
You've borne your burdens well.
Come walk a beat on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in hell."
Author Unknown

Sergeant Chad Miner
Powell WY, PD

March 29, 2013

RIP Director Clements. May God take you in his arms forever. May your killer rot in hell.

Patrolman D. Kirk #8270
Bull Valley (IL) Police Department

March 28, 2013

God's peace and speed Director Clements. Thank you for your many years of brave, dedicated service. RIP brother.

P/O R. Popelka #7903
Chicago P.D.

March 28, 2013

Rest in peace brother. God bless your family, friends and the agency you served.

Off. Matthew Harrington
Kennebunk, Maine Police Department

March 28, 2013

I find it very interesting that white SUPREMACIST groups are anything but supreme, and more often than not, sub-human. For something like that to take the life of a hard working man who did GOOD for the State of Colorado and the US as a whole, is infuriating.

Director Clements, your life being taken is a terrible injustice and my heart goes out to your family and the Colorado Dept. of Corrections.

God Bless and may you forever Rest in Peace, Brother.

Ptl. Jim Leahy, Jr.
Harvard University Police Dept.

March 28, 2013

May your family find peace in the knowledge that you did your duty for them and all. Such a murder strikes not only at all of us but also against the very society we represent. It must NEVER be forgotten!

George Hall - Warden
Westchester County NY DOC - RETIRED

March 28, 2013

Thank you for your service. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Rest in Peace brother.

Vires et Honorem

Ptlm F J Kapusta
Mohawk Police Department

March 28, 2013

Thank you brother for the numerous years of service protecting the American people from dangerous criminals. You can rest now and let the others take the watch. My prayers go out to the family friends and coworkers of Director Clements.

Det. S. Brown
Bloomington PD, Il.

March 28, 2013

God Bless and Godspeed.

Lisa Burton

March 27, 2013

Brother in Blue, we walk the blue line to protect, to serve others before ourselves to weed out the wrong to make right. You will never be forgotten rest in peace Brother.

Transport Officer M. Kouris
North Charleston Police Dept.

March 27, 2013

May God give comfort to your family, friends, and fellow men and women in law enforcement. May you rest i peace fellow officer.

Det. Janet Taylor (ret.)
Dallas P.D.

March 26, 2013

Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy

S. I. Drake, Lt. IPD (Ret)
Indianapolis Police

March 26, 2013

Your work is done here on Earth - Heaven has called upon you today, leaving so many words left to say. But now it's too late, for your time has come, words unspoken; I am sure everybody has some. Regrets and wishes are probably there too, but lasting forever are memories of you.
There have been many times that we waved to each other, but we were there for each other in time of need. Now it's time for us to say Good-Bye, until we meet again in heaven to fly. Now go and Patrol the Heavens Above and Watch Below those you Love. Thank you for your service.

Retired TFC Divita Washington
Maryland State Police

March 26, 2013

so sorry for your loss. thoughts and prayers go out to his family. also to his fellow officers.


March 26, 2013

Chief Clements you have done your job for decades representing the trade to keep our communities safe and set the standard that we should all follow. We will take your watch over from here and may you rest in peace brother.

Officer Dave Brown
Florida Department of Corrections (Probation and Parole)

March 26, 2013

I have laid down my life in service to all of you.
I have been a part of the fabric that has held the line between your safety and your victimization. I have given my life so that others may live in peace. I have lived my life as a dedicated member of the greatest profession. There is no greater honor.

As I now become a part of the rich history of law enforcement, please remember me always for I have left behind those who loved and depended upon me.
My partners and my agency, please remember my family, their loss, and don’t let time soften your compassion for them.

You guard the gate now and I will continue my watch from above.


Doug Gist, Captain (ret.) Washoe S.O.
Silver State National Peace Officers Museum

March 26, 2013

Even if I live in Belgium I would to present my deepest condolences to his family, co-workers and friends. R.I.P. sir.

Principal inspector Eric REMIENCE

March 26, 2013

Avenue of the Fallen

Standing at attention in their class “A“ uniforms, badges gleaming and shoes like glass, are your brothers and sisters of Law Enforcement. All of whom have previously paid the ultimate price.
Today, like many others, they welcome you to this wonderful place. As you march down the Avenue of the Fallen, all eyes focus on you as if to say its ok you’re with your eternal partners. A salute is followed and a tear can be seen on so many faces.
Welcome, you served well.
Now come join us in the ranks, another is coming home.

A brother law enforcement officer

Sheriff Jim Weaver (Ret.) LAPD (Ret.)
Jerome County, Idaho (Ret.)

March 26, 2013

May the almighty Lord be with you Director Clements and your family. Thanks you for your dedicated service sir

Court Security Officer Richard E. Wishin

March 26, 2013

May God comfort your family, friends, colleagues, and all law enforcement mourning your loss. May you rest in peace.

Jan Taylor. detective.retired
Dallas P.D.

March 25, 2013

Director Clements,
May you rest in Heavenly Peace. May your family be forever watched over and blessed. May your friends and colleagues find comfort. Please watch over us from on high. We will see you again dear Sir.
Thank you for your service. I will never forget your sacrifice or the sacrifice of your family.
Greater Love Hath No Man....
Prayers for all involved.

Surviving Daughter of Special Agent J. Robert Porter
Federal Bureau of Investigation
E.O.W. 8/9/79

March 25, 2013

RIP my Fellow Brother in Blue. My prayers go to the family, friends, and co-workers.

Retired Detective Don Vine #5896
Phoenix Police Department

March 25, 2013

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