Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson

United States Department of the Interior - National Park Service, U.S. Government

End of Watch Sunday, January 1, 2012

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Reflections for Park Ranger Margaret A. Anderson

RIP sister Margaret.

May God bless and be with your family, co-workers and friends at this very difficult time.

Det. Bevenour
Gettysburg Police Department

January 2, 2012

To the family and friends of Ranger Margaret Anderson, her fellow rangers, and most especially to Ranger Anderson:

We honor your service to your country as a national park ranger and you will always be remembered and revered. Rest in Peace.

On behalf of our entire family, I wish to extend our sincerest condolences on the grievous loss you suffered when Margaret was killed in the line of duty. It is obvious she was well-loved by many and well-respected by her peers as reflected in the loving reflections left for her.

May her loved ones continued to be supported by their law enforcement family and other police survivors. Our family grieves with you and for you. To Margaret's family, you are in my heart's embrace today. I share her parents' anguish in losing a beloved child which surely has to be life's greatest sorrow as it seems so unfair to outlive our children.

This reflection is sent with the utmost respect for the distinguished service Margaret gave to her community and the citizens of our country, and the supreme sacrifice she and her family made on January 1, 2012.

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Phyllis Loya
Mom of fallen California Officer Larry Lasater, Pittsburg PD, eow 4/24/05

January 2, 2012

God bless the friends and families of this Officer.

Officer Scott Christensen
Fort Worth Police Department, TX

January 2, 2012

Thank you for your sacrifice. NPS has lost another of its finest.

Nick Jarmo
US Park Police

January 2, 2012

Goodbye Margaret - you were such a nice person who gave a lot to the NPS and its visitors. Rest in peace!

GS-6 Bruce Silliman (brucefrombryce)
NPS retired: Bryce Canyon NP, 2000-2008

January 2, 2012

I met and knew both Eric and Margaret when they worked at Antietam and C and O Canal respectively. Although l didn't know them well, I remember the quiet happiness they showed with their love. The times they shared will be all that more precious. My prayers were with Margaret yesterday and now my prayers will be for Eric and his family as they navigate the difficult waters ahead. Know that your NPS family will be there by your side.

Holly Rife, Chief Ranger
Catoctin Mountain Park

January 2, 2012

Sending Margaret's family love and support. My son has hopes of becoming a ranger and events like these remind us that danger lurks even in amazingly beautiful places. I'm so sorry Margaret was taken by this man.

Thank you Margaret for your service. You will be missed.

Connie, WA State Resident

WA State Resident

January 2, 2012

John Muir once said:

"A few minutes ago every tree was excited, bowing to the roaring storm, waving, swirling, tossing their branches in glorious enthusiasm like worship. But though to the outer ear these trees are now silent, their songs never cease."

I think the same can be said for our fallen sister.

Officer Benjamin Rizner
GVSU Campus Security, formerly of Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources

January 2, 2012

Rest in Peace, fellow Ranger... Thank you for your service, and my the greater powers look over you and your family.

State Park Ranger
Chris Beehner
California State Parks

January 2, 2012

My thoughts & prayers are with Margaret's family, friends, & co-workers. May you find peace and comfort in your cherished memories of her.

Cherie Johanson

January 2, 2012

My thoughts and prayers are with Margaret Anderson's loved ones. A senseless act has extinguished a beautiful light light from the world.

Steve Milner Commissioner
Washington State Parks Commission

January 2, 2012

Thank you for all of the kind words. Margaret was an amazing mother, daughter, wife, sister, friend and park ranger. She loved her husband and her two little girls dearly. She had a very strong faith in God and we know that someday we will see her again in Heaven. In the meantime, we miss her tremendously and are proud that she was part of our family

Margaret's loving sister

January 2, 2012

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."

Park Ranger
Michigan Department of Natural Resources

January 2, 2012

RIP Ranger Anderson. I'm praying for your family.

William Jones

January 2, 2012

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea"

Psalm 46:1-2

You will not be forgotten .....

Amy Dawson, 911 Police Dispatcher
Snohomish County

January 2, 2012

Just know we understand losing one of your own. We just went through this with the loss of one of our Correctional Officer Jamie B. in Monroe, WA one year ago this month. Our hearts go out to her husband and children.

C/O C. Lopez
WA Dept of Corrections

January 2, 2012

RIP Ranger Anderson, May God watch over your husband and children.

Park Ranger Steve Reighard Sr.
Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources

January 2, 2012

LEOs are among the finest human beings on the face of this planet. God bless you, Margaret, for your dedication, compassion, service, and ultimate sacrifice. May your family be cradled in kindness and love for all the years to come. May you live on in all our hearts.

N. Christopherson, civilian, retired
former VIP GCNP

January 2, 2012

I started my career at Rainier as a non-com, seasonal. The Protection Rangers there, including Margaret and Eric encouraged me, from day 1, to pursue this career. I did, thanks to them I am who I am today. My heart is with my Rainier Family on this day. RIP my fallen sister. " In Valor There is Hope..."

J.C.V. -U.S. Park Ranger-Protection

January 2, 2012

Although we did not know her our family would like to extend our condolences to the family and friends of Ranger Margaret Anderson. Our family has enjoyed the national parks for many years and regard the rangers with the utmost respect and admiration. This so tragic. Godspeed Ranger Anderson. We wish it were not so.

george chavez
park visitors

January 2, 2012

May you be remembered as the hero you are and the loving wife, mother and daughter you were. You shall always be remembered for the ultimate sacrafice you made. May Eric and your daughters never have to look any further than their own hearts to find your comfort, for we all know you will be watching over them. Rest in peace, your job is done.

B. Krieg / US Park Ranger LE
NPS Richmond VA

January 2, 2012

Our girls play together at daycare and I just met your beautiful family at Church when we sat by you at the Christmas Eve service. Such a happy family, friendly and all smiles. We were glad to meet you all and looked forward to the play date that we had talked about setting up. May you rest in peace were taken much too soon by such a senseless act. Our thoughts and prayers go out to your families, your husband and your little girls that are far too young to understand such a tragic thing. May God have your hand and watch over your family now and forever, but especially in this time of great sorrow.

Sheryl Williams & family
acquaintance / friend

January 2, 2012

My heart felt sympathy goes out to Margaret's husband Eric, their 2 young girls and any other family members. This is so extremely sad. I pray that the killer is caught and that no one else is hurt by him. God bless you Eric and family and give you strength to go through this time.

No Rank
Just a Mother

January 2, 2012

May your grief be blessed with many 'God Moments' of peace and assurance; every connection with love, and, all of the beauty your heart can hold in memory of Margaret. A prayer is offered for each family member and officer in mourning.

Susan Scherer Hicks
Another mom

January 2, 2012

My heart goes out to the family, friends, and colleagues of
Ranger Anderson. RIP

Rick Smith
Former NPS ranger/employee

January 2, 2012

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